AboutAbout Subsurface-mobileA mobile version of the free Subsurface divelog software.
View your dive logs while on the go.Copy logs to clipboardBtDeviceSelectionDialogRemote Bluetooth device selectionSaveQuitLocal Bluetooth device detailsName: Address:Bluetooth powered onTurn on/offSelect device:Discovered devicesBluetooth modeAutoForce LE modeForce classic modeeven if not recognised as dive computerShow all BT devicesScanClearName:Trying to turn on the local Bluetooth device...Trying to turn off the local Bluetooth device...Remote devices list was cleared.Scanning for remote devices...Scanning finished successfully.%1 will be replaced with "turned on" or "turned off"The local Bluetooth device was %1.turned onturned offUNPAIREDPAIREDAUTHORISED_PAIRED%1 (%2) [State: %3]The device %1 can be used for connection. You can press the Save button.The device %1 must be paired in order to be used. Please use the context menu for pairing options.A device needs a non-zero address for a connection.The local device was changed.PairRemove pairingTrying to pair device %1Trying to unpair device %1Device %1 was unpaired.Device %1 was paired.Device %1 was paired and is authorised.The device %1 can now be used for connection. You can press the Save button.Local device error: %1.Pairing error. If the remote device requires a custom PIN code, please try to pair the devices using your operating system. Unknown errorThe Bluetooth adaptor is powered off, power it on before doing discovery.Writing to or reading from the device resulted in an error.An unknown error has occurred.Device discovery error: %1.Not availableThe local Bluetooth adapter cannot be accessed.The device discovery agent was not created because the %1 address does not match the physical adapter address of any local Bluetooth device.CheckCloudConnectionWaiting for cloud connection (%n second(s) passed)Waiting for cloud connection (%n second(s) passed)Cloud connection failedCloudCredentialsCloud credentialsEmailPasswordPINRegisterCancelCheck credentials...Sign-in or registerNo cloud modeForgot password?CloudStorageAuthenticateCloud account verification required, enter PIN in preferencesColumnNameProviderDive No.DateTimeDurationLocationGPSWeightCyl. sizeStart pressureEnd pressureMax. depthAvg. depthDivemasterBuddySuitNotesTagsAir temp.Water temp.O₂HeSample timeSample depthSample temperatureSample pO₂Sample CNSSample NDLSample TTSSample stopdepthSample pressureSample sensor1 pO₂Sample sensor2 pO₂Sample sensor3 pO₂Sample setpointVisibilityRatingSample heart rateCommand&Undo&Redoall divesadd diveimport %n dive(s) from %1import %n dive(s) from %1delete %n dive(s)delete %n dive(s)shift time of %n divesshift time of %n divesrenumber %n dive(s)renumber %n dive(s)remove %n dive(s) from tripremove %n dive(s) from tripremove autogenerated tripsadd %n dives to tripadd %n dives to tripcreate tripautogroup divessplit divesplit dive computermove dive computer to frontdelete dive computermerge diveadd dive siteimport dive sites from %1delete %n dive site(s)delete %n dive site(s)purge unused dive sitesEdit dive site nameEdit dive site descriptionEdit dive site notesEdit dive site countryEdit dive site locationEdit dive site taxonomymerge dive sitesapply GPS fixesEdit %1Edit %1 (%n dive)Edit %1 (%n dives)notessuitratingvisibilitywavesizecurrentsurgechillair temperaturewater temperaturesalinityAtm. pressuredurationdepthdive sitedive modeinvalidtagsbuddiesdive masterPaste onto %n dive(s)Paste onto %n dive(s)Replan diveEdit profileAdd weightAdd weight (%n dive(s))Add weight (%n dive(s))Remove weightRemove weight (%n dive(s))Remove weight (%n dive(s))Edit weightEdit weight (%n dive(s))Edit weight (%n dive(s))Edit dive [%1]trip locationtrip notesCommand::AddCylinderAdd cylinderCommand::AddEventBookmarkAdd bookmarkCommand::AddEventDivemodeSwitchCommand::AddEventSetpointChangeCommand::EditCylinderCommand::RemoveCylinderCommand::RemoveEventCommand::RenameEventConfigureDiveComputerCould not save the backup file %1. Error Message: %2Could not open backup file: %1Dive computer details read successfullySetting successfully written to deviceDevice firmware successfully updatedDevice settings successfully resetUnable to create libdivecomputer contextCould not a establish connection to the dive computer.ConfigureDiveComputerDialogConfigure dive computerDevice or mount pointConnect via BluetoothConnectDisconnectRetrieve available detailsRead settings from backup file or from device before writing to the deviceSave changes to deviceRead settings from backup file or from device before writing to a backup fileBackupRestore backupUpdate firmwareSave libdivecomputer logfile...CancelOSTC Mk2/2N/2COSTC 2/3/Sport/Plus/cROSTC 4Suunto Vyper familyBasic settingsSerial No.LengthFirmware versionCustom textNumber of divesShow safety stopSampling rateDate formatMM/DD/YYDD/MM/YYYY/MM/DDSync dive computer time with PCSalinitykg/ℓStart DepthEnd DepthReset DepthsmAdvanced settingsAlt GF can be selected underwaterDesaturationFuture TTS%DecotypeZH-L16GaugeZH-L16 CCApneaL16-GF OCL16-GF CCPSCR-GFminLast decoAlt GFLowAlt GFHighSaturationGFHighGFLowGraphical speed indicatorℓ/minBottom gas consumptionDeco gas consumptionGas settings%O₂%HeTypeChange depthGas 1Gas 2Gas 3Gas 4Gas 5Dil 1Dil 2Dil 3Dil 4Dil 5SetpointSP 1SP 2SP 3cbarpO₂ maxpO₂ minEcoMediumHighEnglishGermanFrenchItalianm/°Cft/°FMMDDYYDDMMYYYYMMDDLanguageBrightnessUnitsSalinity (0-5%)Reset device to default settings230LSB/Gauss330LSB/Gauss390LSB/Gauss440LSB/Gauss660LSB/Gauss820LSB/Gauss1090LSB/Gauss1370LSB/GaussCompass gainComputer modelOCCCDive mode2s10sStandardRedGreenBlueDive mode colourLeft button sensitivityAlways show pO₂Pressure sensor offsetmbarZH-L16+GFFlip screenRight button sensitivityMOD warningDynamic ascent rateTemperature sensor offset°CSP 4SP 5O₂ in calibration gasFixed setpointSensorTravel gas consumptionButton sensitivityVPMVPM conservatism+Setpoint fallbackSafety levelAltitude rangeModelMax. depthSuunto safety levelP0 (none)Suunto safety levelP1 (medium)Suunto safety levelP2 (high)Sample rate20s30s60sTotal dive time24h12hTime formatImperialMetricLightDepth alarmTime alarmErrorBackup dive computer settingsBackup filesXML backup errorAn error occurred while saving the backup file.
