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jan Iversen 848d277951 tests: add signal test to call tst_qPref*qml
Add signal testing of all variables

Signed-off-by: Jan Iversen <jani@apache.org>
2018-09-11 17:25:00 -07:00

218 lines
7.2 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
import QtQuick 2.6
import QtTest 1.2
TestCase {
name: "qPrefDivePlanner"
function test_variables() {
var x1 = PrefDivePlanner.ascratelast6m
PrefDivePlanner.ascratelast6m = 11
compare(PrefDivePlanner.ascratelast6m, 11)
var x2 = PrefDivePlanner.ascratestops
PrefDivePlanner.ascratestops = 11
compare(PrefDivePlanner.ascratestops, 11)
var x3 = PrefDivePlanner.ascrate50
PrefDivePlanner.ascrate50 = 12
compare(PrefDivePlanner.ascrate50, 12)
var x4 = PrefDivePlanner.ascrate75
PrefDivePlanner.ascrate75 = 13
compare(PrefDivePlanner.ascrate75, 13)
//TBD var x5 = PrefDivePlanner.bestmixend
//TBD PrefDivePlanner.bestmixend = 51
//TBD compare(PrefDivePlanner.bestmixend, 51)
var x6 = PrefDivePlanner.bottompo2
PrefDivePlanner.bottompo2 = 14
var x7 = PrefDivePlanner.bottomsac
PrefDivePlanner.bottomsac = 15
compare(PrefDivePlanner.bottomsac, 15)
var x8 = PrefDivePlanner.decopo2
PrefDivePlanner.decopo2 = 16
compare(PrefDivePlanner.decopo2, 16)
var x9 = PrefDivePlanner.decosac
PrefDivePlanner.decosac = 17
compare(PrefDivePlanner.decosac, 17)
var x10 = PrefDivePlanner.descrate
PrefDivePlanner.descrate = 18
compare(PrefDivePlanner.descrate, 18)
var x11 = PrefDivePlanner.display_duration
PrefDivePlanner.display_duration = true
compare(PrefDivePlanner.display_duration, true)
var x12 = PrefDivePlanner.display_runtime
PrefDivePlanner.display_runtime = true
compare(PrefDivePlanner.display_runtime, true)
var x13 = PrefDivePlanner.display_transitions
PrefDivePlanner.display_transitions = true
compare(PrefDivePlanner.display_transitions, true)
var x14 = PrefDivePlanner.display_variations
PrefDivePlanner.display_variations = true
compare(PrefDivePlanner.display_variations, true)
var x15 = PrefDivePlanner.doo2breaks
PrefDivePlanner.doo2breaks = true
compare(PrefDivePlanner.doo2breaks, true)
var x16 = PrefDivePlanner.drop_stone_mode
PrefDivePlanner.drop_stone_mode = true
compare(PrefDivePlanner.drop_stone_mode, true)
var x17 = PrefDivePlanner.last_stop
PrefDivePlanner.last_stop = true
compare(PrefDivePlanner.last_stop, true)
var x18 = PrefDivePlanner.min_switch_duration
PrefDivePlanner.min_switch_duration = 19
compare(PrefDivePlanner.min_switch_duration, 19)
//TBD var x19 = PrefDivePlanner.planner_deco_mode
//TBD PrefDivePlanner.planner_deco_mode = BUEHLMANN
//TBD compare(PrefDivePlanner.planner_deco_mode, BUEHLMANN)
var x20 = PrefDivePlanner.problemsolvingtime
PrefDivePlanner.problemsolvingtime = 20
compare(PrefDivePlanner.problemsolvingtime, 20)
var x21 = PrefDivePlanner.reserve_gas
PrefDivePlanner.reserve_gas = 21
compare(PrefDivePlanner.reserve_gas, 21)
var x22 = PrefDivePlanner.sacfactor
PrefDivePlanner.sacfactor = 22
compare(PrefDivePlanner.sacfactor, 22)
var x23 = PrefDivePlanner.safetystop
PrefDivePlanner.safetystop = true
compare(PrefDivePlanner.safetystop, true)
var x24 = PrefDivePlanner.switch_at_req_stop
PrefDivePlanner.switch_at_req_stop = true
compare(PrefDivePlanner.switch_at_req_stop, true)
var x25 = PrefDivePlanner.verbatim_plan
PrefDivePlanner.verbatim_plan = true
compare(PrefDivePlanner.verbatim_plan, true)
Item {
id: spyCatcher
property bool spy1 : false
property bool spy2 : false
property bool spy3 : false
property bool spy4 : false
property bool spy6 : false
property bool spy7 : false
property bool spy8 : false
property bool spy9 : false
property bool spy10 : false
property bool spy11 : false
property bool spy12 : false
property bool spy13 : false
property bool spy14 : false
property bool spy15 : false
property bool spy16 : false
property bool spy17 : false
property bool spy18 : false
