Michael Keller 5889c1a3f8 Import: Move the Import of .FIT Files to 'Import log files'
Move the import of .FIT files into the 'Import log files' menu item,
where most people will be looking for it. This also naturally opens a
file selection dialog, which is more intuitive than having to select
this in the dive computer import dialog.
Also fix a bug affecting file imports if the log files contain
coordinates - the dive log needs to be set in the import data structure.
And refactor the file dialog file filters to make it more natural to add
more entries.

Requires to work.

Signed-off-by: Michael Keller <>
2025-01-01 16:50:21 +13:00

640 lines
22 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
* Scubapro's LogTRAK is a Java based program running on Windows and MacOS.
* It seems to be a development on older TravelTRAK software, and shares with
* it the exportable .asd binary file format.
* More recent versions of LogTRAK seem to support downloading data from
* older IR based devices (Galileo, etc), not just Bluetooth BLE devices.
* Dive log data are kept (only valid for Windows) in a directory structure
* on the user folder like this:
* - user directory -|- .jtrak -|- DB_V4 -|-
* | |- jtrak.script
* |- raw_data -|(empty)
* |- DBok.asd
* |- logtrak.log
* For us the interesting file is the one with the .script extension.
* LogTRAK uses HSQLdb under the hood, and fortunately, stores all the data in
* the .script file; being this file an script to build on the fly the in-memory
* HSQLDB database each time the software is run.
* The .script file is, thus, a plain text file containing a serie of HSQLDB
* commands which contain themselves the full dive info (including full raw DC
* data in plain ascii text), and some other LogTRAK produced information.
* LogTRAK (in my opinion) is a very limited software, even difficult to name it
* a true divelog. It doesn't support manual dives insertion or addition; most
* of the information it supports comes from the DC device and very (very, very)
* limited info addition is supported (not even buddies).
* It can import data from SmartTrak via .asd files, although this should be
* avoided as a big amount of data is lost in the process. From a Subsurface
* point of view, SmartTrak import is always better than LogTrak import as, for
* a concerned diver, first one can store much more data.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include "gettext.h"
#include "dive.h"
#include "divelist.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "subsurface-string.h"
#include "libdivecomputer.h"
#include "divesite.h"
#include "locale.h"
#include "errorhelper.h"
#include "divelog.h"
#include "tag.h"
#include "format.h"
* Defined in import-asd.cpp and shared here.
extern "C" dc_descriptor_t *get_data_descriptor(int data_model, dc_family_t data_fam);
struct T_BOTTLE
std::string equipment_id;
int tank_vol; // mililiters
int tanknum; // tank number in dive
int startp; // start pressure, bar
int endp; // end pressure, bar
int o2_mix; // O2 percent
int he_mix; // HE percent
std::string tankmat; // tank material
std::string equipment_id;
std::string suit;
float weight = 0;
std::string loc_id;
std::string loc_name;
struct T_SITE
std::string site_id;
std::string site_name;
float GPSx;
float GPSy;
std::string comment;
struct T_LOCATION site_loc;
std::vector<T_BOTTLE> bottle_db;
std::vector<T_EQUIPMENT> equipment_db;
std::vector<T_LOCATION> location_db;
std::vector<T_SITE> site_db;
std::string db_version;
* This macro seems weird in the negative part of condition. But it's meant to manage
* ascii chars ranging 0..9 and a..z, no others. Thus a string "0a1f" becomes
* 0x00 0x0a 0x01 0x0f.
#define ASCII_CHR_TO_BYTE(_char) ((_char < 58) ? _char - 48: _char - 87)
* Returns a sigle line string from the full buffer.
static std::string get_single_line(std::string &begin)
std::string line;
auto ss = std::stringstream{begin};
std::getline(ss, line, '\n');
return line;
* Most strings in LogTrak are sigle-quoted. This function removes initial and
* ending single quotes and returns a clean string.
static std::string lt_remove_quotes(const std::string &input)
std::string tmp = input;
if (input.front() == 0x27)
if (tmp.back() == 0x27)
return tmp;
* We can catch some strings "NULL" or some other weird strings coming from
* SmartTrak, "???" or "---" (default strings in mandatory fields).
