# QTest based tests qt5_add_resources(SUBSURFACE_TEST_RESOURCES ../subsurface.qrc) # Access test data (dive folder) from SUBSURFACE_SOURCE by default. # In cross compilation cases or when test will not be executed at build time # a differnt value can be set via cmake -DSUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA. if(NOT SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA) if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Windows") # For windows case we expect tests to be executed # with WORKING_DIRECTORY pointing to folder where test data can be found set(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA .) else() set(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA ${SUBSURFACE_SOURCE}) endif() endif() add_library(RESOURCE_LIBRARY STATIC ${SUBSURFACE_TEST_RESOURCES}) if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Windows") # Prepare a staging_tests folder # Test can run accessing data and dependecies for build time testing # or can be deployed for target testing # It inludes: # - test data # - test binaries (see TEST macro) # - test binaries dependencies (see TEST macro) set(WINDOWS_STAGING_TESTS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/staging_tests) install(DIRECTORY ${SUBSURFACE_SOURCE}/dives DESTINATION ${WINDOWS_STAGING_TESTS}) # Check if we can run tests locally using wine # Add a fake test used to ensure data is deployed to WINDOWS_STAGING_TESTS before running find_program(WINE_PROGRAM wine) if(WINE_PROGRAM) add_test( NAME InstallTestsDataAndDependencies COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" --build ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} --target install ) endif() endif() # Helper macro TEST used to created rules to build, link, install and run tests macro(TEST NAME FILE) add_executable(${NAME} ${FILE} ) target_link_libraries( ${NAME} subsurface_corelib RESOURCE_LIBRARY ${QT_TEST_LIBRARIES} ${SUBSURFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES} ) if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Windows") # Re-install dependencies in WINDOWS_STAGING_TESTS (and not in WINDOWSSTAGING) # to avoid packing testing related dlls in the installer install(CODE "execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} -DSUBSURFACE_TARGET=${NAME} -DSUBSURFACE_SOURCE=${SUBSURFACE_SOURCE} -DSTAGING=${WINDOWS_STAGING_TESTS} -P ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Modules/dlllist.cmake WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})") # Run test using wine if(WINE_PROGRAM) add_test( NAME ${NAME} COMMAND "$" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${WINDOWS_STAGING_TESTS} ) # Set WINEPATH (%PATH%) to WINDOWS_STAGING_TESTS allowing wine to find dlls # WINEDEBUG=-all is used to avoid anoying winde debug outputs set_tests_properties(${NAME} PROPERTIES ENVIRONMENT "WINEPATH=${WINDOWS_STAGING_TESTS};WINEDEBUG=-all") set_tests_properties(${NAME} PROPERTIES DEPENDS PrepareTests) endif() else() add_test(NAME ${NAME} COMMAND $) endif() endmacro() enable_testing() add_definitions(-g) add_definitions(-DSUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA="${SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA}") # Build QML test runner # add_executable demands relative path, therefore ../ add_executable(TestQML testqml.cpp ../subsurface-helper.cpp ) target_link_libraries( TestQML subsurface_corelib RESOURCE_LIBRARY ${QT_TEST_LIBRARIES} ${SUBSURFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES} ) # SSRF test cases (TBD, convert to standard qTest setup) TEST(TestUnitConversion testunitconversion.cpp) TEST(TestProfile testprofile.cpp) TEST(TestGpsCoords testgpscoords.cpp) TEST(TestParse testparse.cpp) TEST(TestPlan testplan.cpp) TEST(TestDiveSiteDuplication testdivesiteduplication.cpp) TEST(TestRenumber testrenumber.cpp) TEST(TestGitStorage testgitstorage.cpp) TEST(TestPreferences testpreferences.cpp) TEST(TestPicture testpicture.cpp) TEST(TestMerge testmerge.cpp) TEST(TestTagList testtaglist.cpp) TEST(TestQPrefAnimations testqPrefAnimations.cpp) TEST(TestQPrefCloudStorage testqPrefCloudStorage.cpp) TEST(TestQPrefDisplay testqPrefDisplay.cpp) TEST(TestQPrefDiveComputer testqPrefDiveComputer.cpp) TEST(TestQPrefFacebook testqPrefFacebook.cpp) TEST(TestQPrefProxy testqPrefProxy.cpp) add_test(NAME TestQML COMMAND $ ${SUBSURFACE_SOURCE}/tests) add_custom_target(check COMMAND ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND} DEPENDS TestUnitConversion TestProfile TestGpsCoords TestParse TestGitStorage TestPlan TestDiveSiteDuplication TestPreferences TestRenumber TestPicture TestMerge TestTagList TestQPrefAnimations TestQPrefCloudStorage TestQPrefDisplay TestQPrefDiveComputer TestQPrefFacebook TestQPrefProxy TestQML ) # useful for debugging CMake issues # print_all_variables()