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synced 2025-02-19 22:16:15 +00:00
The code was wrong, because it deleted the ChartItems in the main UI thread, not the render thread. This would delete the QSG nodes in the UI thread and then crash on mobile. Therefore refactor this part of the code by adding the items to be deleted to a list that will be deleted by the render thread. As a drop in replacement of std::unique_ptr, implement a silly ChartItemPtr class, which auto-initializes to null. This turns the deterministic and easily controlled memory management into a steaming pile of insanity. Obviously, this can be made much more elegant, but this has to do for now. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <bstoeger@mail.tuwien.ac.at>
398 lines
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398 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#include "barseries.h"
#include "informationbox.h"
#include "statscolors.h"
#include "statshelper.h"
#include "statstranslations.h"
#include "statsview.h"
#include "zvalues.h"
#include <math.h> // for lrint()
#include <QLocale>
// Constants that control the bar layout
static const double barWidth = 0.8; // 1.0 = full width of category
static const double subBarWidth = 0.9; // For grouped bar charts
static const double barBorderWidth = 1.0;
// Default constructor: invalid index.
BarSeries::Index::Index() : bar(-1), subitem(-1)
BarSeries::Index::Index(int bar, int subitem) : bar(bar), subitem(subitem)
bool BarSeries::Index::operator==(const Index &i2) const
return std::tie(bar, subitem) == std::tie(i2.bar, i2.subitem);
BarSeries::BarSeries(StatsView &view, StatsAxis *xAxis, StatsAxis *yAxis,
bool horizontal, bool stacked, const QString &categoryName,
const StatsVariable *valueVariable, std::vector<QString> valueBinNames) :
StatsSeries(view, xAxis, yAxis),
horizontal(horizontal), stacked(stacked), categoryName(categoryName),
valueVariable(valueVariable), valueBinNames(std::move(valueBinNames))
BarSeries::BarSeries(StatsView &view, StatsAxis *xAxis, StatsAxis *yAxis,
bool horizontal, const QString &categoryName,
const std::vector<CountItem> &items) :
BarSeries(view, xAxis, yAxis, horizontal, false, categoryName, nullptr, std::vector<QString>())
for (const CountItem &item: items) {
StatsOperationResults res;
res.count = item.count;
double value = item.count;
add_item(item.lowerBound, item.upperBound, makeSubItems(value, item.label),
item.binName, res, item.total, horizontal, stacked);
BarSeries::BarSeries(StatsView &view, StatsAxis *xAxis, StatsAxis *yAxis,
bool horizontal, const QString &categoryName, const StatsVariable *valueVariable,
const std::vector<ValueItem> &items) :
BarSeries(view, xAxis, yAxis, horizontal, false, categoryName, valueVariable, std::vector<QString>())
for (const ValueItem &item: items) {
add_item(item.lowerBound, item.upperBound, makeSubItems(item.value, item.label),
item.binName, item.res, -1, horizontal, stacked);
BarSeries::BarSeries(StatsView &view, StatsAxis *xAxis, StatsAxis *yAxis,
bool horizontal, bool stacked, const QString &categoryName, const StatsVariable *valueVariable,
std::vector<QString> valueBinNames,
const std::vector<MultiItem> &items) :
BarSeries(view, xAxis, yAxis, horizontal, stacked, categoryName, valueVariable, std::move(valueBinNames))
for (const MultiItem &item: items) {
StatsOperationResults res;
std::vector<std::pair<double, std::vector<QString>>> valuesLabels;
int total = 0;
for (auto &[count, label]: item.countLabels) {
valuesLabels.push_back({ static_cast<double>(count), std::move(label) });
total += count;
add_item(item.lowerBound, item.upperBound, makeSubItems(valuesLabels),
item.binName, res, total, horizontal, stacked);
BarSeries::BarLabel::BarLabel(StatsView &view, const std::vector<QString> &labels, int bin_nr, int binCount) :
QFont f; // make configurable
item = view.createChartItem<ChartTextItem>(ChartZValue::SeriesLabels, f, labels, true);
highlight(false, bin_nr, binCount);
void BarSeries::BarLabel::setVisible(bool visible)
void BarSeries::BarLabel::highlight(bool highlight, int bin_nr, int binCount)
item->setColor(highlight || isOutside ? darkLabelColor : labelColor(bin_nr, binCount));
void BarSeries::BarLabel::updatePosition(bool horizontal, bool center, const QRectF &rect,
int bin_nr, int binCount)
QSizeF itemSize = item->getRect().size();
if (!horizontal) {
if (itemSize.width() > rect.width()) {
QPointF pos = rect.center();
pos.rx() -= round(itemSize.width() / 2.0);
// Heuristics: if the label fits nicely into the bar (bar height is at least twice the label height),
// then put the label in the middle of the bar. Otherwise, put it at the top of the bar.