* Check the string. If true, the caller must remove its content.
static bool is_null(const std::string &input) {
return (input == "NULL" || input == "???" || input == "---");
* LogTrak scapes single quotes with another quote.
* Remove one of them if we find two in a string.
static std::string trim_quotes(const std::string &in) {
std::string tmp = in;
if (in.empty())
return in;
size_t s = tmp.find("''");
while (s != std::string::npos) {
tmp.erase(s, 1);
s = tmp.find("''", s);
return tmp;
* Utility to convert an UCN syntax string \\uxxyy in another one
* containing an 1, 2 or 3 bytes utf-8 char.
* AFAIK LogTrak only supports 2 byte unicode, so we don't
* expect integers bigger than 0xFFFF.
static std::string u_str_to_utf8(const std::string &in)
if (in.empty())
return in;
std::string tmp;
int c = (ASCII_CHR_TO_BYTE(in[2]) << 12) + (ASCII_CHR_TO_BYTE(in[3]) << 8) + (ASCII_CHR_TO_BYTE(in[4]) << 4) + ASCII_CHR_TO_BYTE(in[5]);
if (c <= 0x7F) {
else if (c <= 0x7FF) {
tmp.push_back(static_cast<char>((c >> 6) | 0xC0));
tmp.push_back(static_cast<char>((c & 0x3F) | 0x80));
} else {
tmp.push_back(static_cast<char>((c >> 12) | 0xE0));
tmp.push_back(static_cast<char>(((c >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80));
tmp.push_back(static_cast<char>((c & 0x3F) | 0x80));
return tmp;
* Parse a string containing unicode chars in
* UCN syntax "\\u000a" and convert them to utf-8.
static std::string to_utf8(const std::string &in)
if (in.empty())
return in;
std::string tmp = in;
std::size_t pos = tmp.find("\\u");
while (pos != std::string::npos) {
std::string u_str = u_str_to_utf8(tmp.substr(pos, 6));
tmp.replace(pos, 6, u_str);
pos = tmp.find("\\u", pos + u_str.length());
return tmp;
* Process a string removing single quotes, escaped quotes, catching "NULL"
* and converting unicode characters to utf-8 if any.
static std::string process(std::string &input)
if (input.empty())
return input;
if (is_null(input)) {
return input;
input = lt_remove_quotes(input);
input = to_utf8(input);
return trim_quotes(input);
* A class to manage LogTrak strings.
* The constructor just "cleans" the input string and converts it to UTF8
* using previosusly defined functions.
class Lt_String {
std::string str;
Lt_String() = default;
Lt_String(std::string input);
Lt_String(const char *in);
const std::string& string() { return str; }
Lt_String::Lt_String(std::string in)
this->str = process(in);
Lt_String::Lt_String(const char *in)
std::string tmp(in);
this->str = process(tmp);
* LogTrak, like SmartTrak, stores the whole data downloaded from the DC.
* It is stored as a plain ascii sequence of chars (e.g. "a5a50eff..."); this
* function process an string in such format and returns a buffer with bytes.
extern "C" bool lt_convert_profile(unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output)
unsigned char *runner = input;
int i = 0;
if (!runner || !*runner)
return false;
while (runner && *runner) {
output[i] = ( ASCII_CHR_TO_BYTE(runner[0]) << 4 ) + ASCII_CHR_TO_BYTE(runner[1]);
runner += 2;
return true;
* Extract an ascii text string of unknown format from a logtrak db line.
* String must be pointed to its first char.
