// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 // Helper functions for the undo-commands #include "selection.h" #include "divelist.h" #include "trip.h" #include "subsurface-qt/divelistnotifier.h" #include <QVector> int amount_selected; static int amount_trips_selected; extern "C" void select_dive(struct dive *dive) { if (!dive) return; if (!dive->selected) { dive->selected = 1; amount_selected++; } current_dive = dive; } extern "C" void deselect_dive(struct dive *dive) { int idx; if (dive && dive->selected) { dive->selected = 0; if (amount_selected) amount_selected--; if (current_dive == dive && amount_selected > 0) { /* pick a different dive as selected */ int selected_dive = idx = get_divenr(dive); while (--selected_dive >= 0) { dive = get_dive(selected_dive); if (dive && dive->selected) { current_dive = dive; return; } } selected_dive = idx; while (++selected_dive < dive_table.nr) { dive = get_dive(selected_dive); if (dive && dive->selected) { current_dive = dive; return; } } } current_dive = NULL; } } extern "C" struct dive *first_selected_dive() { int idx; struct dive *d; for_each_dive (idx, d) { if (d->selected) return d; } return NULL; } extern "C" struct dive *last_selected_dive() { int idx; struct dive *d, *ret = NULL; for_each_dive (idx, d) { if (d->selected) ret = d; } return ret; } extern "C" bool consecutive_selected() { struct dive *d; int i; bool consecutive = true; bool firstfound = false; bool lastfound = false; if (amount_selected == 0 || amount_selected == 1) return true; for_each_dive(i, d) { if (d->selected) { if (!firstfound) firstfound = true; else if (lastfound) consecutive = false; } else if (firstfound) { lastfound = true; } } return consecutive; } #if DEBUG_SELECTION_TRACKING extern "C" void dump_selection(void) { int i; struct dive *dive; printf("currently selected are %u dives:", amount_selected); for_each_dive(i, dive) { if (dive->selected) printf(" %d", i); } printf("\n"); } #endif // Set the current dive either from a list of selected dives, // or a newly selected dive. In both cases, try to select the // dive that is newer that is newer than the given date. // This mimics the old behavior when the current dive changed. static void setClosestCurrentDive(timestamp_t when, const std::vector<dive *> &selection) { // Start from back until we get the first dive that is before // the supposed-to-be selected dive. (Note: this mimics the // old behavior when the current dive changed). for (auto it = selection.rbegin(); it < selection.rend(); ++it) { if ((*it)->when > when && !(*it)->hidden_by_filter) { current_dive = *it; return; } } // We didn't find a more recent selected dive -> try to // find *any* visible selected dive. for (dive *d: selection) { if (!d->hidden_by_filter) { current_dive = d; return; } } // No selected dive is visible! Take the closest dive. Note, this might // return null, but that just means unsetting the current dive (as no // dive is visible anyway). current_dive = find_next_visible_dive(when); } // Reset the selection to the dives of the "selection" vector and send the appropriate signals. // Set the current dive to "currentDive". "currentDive" must be an element of "selection" (or // null if "seletion" is empty). Return true if the selection or current dive changed. void setSelection(const std::vector<dive *> &selection, dive *currentDive) { // To do so, generate vectors of dives to be selected and deselected. // We send signals batched by trip, so keep track of trip/dive pairs. QVector<dive *> divesToSelect; divesToSelect.reserve(selection.size()); // Since we select only dives, there are no selected trips! amount_trips_selected = 0; for (int i = 0; i < trip_table.nr; ++i) trip_table.trips[i]->selected = false; // TODO: We might want to keep track of selected dives in a more efficient way! int i; dive *d; amount_selected = 0; // We recalculate amount_selected for_each_dive(i, d) { // We only modify dives that are currently visible. if (d->hidden_by_filter) { d->selected = false; // Note, not necessary, just to be sure // that we get amount_selected right continue; } // Search the dive in the list of selected dives. // TODO: By sorting the list in the same way as the backend, this could be made more efficient. bool newState = std::find(selection.begin(), selection.end(), d) != selection.end(); if (newState) { ++amount_selected; divesToSelect.push_back(d); } // TODO: Instead of using select_dive() and deselect_dive(), we set selected directly. // The reason is that deselect() automatically sets a new current dive, which we // don't want, as we set it later anyway. // There is other parts of the C++ code that touches the innards directly, but // ultimately this should be pushed down to C. d->selected = newState; } // We cannot simply change the current dive to the given dive. // It might be hidden by a filter and thus not be selected. current_dive = currentDive; if (current_dive && !currentDive->selected) { // Current not visible -> find a different dive. setClosestCurrentDive(currentDive->when, selection); } // Send the new selection emit diveListNotifier.divesSelected(divesToSelect); } extern "C" void select_single_dive(dive *d) { if (d) setSelection(std::vector<dive *>{ d }, d); else setSelection(std::vector<dive *>(), nullptr); } // Turn current selection into a vector. // TODO: This could be made much more efficient if we kept a sorted list of selected dives! std::vector<dive *> getDiveSelection() { std::vector<dive *> res; res.reserve(amount_selected); int i; dive *d; for_each_dive(i, d) { if (d->selected) res.push_back(d); } return res; } // Select the first dive that is visible extern "C" void select_newest_visible_dive() { for (int i = dive_table.nr - 1; i >= 0; --i) { dive *d = dive_table.dives[i]; if (!d->hidden_by_filter) return select_single_dive(d); } // No visible dive -> deselect all select_single_dive(nullptr); } extern "C" void select_trip(struct dive_trip *trip) { if (trip && !trip->selected) { trip->selected = true; amount_trips_selected++; } } extern "C" void deselect_trip(struct dive_trip *trip) { if (trip && trip->selected) { trip->selected = false; amount_trips_selected--; } } extern "C" struct dive_trip *single_selected_trip() { if (amount_trips_selected != 1) return NULL; for (int i = 0; i < trip_table.nr; ++i) { if (trip_table.trips[i]->selected) return trip_table.trips[i]; } fprintf(stderr, "warning: found no selected trip even though one should be selected\n"); return NULL; // shouldn't happen } extern "C" void clear_selection(void) { current_dive = nullptr; amount_selected = 0; amount_trips_selected = 0; int i; struct dive *dive; for_each_dive (i, dive) dive->selected = false; for (int i = 0; i < trip_table.nr; ++i) trip_table.trips[i]->selected = false; }