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synced 2025-02-19 22:16:15 +00:00
Now that we can load and store trips we needed to add the capability to manipulate those trips as well. This commit allows us remove a dive from a trip via a right click operation on the dive list. The commit also adds code to split a trip into two, to merge two trips and to create a new trip out of a top level dive. To make all that useful this commit changes the right-click on the dive list to identify and act on the record we are actually on (instead of acting on the selection). The right-click menu ("context menu") changes depending which divelist entry the mouse pointer is on - so different operations are offered, depending on where you are. We also add simplistic editing of location and notes for a trip (but the notes are never displayed so far). To make our lives easier this commit adds a link from the dive to the dive trip it is part of. This allowed to hugely simplify the auto trip generation algorithm (among other things). The downside of this change is that there are now three different ways in which we express the relationship of dives and trips: in the dive_trip_list, in the tree_model, and with these pointers. Somehow this screams that I should rethink my data structures... Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
462 lines
12 KiB
462 lines
12 KiB
#ifndef DIVE_H
#define DIVE_H
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <libxml/tree.h>
* Some silly typedefs to make our units very explicit.
* Also, the units are chosen so that values can be expressible as
* integers, so that we never have FP rounding issues. And they
* are small enough that converting to/from imperial units doesn't
* really matter.
* We also strive to make '0' a meaningless number saying "not
* initialized", since many values are things that may not have
* been reported (eg cylinder pressure or temperature from dive
* computers that don't support them). But sometimes -1 is an even
* more explicit way of saying "not there".
* Thus "millibar" for pressure, for example, or "millikelvin" for
* temperatures. Doing temperatures in celsius or fahrenheit would
* make for loss of precision when converting from one to the other,
* and using millikelvin is SI-like but also means that a temperature
* of '0' is clearly just a missing temperature or cylinder pressure.
* Also strive to use units that can not possibly be mistaken for a
* valid value in a "normal" system without conversion. If the max
* depth of a dive is '20000', you probably didn't convert from mm on
* output, or if the max depth gets reported as "0.2ft" it was either
* a really boring dive, or there was some missing input conversion,
* and a 60-ft dive got recorded as 60mm.
* Doing these as "structs containing value" means that we always
* have to explicitly write out those units in order to get at the
* actual value. So there is hopefully little fear of using a value
* in millikelvin as Fahrenheit by mistake.
* We don't actually use these all yet, so maybe they'll change, but
* I made a number of types as guidelines.
typedef struct {
int seconds;
} duration_t;
typedef struct {
int mm;
} depth_t;
typedef struct {
int mbar;
} pressure_t;
typedef struct {
int mkelvin;
} temperature_t;
typedef struct {
int mliter;
} volume_t;
typedef struct {
int permille;
} fraction_t;
typedef struct {
int grams;
} weight_t;
struct gasmix {
fraction_t o2;
fraction_t he;
typedef struct {
volume_t size;
pressure_t workingpressure;
const char *description; /* "LP85", "AL72", "AL80", "HP100+" or whatever */
} cylinder_type_t;
typedef struct {
cylinder_type_t type;
struct gasmix gasmix;
pressure_t start, end, sample_start, sample_end;
} cylinder_t;
typedef struct {
weight_t weight;
const char *description; /* "integrated", "belt", "ankle" */
} weightsystem_t;
extern gboolean cylinder_none(void *_data);
extern gboolean no_cylinders(cylinder_t *cyl);
extern gboolean cylinders_equal(cylinder_t *cyl1, cylinder_t *cyl2);
extern void copy_cylinders(cylinder_t *cyl1, cylinder_t *cyl2);
extern gboolean no_weightsystems(weightsystem_t *ws);
extern gboolean weightsystems_equal(weightsystem_t *ws1, weightsystem_t *ws2);
extern int get_pressure_units(unsigned int mb, const char **units);
extern double get_depth_units(unsigned int mm, int *frac, const char **units);
extern double get_volume_units(unsigned int ml, int *frac, const char **units);
extern double get_temp_units(unsigned int mk, const char **units);
extern double get_weight_units(unsigned int grams, int *frac, const char **units);
static inline double grams_to_lbs(int grams)
return grams / 453.6;
static inline int lbs_to_grams(double lbs)
return lbs * 453.6 + 0.5;
static inline double ml_to_cuft(int ml)
return ml / 28316.8466;