* Places the string on the passed variable ref and returns a pointer to the
* following text to parse.
static std::string get_lt_string(const std::string &input, Lt_String &output)
if (input.empty()){
return input;
std::size_t pos = input.find("',");
if (pos == std::string::npos)
pos = input.find("')");
if (pos == std::string::npos){
return input;
Lt_String tmp(input.substr(0, pos));
output = tmp;
return input.substr(pos + 2);
* Load auxiliary tables data to our vectors. Main T_DIVE table will
* be parsed in logtrak_import() function.
static void lt_auxiliary_parser(const std::string &buffer)
std::size_t pos = buffer.find("INSERT INTO ");
std::string runner = buffer.substr(pos);
while (pos < std::string::npos) {
std::string line = get_single_line(runner);
std::size_t lpos = line.find(" VALUES");
std::string ltable = line.substr(12, lpos - 12);
lpos = line.find('(');
line = line.substr(lpos + 1);
if (ltable == "T_BOTTLE") {
char *tankmat, *eq_ref;
int tankvol = 0, o2mix = 0, startp = 0, endp = 0, hemix = 0, tanknum = 0;
std::sscanf(line.c_str(), "%*[0-9],%d,%d,%d,%d,%m[a-zA-Z0-9-_'],%*d,%*[0-9a-zA-Z'],%d,%*d,%d,%m[0-9],", &tankvol, &o2mix, &startp, &endp, &tankmat, &hemix, &tanknum, &eq_ref);
Lt_String tmp(tankmat);
bottle_db.push_back({eq_ref, tankvol, tanknum, startp, endp, o2mix, hemix, tmp.string()});
} else if (ltable == "T_EQUIPMENT") {
Lt_String suit;
char *eq_ref;
float weight_s = 0;
std::sscanf(line.c_str(), "%m[0-9],%*[0-9a-zA-Z'],%*[0-9a-zA-Z' \\],%f", &eq_ref, &weight_s);
lpos = line.find(",'");
line = line.substr(lpos + 2);
get_lt_string(line, suit);
equipment_db.push_back({eq_ref, suit.string(), weight_s});
} else if (ltable == "T_LOCATION") {
char *id;
Lt_String name;
std::sscanf(line.c_str(), "%m[0-9],", &id);
lpos = line.find(",'");
line = line.substr(lpos + 2);
get_lt_string(line, name);
std::string loc_id(id);
location_db.push_back({loc_id, name.string()});
} else if (ltable == "T_SITE") {
char *id = NULL, *locid = NULL;
float GPSx = 0, GPSy = 0;
Lt_String name, comm;
std::sscanf(line.c_str(), "%m[0-9],", &id);
lpos = line.find(",'");
line = line.substr(lpos + 2);
line = get_lt_string(line, name);
std::sscanf(line.c_str(),"%f,%f,", &GPSx, &GPSy);
lpos = line.find(",'");
line = line.substr(lpos + 2);
line = get_lt_string(line, comm);
std::sscanf(line.c_str(), "%*m[a-zA-Z0-9],%m[0-9])", &locid);
std::string loc_id(locid);
int i = 0;
while (location_db[i].loc_id != loc_id)
site_db.push_back({id, name.string(), GPSx, GPSy, comm.string(), {loc_id, location_db[i].loc_name}});
} else if (ltable == "TABLE_DBVERSION") {
Lt_String db_ver;
lpos = line.find(",'");
line = line.substr(lpos + 2);
get_lt_string(line, db_ver);
db_version = db_ver.string();
runner = runner.substr(2);
pos = runner.find("INSERT INTO ");
if (pos < std::string::npos)
runner = runner.substr(pos);
* Build tank info for a given dive.
