PreferencesDialog 0 0 940 756 Preferences :/subsurface-icon 0 0 80 0 80 16777215 40 40 Qt::ElideNone QListView::Static true QListView::Batched 0 70 60 QListView::IconMode false true -1 Defaults :/subsurface-icon Units :/units Graph :/graph Language :/advanced Network :/network Facebook :/facebook 0 0 5 Lists and tables Font Font size Dives Default dive log file Use default true ... Display invalid Default cylinder Use default cylinder Animations Speed 500 Qt::Horizontal 500 Subsurface web service Default user ID Save user ID locally? Clear all settings Reset all settings to their default value Qt::Vertical 20 40 System Metric buttonGroup_6 Imperial buttonGroup_6 Personalize buttonGroup_6 false false Depth meter buttonGroup feet buttonGroup Pressure bar buttonGroup_2 psi buttonGroup_2 Volume liter buttonGroup_3 cu ft buttonGroup_3 Temperature celsius buttonGroup_4 fahrenheit buttonGroup_4 Weight kg buttonGroup_5 lbs buttonGroup_5 Time units Ascent/descent speed denominator Minutes verticalSpeed Seconds verticalSpeed Qt::Vertical 20 40 Show true Threshold when showing pO₂ true 0.100000000000000 true Threshold when showing pN₂ true 0.100000000000000 true Threshold when showing pHe true 0.100000000000000 true Max pO₂ when showing MOD true 0.100000000000000 true Draw dive computer reported ceiling red Show unused cylinders in Equipment tab Show average depth Misc GFLow 1 150 GFHigh 1 150 GFLow at max depth Default CCR set-point bar 2 10.000000000000000 0.100000000000000 CCR: Show setpoints when viewing pO₂ System default Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Filter Proxy Proxy type Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter Host 2 0 64 0 0 Port 1 0 65535 80 Qt::LeftToRight Requires authentication 0 0 32 Username 0 0 32 QLineEdit::Password Password Qt::Vertical 20 40 9 355 265 47 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Disconnect from Facebook Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Apply|QDialogButtonBox::Discard|QDialogButtonBox::Ok buttonBox accepted() PreferencesDialog accept() 259 817 157 274 buttonBox rejected() PreferencesDialog reject() 327 817 286 274 listWidget currentRowChanged(int) stackedWidget setCurrentIndex(int) 37 97 282 18 personalize toggled(bool) units_group setEnabled(bool) 185 19 186 23 languageSystemDefault toggled(bool) languageView setDisabled(bool) 126 20 186 30 languageSystemDefault toggled(bool) languageFilter setDisabled(bool) 126 20 185 20 imperial toggled(bool) feet setChecked(bool) 164 19 175 34 metric toggled(bool) meter setChecked(bool) 142 19 153 34 imperial toggled(bool) psi setChecked(bool) 164 19 175 33 metric toggled(bool) bar setChecked(bool) 142 19 153 33 imperial toggled(bool) cuft setChecked(bool) 164 19 175 31 metric toggled(bool) liter setChecked(bool) 142 19 153 31 imperial toggled(bool) fahrenheit setChecked(bool) 164 19 175 29 metric toggled(bool) celsius setChecked(bool) 142 19 153 29 imperial toggled(bool) lbs setChecked(bool) 164 19 175 28 metric toggled(bool) kg setChecked(bool) 142 19 153 28 velocitySlider valueChanged(int) velocitySpinBox setValue(int) 361 439 831 447 velocitySpinBox valueChanged(int) velocitySlider setValue(int) 831 447 361 439 proxyAuthRequired toggled(bool) proxyUsername setEnabled(bool) 200 42 200 42 proxyAuthRequired toggled(bool) proxyPassword setEnabled(bool) 200 42 200 42 btnUseDefaultFile toggled(bool) chooseFile setHidden(bool) 754 216 801 213