%1Backup succeededYour settings have been saved to: %1Restore dive computer settingsXML restore errorAn error occurred while restoring the backup file.
%1Restore succeededYour settings have been restored successfully.Select firmware fileAll filesChoose logfile for dive computer downloadLog filesConnecting to device...Connected to deviceDisconnected from deviceCopySettingsCopy settingsSelection for copy-pasteDive siteNotesDive masterBuddySuitRatingVisibilityTagsCylindersWeightsCylindersModelTypeSizeWork press.Start press.End press.O₂%He%Deco. switch atBot. MODMNDUsecuftℓThis gas is in use. Only cylinders that are not used in the dive can be removed.Clicking here will remove this cylinder.Switch depth for deco. gas. Calculated using Deco. pO₂ preference, unless set manually.Calculated using Bottom pO₂ preference. Setting MOD adjusts O₂%, set to '*' for best O₂% for max. depth.Calculated using Best Mix END preference. Setting MND adjusts He%, set to '*' for best He% for max. depth.DiveComponentSelectionDive site: Dive master: Buddy: Rating: Visibility: Notes:
Suit: Tags: Cylinders:
DiveComponentSelectionDialogComponent selectionWhich components would you like to copy?TagsWeightsDive siteVisibilityCylindersBuddyNotesDivemasterSuitRatingYou can paste these to another dive or as text to another application.Which components would you like to copyDiveComputerManagementDialogEdit dive computer nicknamesRemove the selected dive computer?Are you sure that you want to
remove the selected dive computer?DiveComputerModelModelDevice IDNicknameClicking here will remove this dive computer.DiveDetailsDive detailsRemove this dive from tripAdd dive to trip aboveAdd dive to trip belowMark dive as validMark dive as invalidUndoRedoDelete diveCancel editShow on mapSave editsEdit diveDiveDetailsEditDive number:Date:Location:Coordinates:Use current
GPS location:Depth:Duration:Air Temp:Water Temp:Suit:Buddy:Divemaster:Weight:Cylinder1:Gas mix:Start Pressure:End Pressure:Cylinder2:Cylinder3:Cylinder4:Cylinder5:Rating:Visibility:Notes:DiveDetailsView<unnamed dive site>Rating:Visibility:No profile to showSuit:Air Temp:Water Temp:Cylinder:Weight:SAC:Divemaster:Buddy:NotesDiveEventItem (cyl. %1)ICDΔHeΔN₂Manual switch to OCStarts with space! beginStarts with space! endDiveImportedModelDate/timeDurationDepthhminDiveListDive list<unnamed dive site>Remove dive %1 from tripAdd dive %1 to trip aboveAdd dive %1 to trip belowCreate trip with dive %1Mark dive as validMark dive as invalidDelete diveShow on mapEdit trip detailsUndoRedoPlease tap the '+' button to add a dive (or download dives from a supported dive computer)Cloud credentialsNo dives in dive listPlease wait, updating the dive listFull textPeopleTagsDownload divesAdd diveFilter divesDiveListViewExpand allCollapse allCollapse othersRemove dive(s) from tripCreate new trip aboveAdd dive(s) to trip immediately aboveAdd dive(s) to trip immediately belowMerge trip with trip aboveMerge trip with trip belowDelete dive(s)Mark dive(s) validMark dive(s) invalidMerge selected divesRenumber dive(s)Shift dive timesSplit selected divesLoad media from file(s)Load media from webOpen media filesMedia filesImage filesVideo filesAll files%1 does not appear to be an imageDiveLocationModelCreate a new dive site, copying relevant information from the current dive.Create a new dive site with this nameDiveLogExportDialogExport dive log filesGeneral exportSelectionSelected divesAll divesOptionsMetricImperialAnonymiseExport formatSubsurface &XMLSubsurface dive sites XMLUDDFdi&velogs.deDiveShareDive profileWorldmapTeXLaTeXI&mage depthsHTMLGeneral settingsSubsurface numbersExport yearly statisticsAll di&vesExport list onlyExport photosStyle optionsFontFont size8101214161820ThemeLightSandGeneric format that is used for data exchange between a variety of diving related programs.Comma separated values of the dive information. This includes most of the dive details but no profile information.Send the dive data to divelogs.de website.Send the dive data to dive-share.appspot.com website.HTML export of the dive locations, visualised on a world map.Subsurface native XML format.Subsurface dive sites native XML format.Write depths of images to file.Write dive as TeX macros to file.Write dive as LaTeX macros to file.Write the profile image as PNG file.Export UDDF file asUDDF filesExport CSV file asCSV filesExport world mapHTML filesExport Subsurface XMLSubsurface filesExport Subsurface dive sites XMLSave image depthsExport to TeX fileTeX filesSave profile imageSave profile dataExport HTML files asPlease wait, exporting...CSV dive profileCSV dive detailsDiveLogImportDialogImport dive log filedd.mm.yyyymm/dd/yyyyyyyy-mm-ddSecondsMinutesMinutes:secondsMetricImperialDrag the tags above to each corresponding column belowTabSome column headers were pre-populated; please drag and drop the headers so they match the column they are in.Sample timeSample depthSample temperatureSample pO₂Sample sensor1 pO₂Sample sensor2 pO₂Sample sensor3 pO₂Sample CNSSample NDLSample TTSSample stopdepthSample pressureSample setpointDive No.DateTimeDurationMax. depthAvg. depthAir temp.Water temp.Cyl. sizeStart pressureEnd pressureO₂HeLocationGPSDivemasterBuddySuitRatingVisibilityNotesWeightTagsSample heart ratemultiple filesDivePlannerPlanned dive timeAltitudeATM pressureWater typemmbarFresh waterSea waterEN13319Customkg/ℓDivePlannerEditDive planner editDivePlannerManagerDive planner managerDivePlannerPointsModelunknowncyl.Final depthRun timeDurationUsed gasCC setpointDive modeminmftStop timesDivePlannerSetupDive planner setup m/min ft/minℓ/min cuft/min BAR PSIRatesAscentbelow 75% avg. depth75% to 50% avg. depth50% avg. depth to 6m6m to surfaceDescentSurface to the bottomDrop to first depthPlanningDive modeOpen circuitCCRpSCRBailout: Deco on OCRecreational modeReserve gasSafety stopBühlmann decoGFLowGFHighVPM-B decoConservatism level+Last stop at ??Plan backgas breaksOnly switch at required stopsMin switch timeSurface segmentGas optionsBottom SACDeco SACSAC factorProblem solving time minBottom pO2Deco pO2Best mix ENDO2 narcoticNotesDisplay runtimeDisplay segment durationDisplay transitions in decoVerbatim dive planDisplay plan variationsDivePlannerViewDive planner viewDivePlannerWidgetDive planner pointsAvailable gasesAdd cylinderAdd dive data pointSave newkg/ℓDivePlotDataModelDepthTimePressureTemperatureColourUser enteredPressure SPressure ICeilingSACpN₂pHepO₂SetpointSensor 1Sensor 2Sensor 3Ambient pressureHeart rateGradient factorMean depth @ sDiveShareExportDialogDialogUser ID⌫Get user ID<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:20pt; font-weight:600; color:#ff8000;">⚠</span> Not using a UserID means that you will need to manually keep bookmarks to your dives, to find them again.</p></body></html>Private dives will not appear in "related dives" lists, and will only be accessible if their URL is known.Keep dives privateUpload dive data<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Oxygen-Sans'; font-size:7pt; font-weight:600; font-style:normal;">