* AFAIK there is no chance in LogTrak to manually add tanks, so there should
* be no difference between DC data and divelog data, just the complementary
* data (e.g. tank volume, tank material ...) not in DC.
static void lt_get_tank_info(char *eq_id, struct dive *ltd)
std::string eqid(eq_id);
auto it = std::find_if(bottle_db.begin(), bottle_db.end(), [eqid](const T_BOTTLE &bottle) {
return bottle.equipment_id == eqid;
const T_BOTTLE &bottle = *it;
int tanknum = bottle.tanknum - 1;
if (bottle.tank_vol)
ltd->get_or_create_cylinder(tanknum)->type.size.mliter = bottle.tank_vol;
// Always prefer data from DC over data from Logtrak
if (bottle.startp && !ltd->get_or_create_cylinder(tanknum)->start.mbar)
ltd->get_or_create_cylinder(tanknum)->start.mbar = bottle.startp * 1000;
if (bottle.endp && !ltd->get_or_create_cylinder(tanknum)->end.mbar)
ltd->get_or_create_cylinder(tanknum)->end.mbar = bottle.endp * 1000;
if (bottle.o2_mix && !ltd->get_or_create_cylinder(tanknum)->gasmix.o2.permille)
ltd->get_or_create_cylinder(tanknum)->gasmix.o2.permille = bottle.o2_mix * 10;
if (bottle.he_mix && !ltd->get_or_create_cylinder(tanknum)->gasmix.he.permille)
ltd->get_or_create_cylinder(tanknum)->gasmix.he.permille = bottle.he_mix * 10;
if (!bottle.tankmat.empty())
ltd->get_or_create_cylinder(tanknum)->type.description = bottle.tankmat;
* Build a site for a given dive.
* Check if it exist, to avoid duplicities.
static void lt_build_dive_site(const char *site_id, struct divelog *log, struct dive_site **lt_site)
/* Abort if we don't have a site_id */
if (empty_string(site_id)) {
lt_site = NULL;
auto it = std::find_if(site_db.begin(), site_db.end(), [site_id](const T_SITE &site) {
return site.site_id == site_id;
if (it == site_db.end()) {
*lt_site = nullptr;
// LogTrak enforces location/site structure, but lazy user may set just one,
// resulting in the same name for both, location and site. Ensure we just use
// one in this case.
const T_SITE &site_data = *it;
std::string built_name = !site_data.site_name.empty() && site_data.site_name != site_data.site_loc.loc_name ? site_data.site_loc.loc_name + ", " + site_data.site_name : site_data.site_loc.loc_name;
// build gps position
location_t gps_loc = create_location(site_data.GPSx, site_data.GPSy);
// build the dive site structure
struct dive_site *site = log->sites.get_by_name(built_name);
if (!site) {
site = has_location(&gps_loc) ? log->sites.create(built_name, gps_loc) : log->sites.create(built_name);
if (!site_data.comment.empty())
site->notes = site_data.comment;
*lt_site = site;
* Main function.
* Runs along recived buffer importing T_DIVE data to subsurface's dives.
* WARNING!! LogTrak supports more than a divelog in a single db, so we may end up
* with a mixed divelog.
* Input: a std::string buffer produced by readfile() an a dive_table list.
* Output: Luckily adds LogTrak dives to the dive_table list.
* Returns: Integer (0 as default or negative values on error).
int logtrak_import(const std::string &mem, struct divelog *log)
double ltd_temp = 0, ltd_mintemp = 0;
int ltd_max_depth = 0, dive_count = 0;
std::string tmpstr;
std::size_t pos;
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "POSIX");
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "");
// Set auxiliary DBs
pos = mem.find("INSERT INTO T_DIVE ");
std::string runner = mem.substr(pos);
while (pos < std::string::npos) {
char *ltd_id = NULL, *ltd_type = NULL, *ltd_weather = NULL, *ltd_ref_eq = NULL, *ltd_ref_site = NULL,
*ltd_dc = NULL, *ltd_dc_id = NULL, *ltd_dive = NULL, *ltd_dc_soft = NULL, *ltd_gf_low = NULL,
*ltd_gf_high = NULL, *ltd_log_id = NULL, *ltd_airtemp = NULL;
auto lt_dive = std::make_unique<dive>();
auto devdata = std::make_unique<device_data_t>();
devdata->log = log;
Lt_String ltd_notes;
int rc;
// break the loop if we can't get a line or empty, something went wrong
if (tmpstr.empty()) {
report_error("[LogTrak import] Couldn't get any dive. Check the selected file.");
return -1;
lt_dive->number = dive_count;
pos = tmpstr.find('(');
tmpstr = tmpstr.substr(pos + 1);
// Read up to time zone. Discard this one.