static inline double cuft_to_l(double cuft)
return cuft * 28.3168466;
static inline double mm_to_feet(int mm)
return mm * 0.00328084;
static inline unsigned long feet_to_mm(double feet)
return feet * 304.8 + 0.5;
static inline int to_feet(depth_t depth)
return mm_to_feet(depth.mm) + 0.5;
static inline double mkelvin_to_C(int mkelvin)
return (mkelvin - 273150) / 1000.0;
static inline double mkelvin_to_F(int mkelvin)
return mkelvin * 9 / 5000.0 - 459.670;
static inline unsigned long F_to_mkelvin(double f)
return (f-32) * 1000 / 1.8 + 273150.5;
static inline int to_C(temperature_t temp)
if (!temp.mkelvin)
return 0;
return mkelvin_to_C(temp.mkelvin) + 0.5;
static inline int to_F(temperature_t temp)
if (!temp.mkelvin)
return 0;
return mkelvin_to_F(temp.mkelvin) + 0.5;
static inline int to_K(temperature_t temp)
if (!temp.mkelvin)
return 0;
return (temp.mkelvin + 499)/1000;
static inline double psi_to_bar(double psi)
return psi / 14.5037738;
static inline unsigned long psi_to_mbar(double psi)
return psi_to_bar(psi)*1000 + 0.5;
static inline int to_PSI(pressure_t pressure)
return pressure.mbar * 0.0145037738 + 0.5;
static inline double bar_to_atm(double bar)
return bar / 1.01325;
static inline double to_ATM(pressure_t pressure)
return pressure.mbar / 1013.25;
static inline int mbar_to_PSI(int mbar)
pressure_t p = {mbar};
return to_PSI(p);
struct sample {
duration_t time;
depth_t depth;
temperature_t temperature;
pressure_t cylinderpressure;
int cylinderindex;
* Events are currently pretty meaningless. This is
* just based on the random data that libdivecomputer
* gives us. I'm not sure what a real "architected"
* event model would actually look like, but right
* now you can associate a list of events with a dive,
* and we'll do something about it.
struct event {
struct event *next;
duration_t time;
int type, flags, value;
char name[];
#define MAX_CYLINDERS (8)
#define W_IDX_PRIMARY 0
typedef enum { TF_NONE, NO_TRIP, IN_TRIP, NUM_TRIPFLAGS } tripflag_t;
extern const char *tripflag_names[NUM_TRIPFLAGS];
struct dive {
int number;
tripflag_t tripflag;
struct dive *divetrip;
int selected;
time_t when;
char *location;
char *notes;
char *divemaster, *buddy;
int rating;
double latitude, longitude;
depth_t maxdepth, meandepth;
duration_t duration, surfacetime;
depth_t visibility;
temperature_t airtemp, watertemp;
cylinder_t cylinder[MAX_CYLINDERS];
weightsystem_t weightsystem[MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS];
char *suit;
int sac, otu;
struct event *events;
int samples, alloc_samples;
struct sample sample[];
extern GList *dive_trip_list;
extern gboolean autogroup;
/* random threashold: three days without diving -> new trip
* this works very well for people who usually dive as part of a trip and don't
* regularly dive at a local facility; this is why trips are an optional feature */
#define TRIP_THRESHOLD 3600*24*3
#define UNGROUPED_DIVE(_dive) ((_dive)->tripflag == NO_TRIP)
#define DIVE_IN_TRIP(_dive) ((_dive)->tripflag == IN_TRIP)
#define NEXT_TRIP(_entry) ((_entry) ? g_list_next(_entry) : (dive_trip_list))
#define PREV_TRIP(_entry) ((_entry) ? g_list_previous(_entry) : g_list_last(dive_trip_list))
#define DIVE_TRIP(_trip) ((struct dive *)(_trip)->data)
#define DIVE_FITS_TRIP(_dive, _dive_trip) ((_dive_trip)->when - TRIP_THRESHOLD <= (_dive)->when)
/* compare two dives by when they happened */
static inline int dive_date_cmp(gconstpointer _a, gconstpointer _b) {
return ((struct dive *)_a)->when - ((struct dive *)_b)->when;
/* returns 0 if the dive happened exactly at time */
static inline int dive_when_find(gconstpointer _dive, gconstpointer _time) {
return ((struct dive *)_dive)->when != (time_t) _time;
#define FIND_TRIP(_when) g_list_find_custom(dive_trip_list, (gconstpointer)(_when), dive_when_find)
static void dump_trip_list(void)
GList *p = NULL;
int i=0;
while ((p = NEXT_TRIP(p))) {
struct tm *tm = gmtime(&DIVE_TRIP(p)->when);
printf("trip %d to \"%s\" on %04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u\n", ++i, DIVE_TRIP(p)->location,
tm->tm_year + 1900, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec);
/* insert the trip into the dive_trip_list - but ensure you don't have
* two trips for the same date; but if you have, make sure you don't
* keep the one with less information */
static inline void insert_trip(struct dive *_trip)
GList *result = FIND_TRIP(_trip->when);
if (result) {
if (! DIVE_TRIP(result)->location)
DIVE_TRIP(result)->location = _trip->location;
} else {
dive_trip_list = g_list_insert_sorted(dive_trip_list, (_trip), dive_date_cmp);
static inline void delete_trip(GList *trip)
dive_trip_list = g_list_delete_link(dive_trip_list, trip);
* We keep our internal data in well-specified units, but
* the input and output may come in some random format. This
* keeps track of those units.