property bool spy19 : false
property bool spy20 : false
property bool spy21 : false
property bool spy22 : false
property bool spy23 : false
property bool spy24 : false
property bool spy25 : false
Connections {
target: PrefDivePlanner
onAscratelast6mChanged: {spyCatcher.spy1 = true }
onAscratestopsChanged: {spyCatcher.spy2 = true }
onAscrate50Changed: {spyCatcher.spy3 = true }
onAscrate75Changed: {spyCatcher.spy4 = true }
onBottompo2Changed: {spyCatcher.spy6 = true }
onBottomsacChanged: {spyCatcher.spy7 = true }
onDecopo2Changed: {spyCatcher.spy8 = true }
onDecosacChanged: {spyCatcher.spy9 = true }
onDescrateChanged: {spyCatcher.spy10 = true }
onDisplay_durationChanged: {spyCatcher.spy11 = true }
onDisplay_runtimeChanged: {spyCatcher.spy12 = true }
onDisplay_transitionsChanged: {spyCatcher.spy13 = true }
onDisplay_variationsChanged: {spyCatcher.spy14 = true }
onDoo2breaksChanged: {spyCatcher.spy15 = true }
onDrop_stone_modeChanged: {spyCatcher.spy16 = true }
onLast_stopChanged: {spyCatcher.spy17 = true }
onMin_switch_durationChanged: {spyCatcher.spy18 = true }
onProblemsolvingtimeChanged: {spyCatcher.spy20 = true }
onReserve_gasChanged: {spyCatcher.spy21 = true }
onSacfactorChanged: {spyCatcher.spy22 = true }
onSafetystopChanged: {spyCatcher.spy23 = true }
onSwitch_at_req_stopChanged: {spyCatcher.spy24 = true }
onVerbatim_planChanged: {spyCatcher.spy25 = true }
function test_signals() {
PrefDivePlanner.ascratelast6m = -11
PrefDivePlanner.ascratestops = -11
PrefDivePlanner.ascrate50 = -12
PrefDivePlanner.ascrate75 = -13
// 5 not emitting signals
PrefDivePlanner.bottompo2 = -14
PrefDivePlanner.bottomsac = -15
PrefDivePlanner.decopo2 = -16
PrefDivePlanner.decosac = -17
PrefDivePlanner.descrate = -18
PrefDivePlanner.display_duration = ! PrefDivePlanner.display_duration
PrefDivePlanner.display_runtime = ! PrefDivePlanner.display_runtime
PrefDivePlanner.display_transitions = ! PrefDivePlanner.display_transitions
PrefDivePlanner.display_variations = ! PrefDivePlanner.display_variations
PrefDivePlanner.doo2breaks = ! PrefDivePlanner.doo2breaks
PrefDivePlanner.drop_stone_mode = ! PrefDivePlanner.drop_stone_mode
PrefDivePlanner.last_stop = ! PrefDivePlanner.last_stop
PrefDivePlanner.min_switch_duration = -19
// 19 not emitting signals
PrefDivePlanner.problemsolvingtime = -20
PrefDivePlanner.reserve_gas = -21
PrefDivePlanner.sacfactor = -22
PrefDivePlanner.safetystop = ! PrefDivePlanner.safetystop
PrefDivePlanner.switch_at_req_stop = ! PrefDivePlanner.switch_at_req_stop
PrefDivePlanner.verbatim_plan = ! PrefDivePlanner.verbatim_plan
compare(spyCatcher.spy1, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy2, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy3, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy4, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy6, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy7, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy8, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy9, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy10, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy11, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy12, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy13, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy14, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy15, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy16, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy17, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy18, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy20, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy21, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy22, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy23, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy24, true)
compare(spyCatcher.spy25, true)