std::sscanf(tmpstr.c_str(), "%m[0-9],'%m[a-zA-Z0-9]',%lf,'%m[a-zA-Z0-9]',%d,%d,]",\
&ltd_id, &ltd_type, &ltd_temp, &ltd_weather, &lt_dive->visibility, &lt_dive->rating);
if (ltd_temp)
lt_dive->watertemp.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin(ltd_temp);
if (!empty_string(ltd_weather)) {
taglist_add_tag(lt_dive->tags, ltd_weather);
// Move past time zone
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
pos = tmpstr.find("',") + 2;
tmpstr = tmpstr.substr(pos);
// The notes string will be manually parsed as it can contain every printable caracter
// and even non printable in unicode format; e.g. "\n" will show as \u000a. The notes
// string is 256 char long, at most.
tmpstr = get_lt_string(tmpstr, ltd_notes);
lt_dive->notes = ltd_notes.string().c_str();
// Continue with sscanf. Send useless trends to devnull
// There are, at least two different versions of DB with different order
if (db_version != "1.3.5")
rc = std::sscanf(tmpstr.c_str(),"%m[0-9A-Z],%m[0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%m[0-9A-Z],%m[0-9A-Z],%m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%d,%*m[-0-9A-Z],%lf,%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%m[0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%m[0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%m[0-9A-Z],%m[0-9A-Z],%m[0-9A-Z]",&ltd_ref_eq, &ltd_ref_site, &ltd_dc, &ltd_dc_id, &ltd_dive, &ltd_max_depth, &ltd_mintemp, &ltd_airtemp, &ltd_dc_soft, &ltd_gf_low, &ltd_gf_high, &ltd_log_id);
rc = std::sscanf(tmpstr.c_str(),"%m[0-9A-Z],%m[0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%m[0-9A-Z],%m[0-9A-Z],%m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%d,%*m[-0-9A-Z],%lf,%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%m[0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%*m[-0-9A-Z],%m[0-9A-Z],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%*m[0-9A-Za-z'],%m[0-9A-Z],%m[0-9A-Z],%m[0-9A-Z],",&ltd_ref_eq, &ltd_ref_site, &ltd_dc, &ltd_dc_id, &ltd_dive, &ltd_max_depth, &ltd_mintemp, &ltd_airtemp, &ltd_log_id, &ltd_dc_soft, &ltd_gf_low, &ltd_gf_high);
if (rc < 12) {
report_error("[LogTrak import] Only %d var parsed by sscanf for dive %d with id %s. Please, check it\n", rc, lt_dive->number, ltd_id);
runner = runner.substr(pos + 1);
pos = runner.find("INSERT INTO T_DIVE ");
runner = runner.substr(pos + 1);
// Unused ATM
// Process DC data
std::string d(ltd_dive);
if (!d.empty() && !is_null(d)) {
d = lt_remove_quotes(d);
int prf_size = (int)ceil(d.length() / 2);
std::vector<unsigned char> prf_buffer(prf_size);
if (!lt_convert_profile(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(,
report_error("[lt_convert_profile] FAILED for dive %d\n", lt_dive->number);
int dc_model = 0;
if (!empty_string(ltd_dc))
dc_model = lrint(strtod(ltd_dc, NULL)) & 0xFF;
// No DC_FAMILY_UWATEC_ALADIN coming from LogTrak, they aren't supported there
devdata->descriptor = get_data_descriptor(dc_model, DC_FAMILY_UWATEC_SMART);
if (devdata->descriptor) {
// No need to check vendor or product if we got a correct descriptor
devdata->vendor = dc_descriptor_get_vendor(devdata->descriptor);
devdata->product = dc_descriptor_get_product(devdata->descriptor);
devdata->model = format_string_std("%s %s", devdata->vendor.c_str(), devdata->product.c_str()).c_str();
lt_dive->dcs[0].model = devdata->model;
// Galileo TMX devices use a different data set and parsing model in libdc.
