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Willem Ferguson 10e7835290 Filter panel: add suit and notes search fields
All the field in the Notes Panel of the main window are now supported.
This needs some testing especially for the Notes field that may contain
markup. It appears ok to me for single term searches. One would like
to think about the default search option for the Notes.
There is a vertical spacer in the Filter panel that I moved downwards
and whose function I am not quite sure of.

[Dirk Hohndel: small adjustments]

Signed-off-by: willemferguson <willemferguson@zoology.up.ac.za>
Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
2019-02-28 15:45:42 -08:00

296 lines
8.3 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#include "qt-models/filtermodels.h"
#include "qt-models/models.h"
#include "core/display.h"
#include "core/qthelper.h"
#include "core/subsurface-string.h"
#include "core/subsurface-qt/DiveListNotifier.h"
#include "qt-models/divetripmodel.h"
#include "desktop-widgets/divelistview.h"
#include "desktop-widgets/mainwindow.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include <algorithm>
namespace {
// Check if a string-list contains at least one string containing the second argument.
// Comparison is non case sensitive and removes white space.
bool listContainsSuperstring(const QStringList &list, const QString &s)
return std::any_of(list.begin(), list.end(), [&s](const QString &s2)
{ return s2.trimmed().contains(s.trimmed(), Qt::CaseInsensitive); } );
// Check whether either all, any or none of the items of the first list is
// in the second list as a super string.
// The mode is controlled by the second argument
bool check(const QStringList &items, const QStringList &list, FilterData::Mode mode)
bool negate = mode == FilterData::Mode::NONE_OF;
bool any_of = mode == FilterData::Mode::ANY_OF;
auto fun = [&list, negate](const QString &item)
{ return listContainsSuperstring(list, item) != negate; };
return any_of ? std::any_of(items.begin(), items.end(), fun)
: std::all_of(items.begin(), items.end(), fun);
bool hasTags(const QStringList &tags, const struct dive *d, FilterData::Mode mode)
if (tags.isEmpty())
return true;
QStringList dive_tags = get_taglist_string(d->tag_list).split(",");
return check(tags, dive_tags, mode);
bool hasPersons(const QStringList &people, const struct dive *d, FilterData::Mode mode)
if (people.isEmpty())
return true;
QStringList dive_people = QString(d->buddy).split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts)
+ QString(d->divemaster).split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
return check(people, dive_people, mode);
bool hasLocations(const QStringList &locations, const struct dive *d, FilterData::Mode mode)
if (locations.isEmpty())
return true;
QStringList diveLocations;
if (d->divetrip)
if (d->dive_site)
return check(locations, diveLocations, mode);
// TODO: Finish this implementation.
bool hasEquipment(const QStringList &, const struct dive *, FilterData::Mode)
return true;
bool hasSuits(const QStringList &suits, const struct dive *d, FilterData::Mode mode)
if (suits.isEmpty())
return true;
QStringList diveSuits;
if (d->suit)
return check(suits, diveSuits, mode);
bool hasNotes(const QStringList &dnotes, const struct dive *d, FilterData::Mode mode)
if (dnotes.isEmpty())
return true;
QStringList diveNotes;
if (d->notes)
return check(dnotes, diveNotes, mode);
MultiFilterSortModel *MultiFilterSortModel::instance()
static MultiFilterSortModel self;
return &self;
MultiFilterSortModel::MultiFilterSortModel(QObject *parent) : QSortFilterProxyModel(parent),
setFilterKeyColumn(-1); // filter all columns
connect(&diveListNotifier, &DiveListNotifier::divesAdded, this, &MultiFilterSortModel::divesAdded);
connect(&diveListNotifier, &DiveListNotifier::divesDeleted, this, &MultiFilterSortModel::divesDeleted);
void MultiFilterSortModel::resetModel(DiveTripModelBase::Layout layout)
// DiveTripModelBase::resetModel() generates a new instance.
// Thus, the source model must be reset.
