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Dirk Hohndel 4db79c8db9 mobile/models: add access to tags string
We already allow filtering by tags, but don't even show them on mobile.
That seems rather inconsistent.
First step is to make the tags available to the QML layer.

Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
2020-05-14 12:57:08 -07:00

970 lines
33 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#include "mobilelistmodel.h"
#include "core/divelist.h" // for shown_dives
MobileListModelBase::MobileListModelBase(DiveTripModelBase *sourceIn) : source(sourceIn)
QHash<int, QByteArray> MobileListModelBase::roleNames() const
QHash<int, QByteArray> roles;
roles[DiveTripModelBase::IS_TRIP_ROLE] = "isTrip";
roles[DiveTripModelBase::CURRENT_ROLE] = "current";
roles[IsTopLevelRole] = "isTopLevel";
roles[DiveDateRole] = "date";
roles[TripIdRole] = "tripId";
roles[TripNrDivesRole] = "tripNrDives";
roles[TripShortDateRole] = "tripShortDate";
roles[TripTitleRole] = "tripTitle";
roles[DateTimeRole] = "dateTime";
roles[IdRole] = "id";
roles[NumberRole] = "number";
roles[LocationRole] = "location";
roles[DepthRole] = "depth";
roles[DurationRole] = "duration";
roles[DepthDurationRole] = "depthDuration";
roles[RatingRole] = "rating";
roles[VizRole] = "viz";
roles[SuitRole] = "suit";
roles[AirTempRole] = "airTemp";
roles[WaterTempRole] = "waterTemp";
roles[SacRole] = "sac";
roles[SumWeightRole] = "sumWeight";
roles[DiveMasterRole] = "diveMaster";
roles[BuddyRole] = "buddy";
roles[TagsRole] = "tags";
roles[NotesRole]= "notes";
roles[GpsRole] = "gps";
roles[GpsDecimalRole] = "gpsDecimal";
roles[NoDiveRole] = "noDive";
roles[DiveSiteRole] = "diveSite";
roles[CylinderRole] = "cylinder";
roles[GetCylinderRole] = "getCylinder";
roles[CylinderListRole] = "cylinderList";
roles[SingleWeightRole] = "singleWeight";
roles[StartPressureRole] = "startPressure";
roles[EndPressureRole] = "endPressure";
roles[FirstGasRole] = "firstGas";
roles[SelectedRole] = "selected";
roles[DiveInTripRole] = "diveInTrip";
roles[TripAbove] = "tripAbove";
roles[TripBelow] = "tripBelow";
roles[TripLocationRole] = "tripLocation";
roles[TripNotesRole] = "tripNotes";
roles[IsInvalidRole] = "isInvalid";
return roles;
int MobileListModel::shown() const
return shown_dives;
int MobileListModelBase::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
return source->columnCount(parent);
QModelIndex MobileListModelBase::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const
if (!hasIndex(row, column, parent))
return QModelIndex();
return createIndex(row, column);
QModelIndex MobileListModelBase::parent(const QModelIndex &index) const
// These are flat models - there is no parent
return QModelIndex();
MobileListModel::MobileListModel(DiveTripModelBase *source) : MobileListModelBase(source),
connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::modelAboutToBeReset, this, &MobileListModel::beginResetModel);
connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::modelReset, this, &MobileListModel::endResetModel);
connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsAboutToBeRemoved, this, &MobileListModel::prepareRemove);
connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsRemoved, this, &MobileListModel::doneRemove);
connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsAboutToBeInserted, this, &MobileListModel::prepareInsert);
connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsInserted, this, &MobileListModel::doneInsert);
connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsAboutToBeMoved, this, &MobileListModel::prepareMove);
connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsMoved, this, &MobileListModel::doneMove);
connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::dataChanged, this, &MobileListModel::changed);
connect(&diveListNotifier, &DiveListNotifier::numShownChanged, this, &MobileListModel::shownChanged);
// We want to show the newest dives first. Therefore, we have to invert
// the indices with respect to the source model. To avoid mental gymnastics
// in the rest of the code, we do this right before sending to the
// source model and just after recieving from the source model, respectively.
