mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 22:16:15 +00:00
Fixed rounding of temperatures Fixed compile warnings Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
352 lines
8.4 KiB
352 lines
8.4 KiB
#include <string.h>
#include "dive.h"
#include "divelist.h"
#include "file.h"
// Convert bytes into an INT
#define array_uint16_le(p) ((unsigned int) (p)[0] \
+ ((p)[1]<<8) )
#define array_uint32_le(p) ((unsigned int) (p)[0] \
+ ((p)[1]<<8) + ((p)[2]<<16) \
+ ((p)[3]<<24))
static void
parse_dives (int log_version, const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int buf_size) {
unsigned int ptr = 0;
unsigned char model;
struct dive *dive;
struct divecomputer *dc;
struct sample *sample;
while (ptr < buf_size) {
dive = alloc_dive();
dc = &dive->dc;
// Model 0=Xen, 1,2=Xeo, 4=Lynx, other=Liquivision
model = *(buf + ptr);
switch (model) {
case 0:
dc->model = "Xen";
case 1:
case 2:
dc->model = "Xeo";
case 4:
dc->model = "Lynx";
dc->model = "LiquiVision";
// Dive location, assemble Location and Place
unsigned int len, place_len;
len = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr);
ptr += 4;
place_len = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr + len);
if (len && place_len) {
dive->location = malloc(len + place_len + 4);
memset(dive->location, 0, len + place_len + 4);
memcpy(dive->location, buf + ptr, len);
memcpy(dive->location + len, ", ", 2);
memcpy(dive->location + len + 2, buf + ptr + len + 4, place_len);
} else if (len) {
dive->location = strndup(buf + ptr, len);
} else if (place_len) {
dive->location = strndup(buf + ptr + len + 4, place_len);
ptr += len + 4 + place_len;
// Dive comment
len = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr);
ptr += 4;
// Blank notes are better than the default text
if (len && strncmp(buf + ptr, "Comment ...", 11)) {
dive->notes = strndup(buf + ptr, len);
ptr += len;
dive->id = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr);
ptr += 4;
dive->number = array_uint16_le(buf + ptr) + 1;
ptr += 2;
dive->duration.seconds = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr); // seconds
ptr += 4;
dive->maxdepth.mm = array_uint16_le(buf + ptr) * 10; // cm->mm
ptr += 2;
dive->meandepth.mm = array_uint16_le(buf + ptr) * 10; // cm->mm
ptr += 2;
dive->when = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr);
ptr += 4;
//unsigned int end_time = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr);
ptr += 4;
//unsigned int sit = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr);
ptr += 4;
//if (sit == 0xffffffff) {
dive->surface_pressure.mbar = array_uint16_le(buf + ptr); // ???
ptr += 2;
//unsigned int rep_dive = array_uint16_le(buf + ptr);
ptr += 2;
dive->mintemp.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin((float)array_uint16_le(buf + ptr)/10);// C->mK
ptr += 2;
dive->maxtemp.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin((float)array_uint16_le(buf + ptr)/10);// C->mK
ptr += 2;
dive->salinity = *(buf + ptr); // ???
ptr += 1;
unsigned int sample_count = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr);
ptr += 4;
// Sample interval
unsigned char sample_interval;
sample_interval = 1;
unsigned char intervals[6] = {1,2,5,10,30,60};
if (*(buf + ptr) < 6)
sample_interval = intervals[*(buf + ptr)];
ptr += 1;
float start_cns = 0;
unsigned char dive_mode = 0, algorithm = 0;
if (array_uint32_le(buf + ptr) != sample_count) {
// Xeo, with CNS and OTU
start_cns = *(float *) (buf + ptr);
ptr += 4;
dive->cns = *(float *) (buf + ptr); // end cns
ptr += 4;
dive->otu = *(float *) (buf + ptr);
ptr += 4;
dive_mode = *(buf + ptr++); // 0=Deco, 1=Gauge, 2=None
algorithm = *(buf + ptr++); // 0=ZH-L16C+GF
sample_count = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr);
ptr += 4;
// Parse dive samples
const unsigned char *ds = buf + ptr;
const unsigned char *ts = buf + ptr + sample_count * 2 + 4;
const unsigned char *ps = buf + ptr + sample_count * 4 + 4;
unsigned int ps_count = array_uint32_le(ps);
ps += 4;
