Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/subsurface/subsurface.git synced 2025-02-19 22:16:15 +00:00
Michael Keller 0d6b572a9f Fix script permissions.
Signed-off-by: Michael Keller <mikeller@042.ch>
2024-05-13 12:32:07 +12:00

210 lines
5.4 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI;
use Git::Repository;
# File to store cloud credentials
my $config_file = "/opt/ssrf/ssrf.conf";
# Where to store the git repository
my $git_dir = "/opt/ssrf/gitdir";
# Downloader binary
my $downloader = "/home/pi/src/subsurface/build/subsurface-downloader";
my %conf;
# Use unbuffered output
$| = 1;
# Setup some environemnt variables to make subsurface startup happy
$ENV{HOME} = '/tmp';
$ENV{LOGNAME} = 'www-data';
my $q = CGI->new;
print $q->header('text/html');
print $q->img({src => 'https://subsurface-divelog.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/subsurface-icon1.png'});
print $q->h1("Subsurface");
printf "Reading config file $config_file\n";
open CONF, $config_file || die "Cannot read $config_file:$!";
while (<CONF>) {
if (/^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(\S.*)$/) {
$conf{$1} = $2;
close CONF;
my %dcs;
print $q->start_form();
my $action = $q->param("action") || "start";
if ($action eq "config") {
# Enter cloud credentials
print "Subsurface cloud user name (typically your email address): ", $q->textfield(-name => 'username', -default => $conf{username});
print "<br>Subsurface cloud password: ", $q->password_field(-name => "password");
} elsif ($action eq "writeconfig") {
$conf{username} = $q->param("username");
$conf{username} =~ s/\s//g;
$conf{password} = $q->param("password");
$conf{password} =~ s/\s//g;
} elsif ($action eq "setmanufacturer") {
# Now we know the manufacturer, ask for model
print $q->hidden(-name => "Manufacturer", -default => $q->param("Manufacturer"));
print "Select ",$q->param("Manufacturer")," model:";
print $q->popup_menu(-name => "Product", -values => $dcs{$q->param("Manufacturer")}, -default => $conf{lastProduct});
} elsif ($action eq "setproduct") {
# Now we know the model as well, ask for mount point
print $q->hidden(-name => "Manufacturer", -default => $q->param("Manufacturer"));
print $q->hidden(-name => "Product", -default => $q->param("Product"));
opendir DIR, "/dev";
my @devices = sort {$a cmp $b} map {"/dev/$_"} (grep {/ttyUSB|ttyS|ttyACM|rfcom/} grep {!/^\./} (readdir DIR));
closedir DIR;
open MOUNTS, "/proc/mounts";
while (<MOUNTS>) {
my ($device, $mountpoint) = split /\s/;
if ($device =~ /dev/) {
push @devices, $mountpoint;
close MOUNTS;
print $q->popup_menu(-name => "Mount point", -values => \@devices, -default => $conf{lastMountpoint});
} elsif ($action eq "startdownload") {
$conf{lastManufacturer} = $q->param("Manufacturer");
$conf{lastProduct} = $q->param("Product");
$conf{lastMountpoint} = $q->param("Mount point");
} else {
# This is the mode we start up in
print "Select dive computer manufacturer:";
print $q->popup_menu(-name => "Manufacturer", -values => [sort keys %dcs], -default => $conf{lastManufacturer});
print $q->br(),$q->submit(-name => " OK ");
print $q->end_form();
print $q->br(), $q->a({-href => $q->url() . "?action=config"}, "Configure cloud credentials");
sub load_supported_dcs {
open IN, "$downloader --list-dc|" || die "Cannot run $downloader: $!";
while(<IN>) {
last if /Supported dive computers:/;
while(<IN>) {
last unless /\S/;
my ($manufacturer, $products) = /"([^:]+):\s+([^"]+)"/;
next unless defined $products;
$products =~ s/\([^\)]*\)//g;
my @products = split /,\s*/, $products;
$dcs{$manufacturer} = \@products;
close IN;
sub write_conf {
print "Writing config file\n";
open CONFW, ">$config_file" || die "Cannot write $config_file:$!";
foreach my $key (keys %conf) {
print CONFW "$key = $conf{$key}\n";
close CONFW;
print "Done\n";
sub next_action {
my $next = shift;
$q->param(action => $next);
print $q->hidden(
-name => "action",
-value => $next);
sub run_download {
# Do the actual download
my $repo;
# Does the repo exist?
if (-d $git_dir) {
# ... yes, pull latest version
$repo = Git::Repository->new( work_tree => $git_dir);
print "Pulling latest version from cloud.";
print $q->pre($repo->run("pull"));
} else {
# ... no, clone it
my $en_username = $conf{username};
# We need to escape the @ in the username to be able to encode it in the URL.
# Note: If we fail, the password gets written to /var/log/apache/error.log,
# Maybe there is a better way to pass the password to git...
$en_username =~ s/\@/%40/g;
my $git_url = 'https://' . $en_username . ':' . $conf{password} . '@cloud.subsurface-divelog.org//git/' . $conf{username};
print "Cloning repository";
print $q->pre(Git::Repository->run( clone => $git_url, $git_dir));
$repo = Git::Repository->new( work_tree => $git_dir );
# Assemble the command with all arguments
my $command = "$downloader --dc-vendor=" . $q->param('Manufacturer') .
" --dc-product=" . $q->param('Product') .
" --device=" . $q->param("Mount point") .
' ' . $git_dir .
'/[' . $conf{username} . ']';
print $q->pre($command);
# ... and run it
print $q->pre(`$command`);
# Push back to the cloud
print "Checkout user branch";
print $q->pre($repo->run("checkout", $conf{username}));
print "Push changes to cloud";
print $q->pre($repo->run("push", "origin", $conf{username}));