QModelIndex MobileListModel::sourceIndex(int row, int col, int parentRow) const
if (row < 0 || col < 0)
return QModelIndex();
QModelIndex parent;
if (parentRow >= 0) {
int numTop = source->rowCount(QModelIndex());
parent = source->index(numTop - 1 - parentRow, 0);
int numItems = source->rowCount(parent);
return source->index(numItems - 1 - row, col, parent);
int MobileListModel::numSubItems() const
if (expandedRow < 0)
return 0;
return source->rowCount(sourceIndex(expandedRow, 0));
int MobileListModel::invertRow(const QModelIndex &parent, int row) const
int numItems = source->rowCount(parent);
return numItems - 1 - row;
int MobileListModel::mapRowFromSourceTopLevel(int row) const
// This is a top-level item. If it is after the expanded row,
// we have to add the items of the expanded row.
row = invertRow(QModelIndex(), row);
return expandedRow >= 0 && row > expandedRow ? row + numSubItems() : row;
int MobileListModel::mapRowFromSourceTopLevelForInsert(int row) const
// This is a top-level item. If it is after the expanded row,
// we have to add the items of the expanded row.
row = invertRow(QModelIndex(), row) + 1;
return expandedRow >= 0 && row > expandedRow ? row + numSubItems() : row;
// The parentRow parameter is the row of the expanded trip converted into
// local "coordinates" as a premature optimization.
int MobileListModel::mapRowFromSourceTrip(const QModelIndex &parent, int parentRow, int row) const
row = invertRow(parent, row);
if (parentRow != expandedRow) {
qWarning("MobileListModel::mapRowFromSourceTrip() called on non-extended row");
return -1;
return expandedRow + 1 + row; // expandedRow + 1 is the row of the first subitem
int MobileListModel::mapRowFromSource(const QModelIndex &parent, int row) const
if (row < 0)
return -1;
if (!parent.isValid()) {
return mapRowFromSourceTopLevel(row);
} else {
int parentRow = invertRow(QModelIndex(), parent.row());
return mapRowFromSourceTrip(parent, parentRow, row);
MobileListModel::IndexRange MobileListModel::mapRangeFromSource(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last) const
int num = last - first; // Actually, that is num - 1 owing to Qt's bizarre range semantics!
// Since we invert the direction, the last will be the first.
if (!parent.isValid()) {
first = mapRowFromSourceTopLevel(last);
// If this includes the extended row, we have to add the subitems
if (first <= expandedRow && first + num >= expandedRow)
num += numSubItems();
return { true, first, first + num };
} else {
int parentRow = invertRow(QModelIndex(), parent.row());
if (parentRow == expandedRow) {
first = mapRowFromSourceTrip(parent, parentRow, last);
return { true, first, first + num };
} else {
return { false, -1, -1 };
// This is fun: when inserting, we point to the item *before* which we
// want to insert. But by inverting the direction we turn that into the item
// *after* which we want to insert. Thus, we have to add one to the range.
// Moreover, here we have to use the first item. TODO: We can remove this
// function once the core-model is sorted appropriately.
MobileListModel::IndexRange MobileListModel::mapRangeFromSourceForInsert(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last) const
int num = last - first;
if (!parent.isValid()) {
first = mapRowFromSourceTopLevelForInsert(first);
return { true, first, first + num };
} else {
int parentRow = invertRow(QModelIndex(), parent.row());
if (parentRow == expandedRow) {
first = mapRowFromSourceTrip(parent, parentRow, first);
return { true, first + 1, first + 1 + num };
} else {
return { false, -1, -1 };
QModelIndex MobileListModel::mapFromSource(const QModelIndex &idx) const
return createIndex(mapRowFromSource(idx.parent(), idx.row()), idx.column());
QModelIndex MobileListModel::mapToSource(const QModelIndex &idx) const
if (!idx.isValid())
return idx;
int row = idx.row();
int col = idx.column();
if (expandedRow < 0 || row <= expandedRow)
return sourceIndex(row, col);
int numSub = numSubItems();
if (row > expandedRow + numSub)
return sourceIndex(row - numSub, col);
return sourceIndex(row - expandedRow - 1, col, expandedRow);
int MobileListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
if (parent.isValid())
return 0; // There is no parent
return source->rowCount() + numSubItems();
QVariant MobileListModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
if (role == IsTopLevelRole)
return index.row() <= expandedRow || index.row() > expandedRow + numSubItems();
return source->data(mapToSource(index), role);
// Trivial helper to return and erase the last element of a stack
template<typename T>
static T pop(std::vector<T> &v)
T res = v.back();
return res;
void MobileListModel::prepareRemove(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
IndexRange range = mapRangeFromSource(parent, first, last);
// Check whether we remove a dive from an expanded trip
if (range.visible && parent.isValid()) {
for (int i = first; i <= last; ++i) {
QModelIndex index = source->index(i, 0, parent);
if (source->data(index, DiveTripModelBase::CURRENT_ROLE).value<bool>()) {
// Hack alert: we remove the currently selected dive from a visible trip.
