Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/subsurface/subsurface.git synced 2025-02-19 22:16:15 +00:00
Berthold Stoeger da7ea17b66 cleanup: replace fprintf to stderr by report_info()
Let's try to unify debugging output!

Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <bstoeger@mail.tuwien.ac.at>
2024-04-23 07:47:11 +07:00

301 lines
7.9 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#ifdef __clang__
// Clang has a bug on zero-initialization of C structs.
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-field-initializers"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "qthelper.h"
#include "ssrf.h"
#include "dive.h"
#include "sample.h"
#include "subsurface-string.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "divelist.h"
#include "divelog.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "membuffer.h"
#include "gettext.h"
#include "tag.h"
#include "errorhelper.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "divecomputer.h"
/* Process gas change event for seac database.
* Create gas change event at the time of the
* current sample.
static int seac_gaschange(void *param, sqlite3_stmt *sqlstmt)
struct parser_state *state = (struct parser_state *)param;
state->cur_event.time.seconds = sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 1);
strcpy(state->cur_event.name, "gaschange");
state->cur_event.gas.mix.o2.permille = 10 * sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 4);
return 0;
/* Callback function to parse seac dives. Reads headers_dive table to read dive
* information into divecomputer struct.
static int seac_dive(void *param, int, char **data, char **)
int retval = 0, cylnum = 0;
int year, month, day, hour, min, sec, tz;
char isodatetime[30];
time_t divetime;
struct gasmix lastgas, curgas;
struct parser_state *state = (struct parser_state *)param;
sqlite3 *handle = state->sql_handle;
sqlite3_stmt *sqlstmt;
const char *get_samples = "SELECT dive_number, runtime_s, depth_cm, temperature_mCx10, active_O2_fr, first_stop_depth_cm, first_stop_time_s, ndl_tts_s, cns, gf_l, gf_h FROM dive_data WHERE dive_number = ? AND dive_id = ? ORDER BY runtime_s ASC";
/* 0 = dive_number
* 1 = runtime_s
* 2 = depth_cm
* 3 = temperature_mCx10 - eg dC
* 4 = active_O2_fr
* 5 = first_stop_depth_cm
* 6 = first_stop_time_s
* 7 = ndl_tts_s
* 8 = cns
* 9 = gf-l
* 10 = gf-h
state->cur_dive->number = atoi(data[0]);
// Create first cylinder
cylinder_t *curcyl = get_or_create_cylinder(state->cur_dive, 0);
// Get time and date
sscanf(data[2], "%d/%d/%2d", &day, &month, &year);
sscanf(data[4], "%2d:%2d:%2d", &hour, &min, &sec);
year += 2000;
tz = atoi(data[3]);
// Timezone offset lookup array
const char timezoneoffset[][7] =
{"+12:00", // 0
"+11:00", // 1
"+10:00", // 2
"+09:30", // 3
"+09:00", // 4
"+08:00", // 5
"+07:00", // 6
"+06:00", // 7
"+05:00", // 8
"+04:30", // 9
"+04:00", // 10
"+03:30", // 11
"+03:00", // 12
"+02:00", // 13
"+01:00", // 14
"+00:00", // 15
"-01:00", // 16
"-02:00", // 17
"-03:00", // 18
"-03:30", // 19
"-04:00", // 20
"-04:30", // 21
"-05:00", // 22
"-05:30", // 23
"-05:45", // 24
"-06:00", // 25
"-06:30", // 26
"-07:00", // 27
"-08:00", // 28
"-08:45", // 29
"-09:00", // 30
"-09:30", // 31
"-09:45", // 32
"-10:00", // 33
"-10:30", // 34
"-11:00", // 35
"-11:30", // 36
"-12:00", // 37
"-12:45", // 38
"-13:00", // 39
"-13:45", // 40
"-14:00"}; // 41
sprintf(isodatetime, "%4i-%02i-%02iT%02i:%02i:%02i%6s", year, month, day, hour, min, sec, timezoneoffset[tz]);
divetime = get_dive_datetime_from_isostring(isodatetime);
state->cur_dive->when = divetime;
// 6 = dive_type
// Dive type 2?
