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Miika Turkia 826d27711e Test dives
On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 6:19 PM, Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org> wrote:
> Miika Turkia <miika.turkia@gmail.com> writes:
>> On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 5:54 PM, Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org> wrote:
>>> Miika Turkia <miika.turkia@gmail.com> writes:
>>>> On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 6:45 AM, Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org> wrote:
>>>>> I added a few test dives exported from other software (Dm3, DiveLog 5.08,
>>>>> JDiveLog 10.2 from Mac - last one doesn't parse because of encoding... Also
>>>>> a composed XML zip file from DiveLog isn't supported, yet)
>>>>> Find them under dives
>>>> Now this gets interesting. Is there ANY logic in the units in the
>>>> dives/TestDiveDiveLog5.08.xml? It seems that some of the temperatures
>>>> are in C (Airtemp and Watertemp) and some in F (samples). Otherwise I
>>>> would guess we are talking metric here, but I do not see any specs
>>>> (another log I have seen from DivingLog had all the units in metric,
>>>> as far as I could guess). BTW is the Weight in kg or lb?
>>> I have purchased DivingLog and should be able to create any combination
>>> of data for the test file that we could possibly want. I'll do a set in
>>> a moment that describe what SHOULD be there in their notes, maybe that
>>> will clear things up.
>>> That said, I really want to release 3.0.1 in the next couple of hours,
>>> so this may have to wait for 3.0.2 (if we end up needing that) or 3.1.
>>>> The divelogs.de UDCF format looks like it shouldn't take long to write
>>>> support for. I'll look into it this evening.
>>> It is evening for you, right? No pressure, just making sure I understand
>>> what may be coming in in patches in the next hour or two
>> I currently have one version of the DivingLog XSLT. So a bit of
>> verification and that could possibly be used as is. However, this
>> could use a bit more testing than a new support to make sure things
>> are not going to be any worse than they currently are.
>> I have not started with the UDCF yet, but that could be reasonably
>> fast to implement. However, no guarantees. (And yes, it is evening for
>> me)
> I can hold off 3.0.1 a couple hours longer if that is a realistic thing
> to do. I don't see the UDCF as that important since we have a different
> format from them that we support. So I think the best possible DivingLog
> support would be my preference.
> I'll add a few more exported dives from DivingLog next (and fix the
> naming of the existing ones).

In that case, here is the DivingLog XSLT if anyone can give it a test.


From 4a62058f4f6fd4780f04bce6e1fe45e20abcf33f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Miika Turkia <miika.turkia@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 17:46:53 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] XSLT for DivingLog

Signed-off-by: Miika Turkia <miika.turkia@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
2013-02-26 08:50:05 -08:00

737 lines
21 KiB
Executable file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Divinglog DBVersion="4.1.0">
<AppName>Diving Log 5.0</AppName>
<Dive ID="1" UUID="2EEC58E4-F337-4891-B306-3860E134237A" Updated="2013-02-26T16:30:41">
<Country ID="" Name="USA" />
<City ID="" Name="Hoodsport, WA" />
<Place ID="" Name="Sund Rock">
<Buddy IDs="" Names="Linus" />
<Comments>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs17 All data in DivingLog is Imperial\par
<UWCurrent>No Current</UWCurrent>
<Surface>No Waves</Surface>
<Decostops>This is the "DecoStop Details" text field
I also added the silly table groups - should show up as A and K</Decostops>
<Altitude>0 ft - 3000 ft</Altitude>
<P Time="30">
<P Time="60">
<P Time="90">
<P Time="120">
<P Time="150">
<P Time="180">
<P Time="210">
<P Time="240">
<P Time="270">
<P Time="300">
<P Time="330">
<P Time="360">
<P Time="390">
<P Time="420">
<P Time="450">
<P Time="480">
<P Time="510">
<P Time="540">
<P Time="570">
<P Time="600">
<P Time="630">
<P Time="660">
<P Time="690">
<P Time="720">
<P Time="750">
<P Time="780">
<P Time="810">
<P Time="840">
<P Time="870">
<P Time="900">
<P Time="930">
<P Time="960">
<P Time="990">
<P Time="1020">
<P Time="1050">
<P Time="1080">
<P Time="1110">
<P Time="1140">
<P Time="1170">
<P Time="1200">
<P Time="1230">
<P Time="1260">
<P Time="1290">
<P Time="1320">
<P Time="1350">
<P Time="1380">
<P Time="1410">
<P Time="1440">
<P Time="1470">
<P Time="1500">
<P Time="1530">
<P Time="1560">
<P Time="1590">
<P Time="1620">
<P Time="1650">
<P Time="1680">
<P Time="1710">
<P Time="1740">
<P Time="1770">
<P Time="1800">
<P Time="1830">
<P Time="1860">
<P Time="1890">
<P Time="1920">
<P Time="1950">
<RepNumber />
<He />
<SupplyType />
<MinPPO2 />
<ShopID />
<TripID />