// Therefore, simply collapse the expanded trip. This is done in prepareRemove(),
// i.e. before the base model has actually done any removal and thus things should
// be consistent. Then, we can simply pretend that the range was invisible all along,
// i.e. the removal is a no-op.
range.visible = false;
if (range.visible)
beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), range.first, range.last);
void MobileListModel::updateRowAfterRemove(const IndexRange &range, int &row)
if (row < 0)
else if (range.first <= row && range.last >= row)
row = -1;
else if (range.first <= row)
row -= range.last - range.first + 1;
void MobileListModel::doneRemove(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
IndexRange range = pop(rangeStack);
if (range.visible) {
// Check if we have to move or remove the expanded or current item
updateRowAfterRemove(range, expandedRow);
void MobileListModel::prepareInsert(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
IndexRange range = mapRangeFromSourceForInsert(parent, first, last);
if (range.visible)
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), range.first, range.last);
void MobileListModel::doneInsert(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
IndexRange range = pop(rangeStack);
if (range.visible) {
// Check if we have to move the expanded item
if (!parent.isValid() && expandedRow >= 0 && range.first <= expandedRow)
expandedRow += last - first + 1;
} else {
// The range was not visible, thus we inserted into a non-expanded trip.
// However, we might have inserted the current item. This means that we
// have to expand that trip.
// If we inserted a dive that is the current item
QModelIndex index = source->index(parent.row(), 0, QModelIndex());
if (source->data(index, DiveTripModelBase::TRIP_HAS_CURRENT_ROLE).value<bool>()) {
int row = mapRowFromSourceTopLevel(parent.row());
if (!parent.isValid()) {
// If we inserted a trip that contains the current item, expand that trip
for (int i = first; i <= last; ++i) {
// Accessing data via the model/view API is annoying.
// Perhaps we should simply add a tripHasCurrent(int row) function?
QModelIndex index = source->index(i, 0, QModelIndex());
if (source->data(index, DiveTripModelBase::TRIP_HAS_CURRENT_ROLE).value<bool>()) {
int row = mapRowFromSourceTopLevel(i);
// Moving rows is annoying, as there are numerous cases to be considered.
// Some of them degrade to removing or inserting rows.