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><br /></p></body></html>DiveSummaryDive summaryAll1 month3 months6 months1 yearlast dive:first dive:RefreshDiveSummaryModelNumber of divesTimeDepthSACTotalEAN divesDeep dives (> 39 m)Dive plan(s)Total timeMax TimeAvg timeMax depthAvg max depthMin SACMax SACAvg SACDiveTripModelBase(%n dive(s))(%n dive(s))(%L1 shown)(%1 shown)No.DateRatingDepth(%1)mftDurationTemp.(°%1)Weight(%1)kglbsSuitCylinderGasSAC(%1)/minOTUMax. CNSTagsMedia before/during/after diveCountryBuddyLocationDepthTemp.WeightSACMax CNSMediaDivelogsDeWebServicesDoneUploading dive list...Downloading dive list...Downloading %1 dives...Download finished - %1Problem with downloadThe archive could not be opened:
%1Corrupted downloadError: %1Transferring data...DivesiteImportDialogSelect dive sites to importSelect allDeselect allOKCancelDivesiteImportedModelNameLocationCountryNearest
Existing SiteDistanceDownloadFromDCWidgetDownloadChoose Bluetooth download modeConnecting to dive computerErrorFind Uemis dive computerFind Garmin dive computerCancel downloadChoose logfile for dive computer downloadLog filesWarningSaving the libdivecomputer dump will NOT download dives to the dive list.Choose file for dive computer binary dumpDump filesRetry downloadDownloadFromDiveComputerDownload from dive computerForce download of all divesDive computerAlways prefer downloaded divesSave libdivecomputer logfileChoose Bluetooth download modeSelect a remote Bluetooth device....Device or mount pointVendorDownload into new tripSave libdivecomputer dumpfileDownloadDownloaded divesSelect allDeselect allOKCancelDive ComputerBluetooth is not enabled Vendor name: Dive Computer: Connection: Previously used dive computers: RetryQuitRescan Downloaded divesInfo:Force download all divesPlease wait while we record these dives...AcceptSelect AllUnselect AllDownloadThreadNo new dives downloaded from dive computerExportExport Divelog informationExport credentialsUser IDPassword:PrivateExportCancelExport Subsurface XMLSubsurface native XML format.Export Subsurface dive sites XMLSubsurface dive sites native XML format.Export UDDFGeneric format that is used for data exchange between a variety of diving related programs.Upload divelogs.deSend the dive data to divelogs.de website.Upload DiveShareSend the dive data to dive-share.appspot.com website.AnonymiseNextExtraDataModelKeyValueFilterWidgetFormText labelFilter this listNegate filter¬FilterWidget2FormSubstringStarts withExactSuitMaxMinAir temp.EquipmentTagsWater temp.All ofAny ofNone ofPeoplePlannedLocationNotesVisibilityReset / closeRatingReset filtersFromLoggedToClose filtersFulltextFull wordDive mode%L1/%L2 shown%L1 divesShow/hide filtersClose and reset filtersFindMovedImagesDialogFind moved media filesFound media filesMatch only media files in selected dive(s)Scanning:Select folder and scanTraverse media directoriesStop scanningScanning cancelled - results may be incompleteNo matching media files foundFound <b>%1</b> media files in their current place.Found <b>%1</b> media files in new locations:FirmwareUpdateThreadThis feature is not yet available for the selected dive computer.Firmware update failed.GasSelectionModelcyl.GpsListGPS FixesDate: Name: Latitude: Longitude: GpsLocationUnknown GPS location (no GPS source)ImportGPSGet dive coordinates from GPSSynchronise the dive and the GPS trackGPS track date Dive date Start and end times: GPS Dive Start: End: International time zone correctionBy how many hours did the international time zone at the dive site differ from UTC (also regarded as Greenwich Mean Time)? Normally one would specify this value in whole hours (h:00):h:mmEarlierLaterEquipment time settings correctionThis setting deals with differences in time settings between the GPS and the dive computer that recorded the dive. Ensure that the GPS equipment and your dive computer show the same local time. If not, adjust the time of the GPS earlier or later to coincide with that of the dive (h:min):KMessageWidget&CloseClose messageListFilterFormText labelFilter this listNegate filter¬LocationFilterDelegate (same GPS fix) (~%1 away, %n dive here), %n dives here)(no existing GPS data, add GPS fix from this dive)(no GPS data)Pick site: LocationInformationGroupBoxNameDescriptionNotesCoordinatesLoad dive coordinates from GPS fileUse GPS fileReverse geolocation lookup...Near dive sitesShow dive sites in the range of:TagsCountryDive sites on same coordinatesUpdate location on mapLocationInformationModelNameDescriptionno. of divesClick here to edit the dive site.Clicking here will remove this dive site.LocationInformationWidgetDoneDive site managementMerge into current siteSelect GPS file to openGPS files (*.gpx *.GPX)LogApplication LogMainTabFormNotesDateTimeDepthDuration (h:mm)Location...Edit dive siteDivemasterBuddyTagsRatingEquipmentInformationStatisticsMediaExtra InfoDive sitesApply changesDiscard changesOKUndoThis dive is being edited.Trip notesTrip locationDiscard the changes?You are about to discard your changes.Warning: edited %1 divesDurationAir temp.Water temp.VisibilitySuitDive modeMainWindow&File&Log&View&Help&Import&Edit&New logbookNew&Open logbookOpen&SaveSaveSa&ve asSave as&CloseClose&PrintP&references&QuitImport from &dive computerEdit device &names&Add dive&Copy dive components&Paste dive components&RenumberAuto &group&Yearly statistics&Dive list&Profile&Info&AllP&revious DC&Next DC&About SubsurfaceUser &manual&MapP&lan dive&Import log filesImport divelog files from other applications&Import dive sitesImport dive sites from other usersImport &from divelogs.de&Full screenToggle full screen&Check for updates&ExportExport dive logsChange settings on &dive computerEdit &dive in plannerToggle pO₂ graphToggle pN₂ graphToggle pHe graphToggle DC reported ceilingToggle calculated ceilingToggle calculating all tissuesToggle calculated ceiling with 3m incrementsToggle heart rateToggle MODToggle EAD, END, EADDToggle NDL, TTSToggle SAC rateToggle rulerScale graphToggle mediaToggle gas bar&Filter divelistToggle tissue heat-map&Undo&Redo&Find moved media filesOpen c&loud storageSave to clo&ud storage&Manage dive sitesDive site &editCloud stora&ge onlineToggle deco. informationWarningTrying to merge dives with %1min interval between themTemplate backup createdThe following backup printing templates were created:
Please note that as of this version of Subsurface the default templates
are read-only and should not be edited directly, since the application
can overwrite them on startup.Please save or cancel the current dive edit before opening a new file.Open fileCancelPlease save or cancel the current dive edit before going onlineSave changes?You have unsaved changes. Do you want to commit them to cloud storage now?
