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James Wobser 4f3b26f9b6 Implement Seac SeacSync databaser parser.
Dives for the seac action computer are imported by the seacsync
program into two tables in an sqlite3 database.

The dive information is read from the headers_dive table.
The dive_data table is then queried for each dive to get samples.

The seac action computer is the only current supported computer
by the seacsync program. It only supports two gas mixes, so the
parser will toggle between two cylinders whenever it detects a
change in the active O2 mix.

Dive start time is stored in UTC with a timezone offset.
A helper function to read this was added to qthelper.

Default cases have been added to some switch statements
to assist in future development for other dive types and

Example database has been added to ./dives/TestDiveSeacSync.db

Signed-off-by: James Wobser <james.wobser@gmail.com>
2020-09-04 15:54:08 +03:00

303 lines
8 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#ifdef __clang__
// Clang has a bug on zero-initialization of C structs.
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-field-initializers"
#include "qthelper.h"
#include "ssrf.h"
#include "dive.h"
#include "subsurface-string.h"
#include "subsurface-time.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "divelist.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "membuffer.h"
#include "gettext.h"
#include "tag.h"
#include "errorhelper.h"
#include <string.h>
/* Process gas change event for seac database.
* Create gas change event at the time of the
* current sample.
static int seac_gaschange(void *param, sqlite3_stmt *sqlstmt)
struct parser_state *state = (struct parser_state *)param;
state->cur_event.time.seconds = sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 1);
strcpy(state->cur_event.name, "gaschange");
state->cur_event.gas.mix.o2.permille = 10 * sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 4);
return 0;
/* Callback function to parse seac dives. Reads headers_dive table to read dive
* information into divecomputer struct.
static int seac_dive(void *param, int columns, char **data, char **column)
int retval = 0, cylnum = 0;
int year, month, day, hour, min, sec, tz;
char isodatetime[30];
time_t divetime;
struct gasmix lastgas, curgas;
struct parser_state *state = (struct parser_state *)param;
sqlite3 *handle = state->sql_handle;
sqlite3_stmt *sqlstmt;
const char *get_samples = "SELECT dive_number, runtime_s, depth_cm, temperature_mCx10, active_O2_fr, first_stop_depth_cm, first_stop_time_s, ndl_tts_s, cns, gf_l, gf_h FROM dive_data WHERE dive_number = ? ORDER BY runtime_s ASC";
/* 0 = dive_number
* 1 = runtime_s
* 2 = depth_cm
* 3 = temperature_mCx10 - eg dC
* 4 = active_O2_fr
* 5 = first_stop_depth_cm
* 6 = first_stop_time_s
* 7 = ndl_tts_s
* 8 = cns
* 9 = gf-l
* 10 = gf-h
state->cur_dive->number = atoi(data[0]);
// Create first cylinder
cylinder_t *curcyl = get_or_create_cylinder(state->cur_dive, 0);
// Get time and date
sscanf(data[2], "%d/%d/%2d", &day, &month, &year);
sscanf(data[4], "%2d:%2d:%2d", &hour, &min, &sec);
year += 2000;
tz = atoi(data[3]);
// Timezone offset lookup array
const char timezoneoffset[][7] =
{"+12:00", // 0
"+11:00", // 1
"+10:00", // 2
"+09:30", // 3
"+09:00", // 4
"+08:00", // 5
"+07:00", // 6
"+06:00", // 7
"+05:00", // 8
"+04:30", // 9
"+04:00", // 10
"+03:30", // 11
"+03:00", // 12
"+02:00", // 13
"+01:00", // 14
"+00:00", // 15
"-01:00", // 16
"-02:00", // 17
"-03:00", // 18
"-03:30", // 19
"-04:00", // 20
"-04:30", // 21
"-05:00", // 22
"-05:30", // 23
"-05:45", // 24
"-06:00", // 25
"-06:30", // 26
"-07:00", // 27
"-08:00", // 28
"-08:45", // 29
"-09:00", // 30
"-09:30", // 31
"-09:45", // 32
"-10:00", // 33
"-10:30", // 34
"-11:00", // 35
"-11:30", // 36
"-12:00", // 37
"-12:45", // 38
"-13:00", // 39
"-13:45", // 40
"-14:00"}; // 41
sprintf(isodatetime, "%4i-%02i-%02iT%02i:%02i:%02i%6s", year, month, day, hour, min, sec, timezoneoffset[tz]);
divetime = get_dive_datetime_from_isostring(isodatetime);
state->cur_dive->when = divetime;
// 6 = dive_type
// Dive type 2?
if (data[6]) {
switch (atoi(data[6])) {
case 1:
state->cur_dive->dc.divemode = OC;
// Gauge Mode
case 2:
state->cur_dive->dc.divemode = UNDEF_COMP_TYPE;
case 3:
state->cur_dive->dc.divemode = FREEDIVE;