isOutside = !center && rect.height() < 2.0 * itemSize.height();
if (isOutside) {
pos.ry() = rect.top() - (itemSize.height() + 2.0); // Leave two pixels(?) space
} else {
if (itemSize.height() > rect.height()) {
pos.ry() -= round(itemSize.height() / 2.0);
} else {
if (itemSize.height() > rect.height()) {
QPointF pos = rect.center();
pos.ry() -= round(itemSize.height() / 2.0);
// Heuristics: if the label fits nicely into the bar (bar width is at least twice the label height),
// then put the label in the middle of the bar. Otherwise, put it to the right of the bar.
isOutside = !center && rect.width() < 2.0 * itemSize.width();
if (isOutside) {
pos.rx() = round(rect.right() + 2.0); // Leave two pixels(?) space
} else {
if (itemSize.width() > rect.width()) {
// If label changed from inside to outside, or vice-versa, the color might change.
highlight(false, bin_nr, binCount);
BarSeries::Item::Item(BarSeries *series, double lowerBound, double upperBound,
std::vector<SubItem> subitemsIn,
const QString &binName, const StatsOperationResults &res, int total,
bool horizontal, bool stacked, int binCount) :
for (SubItem &item: subitems)
item.highlight(false, binCount);
updatePosition(series, horizontal, stacked, binCount);
void BarSeries::Item::highlight(int subitem, bool highlight, int binCount)
if (subitem < 0 || subitem >= (int)subitems.size())
subitems[subitem].highlight(highlight, binCount);
void BarSeries::SubItem::highlight(bool highlight, int binCount)
if (highlight)
item->setColor(highlightedColor, highlightedBorderColor);
item->setColor(binColor(bin_nr, binCount), ::borderColor);
if (label)
label->highlight(highlight, bin_nr, binCount);
void BarSeries::Item::updatePosition(BarSeries *series, bool horizontal, bool stacked, int binCount)
if (subitems.empty())
int num = stacked ? 1 : binCount;
// barWidth gives the total width of the rod or group of rods.
// subBarWidth gives the the width of each bar in the case of grouped bar charts.
// calculated the group width such that after applying the latter, the former is obtained.
double groupWidth = (upperBound - lowerBound) * barWidth * num / (num - 1 + subBarWidth);
double from = (lowerBound + upperBound - groupWidth) / 2.0;
double to = (lowerBound + upperBound + groupWidth) / 2.0;
double fullSubWidth = (to - from) / num; // width including gap
double subWidth = fullSubWidth * subBarWidth; // width without gap
for (SubItem &item: subitems) {
int idx = stacked ? 0 : item.bin_nr;
double center = (idx + 0.5) * fullSubWidth + from;
item.updatePosition(series, horizontal, stacked, center - subWidth / 2.0, center + subWidth / 2.0, binCount);
rect = subitems[0].item->getRect();
for (auto it = std::next(subitems.begin()); it != subitems.end(); ++it)
rect = rect.united(it->item->getRect());
void BarSeries::SubItem::updatePosition(BarSeries *series, bool horizontal, bool stacked,
double from, double to, int binCount)
QPointF topLeft, bottomRight;
if (horizontal) {
topLeft = series->toScreen(QPointF(value_from, to));
bottomRight = series->toScreen(QPointF(value_to, from));
} else {
topLeft = series->toScreen(QPointF(from, value_to));
bottomRight = series->toScreen(QPointF(to, value_from));
QRectF rect(topLeft, bottomRight);
if (label)
label->updatePosition(horizontal, stacked, rect, bin_nr, binCount);
std::vector<BarSeries::SubItem> BarSeries::makeSubItems(const std::vector<std::pair<double, std::vector<QString>>> &values) const
std::vector<SubItem> res;
double from = 0.0;
int bin_nr = 0;
for (auto &[v, label]: values) {
if (v > 0.0) {
res.push_back({ view.createChartItem<ChartBarItem>(ChartZValue::Series, barBorderWidth, horizontal),
{}, from, from + v, bin_nr });
if (!label.empty())
res.back().label = std::make_unique<BarLabel>(view, label, bin_nr, binCount());
if (stacked)
from += v;
return res;
std::vector<BarSeries::SubItem> BarSeries::makeSubItems(double value, const std::vector<QString> &label) const
return makeSubItems(std::vector<std::pair<double, std::vector<QString>>>{ { value, label } });
int BarSeries::binCount() const
return std::max(1, (int)valueBinNames.size());
void BarSeries::add_item(double lowerBound, double upperBound, std::vector<SubItem> subitems,
const QString &binName, const StatsOperationResults &res, int total, bool horizontal,
bool stacked)
// Don't add empty items, as that messes with the "find item under mouse" routine.
if (subitems.empty())
items.emplace_back(this, lowerBound, upperBound, std::move(subitems), binName, res,
total, horizontal, stacked, binCount());
void BarSeries::updatePositions()
for (Item &item: items)
item.updatePosition(this, horizontal, stacked, binCount());
// Attention: this supposes that items are sorted by position and no bar is inside another bar!