If you answer no, the cloud will only be synced next time you "Open cloud storage" or "Save to cloud storage".Failure taking cloud storage onlinePlease save or cancel the current dive edit before closing the file.Please save or cancel the current dive edit before trying to add a dive.Print runtime tableTrying to replan a dive that's not a planned dive.Yearly statisticsDive log filesSubsurface filesCochranDiveLogs.deJDiveLogLiquivisionSuuntoUDCFUDDFXMLDivesoftDatatrak/WLogMkVI filesAPD log viewerOSTCtoolsDAN DL7CSVAll filesDive site filesDo you want to save the changes that you made in the file %1?Do you want to save the changes that you made in the data file?Changes will be lost if you don't save them.Save file as[local cache for] %1[cloud storage for] %1multiple filesOpening datafile from older versionYou opened a data file from an older version of Subsurface. We recommend you read the manual to learn about the changes in the new version, especially about dive site management which has changed significantly.
Subsurface has already tried to pre-populate the data but it might be worth while taking a look at the new dive site management system and to make sure that everything looks correct.Open dive log fileOpen dive site filePlease, first finish the current edition before trying to do another.Contacting cloud service...Configure &dive computerUser &surveyFacebookCloud storage onlineShare onMapPageMapMapWidgetDrag the selected dive locationMapWidgetContextMenuCopy coordinates to clipboard (decimal)Copy coordinates to clipboard (deg/min/sec)Select visible dive locationsOpen in Google MapsMapWidgetErrorMapWidget.qml failed to load!
The QML modules QtPositioning and QtLocation could be missing!OstcFirmwareCheckYou should update the firmware on your dive computer: you have version %1 but the latest stable version is %2
If your device uses Bluetooth, do the same preparations as for a logbook download before continuing with the updateNot nowUpdate firmwareFirmware upgrade noticeSave the downloaded firmware asFirmware filesPlannerSettingsWidgetft/minLast stop at 20ft50% avg. depth to 20ft20ft to surfaceftm/minLast stop at 6m50% avg. depth to 6m6m to surfacemcuft/minℓ/minbarpsiPreferencesCloudFormSubsurface cloud storageEmail addressPasswordVerification PINNew passwordSave password locally?To create a new cloud account:1) Enter an email address and a novel password that Subsurface will use to initialise the dive log in the cloud. Click Apply to send the above email address and password to the (remote) cloud server.2) The server responds by sending a verification PIN to the above email address (This is the only occasion that Subsurface uses the email address provided above). The above dialog now has a new PIN text box, not visible previously.3) Enter the PIN in the corresponding text box in the above dialog (this field is only visible while the server is waiting for email address confirmation). Click Apply again. The Subsurface cloud storage account will be marked as verified and the Subsurface cloud storage service is initialised for use.CloudChange ignored. Cloud storage email and password can only consist of letters, numbers, and '.', '-', '_', and '+'.Change ignored. Cloud storage email and new password can only consist of letters, numbers, and '.', '-', '_', and '+'.Cloud storage email and password can only consist of letters, numbers, and '.', '-', '_', and '+'.Subsurface cloud storage (credentials verified)Subsurface cloud storage (incorrect password)Subsurface cloud storage (PIN required)PreferencesDcFormDIVE COMPUTERDelete connectionsWhen importing dives from a dive computer (DC), Subsurface remembers the connection(s), showing them as selectable buttons in the Download panel. This is useful for DCs using Bluetooth for communication. In order to clear all this information, click on the button below. After clearing the information the buttons on the Download panel disappear and it is necessary to establish new connection(s) with dive computer(s) before importing dives again.Delete all dive computer connectionsDive downloadPreferencesDefaultsFormFont for lists and tablesFontFont sizeAnimationsIn some actions, e.g. when zooming the dive profile, the changing axis values are animated. Select the speed with which this animation should occur (maximum = 500):SpeedDisplayLists and tablesDivesDefault dive log file&No default file&Local default fileClo&ud storage default fileLocal dive log fileUse default...Display invalidDefault cylinderUse default cylinderVideo thumbnailsffmpeg executableExtract in folderExtract video thumbnailsClear settingsReset remembered dive computersReset all settings to their default valuePreferencesDialogPreferencesPreferencesEquipmentFormCYLINDERSDefault cylinder in the Cylinders table of the Equipment tabSelect a default cylinderShow unused cylinders in the Cylinders table of the Equipment tabEquipmentPreferencesGeoreferenceFormReverse dive site lookup formatSelecting the blue globe icon to the right of Location in the Notes tab opens the Edit Dive Site panel. There, an icon to the right of the dive site coordinates allows reverse lookup of the dive site. This finds the country and closest town to the divesite and adds them as dive site tags above the dive site name in the Notes tab. The combo boxes below allow one to select the order in which these tags are shown in the Notes tab. This requires an Internet connection./GeoreferenceDive site layoutPreferencesGraphFormGas pressure display setupThreshold for pO₂ (minimum, maximum)barThreshold for pN₂ (maximum only)Threshold for pHe (maximum only)pO₂ in calculating MOD (maximum only )CCR options:Dive planner default setpointShow O₂ sensor values when viewing pO₂Show CCR setpoints when viewing pO₂pSCR options:pSCR metabolic rate O₂ℓ/minDilution ratio1:Show equivalent OC pO₂ with pSCR pO₂Show warnings for isobaric counterdiffusionCeiling display setupGFHighB&ühlmannAlgorithm for calculated ceiling:%Conservatism level+Draw dive computer reported ceiling red&VPM-BGFLowTech setupMiscShow unused cylinders in Equipment tabShow mean depth in ProfileRecreate thumbnails if older than media filePreferencesLanguageFormUI languageUse system defaultFilterDate formatUse UI language defaultThis is used in places where there is less space to show the full dateShort format<html><head/><body><p>Preferred date format. Commonly used fields are</p><p>d (day of month)</p><p>ddd (abbr. day name)</p><p>M (month number)</p><p>MMM (abbr. month name)</p><p>yy/yyyy (2/4 digit year)</p></body></html>Time format<html><head/><body><p>Preferred time format</p><p>Commonly used format specifiers are</p><p>h (hours in 12h format)</p><p>H (hours in 24h format)</p><p>mm (2 digit minutes)</p><p>ss (2 digit seconds)</p><p>t/tt (a/p or am/pm)</p></body></html>LanguageRestart requiredTo correctly load a new language you must restart Subsurface.These will be used as-is. This might not be what you intended.
