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mirror of https://github.com/subsurface/subsurface.git synced 2025-02-19 22:16:15 +00:00
Dirk Hohndel c6bc88b50d Fix some warnings
Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
2017-05-27 07:21:37 -07:00

443 lines
12 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#include "testparse.h"
#include "core/dive.h"
#include "core/file.h"
#include "core/divelist.h"
#include <QTextStream>
#include "core/qthelper.h"
/* We have to use a macro since QCOMPARE
* can only be called from a test method
* invoked by the QTest framework
#define FILE_COMPARE(actual, expected) \
QFile org(expected); \
org.open(QFile::ReadOnly); \
QFile out(actual); \
out.open(QFile::ReadOnly); \
QTextStream orgS(&org); \
QTextStream outS(&out); \
QStringList readin = orgS.readAll().split("\n"); \
QStringList written = outS.readAll().split("\n"); \
while(readin.size() && written.size()){ \
QCOMPARE(written.takeFirst().trimmed(), \
readin.takeFirst().trimmed()); \
} \
void TestParse::initTestCase()
/* we need to manually tell that the resource exists, because we are using it as library. */
void TestParse::init()
_sqlite3_handle = NULL;
void TestParse::cleanup()
// Some test use sqlite3, ensure db is closed
int TestParse::parseCSV(int units, std::string file)
// some basic file parsing tests
// CSV import should work
verbose = 1;
char *params[55];
int pnr = 0;
params[pnr++] = strdup("numberField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(0);
params[pnr++] = strdup("dateField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("timeField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(2);
params[pnr++] = strdup("durationField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(3);
params[pnr++] = strdup("locationField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("gpsField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("maxDepthField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(4);
params[pnr++] = strdup("meanDepthField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(5);
params[pnr++] = strdup("divemasterField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("buddyField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(6);
params[pnr++] = strdup("suitField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(7);
params[pnr++] = strdup("notesField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("weightField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("tagsField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("separatorIndex");
params[pnr++] = intdup(0);
params[pnr++] = strdup("units");
params[pnr++] = intdup(units);
params[pnr++] = strdup("datefmt");
params[pnr++] = intdup(1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("durationfmt");
params[pnr++] = intdup(2);
params[pnr++] = strdup("cylindersizeField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("startpressureField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("endpressureField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("o2Field");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("heField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("airtempField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("watertempField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = NULL;
return parse_manual_file(file.c_str(), params, pnr - 1);
int TestParse::parseDivingLog()
// Parsing of DivingLog import from SQLite database
struct dive_site *ds = alloc_or_get_dive_site(0xdeadbeef);
ds->name = copy_string("Suomi - - Hälvälä");
int ret = sqlite3_open(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/TestDivingLog4.1.1.sql", &_sqlite3_handle);
if ( ret == 0 )
ret = parse_divinglog_buffer(_sqlite3_handle, 0, 0, 0, &dive_table);
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open sqlite3 db: " SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/TestDivingLog4.1.1.sql");
return ret;
int TestParse::parseV2NoQuestion()
// parsing of a V2 file should work
return parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/test40.xml");
int TestParse::parseV3()
// parsing of a V3 files should succeed
return parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/test42.xml");
void TestParse::testParse()
QCOMPARE(parseCSV(0, SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/test41.csv"), 0);
fprintf(stderr, "number of dives %d \n", dive_table.nr);
QCOMPARE(parseDivingLog(), 0);
fprintf(stderr, "number of dives %d \n", dive_table.nr);
QCOMPARE(parseV2NoQuestion(), 0);
fprintf(stderr, "number of dives %d \n", dive_table.nr);
QCOMPARE(parseV3(), 0);
fprintf(stderr, "number of dives %d \n", dive_table.nr);
QCOMPARE(save_dives("./testout.ssrf"), 0);
SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/test40-42.xml");
void TestParse::testParseDM4()
QCOMPARE(sqlite3_open(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/TestDiveDM4.db", &_sqlite3_handle), 0);
QCOMPARE(parse_dm4_buffer(_sqlite3_handle, 0, 0, 0, &dive_table), 0);
QCOMPARE(save_dives("./testdm4out.ssrf"), 0);
SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/TestDiveDM4.xml");
void TestParse::testParseHUDC()
char *params[37];
int pnr = 0;
params[pnr++] = strdup("timeField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(0);
params[pnr++] = strdup("depthField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("tempField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(5);
params[pnr++] = strdup("po2Field");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("o2sensor1Field");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("o2sensor2Field");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("o2sensor3Field");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("cnsField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("ndlField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(2);
params[pnr++] = strdup("ttsField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("stopdepthField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("pressureField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("setpointFiend");
params[pnr++] = intdup(-1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("separatorIndex");
params[pnr++] = intdup(2);
params[pnr++] = strdup("units");
params[pnr++] = intdup(0);
params[pnr++] = strdup("hw");
params[pnr++] = strdup("\"DC text\"");
params[pnr++] = NULL;
QCOMPARE(parse_csv_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/TestDiveSeabearHUDC.csv",
params, pnr - 1, "csv"), 0);
QCOMPARE(dive_table.nr, 1);
* CSV import uses time and date stamps relative to current
* time, thus we need to use a static (random) timestamp
if (dive_table.nr > 0) {
struct dive *dive = dive_table.dives[dive_table.nr - 1];
dive->when = 1255152761;
dive->dc.when = 1255152761;
QCOMPARE(save_dives("./testhudcout.ssrf"), 0);
SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/TestDiveSeabearHUDC.xml");
void TestParse::testParseNewFormat()
QDir dir;
QStringList filter;
QStringList files;
* Set the directory location and file filter for H3 CSV files.
