Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/subsurface/subsurface.git synced 2025-02-19 22:16:15 +00:00
Patrick Valsecchi 822cce1ef7 More tolerant when parsing GPS coordinates.
Refactored the parsing logic to make it more solid (no more guessing) and
more flexible (support more formats).
Added a test for checking that.
Fixed a few warnings.

[Dirk Hohndel: some changes to coding style]

Signed-off-by: Patrick Valsecchi <patrick@thus.ch>
Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
2015-02-10 14:58:04 -08:00

342 lines
9.2 KiB

#include "qthelper.h"
#include "gettextfromc.h"
#include "statistics.h"
#include <exif.h>
#include "file.h"
#include <QFile>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QDir>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QSettings>
#include <libxslt/documents.h>
#define translate(_context, arg) trGettext(arg)
static const QString DEGREE_SIGNS("dD" UTF8_DEGREE);
QString weight_string(int weight_in_grams)
QString str;
if (get_units()->weight == units::KG) {
int gr = weight_in_grams % 1000;
int kg = weight_in_grams / 1000;
if (kg >= 20.0) {
str = QString("0");
} else {
str = QString("%1.%2").arg(kg).arg((unsigned)(gr) / 100);
} else {
double lbs = grams_to_lbs(weight_in_grams);
str = QString("%1").arg(lbs, 0, 'f', lbs >= 40.0 ? 0 : 1);
return (str);
QString printGPSCoords(int lat, int lon)
unsigned int latdeg, londeg;
unsigned int latmin, lonmin;
double latsec, lonsec;
QString lath, lonh, result;
if (!lat && !lon)
return QString();
lath = lat >= 0 ? translate("gettextFromC", "N") : translate("gettextFromC", "S");
lonh = lon >= 0 ? translate("gettextFromC", "E") : translate("gettextFromC", "W");
lat = abs(lat);
lon = abs(lon);
latdeg = lat / 1000000U;
londeg = lon / 1000000U;
latmin = (lat % 1000000U) * 60U;
lonmin = (lon % 1000000U) * 60U;
latsec = (latmin % 1000000) * 60;
lonsec = (lonmin % 1000000) * 60;
result.sprintf("%u%s%02d\'%06.3f\"%s %u%s%02d\'%06.3f\"%s",
latdeg, UTF8_DEGREE, latmin / 1000000, latsec / 1000000, lath.toUtf8().data(),
londeg, UTF8_DEGREE, lonmin / 1000000, lonsec / 1000000, lonh.toUtf8().data());
return result;
static bool parseCoord(const QString& txt, int& pos, const QString& positives,
const QString& negatives, const QString& others,
double& value)
bool numberDefined = false, degreesDefined = false,
minutesDefined = false, secondsDefined = false;
double number = 0.0;
int posBeforeNumber = pos;
int sign = 0;
value = 0.0;
while (pos < txt.size()) {
if (txt[pos].isDigit()) {
if (numberDefined)
return false;
QRegExp numberRe("(\\d+(?:[\\.,]\\d+)?).*");
if (!numberRe.exactMatch(txt.mid(pos)))
return false;
number = numberRe.cap(1).toDouble();
numberDefined = true;
posBeforeNumber = pos;
pos += numberRe.cap(1).size() - 1;
} else if (positives.indexOf(txt[pos].toUpper()) >= 0) {
if (sign != 0)
return false;
sign = 1;
if (degreesDefined || numberDefined) {
//sign after the degrees =>
//at the end of the coordinate
} else if (negatives.indexOf(txt[pos].toUpper()) >= 0) {
if (sign != 0) {
if (others.indexOf(txt[pos]) >= 0)
//special case for the '-' sign => next coordinate
return false;
sign = -1;
if (degreesDefined || numberDefined) {
//sign after the degrees =>
//at the end of the coordinate
} else if (others.indexOf(txt[pos].toUpper()) >= 0) {
//we are at the next coordinate.
} else if (DEGREE_SIGNS.indexOf(txt[pos]) >= 0) {
if (!numberDefined)
return false;
if (degreesDefined) {
//next coordinate => need to put back the number
pos = posBeforeNumber;
numberDefined = false;
value += number;
numberDefined = false;
degreesDefined = true;
} else if (txt[pos] == '\'') {
if (!numberDefined || minutesDefined)
return false;
value += number / 60.0;
numberDefined = false;
minutesDefined = true;
} else if (txt[pos] == '"') {
if (!numberDefined || secondsDefined)
return false;
value += number / 3600.0;
numberDefined = false;
secondsDefined = true;
} else if (txt[pos] == ' ' || txt[pos] == '\t') {
//ignore spaces
} else {
return false;
if (!degreesDefined && numberDefined) {
value = number; //just a single number => degrees
numberDefined = false;
degreesDefined = true;
if (!degreesDefined || numberDefined)
return false;
if (sign == -1) value *= -1.0;
return true;
bool parseGpsText(const QString &gps_text, double *latitude, double *longitude)
const QString trimmed = gps_text.trimmed();
if (trimmed.isEmpty()) {
*latitude = 0.0;
*longitude = 0.0;
return true;
int pos = 0;
static const QString POS_LAT = QString("+N") + translate("gettextFromC", "N");
static const QString NEG_LAT = QString("-S") + translate("gettextFromC", "S");