See http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdatetime.html#toStringLiteral charactersNon-special character(s) in time format.
Non-special character(s) in date format.
PreferencesLogFormDIVE LOGDefault dive log file&No default file&Local default fileClo&ud storage default fileLocal dive log fileUse default...In the Dive List, show dives that you have marked as invalid, e.g. pool divesIn the Information tab, show tools for recording wave height, surge and chill during a diveIn the Dive Profile, show mean depthIn the Information tab, allow editing of water salinity Dive logOpen default log fileSubsurface filesPreferencesMediaFormUPDATE THUMBNAILSPhotographs or videos are sometimes edited after being uploaded and linked to Subsurface. If a photo is therefore more recent than its original thumbnail, checking the checkbox below will allow creating a new thumbnail after the media has been edited.Recalculate thumbnail if older than media fileVIDEOSVideo thumbnailsOne can view video files through thumbnail(s) in the Media tab, created using the external program FFmpeg which needs to be installed on your machine. Check the checkbox below to allow this. Then, in the text box below, specify the path to FFmpeg. In Linux, a typical path is: /usr/bin/ffmpeg. If FFmpeg is installed in the system area of your computer, just type ffmpeg in the text box below. For more info see Appendix F of the User Manual.Extract video thumbnailsPath to ffmpeg:...One can specify te relative position within the video from where the thumbnail is retrieved. Use the slider below do do that.Extract in folderMediaWarningCouldn't execute ffmpeg at given location. Thumbnailing will not work.Select ffmpeg executablePreferencesNetworkFormIf your Internet access is through a proxy server, provide details for using that proxyPortHostnameProxy typeUsernamePasswordRequires authenticationNetworkNo proxySystem proxyHTTP proxySOCKS proxyProxySubsurface cloud storageEmail addressVerification PINNew passwordSave password locally?PreferencesResetFormSelecting this button will reset all preferences to their default valuesReset all preferencesResetPreferencesUnitsFormUnit systemSystem&MetricImperialPersonali&seIndividual settingsDepthmetrefeetPressurebarpsiVolume&litrecuftTemperaturecelsiusfahrenheitWeightkglbsTime unitsAscent/descent speed denominatorMinutesSecondsDuration unitsShow hours in durationhh:mm (always)mm (always)mm (for dives shorter than 1 hour), hh:mm (otherwise)Dive list tableShow units in dive list tableGPS coordinatesLocation displaydeg/min/secdecimalUnitsPrintDialogP&rint&PreviewExport HtmlPrintFilename to export html toHtml filePrintOptionsPrint type&Dive list print&Statistics printPrint optionsPrint only selected divesPrint in colourTemplateEditDeleteExportImportRead-only templateThe template '%1' is read-only and cannot be edited.
Please export this template to a different file.Import template fileHTML filesThe destination template '%1' is read-only and cannot be overwritten.Export template files asThis action cannot be undone!Delete template '%1'?The template '%1' is read-only and cannot be deleted.ProfileWidget2Planned diveManually added diveUnknown dive computer (No.%1 of %2)Show NDL / TTS was disabled because of excessive processing timeMake default dive computerDelete this dive computerSplit this dive computer into own diveAdd gas change (cyl. %1)Add setpoint changeAdd bookmarkSplit dive into twoChange dive modeEdit the profileRemove eventHide similar eventsEdit nameAdjust pressure of cyl. %1 (currently interpolated as %2)Unhide all eventsHide eventsHide all %1 events?Remove the selected event?%1 @ %2:%3Edit name of bookmarkCustom name:Name is too long.QMLManagerOpen local dive data fileOpening local data file failed%1 dives loaded from local dive data fileIncorrect cloud credentialsworking in no-cloud modeError parsing local storage, giving upno cloud credentialsPlease enter valid cloud credentials.Cloud storage email and password can only consist of letters, numbers, and '.', '-', '_', and '+'.Invalid format for email addressAttempting to open cloud storage with new credentialsTesting cloud credentialsNo response from cloud server to validate the credentialsIncorrect email / password combinationCloud credentials require verification PINIncorrect PIN, please try againPIN accepted, credentials verifiedCloud storage error: %1Loading dives from local storage ('no cloud' mode)Failed to connect to cloud server, reverting to no-cloud modeCloud storage open successfully. No dives in dive list.hminsecweightFatal error: cannot save data file. Please copy log file and report.Unknown GPS locationno default cylinderQObjectno dives in periodReadSettingsThreadThis feature is not yet available for the selected dive computer.Failed!RenumberDialogRenumberRenumbering all divesNew starting numberNew numberRenumber selected divesRenumber all divesResetSettingsThreadReset settings failedSearchBarFormSetpointDialogAdd setpoint changeNew setpoint (0 for OC)barSettingsSettingsUndefinedIncorrect username/password combinationCredentials need to be verifiedCredentials verifiedNo cloud modeGeneral settingsCloud statusEmailNot applicableChangeStarting...StatusDefault CylinderCylinder:Dive computersForget remembered dive computersForgetThemeColor themeBluePinkDarkbackgroundtextprimaryprimary textdarker primarydarker primary textlighter primarylighter primary textsecondary textdrawerFont sizesmallerregularlargerUnitsMetricImperialPersonaliseDepthmetersfeetPressurebarpsiVolumelitrecuftTemperaturecelsiusfahrenheitWeightkglbsAdvancedGPS location serviceDistance threshold (meters)Time threshold (minutes)BluetoothTemporarily show all bluetooth devices
even if not recognized as dive computers.