// Libdc checks buffer's byte #43 to know which model to use, and fails if
// it's not set to 0x80, but has Galileo TMX data set. Thus we need to
// ensure this byte value, as some Galileo devices didn't set it.
if (dc_model == 0x19)
prf_buffer[43] = 0x80;
libdc_buffer_parser(lt_dive.get(), devdata.get(),, prf_size);
lt_dive->dcs[0].serial = ltd_dc_id;
Lt_String soft(ltd_dc_soft);
lt_dive->dcs[0].fw_version = soft.string().c_str();
create_device_node(log->devices, lt_dive->dcs[0].model, lt_dive->dcs[0].serial, "");
} else {
report_error("Unsuported DC model 0x%X. Dive num %d\n", dc_model, lt_dive->number);
// Get some DC related data, but always prefer libdc processed data
if (lt_dive-> == 0 && ltd_max_depth > 0)
lt_dive-> = ltd_max_depth * 10;
if (ltd_mintemp) {
if (lt_dive->mintemp.mkelvin == 0)
lt_dive->mintemp.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin(ltd_mintemp / 10);
if (lt_dive->dcs[0].watertemp.mkelvin == 0)
lt_dive->dcs[0].watertemp.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin(ltd_mintemp / 10);
if (lt_dive->airtemp.mkelvin == 0) {
if (!is_null(ltd_airtemp)) {
lt_dive->airtemp.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin(strtod(ltd_airtemp, NULL) / 10);
// Get suit and weight, suit may be freely edited field
if (!empty_string(ltd_ref_eq)) {
std::string eq_ref(ltd_ref_eq);
int i = 0;
while (equipment_db[i].equipment_id != eq_ref)
lt_dive->suit = equipment_db[i].suit;
if (equipment_db[i].weight > 0) {
weightsystem_t ws = { { .grams = (int)lroundf(equipment_db[i].weight * 1000) }, translate("gettextFromC", "unknown"), false };
// Get tanks info. Tanks are refered to dive via the T_EQUIPMENT id
lt_get_tank_info(ltd_ref_eq, lt_dive.get());
// Get site/location info. Refered via T_SITE
lt_build_dive_site(ltd_ref_site, log, &lt_dive->dive_site);
// Set some extra data which can be interesting
add_extra_data(&lt_dive->dcs[0], "LogTrak Version", db_version);
if (!empty_string(ltd_type))
add_extra_data(&lt_dive->dcs[0], "DC Type", ltd_type);
if (!lt_dive->dcs[0].fw_version.empty() && strcmp(lt_dive->dcs[0].fw_version.c_str(), "0"))
add_extra_data(&lt_dive->dcs[0], "DC Firmware Version", lt_dive->dcs[0].fw_version);
Lt_String gfl(ltd_gf_low);
Lt_String gfh(ltd_gf_high);
if (gfl.string() != "" && gfl.string() != "0")
add_extra_data(&lt_dive->dcs[0], "GF Low", gfl.string().c_str());
if (gfh.string() != "" && gfh.string() != "0")
add_extra_data(&lt_dive->dcs[0], "GF High", gfh.string().c_str());
add_extra_data(&lt_dive->dcs[0], "DC Serial", lt_dive->dcs[0].serial);
runner = runner.substr(pos + 1);
pos = runner.find("INSERT INTO T_DIVE ");
runner = runner.substr(pos + 1);
// Clean DB
return 0;