if (verbose) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown divetype %i", atoi(data[6]));
// 9 = comments from seac app
if (data[9]) {
utf8_string(data[9], &state->cur_dive->notes);
// 10 = dive duration
if (data[10]) {
state->cur_dive->dc.duration.seconds = atoi(data[10]);
// 8 = water_type
/* TODO: Seac only offers fresh / salt, and doesn't
* seem to record correctly currently. I have both
* fresh and saltwater dives and water type is reported
* as 150 for both.
if (data[8]) {
switch (atoi(data[8])) {
case 150:
state->cur_dive->salinity = 0;
case 100:
state->cur_dive->salinity = 1;
if (verbose) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown salinity %i", atoi(data[8]));
if (data[11]) {
state->cur_dive->dc.maxdepth.mm = 10 * atoi(data[11]);
// Create sql_stmt type to query DB
retval = sqlite3_prepare_v2(handle, get_samples, -1, &sqlstmt, 0);
if (retval != SQLITE_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s", "Preparing SQL object failed when getting SeacSync dives.\n");
return 1;
// Bind current dive number to sql statement
sqlite3_bind_int(sqlstmt, 1, state->cur_dive->number);
// Catch a bad query
retval = sqlite3_step(sqlstmt);
if (retval == SQLITE_ERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s", "Getting dive data from SeacSync DB failed.\n");
return 1;
utf8_string(data[1], &state->cur_dive->dc.serial);
utf8_string(data[12], &state->cur_dive->dc.fw_version);
state->cur_dive->dc.model = strdup("Seac Action");
// TODO: Calculate device hash from string
state->cur_dive->dc.deviceid = 0xffffffff;
add_extra_data(&state->cur_dive->dc, "GF-Lo", (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(sqlstmt, 9));
add_extra_data(&state->cur_dive->dc, "GF-Hi", (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(sqlstmt, 10));
if (data[11]) {
state->cur_dive->dc.maxdepth.mm = 10 * atoi(data[11]);
curcyl->gasmix.o2.permille = 10 * sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 4);
// Track gasses to tell when switch occurs
lastgas = curcyl->gasmix;
curgas = curcyl->gasmix;
// Read samples
while (retval == SQLITE_ROW) {
state->cur_sample->time.seconds = sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 1);
state->cur_sample->depth.mm = 10 * sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 2);
state->cur_sample->temperature.mkelvin = cC_to_mkelvin(sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 3));
curgas.o2.permille = 10 * sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 4);
if (!same_gasmix(lastgas, curgas)) {
seac_gaschange(state, sqlstmt);
lastgas = curgas;
cylnum ^= 1; // Only need to toggle between two cylinders
curcyl = get_or_create_cylinder(state->cur_dive, cylnum);
curcyl->gasmix.o2.permille = 10 * sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 4);
state->cur_sample->stopdepth.mm = 10 * sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 5);
state->cur_sample->stoptime.seconds = sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 6);
state->cur_sample->ndl.seconds = sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 7);
state->cur_sample->cns = sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 8);
retval = sqlite3_step(sqlstmt);
return SQLITE_OK;
/** Read SeacSync divesDB.db sqlite3 database into dive and samples.
* Each row returned in the query of headers_dive creates a new dive.
* The callback function performs another SQL query on the other
* table, to read in the sample values.
int parse_seac_buffer(sqlite3 *handle, const char *url, const char *buffer, int size,
struct dive_table *table, struct trip_table *trips, struct dive_site_table *sites)
int retval;
char *err = NULL;
struct parser_state state;
state.target_table = table;
state.trips = trips;
state.sites = sites;
state.sql_handle = handle;
const char *get_dives = "SELECT dive_number, device_sn, date, timezone, time, elapsed_surface_time, dive_type, start_mode, water_type, comment, total_dive_time, max_depth, firmware_version FROM headers_dive";
/* 0 = dive_number
* 1 = device_sn
* 2 = date
* 3 = timezone
* 4 = time
* 5 = elapsed_surface_time
* 6 = dive_type
* 7 = start_mode
* 8 = water_type
* 9 = comment
* 10 = total_dive_time
* 11 = max_depth
* 12 = firmware version
retval = sqlite3_exec(handle, get_dives, &seac_dive, &state, &err);
if (retval != SQLITE_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Database query failed '%s'.\n", url);
return 1;
return 0;