Please report DCs that need this settingDisplayShow only one column in Portrait modeDeveloperDisplay developer menuShiftImageTimesDialogShift selected image timesShift times of image(s) byh:mmEarlierLaterWarning!
Not all media files have timestamps in the range
30 minutes before the start and 30 minutes after the end of any selected dive.Load media files even if the time does not match the dive timeTo compute the offset between the clocks on your dive computer and your camera, use your camera to take a picture of your dive computer displaying the current time. Download that image to your computer and press this button.Determine camera time offsetSelect image of divecomputer showing timeWhich date and time are displayed on the image?Open image fileImage filesSelected dive date/timeFirst selected dive date/timeLast selected dive date/time
Files with inappropriate date/timeNo Exif date/time foundShiftTimesDialogShift selected dive timesShift times of selected dives byShifted time:Current time:0:0h:mmEarlierLaterSmrtk2ssrfcWindowSmartTrak files importer<html><head/><body><p><span style=" color:#6ebeb9;">Subsurface divelog</span></p></body></html>Choose<html><head/><body><p><span style=" color:#6ebeb9;">Smartrak divelog</span></p></body></html>ExitImport<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#6ebeb9;">Select the .slg file(s) you want to import to Subsurface format, and the exported .xml file. It's advisable to use a new output file, as its actual content will be erased.</span></p></body></html>Import messages (errors, warnings, etc)Open SmartTrak filesSmartTrak filesAll filesOpen Subsurface filesSubsurface filesStartPageTo use Subsurface-mobile with Subsurface cloud storage, please enter your cloud credentials.<br/><br/>If this is the first time you're using Subsurface cloud storage, enter a valid email (all lower case) and a password of your choice (letters and numbers).<br/><br/>To use Subsurface-mobile only with local data on this device, select the no cloud button above.Thank you for registering with Subsurface. We sent <b>%1</b> a PIN code to complete the registration. If you do not receive an email from us within 15 minutes, please check the correct spelling of your email address and your spam box first.<br/><br/>In case of any problems regarding cloud account setup, please contact us at our user forum (https://subsurface-divelog.org/user-forum/).<br/><br/>SubsurfaceAboutAbout Subsurface&LicenseCredits&Website&CloseTabDiveEquipmentEquipmentSuitCylindersAdd cylinderWeightsAdd weight systemOKUndoWarning: edited %1 divesTabDiveExtraInfoExtra InfoTabDiveInformationInformationDIVEDive modeIntervalDurationMax. depthAvg. depthGASGas nameGas consumedSACCNSOTUENVIRONMENTAir temp.Water temp.Water type/DensityAtm. pressure/AltitudeSurface wavesLargeSmallVisibilityBadGoodCurrentStrongWeakSurgeChillFreezingComfyuse dcFreshSaltySaltOKUndoWarning: edited %1 dives/minhminsecdunknownDateGases usedAir pressureDive timeWater typeTabDivePhotosPhotosZoom levelLoad media from file(s)Load media file(s) from webDelete selected media filesDelete all media filesOpen folder of selected media filesRecalculate selected thumbnailsSave dive data as subtitlesDeleting media filesAre you sure you want to delete all media files?TabDiveSiteDive sitesFilterPurge unused dive sitesDelete dive site?This dive site has %n dive(s). Do you really want to delete it?
This dive site has %n dive(s). Do you really want to delete it?
New dive siteTabDiveStatisticsStatisticsMax. depthSACTemperatureTotal timeDurationDivesGas consumptionHighest total SAC of a diveLowest total SAC of a diveAverage total SAC of all selected divesHighest temperatureLowest temperatureAverage temperature of all selected divesDeepest diveShallowest diveLongest diveShortest diveAverage length of all selected dives/minhminsecThese gases could be
mixed from Air and using:
HeandO₂DepthTableViewGroupBoxTankInfoModelDescriptionmlbarTemplateEditEdit templatePreviewStyleFontArialImpactGeorgiaCourierVerdanaFont sizeColor paletteDefaultAlmondShades of blueCustomLine spacingBorder widthTemplateColoursBackgroundcolour1EditTable cells 1colour2Table cells 2colour3Text 1colour4Text 2colour5Borderscolour6Do you want to save your changes?TextHyperlinkEventFilter%1click to visit %2ToolTipItemInformationTripDetailsTrip detailsSave editsCancel editEdit trip detailsTrip location:Trip notesURLDialogDialogEnter URL for media filesUpdateManagerCheck for updates.Subsurface was unable to check for updates.The following error occurred:Please check your internet connection.You are using the latest version of Subsurface.A new version of Subsurface is available.<br/>Click on:<br/><a href="%1">%1</a><br/> to download it.A new version of Subsurface is available.Latest version is %1, please check %2 our download page %3 for information in how to update.Newest release version is The server returned the following information:Subsurface checks every two weeks to see if a new version is available.