static const QString POS_LON = QString("+E") + translate("gettextFromC", "E");
static const QString NEG_LON = QString("-W") + translate("gettextFromC", "W");
return parseCoord(gps_text, pos, POS_LAT, NEG_LAT, POS_LON + NEG_LON, *latitude) &&
parseCoord(gps_text, pos, POS_LON, NEG_LON, "", *longitude) &&
pos == gps_text.size();
bool gpsHasChanged(struct dive *dive, struct dive *master, const QString &gps_text, bool *parsed_out)
double latitude, longitude;
int latudeg, longudeg;
bool ignore;
bool *parsed = parsed_out ?: &ignore;
*parsed = true;
/* if we have a master and the dive's gps address is different from it,
* don't change the dive */
if (master && (master->latitude.udeg != dive->latitude.udeg ||
master->longitude.udeg != dive->longitude.udeg))
return false;
if (!(*parsed = parseGpsText(gps_text, &latitude, &longitude)))
return false;
latudeg = rint(1000000 * latitude);
longudeg = rint(1000000 * longitude);
/* if dive gps didn't change, nothing changed */
if (dive->latitude.udeg == latudeg && dive->longitude.udeg == longudeg)
return false;
/* ok, update the dive and mark things changed */
dive->latitude.udeg = latudeg;
dive->longitude.udeg = longudeg;
return true;
QList<int> getDivesInTrip(dive_trip_t *trip)
QList<int> ret;
int i;
struct dive *d;
for_each_dive (i, d) {
if (d->divetrip == trip) {
return ret;
// we need this to be uniq, but also make sure
// it doesn't change during the life time of a Subsurface session
// oh, and it has no meaning whatsoever - that's why we have the
// silly initial number and increment by 3 :-)
int dive_getUniqID(struct dive *d)
static QSet<int> ids;
static int maxId = 83529;
int id = d->id;
if (id) {
if (!ids.contains(id)) {
qDebug() << "WTF - only I am allowed to create IDs";
return id;
maxId += 3;
id = maxId;
return id;
static xmlDocPtr get_stylesheet_doc(const xmlChar *uri, xmlDictPtr, int, void *, xsltLoadType)
QFile f(QLatin1String(":/xslt/") + (const char *)uri);
if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
return NULL;
/* Load and parse the data */
QByteArray source = f.readAll();
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseMemory(source, source.size());
return doc;
extern "C" xsltStylesheetPtr get_stylesheet(const char *name)
// this needs to be done only once, but doesn't hurt to run every time
// get main document:
xmlDocPtr doc = get_stylesheet_doc((const xmlChar *)name, NULL, 0, NULL, XSLT_LOAD_START);
if (!doc)
return NULL;
// xsltSetGenericErrorFunc(stderr, NULL);
xsltStylesheetPtr xslt = xsltParseStylesheetDoc(doc);
if (!xslt) {
return NULL;
return xslt;
extern "C" void picture_load_exif_data(struct picture *p, timestamp_t *timestamp)
EXIFInfo exif;
memblock mem;
if (readfile(p->filename, &mem) <= 0)
goto picture_load_exit;
if (exif.parseFrom((const unsigned char *)mem.buffer, (unsigned)mem.size) != PARSE_EXIF_SUCCESS)
goto picture_load_exit;
*timestamp = exif.epoch();
p->longitude.udeg= lrint(1000000.0 * exif.GeoLocation.Longitude);
p->latitude.udeg = lrint(1000000.0 * exif.GeoLocation.Latitude);
extern "C" char *get_file_name(const char *fileName)
QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName);
return strdup(fileInfo.fileName().toUtf8());
extern "C" void copy_image_and_overwrite(const char *cfileName, const char *cnewName)
QString fileName = QString::fromUtf8(cfileName);
QString newName = QString::fromUtf8(cnewName);
newName += QFileInfo(cfileName).fileName();
QFile file(newName);
if (file.exists())
QFile::copy(fileName, newName);
extern "C" bool string_sequence_contains(const char *string_sequence, const char *text)
if (same_string(text, "") || same_string(string_sequence, ""))
return false;
QString stringSequence(string_sequence);
QStringList strings = stringSequence.split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
Q_FOREACH (const QString& string, strings) {
if (string.trimmed().compare(QString(text).trimmed(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
return true;
return false;
static bool lessThan(const QPair<QString, int> &a, const QPair<QString, int> &b)
return a.second < b.second;
void selectedDivesGasUsed(QVector<QPair<QString, int> > &gasUsedOrdered)
int i, j;
struct dive *d;
QMap<QString, int> gasUsed;
for_each_dive (i, d) {
if (!d->selected)
volume_t diveGases[MAX_CYLINDERS] = {};
get_gas_used(d, diveGases);
for (j = 0; j < MAX_CYLINDERS; j++)
if (diveGases[j].mliter) {
QString gasName = gasname(&d->cylinder[j].gasmix);
gasUsed[gasName] += diveGases[j].mliter;
Q_FOREACH(const QString& gas, gasUsed.keys()) {
gasUsedOrdered.append(qMakePair(gas, gasUsed[gas]));
qSort(gasUsedOrdered.begin(), gasUsedOrdered.end(), lessThan);