void MobileListModel::prepareMove(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last, const QModelIndex &dest, int destRow)
IndexRange range = mapRangeFromSource(parent, first, last);
IndexRange rangeDest = mapRangeFromSourceForInsert(dest, destRow, destRow);
if (!range.visible && !rangeDest.visible)
if (range.visible && !rangeDest.visible)
return prepareRemove(parent, first, last);
if (!range.visible && rangeDest.visible)
return prepareInsert(parent, first, last);
beginMoveRows(QModelIndex(), range.first, range.last, QModelIndex(), rangeDest.first);
void MobileListModel::updateRowAfterMove(const IndexRange &range, const IndexRange &rangeDest, int &row)
if (row >= 0 && (rangeDest.first < range.first || rangeDest.first > range.last + 1)) {
if (range.first <= row && range.last >= row) {
// Case 1: the expanded row is in the moved range
if (rangeDest.first <= range.first)
row -= range.first - rangeDest.first;
else if (rangeDest.first > range.last + 1)
row += rangeDest.first - (range.last + 1);
} else if (range.first > row && rangeDest.first <= row) {
// Case 2: moving things from behind to before the expanded row
row += range.last - range.first + 1;
} else if (range.first < row && rangeDest.first > row) {
// Case 3: moving things from before to behind the expanded row
row -= range.last - range.first + 1;
void MobileListModel::doneMove(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last, const QModelIndex &dest, int destRow)
IndexRange rangeDest = pop(rangeStack);
IndexRange range = pop(rangeStack);
if (!range.visible && !rangeDest.visible)
if (range.visible && !rangeDest.visible)
return doneRemove(parent, first, last);
if (!range.visible && rangeDest.visible)
return doneInsert(parent, first, last);
if (expandedRow >= 0 && (rangeDest.first < range.first || rangeDest.first > range.last + 1)) {
if (!parent.isValid() && range.first <= expandedRow && range.last >= expandedRow) {
// Case 1: the expanded row is in the moved range
// Since we don't support sub-trips, this means that we can't move into another trip
if (dest.isValid())
qWarning("MobileListModel::doneMove(): moving trips into a subtrip");
else if (rangeDest.first <= range.first)
expandedRow -= range.first - rangeDest.first;
else if (rangeDest.first > range.last + 1)
expandedRow += rangeDest.first - (range.last + 1);
} else if (range.first > expandedRow && rangeDest.first <= expandedRow) {
// Case 2: moving things from behind to before the expanded row
expandedRow += range.last - range.first + 1;
} else if (range.first < expandedRow && rangeDest.first > expandedRow) {
// Case 3: moving things from before to behind the expanded row
expandedRow -= range.last - range.first + 1;
updateRowAfterMove(range, rangeDest, expandedRow);
void MobileListModel::expand(int row)
// First, let us treat the trivial cases: expand an invalid row
// or the row is already expanded.
if (row < 0) {
if (row == expandedRow)
// Collapse the old expanded row, if any.
if (expandedRow >= 0) {
int numSub = numSubItems();
if (row > expandedRow) {
if (row <= expandedRow + numSub) {
qWarning("MobileListModel::expand(): trying to expand row in trip");
row -= numSub;
int first = row + 1;
QModelIndex tripIdx = sourceIndex(row, 0);
int numRow = source->rowCount(tripIdx);
int last = first + numRow - 1;
if (last < first) {
// Amazingly, Qt's model API doesn't properly handle empty ranges!
expandedRow = row;
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), first, last);
expandedRow = row;
void MobileListModel::changed(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight, const QVector<int> &roles)
// We don't support changes beyond levels, sorry.
if (topLeft.parent().isValid() != bottomRight.parent().isValid()) {
qWarning("MobileListModel::changed(): changes across different levels. Ignoring.");
// Special case CURRENT_ROLE: if a dive in a collapsed trip becomes current, expand that trip
// and if a dive outside of a trip becomes current, collapse any expanded trip.
// Note: changes to current must not be combined with other changes, therefore we can
// assume that roles.size() == 1.
if (roles.size() == 1 && roles[0] == DiveTripModelBase::CURRENT_ROLE &&
source->data(topLeft, DiveTripModelBase::CURRENT_ROLE).value<bool>()) {
if (topLeft.parent().isValid()) {
int parentRow = mapRowFromSourceTopLevel(topLeft.parent().row());
if (parentRow != expandedRow) {
} else {
if (topLeft.parent().isValid()) {
// This is a range in a trip. First do a sanity check.
if (topLeft.parent().row() != bottomRight.parent().row()) {
qWarning("MobileListModel::changed(): changes inside different trips. Ignoring.");
// Now check whether this is expanded
IndexRange range = mapRangeFromSource(topLeft.parent(), topLeft.row(), bottomRight.row());
if (!range.visible)
dataChanged(createIndex(range.first, topLeft.column()), createIndex(range.last, bottomRight.column()), roles);
} else {
// This is a top-level range.