If you don't want Subsurface to continue checking, please click Decline.DeclineAcceptAutomatic check for updatesUserManualUser manualCannot find the Subsurface manualUserSurveyUser survey<html><head/><body><p>We would love to learn more about our users, their preferences and their usage habits. Please spare a minute to fill out this form and submit it to the Subsurface team.</p></body></html>What kind of diver are you?Technical diverRecreational diverDive plannerWhere are you importing data from?Supported dive computerOther software/sourcesManually entering divesAndroid/iPhone companion appAny suggestions? (in English)The following information about your system will also be submitted.Subsurface user surveyVideoFrameExtractorffmpeg failed to start - video thumbnail creation suspended. To enable video thumbnailing, set working executable in preferences.Failed waiting for ffmpeg - video thumbnail creation suspended. To enable video thumbnailing, set working executable in preferences.WSInfoModelDescriptionkgWebServicesWeb service connectionStatus:Enter your ID hereDownloadUser IDSave user ID locally?PasswordUploadOperation timed outTransferring data...WeightModelTypeWeightClicking here will remove this weight system.WriteSettingsThreadThis feature is not yet available for the selected dive computer.Failed!YearStatisticsItemhminsecYearlyStatisticsModelYear
> Month / TripNo.Duration
LongestDepth (%1)
Average maximum
MaximumSAC (%1)
AverageTemp. (%1)
Average%1 - %2getextFromCError parsing the headergettextFromCCan't open file %smode changeSP changedeco stopascentbatteryOLFmaxdepthpO₂gas changerbtceilingtransmitterclearmistyfograinstormsnowNo suitShortyCombiWet suitSemi-dry suitDry suitno stopdecosingle ascentmultiple ascentfresh watersalt watersight seeingclub diveinstructorinstructionnightcaveicesearchwreckriverdriftphotootherOther activitiesDatatrak/Wlog notes[Warning] Manual dive # %d
[Error] Out of memory for dive %d. Abort parsing.[Error] File is not a DataTrak file. AbortedError: no diveOpen circuitCCRpSCRFreediveairhminsecCannot find a folder called 'theme' in the standard locationsNo dive site layout categories set in preferences.TagsOC-gasdiluentoxygenunusedEAN%dintegratedbeltanklebackplateclip-onNo dives in the input file '%s''Import log file' should be the same text as corresponding label in Import menuCannot open CSV file %s; please use Import log file dialogFailed to read '%s'Empty file '%s'Checkout from storage (%lu/%lu)Transfer from storage (%d/%d)Transfer to storage (%d/%d)Local cache directory %s corrupted - can't sync with Subsurface cloud storageCould not update local cache to newer remote dataSubsurface cloud storage corruptedCould not update Subsurface cloud storage, try again laterRemote storage and local data diverged. Error: merge failed (%s)Remote storage and local data diverged. Cannot combine local and remote changesRemote storage and local data divergedRemote storage and local data diverged. Error: writing the data failed (%s)Problems with local cache of Subsurface cloud dataMoved cache data to %s. Please try the operation again.Update local storage to match cloud storagePush local changes to cloud storageTry to merge local changes into cloud storageStore data into cloud storageSync with cloud storageCan't reach cloud server, working with local dataSuccessful cloud connection, fetch remoteDone syncing with cloud storageError connecting to Subsurface cloud storagegit clone of %s failed (%s)Synchronising data fileWaiting to aquire GPS locationNo dive profile found from '%s'Poseidon import failed: unable to read '%s'Mouth piece position OCMouth piece position CCMouth piece position unknownMouth piece position not connectedPower offO₂ calibration failedO₂ calibrationunknownnoneworkloadviolationbookmarksurfacesafety stopsafety stop (recommended)safety stop (mandatory)deep stopceiling (safety stop)event showing dive is below deco floor and adding deco timebelow floordivetimeairtimergbmheadingtissue level warninginvalid event numberError parsing the date/timeDive %d: %sError parsing the divetimeError parsing the maxdepthError parsing temperatureError parsing the gas mix countError obtaining water salinityError obtaining surface pressureError obtaining dive modeError parsing the gas mixUnable to create parser for %s %sError registering dataError parsing the samplesAlready downloaded dive at %sEvent: waiting for user actionmodel=%s firmware=%u serial=%uError registering the event handler.Error registering the cancellation handler.Dive data import errorUnable to create libdivecomputer contextUnable to open %s %s (%s)Error opening the device %s %s (%s).
In most cases, in order to debug this issue, it is useful to send the developers the log files. You can copy them to the clipboard in the About dialog.Error opening the device %s %s (%s).
In most cases, in order to debug this issue, a libdivecomputer logfile will be useful.
You can create this logfile by selecting the corresponding checkbox in the download dialog.No new dives downloaded from dive computermultiple GPS locations for this dive site; also %s
additional name for site: %s
Load dives from local cacheSuccessfully opened dive dataUnknown DC in dive %dError - %s - parsing dive %dStrange percentage reading %s
Failed to parse '%s'Can't open stylesheet %sCan't find gas %seanIsobaric counterdiffusion informationruntimeΔHeΔN₂max ΔN₂barDISCLAIMER / WARNING: THIS IMPLEMENTATION OF THE %s ALGORITHM, AND A DIVE PLANNER IMPLEMENTATION BASED ON THAT, HAS RECEIVED ONLY A LIMITED AMOUNT OF TESTING. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND NOT TO PLAN DIVES SIMPLY BASED ON THE RESULTS GIVEN HERE.VPM-BBUHLMANNWarning:Decompression calculation aborted due to excessive timeSubsurfacedive plan</b> (overlapping dives detected)dive plan</b> created ondive plan</b> (surface interval created onRuntime: %dmin%sdepthdurationgas%s to %.*f %s in %d:%02d min - runtime %d:%02u on %s (SP = %.1fbar)AscendDescend%s to %.*f %s in %d:%02d min - runtime %d:%02u on %sStay at %.*f %s for %d:%02d min - runtime %d:%02u on %s (SP = %.1fbar CCR)Stay at %.*f %s for %d:%02d min - runtime %d:%02u on %s %s%3.0f%s%3dmin(SP = %.1fbar CCR)Switch gas to %s (SP = %.1fbar)Switch gas to %sCNSOTUDeco model: Bühlmann ZHL-16C with GFLow = %d%% and GFHigh = %d%%Deco model: VPM-B at nominal conservatismDeco model: VPM-B at +%d conservatism, effective GF=%d/%dDeco model: Recreational mode based on Bühlmann ZHL-16B with GFLow = %d%% and GFHigh = %d%%ATM pressure: %dmbar (%d%s)<br/>