dir = QString::fromLatin1(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives");
filter << "TestDiveSeabearH3*.csv";
filter << "TestDiveSeabearT1*.csv";
files = dir.entryList(filter, QDir::Files);
* Parse all files found matching the filter.
for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) {
"/dives/").append(files.at(i)).toLatin1().data()), 0);
QCOMPARE(dive_table.nr, i + 1);
fprintf(stderr, "number of dives %d \n", dive_table.nr);
QCOMPARE(save_dives("./testsbnewout.ssrf"), 0);
// Currently the CSV parse fails
SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/TestDiveSeabearNewFormat.xml");
void TestParse::testParseDLD()
struct memblock mem;
QString filename = SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/TestDiveDivelogsDE.DLD";
QVERIFY(readfile(filename.toLatin1().data(), &mem) > 0);
QVERIFY(try_to_open_zip(filename.toLatin1().data()) > 0);
fprintf(stderr, "number of dives from DLD: %d \n", dive_table.nr);
// Compare output
* DC is not cleared from previous tests with the
* clear_dive_file_data(), so we do have an additional DC nick
* name field on the log.
QCOMPARE(save_dives("./testdldout.ssrf"), 0);
SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/TestDiveDivelogsDE.xml")
void TestParse::testParseMerge()
* check that we correctly merge mixed cylinder dives
QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/ostc.xml"), 0);
QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/vyper.xml"), 0);
QCOMPARE(save_dives("./testmerge.ssrf"), 0);
SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/mergedVyperOstc.xml");
int TestParse::parseCSVmanual(int units, std::string file)
verbose = 1;
char *params[55];
int pnr = 0;
params[pnr++] = strdup("numberField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(0);
params[pnr++] = strdup("dateField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("timeField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(2);
params[pnr++] = strdup("durationField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(3);
params[pnr++] = strdup("locationField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(13);
params[pnr++] = strdup("gpsField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(14);
params[pnr++] = strdup("maxDepthField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(4);
params[pnr++] = strdup("meanDepthField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(5);
params[pnr++] = strdup("divemasterField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(15);
params[pnr++] = strdup("buddyField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(16);
params[pnr++] = strdup("suitField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(17);
params[pnr++] = strdup("notesField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(20);
params[pnr++] = strdup("weightField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(21);
params[pnr++] = strdup("tagsField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(22);
params[pnr++] = strdup("separatorIndex");
params[pnr++] = intdup(0);
params[pnr++] = strdup("units");
params[pnr++] = intdup(units);
params[pnr++] = strdup("datefmt");
params[pnr++] = intdup(2);
params[pnr++] = strdup("durationfmt");
params[pnr++] = intdup(2);
params[pnr++] = strdup("cylindersizeField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(8);
params[pnr++] = strdup("startpressureField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(9);
params[pnr++] = strdup("endpressureField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(10);
params[pnr++] = strdup("o2Field");
params[pnr++] = intdup(11);
params[pnr++] = strdup("heField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(12);
params[pnr++] = strdup("airtempField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(6);
params[pnr++] = strdup("watertempField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(7);
params[pnr++] = NULL;
return parse_manual_file(file.c_str(), params, pnr - 1);
void TestParse::exportCSVDiveDetails()
parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/test40.xml");
export_dives_xslt("testcsvexportmanual.csv", 0, 0, "xml2manualcsv.xslt");
export_dives_xslt("testcsvexportmanualimperial.csv", 0, 1, "xml2manualcsv.xslt");
parseCSVmanual(1, "testcsvexportmanualimperial.csv");
export_dives_xslt("testcsvexportmanual2.csv", 0, 0, "xml2manualcsv.xslt");
int TestParse::parseCSVprofile(int units, std::string file)
verbose = 1;
char *params[55];
int pnr = 0;
params[pnr++] = strdup("dateField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(1);
params[pnr++] = strdup("datefmt");
params[pnr++] = intdup(2);
params[pnr++] = strdup("starttimeField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(2);
params[pnr++] = strdup("numberField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(0);
params[pnr++] = strdup("timeField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(3);
params[pnr++] = strdup("depthField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(4);
params[pnr++] = strdup("tempField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(5);
params[pnr++] = strdup("pressureField");
params[pnr++] = intdup(6);
params[pnr++] = strdup("units");
params[pnr++] = intdup(units);
params[pnr++] = NULL;
return parse_csv_file(file.c_str(), params, pnr - 1, "csv");
void TestParse::exportCSVDiveProfile()
parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/test40.xml");
export_dives_xslt("testcsvexportprofile.csv", 0, 0, "xml2csv.xslt");
export_dives_xslt("testcsvexportprofileimperial.csv", 0, 1, "xml2csv.xslt");
parseCSVprofile(1, "testcsvexportprofileimperial.csv");
export_dives_xslt("testcsvexportprofile2.csv", 0, 0, "xml2csv.xslt");
void TestParse::exportUDDF()
parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/test40.xml");
export_dives_xslt("testuddfexport.uddf", 0, 1, "uddf-export.xslt");
export_dives_xslt("testuddfexport2.uddf", 0, 1, "uddf-export.xslt");
void TestParse::testExport()