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Berthold Stoeger 2e8f506635 Dive pictures: remove cache_picture() call in dive_add_picture()
When adding a picture to a dive, cache_picture() was called, which
calculated the hash of the picture in a background-thread.

This made tests occasionally fail, because the tests depended on
the filename-to-localfilename being overwritten in a call running
in a different thread. Depending on which thread finished first,
the test succeeded or failed.

The easiest way to circumvent this problem is to remove the cache_picture()
call. The hash will be calculated anyway with the thumbnails. And
the only function of the hash is the "find moved images" function. Which
is not an issue here, because the user just loaded the images from

Reported-by: Jan Iversen <jani@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <bstoeger@mail.tuwien.ac.at>
2018-06-07 18:41:32 +02:00

133 lines
5 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#ifndef QTHELPER_H
#define QTHELPER_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include "dive.h"
#include "divelist.h"
// 1) Types
enum inertgas {N2, HE};
// 2) Functions visible only to C++ parts
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <QMultiMap>
#include <QString>
#include <QTranslator>
#include <QDir>
QString weight_string(int weight_in_grams);
QString distance_string(int distanceInMeters);
bool gpsHasChanged(struct dive *dive, struct dive *master, const QString &gps_text, bool *parsed_out = 0);
QList<int> getDivesInTrip(dive_trip_t *trip);
QString get_gas_string(struct gasmix gas);
QString get_divepoint_gas_string(struct dive *d, const divedatapoint& dp);
QString get_taglist_string(struct tag_entry *tag_list);
void read_hashes();
void write_hashes();
void updateHash(struct picture *picture);
QByteArray hashFile(const QString &filename);
QString hashString(const char *filename);
QString thumbnailFileName(const QString &filename);
void learnImages(const QDir dir, int max_recursions);
void add_hash(const QString &filename, const QByteArray &hash);
void hashPicture(QString filename);
extern "C" char *hashstring(const char *filename);
QString localFilePath(const QString &originalFilename);
void learnHash(const QString &originalName, const QString &localName, const QByteArray &hash);
weight_t string_to_weight(const char *str);
depth_t string_to_depth(const char *str);
pressure_t string_to_pressure(const char *str);
volume_t string_to_volume(const char *str, pressure_t workp);
fraction_t string_to_fraction(const char *str);
int getCloudURL(QString &filename);
bool parseGpsText(const QString &gps_text, double *latitude, double *longitude);
QByteArray getCurrentAppState();
void setCurrentAppState(const QByteArray &state);
void init_proxy();
QString getUUID();
QStringList imageExtensionFilters();
char *intdup(int index);
char *copy_qstring(const QString &);
QString get_depth_string(depth_t depth, bool showunit = false, bool showdecimal = true);
QString get_depth_string(int mm, bool showunit = false, bool showdecimal = true);
QString get_depth_unit();
QString get_weight_string(weight_t weight, bool showunit = false);
QString get_weight_unit();
QString get_temperature_string(temperature_t temp, bool showunit = false);
QString get_temp_unit();
QString get_volume_string(volume_t volume, bool showunit = false);
QString get_volume_string(int mliter, bool showunit = false);
QString get_volume_unit();
QString get_pressure_string(pressure_t pressure, bool showunit = false);
QString get_pressure_unit();
QString getSubsurfaceDataPath(QString folderToFind);
QString getPrintingTemplatePathUser();
QString getPrintingTemplatePathBundle();
QString get_dc_nickname(const char *model, uint32_t deviceid);
int gettimezoneoffset(timestamp_t when = 0);
int parseDurationToSeconds(const QString &text);
int parseLengthToMm(const QString &text);
int parseTemperatureToMkelvin(const QString &text);
int parseWeightToGrams(const QString &text);
int parsePressureToMbar(const QString &text);
int parseGasMixO2(const QString &text);
int parseGasMixHE(const QString &text);
QString render_seconds_to_string(int seconds);
QString get_dive_duration_string(timestamp_t when, QString hoursText, QString minutesText, QString secondsText = QObject::tr("sec"), QString separator = ":", bool isFreeDive = false);
QString get_dive_surfint_string(timestamp_t when, QString daysText, QString hoursText, QString minutesText, QString separator = " ", int maxdays = 4);
QString get_dive_date_string(timestamp_t when);
QString get_short_dive_date_string(timestamp_t when);
bool is_same_day (timestamp_t trip_when, timestamp_t dive_when);
QString get_trip_date_string(timestamp_t when, int nr, bool getday);
QString uiLanguage(QLocale *callerLoc);
QLocale getLocale();
void selectedDivesGasUsed(QVector<QPair<QString, int> > &gasUsed);
QString getUserAgent();
#if defined __APPLE__
#define TITLE_OR_TEXT(_t, _m) "", _t + "\n" + _m
#define TITLE_OR_TEXT(_t, _m) _t, _m
// 3) Functions visible to C and C++
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
const char *printGPSCoords(int lat, int lon);
bool in_planner();
bool getProxyString(char **buffer);
bool canReachCloudServer();
void updateWindowTitle();
void subsurface_mkdir(const char *dir);
char *get_file_name(const char *fileName);
void copy_image_and_overwrite(const char *cfileName, const char *path, const char *cnewName);
char *hashstring(const char *filename);
void register_hash(const char *filename, const char *hash);
char *move_away(const char *path);
const char *local_file_path(struct picture *picture);
char *cloud_url();
char *hashfile_name_string();
char *picturedir_string();
const char *subsurface_user_agent();
enum deco_mode decoMode();
int parse_seabear_header(const char *filename, char **params, int pnr);
char *get_current_date();
double cache_value(int tissue, int timestep, enum inertgas gas);
void cache_insert(int tissue, int timestep, enum inertgas gas, double value);
void print_qt_versions();
void lock_planner();
void unlock_planner();
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // QTHELPER_H