Gas consumption (CCR legs excluded):Gas consumption (based on SACthis is more gas than available in the specified cylinder!not enough reserve for gas sharing on ascent!Minimum gasbased onSACrequired minimum gas for ascent already exceeds start pressure of cylinder.%.0f%s/%.0f%s of <span style='color: red;'><b>%s</b></span> (%.0f%s/%.0f%s in planned ascent)%.0f%s/%.0f%s of <span style='color: red;'><b>%s</b></span>%.0f%s of <span style='color: red;'><b>%s</b></span> (%.0f%s during planned ascent)%.0f%s of <span style='color: red;'><b>%s</b></span>Isobaric counterdiffusion conditions exceededhigh pO₂ value %.2f at %d:%02u with gas %s at depth %.*f %slow pO₂ value %.2f at %d:%02u with gas %s at depth %.*f %s@: %d:%02d
D: %.1f%s
P: %d%s (%s)
T: %.1f%s
V: %.1f%s
SAC: %.*f%s/min
CNS: %u%%
pO₂: %.2fbar
SCR ΔpO₂: %.2fbar
pN₂: %.2fbar
pHe: %.2fbar
MOD: %d%s
EAD: %d%s
EADD: %d%s / %.1fg/ℓ
END: %d%s
EADD: %d%s / %.1fg/ℓ
Density: %.1fg/ℓ
Safety stop: %umin @ %.0f%s
Safety stop: unknown time @ %.0f%s
Deco: %umin @ %.0f%s
Deco: unknown time @ %.0f%s
In deco
NDL: %umin
TTS: %umin
Deco: %umin @ %.0f%s (calc)
In deco (calc)
NDL: %umin (calc)
NDL: >2h (calc)
TTS: %umin (calc)
TTS: >2h (calc)
RBT: %umin
GF %d%%
Surface GF %.0f%%
Calculated ceiling %.0f%s
Tissue %.0fmin: %.1f%s
ICD in leading tissue
heart rate: %d
bearing: %d
mean depth to here %.1f%s
ΔT:%d:%02dmin%s ΔD:%.1f%s%s ↓D:%.1f%s%s ↑D:%.1f%s%s øD:%.1f%s
%s ↓V:%.2f%s%s ↑V:%.2f%s%s øV:%.2f%s%s ΔP:%d%s%s SAC:%.*f%s/min%1km%1m%1mi%1ydNSEWmftkglbsCFpsiAIREANmore than %1 daysno dives(%n dive(s))(%n dive(s))OXYGENℓcuftStart saving dataStart saving divesDone creating local cachePreparing to save dataNumberDateTimeLocationAir temp.Water temp.DivesExpand allCollapse allTripsStatisticsAdvanced searchRatingWaveSizeVisibilityCurrentSurgeChillDurationDivemasterBuddySuitNotesShow more detailsYearly statisticsYearTotal timeAverage timeShortest timeLongest timeAverage depthMin. depthMax. depthAverage SACMin. SACMax. SACAverage temp.Min. temp.Max. temp.Back to listDive No.Dive profileDive informationDive equipmentTypeSizeWork pressureStart pressureEnd pressureGasWeightEventsNameValueCoordinatesDive statusFailed to save dives to %s (%s)Failed to save divesites to %s (%s)All (by type stats)All (by max depth stats)All (by min. temp stats)All (by trip stats)JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecboatshoredeepcavernaltitudepoollakefreshstudentvideoNoneOceanCountryStateCountyTownCityUemis Zurich: the file system is almost full.
Disconnect/reconnect the dive computer
and click 'Retry'Uemis Zurich: the file system is full.
Disconnect/reconnect the dive computer
and click RetryShort write to req.txt file.
Is the Uemis Zurich plugged in correctly?No dives to download.%s %sdatadive log No.dive spot No.details for #wetsuitsemidrydrysuitshortyvestlong johnjacketfull suit2 pcs full suitmembraneInitialise communicationUemis init failedStart downloadSafety stop violationSpeed alarmSpeed warningpO₂ green warningpO₂ ascend warningpO₂ ascend alarmTank pressure infoRGT warningRGT alertTank change suggestedDepth limit exceededMax deco time warningDive time infoDive time alertMarkerNo tank dataLow battery warningLow battery alertpascalℓm/minm/sft/minft/sDate:Time:Duration:Max. depth:Air temp.:Water temp.:Location:Notes:Remove this pointDon't save an empty log to the cloudAverageMinimumMaximumInvalid response from serverExpected XML tag 'DiveDateReader', got instead '%1Expected XML tag 'DiveDates' not foundMalformed XML response. Line %1: %2planned waypoint above ceiling/minBuiltSankSubmerge timeReasonNationalityShipyardShipTypeLengthBeamDraughtDisplacementCargoWreck DataAltitudeDepthmainSubsurface-mobileDive listDive managementBackAdd dive manuallyDownload from DCApply GPS fixesManual sync with cloudDisable auto cloud syncEnable auto cloud syncTurning off automatic sync to cloud causes all data to only be stored locally. This can be very useful in situations with limited or no network access. Please choose 'Manual sync with cloud' if you have network connectivity and want to sync your data to cloud storage.Dive summaryExportLocationShow GPS fixesClear GPS cacheDisable location serviceRun location serviceSettingsHelpAboutShow user manualAsk for supportfailed to open email client, please manually create support email to support@subsurface-divelog.org - the logs have been copied to the clipboard and can be pasted into that email.Reset forgotten Subsurface Cloud passwordDeveloperApp logTest busy indicator (toggle)Test notification textTheme informationNot persistentplannerDetailsForm<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Dive plan details</span></p></body></html>Print<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
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plannerSettingsWidgetFormRatesAscentbelow 75% avg. depthm/min75% to 50% avg. depth50% avg. depth to 6m6m to surfaceDescentsurface to the bottomPlanningbarPostpone gas change if a stop is not requiredOnly switch at required stopsLast stop at 6m+%minPlan backgas breaksMin. switch duration O₂% below 100%Drop to first depthGFLowGFHighMaximise bottom time allowed by gas and no decompression limitsRecreational modeConservatism levelVPM-B decoSafety stopDive modeBühlmann decoReserve gasBailout: Deco on OCSurface segmentGas optionsNotesVerbatim dive planIn dive plan, list transitions or treat them as implicitDisplay transitions in decoIn dive plan, show runtime (absolute time) of stopsDisplay runtimeIn dive plan, show duration (relative time) of stopsDisplay segment durationCompute variations of plan (performance cost)Display plan variationsℓ/minDeco SACUsed to calculate best mix. Select best mix depth in 'Available gases' table by entering gas depth, followed by "B" (best trimix mix) or "BN" (best nitrox mix)mBottom SACBottom pO₂Best mix ENDDeco pO₂SAC factorUsed to calculate minimum gas. Consider two divers with possibly increased SAC after OoG event.Problem solving timeUsed to calculate minimum gas. Additional time at max. depth after OoG event.Treat oxygen as narcotic when computing best mixO₂ narcoticuploadDiveLogsDECannot prepare dives, none selected?building zip file to uploadStylesheet to export to divelogs.de is not foundFailed to create zip file for upload: %sinternal errorConversion of dive %1 to divelogs.de format failederror writing zip file: %s zip error %d system error %d - %sUploading divesUpload failedUpload successfulLogin failedCannot parse responsedivelogs.de not respondingnetwork error %1uploadDiveShareUpload successfuldive-share.com not respondingnetwork error %1