// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #include "testplannershared.h" #include "backend-shared/plannershared.h" #include #include void TestPlannerShared::initTestCase() { QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("Subsurface"); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain("subsurface.hohndel.org"); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("SubsurfaceTestPlannerShared"); plannerShared::instance(); } void TestPlannerShared::test_rates() { // Rates all use meters pr time unit // test values have been researched with official subsurface 4.9.3 // UI (meters) - plist value UI (feet) - plist value // 16m - 267 33f - 168 // 7m - 117 27f - 137 // 8m - 133 40f - 203 // 10m - 167 35f - 178 // Variables to test // ascratelast6m // ascratestops // ascrate50 // ascrate75 // descrate } void TestPlannerShared::test_planning() { // Variables to test // dive_mode //OC, CCR, PSCR, FREEDIVE, NUM_DIVEMODE, UNDEF_COMP_TYPE // planner_deco_mode // dobailout // reserve_gas // safetystop // gflow // gfhigh // vpmb_conservatism // drop_stone_mode // last_stop // switch_at_req_stop // doo2breaks // min_switch_duration } void TestPlannerShared::test_gas() { // Variables to test // bottomsac // decosac // problemsolvingtime // sacfactor // o2narcotic // bottompo2 // decopo2 // bestmixend } void TestPlannerShared::test_notes() { // Variables to test // display_runtime // display_duration // display_transitions // verbatim_plan // display_variations } QTEST_MAIN(TestPlannerShared)