/* turns out in Win32 PASCAL is defined as a calling convention */
#ifdef WIN32
#undef PASCAL
struct units {
enum { METERS, FEET } length;
enum { LITER, CUFT } volume;
enum { BAR, PSI, PASCAL } pressure;
enum { CELSIUS, FAHRENHEIT, KELVIN } temperature;
enum { KG, LBS } weight;
extern const struct units SI_units, IMPERIAL_units;
extern struct units input_units, output_units;
extern int verbose;
struct dive_table {
int nr, allocated, preexisting;
struct dive **dives;
extern struct dive_table dive_table;
extern int selected_dive;
#define current_dive (get_dive(selected_dive))
static inline struct dive *get_dive(unsigned int nr)
if (nr >= dive_table.nr || nr < 0)
return NULL;
return dive_table.dives[nr];
* Iterate over each dive, with the first parameter being the index
* iterator variable, and the second one being the dive one.
* I don't think anybody really wants the index, and we could make
* it local to the for-loop, but that would make us requires C99.
#define for_each_dive(_i,_x) \
for ((_i) = 0; ((_x) = get_dive(_i)) != NULL; (_i)++)
extern void parse_xml_init(void);
extern void parse_xml_buffer(const char *url, const char *buf, int size, GError **error);
extern void set_filename(const char *filename);
extern void parse_file(const char *filename, GError **error);
#ifdef XSLT
extern xmlDoc *test_xslt_transforms(xmlDoc *doc);
extern void show_dive_info(struct dive *);
extern void show_dive_equipment(struct dive *, int w_idx);
extern void show_dive_stats(struct dive *);
extern void update_dive(struct dive *new_dive);
extern void save_dives(const char *filename);
static inline unsigned int dive_size(int samples)
return sizeof(struct dive) + samples*sizeof(struct sample);
extern time_t utc_mktime(struct tm *tm);
extern struct dive *alloc_dive(void);
extern void record_dive(struct dive *dive);
extern void delete_dive(struct dive *dive);
extern struct sample *prepare_sample(struct dive **divep);
extern void finish_sample(struct dive *dive);
extern void report_dives(gboolean imported);
extern struct dive *fixup_dive(struct dive *dive);
extern struct dive *try_to_merge(struct dive *a, struct dive *b);
extern void renumber_dives(int nr);
extern void add_event(struct dive *dive, int time, int type, int flags, int value, const char *name);
/* UI related protopypes */
extern void init_ui(int *argcp, char ***argvp);
extern void run_ui(void);
extern void exit_ui(void);
extern void report_error(GError* error);
extern void add_cylinder_description(cylinder_type_t *);
extern void add_weightsystem_description(weightsystem_t *);
extern void add_people(const char *string);
extern void add_location(const char *string);
extern void add_suit(const char *string);
extern void remember_event(const char *eventname);
extern void evn_foreach(void (*callback)(const char *, int *, void *), void *data);
extern int add_new_dive(struct dive *dive);
extern gboolean edit_trip(struct dive *trip);
extern int edit_dive_info(struct dive *dive);
extern int edit_multi_dive_info(struct dive *single_dive);
extern void dive_list_update_dives(void);
extern void flush_divelist(struct dive *dive);
const char *weekday(int wday);
const char *monthname(int mon);
#define UTF8_DEGREE "\xc2\xb0"
#define UTF8_SUBSCRIPT_2 "\xe2\x82\x82"
#define UTF8_WHITESTAR "\xe2\x98\x86"
#define UTF8_BLACKSTAR "\xe2\x98\x85"
extern const char *star_strings[];
#define AIR_PERMILLE 209
#endif /* DIVE_H */