// Bump ptr
ptr += sample_count * 4 + 4;
// Handle events
unsigned int event;
unsigned int ps_ptr;
ps_ptr = 0;
unsigned int d = 0, e;
int event_time, mbar, sensor;
// Loop through events
for (e = 0; e < ps_count; e++) {
// Get event
event = array_uint16_le(ps + ps_ptr);
ps_ptr += 2;
switch (event) {
case 0x0002: // Unknown
case 0x0004: // Unknown
ps_ptr += 4;
case 0x0005: // Unknown
ps_ptr += 6;
case 0x0007: // Gas
// 4 byte time
// 1 byte O2, 1 bye He
ps_ptr += 6;
case 0x0008:
// 4 byte time
// 2 byte gas set point 2
ps_ptr += 6;
case 0x000f:
// Tank pressure
event_time = array_uint32_le(ps + ps_ptr);
sensor = 0; //array_uint16_le(ps + ps_ptr + 4);
mbar = array_uint16_le(ps + ps_ptr + 6) * 10; // cb->mb
// 1 byte PSR
// 1 byte ST
ps_ptr += 10;
case 0x0010:
ps_ptr += 26;
case 0x0015: // Unknown
ps_ptr += 2;
ps_ptr += 4;
int sample_time, next_time, last_time;
int depth_mm, last_depth, temp_mk, last_temp;
while (true) {
sample = prepare_sample(dc);
// Get sample times
sample_time = d * sample_interval;
depth_mm = array_uint16_le(ds + d * 2) * 10; // cm->mm
temp_mk = C_to_mkelvin((float)array_uint16_le(ts + d * 2) / 10); // dC->mK
next_time = (d < sample_count - 1 ? (d + 1) * sample_interval : sample_time);
last_time = (d ? (d - 1) * sample_interval : 0);
if (d == sample_count) {
// We still have events to record
sample->time.seconds = event_time;
sample->depth.mm = array_uint16_le(ds + (d - 1) * 2) * 10; // cm->mm
sample->temperature.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin((float) array_uint16_le(ts + (d - 1) * 2) / 10); // dC->mK
sample->sensor = sensor;
sample->cylinderpressure.mbar = mbar;
} else if (event_time > sample_time) {
// Record sample and loop
sample->time.seconds = sample_time;
sample->depth.mm = depth_mm;
sample->temperature.mkelvin = temp_mk;
} else if (event_time == sample_time) {
sample->time.seconds = sample_time;
sample->depth.mm = depth_mm;
sample->temperature.mkelvin = temp_mk;
sample->sensor = sensor;
sample->cylinderpressure.mbar = mbar;
} else { // Event is prior to sample
sample->time.seconds = event_time;
sample->sensor = sensor;
sample->cylinderpressure.mbar = mbar;
if (last_time == sample_time) {
sample->depth.mm = depth_mm;
sample->temperature.mkelvin = temp_mk;
} else {
// Extrapolate
last_depth = array_uint16_le(ds + (d - 1) * 2) * 10; // cm->mm
last_temp = C_to_mkelvin((float) array_uint16_le(ts + (d - 1) * 2) / 10); // dC->mK
sample->depth.mm = last_depth + (depth_mm - last_depth)
* (event_time - last_time) / sample_interval;
sample->temperature.mkelvin = last_temp + (temp_mk - last_temp)
* (event_time - last_time) / sample_interval;
} // while (true);
} // for each event sample
// record trailing depth samples
for ( ;d < sample_count; d++) {
sample = prepare_sample(dc);
sample->time.seconds = d * sample_interval;
sample->depth.mm = array_uint16_le(ds + d * 2) * 10; // cm->mm
sample->temperature.mkelvin =
C_to_mkelvin((float)array_uint16_le(ts + d * 2) / 10);
if (log_version == 3 && model == 4) {
// Advance to begin of next dive
switch (array_uint16_le(ps + ps_ptr)) {
case 0x0000:
ps_ptr += 5;
case 0x0100:
ps_ptr += 7;
case 0x0200:
ps_ptr += 9;
case 0x0300:
ps_ptr += 11;
case 0x0b0b:
ps_ptr += 27;
while (*(ps + ps_ptr) != 0x04)
// End dive
dive->downloaded = true;
// Advance ptr for next dive
ptr += ps_ptr + 4;
} // while
try_to_open_liquivision(const char *filename, struct memblock *mem)
void *name;
const unsigned char *buf = mem->buffer;
unsigned int buf_size = mem->size;
unsigned int ptr;
int log_version;
// Get name
unsigned int len = array_uint32_le(buf);
if (len) {
name = malloc(len);
strncpy(name, buf + 4, len);
ptr = 4 + len;
unsigned int dive_count = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr);
if (dive_count == 0xffffffff) {
// File version 3.0
log_version = 3;
ptr += 6;
dive_count = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr);
} else {
log_version = 2;
ptr += 4;
parse_dives(log_version, buf + ptr, buf_size - ptr);
return 1;