bool MultiFilterSortModel::showDive(const struct dive *d) const
// If curr_dive_site is set, we are in a special dive-site editing mode.
if (curr_dive_site)
return d->dive_site == curr_dive_site;
if (!filterData.validFilter)
return true;
if (d->visibility < filterData.minVisibility || d->visibility > filterData.maxVisibility)
return false;
if (d->rating < filterData.minRating || d->rating > filterData.maxRating)
return false;
auto temp_comp = prefs.units.temperature == units::CELSIUS ? C_to_mkelvin : F_to_mkelvin;
if (d->watertemp.mkelvin &&
(d->watertemp.mkelvin < (*temp_comp)(filterData.minWaterTemp) || d->watertemp.mkelvin > (*temp_comp)(filterData.maxWaterTemp)))
return false;
if (d->airtemp.mkelvin &&
(d->airtemp.mkelvin < (*temp_comp)(filterData.minAirTemp) || d->airtemp.mkelvin > (*temp_comp)(filterData.maxAirTemp)))
return false;
QDateTime t = filterData.fromDate;
if (filterData.fromDate.isValid() && filterData.fromTime.isValid() &&
d->when < t.toMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000 + t.offsetFromUtc())
return false;
t = filterData.toDate;
if (filterData.toDate.isValid() && filterData.toTime.isValid() &&
d->when > t.toMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000 + t.offsetFromUtc())
return false;
// tags.
if (!hasTags(filterData.tags, d, filterData.tagsMode))
return false;
// people
if (!hasPersons(filterData.people, d, filterData.peopleMode))
return false;
// Location
if (!hasLocations(filterData.location, d, filterData.locationMode))
return false;
// Suit
if (!hasSuits(filterData.suit, d, filterData.suitMode))
return false;
// Notes
if (!hasNotes(filterData.dnotes, d, filterData.dnotesMode))
return false;
if (!hasEquipment(filterData.equipment, d, filterData.equipmentMode))
return false;
// Planned/Logged
if (!filterData.logged && !has_planned(d, true))
return false;
if (!filterData.planned && !has_planned(d, false))
return false;
return true;
bool MultiFilterSortModel::filterAcceptsRow(int source_row, const QModelIndex &source_parent) const
QModelIndex index0 = sourceModel()->index(source_row, 0, source_parent);
struct dive *d = sourceModel()->data(index0, DiveTripModelBase::DIVE_ROLE).value<struct dive *>();
// For dives, simply check the hidden_by_filter flag
if (d)
return !d->hidden_by_filter;
// Since this is not a dive, it must be a trip
dive_trip *trip = sourceModel()->data(index0, DiveTripModelBase::TRIP_ROLE).value<dive_trip *>();
if (!trip)
return false; // Oops. Neither dive nor trip, something is seriously wrong.
// Show the trip if any dive is visible
for (int i = 0; i < trip->dives.nr; ++i) {
if (!trip->dives.dives[i]->hidden_by_filter)
return true;
return false;
void MultiFilterSortModel::filterChanged(const QModelIndex &from, const QModelIndex &to, const QVector<int> &roles)
// Only redo the filter if a checkbox changed. If the count of an entry changed,
// we do *not* want to recalculate the filters.
if (roles.contains(Qt::CheckStateRole))
void MultiFilterSortModel::myInvalidate()
int i;
struct dive *d;
divesDisplayed = 0;
// Apply filter for each dive
for_each_dive (i, d) {
bool show = showDive(d);
filter_dive(d, show);
if (show)
// Tell the dive trip model to update the displayed-counts
emit filterFinished();
if (curr_dive_site)
void MultiFilterSortModel::clearFilter()
void MultiFilterSortModel::startFilterDiveSite(struct dive_site *ds)
curr_dive_site = ds;
void MultiFilterSortModel::stopFilterDiveSite()
curr_dive_site = NULL;
bool MultiFilterSortModel::lessThan(const QModelIndex &i1, const QModelIndex &i2) const
// Hand sorting down to the source model.
return DiveTripModelBase::instance()->lessThan(i1, i2);
void MultiFilterSortModel::filterDataChanged(const FilterData &data)
filterData = data;
void MultiFilterSortModel::divesAdded(dive_trip *, bool, const QVector<dive *> &dives)
for (dive *d: dives) {
if (!d->hidden_by_filter)
emit countsChanged();
void MultiFilterSortModel::divesDeleted(dive_trip *, bool, const QVector<dive *> &dives)
for (dive *d: dives) {
if (!d->hidden_by_filter)
emit countsChanged();