if (data[6]) {
switch (atoi(data[6])) {
case 1:
state->cur_dive->dc.divemode = OC;
// Gauge Mode
case 2:
state->cur_dive->dc.divemode = UNDEF_COMP_TYPE;
case 3:
state->cur_dive->dc.divemode = FREEDIVE;
if (verbose) {
report_info("Unknown divetype %i", atoi(data[6]));
// 9 = comments from seac app
if (data[9]) {
utf8_string(data[9], &state->cur_dive->notes);
// 10 = dive duration
if (data[10]) {
state->cur_dive->dc.duration.seconds = atoi(data[10]);
// 8 = water_type
/* TODO: Seac only offers fresh / salt, and doesn't
* seem to record correctly currently. I have both
* fresh and saltwater dives and water type is reported
* as 150 for both.
if (data[8]) {
switch (atoi(data[8])) {
case 150:
state->cur_dive->salinity = 0;
case 100:
state->cur_dive->salinity = 1;
if (verbose) {
report_info("Unknown salinity %i", atoi(data[8]));
if (data[11]) {
state->cur_dive->dc.maxdepth.mm = 10 * atoi(data[11]);
// Create sql_stmt type to query DB
retval = sqlite3_prepare_v2(handle, get_samples, -1, &sqlstmt, 0);
if (retval != SQLITE_OK) {
report_info("Preparing SQL object failed when getting SeacSync dives.");
return 1;
// Bind current dive number to sql statement
sqlite3_bind_int(sqlstmt, 1, state->cur_dive->number);
sqlite3_bind_int(sqlstmt, 2, atoi(data[13]));
// Catch a bad query
retval = sqlite3_step(sqlstmt);
if (retval == SQLITE_ERROR) {
report_info("Getting dive data from SeacSync DB failed.");
return 1;
// These dc values are const char *, therefore we have to cast.
// Will be fixed by converting to std::string
utf8_string(data[1], (char **)&state->cur_dive->dc.serial);
utf8_string(data[12], (char **)&state->cur_dive->dc.fw_version);
state->cur_dive->dc.model = strdup("Seac Action");
state->cur_dive->dc.deviceid = calculate_string_hash(data[1]);
add_extra_data(&state->cur_dive->dc, "GF-Lo", (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(sqlstmt, 9));
add_extra_data(&state->cur_dive->dc, "GF-Hi", (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(sqlstmt, 10));
if (data[11]) {
state->cur_dive->dc.maxdepth.mm = 10 * atoi(data[11]);
curcyl->gasmix.o2.permille = 10 * sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 4);
// Track gasses to tell when switch occurs
lastgas = curcyl->gasmix;
curgas = curcyl->gasmix;
// Read samples
while (retval == SQLITE_ROW) {
state->cur_sample->time.seconds = sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 1);
state->cur_sample->depth.mm = 10 * sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 2);
state->cur_sample->temperature.mkelvin = cC_to_mkelvin(sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 3));
curgas.o2.permille = 10 * sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 4);
if (!same_gasmix(lastgas, curgas)) {
seac_gaschange(state, sqlstmt);
lastgas = curgas;
cylnum ^= 1; // Only need to toggle between two cylinders
curcyl = get_or_create_cylinder(state->cur_dive, cylnum);
curcyl->gasmix.o2.permille = 10 * sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 4);
state->cur_sample->stopdepth.mm = 10 * sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 5);
state->cur_sample->stoptime.seconds = sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 6);
state->cur_sample->ndl.seconds = sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 7);
state->cur_sample->cns = sqlite3_column_int(sqlstmt, 8);
retval = sqlite3_step(sqlstmt);
return SQLITE_OK;
/** Read SeacSync divesDB.db sqlite3 database into dive and samples.
* Each row returned in the query of headers_dive creates a new dive.
* The callback function performs another SQL query on the other
* table, to read in the sample values.
extern "C" int parse_seac_buffer(sqlite3 *handle, const char *url, const char *, int, struct divelog *log)
int retval;
char *err = NULL;
struct parser_state state;
state.log = log;
state.sql_handle = handle;
const char *get_dives = "SELECT dive_number, device_sn, date, timezone, time, elapsed_surface_time, dive_type, start_mode, water_type, comment, total_dive_time, max_depth, firmware_version, dive_id FROM headers_dive";
/* 0 = dive_number
* 1 = device_sn
* 2 = date
* 3 = timezone
* 4 = time
* 5 = elapsed_surface_time
* 6 = dive_type
* 7 = start_mode
* 8 = water_type
* 9 = comment
* 10 = total_dive_time
* 11 = max_depth
* 12 = firmware version
* 13 = dive_id
retval = sqlite3_exec(handle, get_dives, &seac_dive, &state, &err);
if (retval != SQLITE_OK) {
report_info("Database query failed '%s'.", url);
return 1;
return 0;