BarSeries::Index BarSeries::getItemUnderMouse(const QPointF &point) const
// Search the first item whose "end" position is greater than the cursor position.
auto it = horizontal ? std::lower_bound(items.begin(), items.end(), point.y(),
[] (const Item &item, double y) { return item.rect.top() > y; })
: std::lower_bound(items.begin(), items.end(), point.x(),
[] (const Item &item, double x) { return item.rect.right() < x; });
if (it == items.end() || !it->rect.contains(point))
return Index();
int subitem = it->getSubItemUnderMouse(point, horizontal, stacked);
return subitem >= 0 ? Index{(int)(it - items.begin()), subitem} : Index();
// Attention: this supposes that sub items are sorted by position and no subitem is inside another bar!
int BarSeries::Item::getSubItemUnderMouse(const QPointF &point, bool horizontal, bool stacked) const
// Search the first item whose "end" position is greater than the cursor position.
bool search_x = horizontal == stacked;
auto it = search_x ? std::lower_bound(subitems.begin(), subitems.end(), point.x(),
[] (const SubItem &item, double x) { return item.item->getRect().right() < x; })
: std::lower_bound(subitems.begin(), subitems.end(), point.y(),
[] (const SubItem &item, double y) { return item.item->getRect().top() > y; });
return it != subitems.end() && it->item->getRect().contains(point) ? it - subitems.begin() : -1;
// Format information in a count-based bar chart.
// Essentially, the name of the bin and the number and percentages of dives.
static std::vector<QString> makeCountInfo(const QString &binName, const QString &axisName,
const QString &valueBinName, const QString &valueAxisName,
int count, int total)
double percentage = count * 100.0 / total;
QString countString = QString("%L1").arg(count);
QString percentageString = QString("%L1%").arg(percentage, 0, 'f', 1);
QString totalString = QString("%L1").arg(total);
std::vector<QString> res;
res.push_back(QStringLiteral("%1: %2").arg(axisName, binName));
if (!valueAxisName.isEmpty())
res.push_back(QStringLiteral("%1: %2").arg(valueAxisName, valueBinName));
res.push_back(StatsTranslations::tr("%1 (%2 of %3) dives").arg(countString, percentageString, totalString));
return res;
// Format information in a value bar chart: the name of the bin and the value with unit.
static std::vector<QString> makeValueInfo(const QString &binName, const QString &axisName,
const StatsVariable &valueVariable, const StatsOperationResults &values)
QLocale loc;
int decimals = valueVariable.decimals();
QString unit = valueVariable.unitSymbol();
std::vector<StatsOperation> operations = valueVariable.supportedOperations();
std::vector<QString> res;
res.reserve(operations.size() + 3);
res.push_back(QStringLiteral("%1: %2").arg(axisName, binName));
res.push_back(QStringLiteral("%1: %2").arg(StatsTranslations::tr("Count"), loc.toString(values.count)));
res.push_back(QStringLiteral("%1: ").arg(valueVariable.name()));
for (StatsOperation op: operations) {
QString valueFormatted = loc.toString(values.get(op), 'f', decimals);
res.push_back(QString(" %1: %2 %3").arg(StatsVariable::operationName(op), valueFormatted, unit));
return res;
std::vector<QString> BarSeries::makeInfo(const Item &item, int subitem_idx) const
if (!valueBinNames.empty() && valueVariable) {
if (subitem_idx < 0 || subitem_idx >= (int)item.subitems.size())
return {};
const SubItem &subitem = item.subitems[subitem_idx];
if (subitem.bin_nr < 0 || subitem.bin_nr >= (int)valueBinNames.size())
return {};
int count = (int)lrint(subitem.value_to - subitem.value_from);
return makeCountInfo(item.binName, categoryName, valueBinNames[subitem.bin_nr],
valueVariable->name(), count, item.total);
} else if (valueVariable) {
return makeValueInfo(item.binName, categoryName, *valueVariable, item.res);
} else {
return makeCountInfo(item.binName, categoryName, QString(), QString(), item.res.count, item.total);
// Highlight item when hovering over item
bool BarSeries::hover(QPointF pos)
Index index = getItemUnderMouse(pos);
if (index == highlighted) {
if (information)
return index.bar >= 0;
highlighted = index;
// Highlight new item (if any)
if (highlighted.bar >= 0 && highlighted.bar < (int)items.size()) {
Item &item = items[highlighted.bar];
item.highlight(index.subitem, true, binCount());
if (!information)
information = view.createChartItem<InformationBox>();
information->setText(makeInfo(item, highlighted.subitem), pos);
} else {
return highlighted.bar >= 0;
void BarSeries::unhighlight()
if (highlighted.bar >= 0 && highlighted.bar < (int)items.size())
items[highlighted.bar].highlight(highlighted.subitem, false, binCount());
highlighted = Index();