IndexRange range = mapRangeFromSource(topLeft.parent(), topLeft.row(), bottomRight.row());
// If the expanded row is outside the region to be updated
// or the last entry in the region to be updated, we can simply
// forward the signal.
if (expandedRow < 0 || expandedRow < range.first || expandedRow >= range.last) {
dataChanged(createIndex(range.first, topLeft.column()), createIndex(range.last, bottomRight.column()), roles);
// We have to split this in two parts: before and including the expanded row
// and everything after the expanded row.
int numSub = numSubItems();
dataChanged(createIndex(range.first, topLeft.column()), createIndex(expandedRow, bottomRight.column()), roles);
dataChanged(createIndex(expandedRow + 1 + numSub, topLeft.column()), createIndex(range.last, bottomRight.column()), roles);
void MobileListModel::invalidate()
// Qt's model/view API can't handle empty ranges and we have to subtract one from the last item,
// because ranges are given as [first,last] (i.e. last inclusive).
int rows = rowCount(QModelIndex());
if (rows <= 0)
QModelIndex fromIdx = createIndex(0, 0);
QModelIndex toIdx = createIndex(rows - 1, 0);
dataChanged(fromIdx, toIdx);
void MobileListModel::unexpand()
if (expandedRow < 0)
int first = expandedRow + 1;
int numRows = numSubItems();
int last = first + numRows - 1;
if (last < first) {
// Amazingly, Qt's model API doesn't properly handle empty ranges!
expandedRow = -1;
beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), first, last);
expandedRow = -1;
void MobileListModel::toggle(int row)
if (row < 0)
else if (row == expandedRow)
MobileSwipeModel::MobileSwipeModel(DiveTripModelBase *source) : MobileListModelBase(source)
connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::modelAboutToBeReset, this, &MobileSwipeModel::beginResetModel);
connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::modelReset, this, &MobileSwipeModel::doneReset);
connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsAboutToBeRemoved, this, &MobileSwipeModel::prepareRemove);
connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsRemoved, this, &MobileSwipeModel::doneRemove);
connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsAboutToBeInserted, this, &MobileSwipeModel::prepareInsert);
connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsInserted, this, &MobileSwipeModel::doneInsert);
connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsAboutToBeMoved, this, &MobileSwipeModel::prepareMove);
connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::rowsMoved, this, &MobileSwipeModel::doneMove);
connect(source, &DiveTripModelBase::dataChanged, this, &MobileSwipeModel::changed);
// Return the size of a top level item in the source model. Whereby size
// is the number of items it represents in the swipe model:
// A dive has size one, a trip has the size of the number of its items.
// Attention: the given row is expressed in source-coordinates!
int MobileSwipeModel::topLevelRowCountInSource(int sourceRow) const
QModelIndex index = source->index(sourceRow, 0, QModelIndex());
return source->data(index, DiveTripModelBase::IS_TRIP_ROLE).value<bool>() ?
source->rowCount(index) : 1;
void MobileSwipeModel::initData()
rows = 0;
int act = 0;
int topLevelRows = source->rowCount();
for (int i = 0; i < topLevelRows; ++i) {
firstElement[i] = act;
// Note: we populate the model in reverse order, because we show the newest dives first.
act += topLevelRowCountInSource(topLevelRows - i - 1);
rows = act;
void MobileSwipeModel::doneReset()
void MobileSwipeModel::invalidateSourceRowCache() const
cachedRow = -1;
cacheSourceParent = QModelIndex();
cacheSourceRow = -1;
void MobileSwipeModel::updateSourceRowCache(int localRow) const
if (firstElement.empty())
return invalidateSourceRowCache();
cachedRow = localRow;
// Do a binary search for the first top-level item that starts after the given row
auto idx = std::upper_bound(firstElement.begin(), firstElement.end(), localRow);
if (idx == firstElement.begin())
return invalidateSourceRowCache(); // Huh? localRow was negative? Then index->isValid() should have returned true.
int topLevelRow = idx - firstElement.begin();
int topLevelRowSource = firstElement.end() - idx - 1; // Reverse direction.
int indexInRow = localRow - *idx;
if (indexInRow == 0) {
// This might be a top-level dive or a one-dive trip. Perhaps we should save which one it is.
if (!source->data(source->index(topLevelRowSource, 0), DiveTripModelBase::IS_TRIP_ROLE).value<bool>()) {
cacheSourceParent = QModelIndex();
cacheSourceRow = topLevelRowSource;
cacheSourceParent = source->index(topLevelRowSource, 0);
int numElements = elementCountInTopLevel(topLevelRow);
cacheSourceRow = numElements - indexInRow - 1;
QModelIndex MobileSwipeModel::mapToSource(const QModelIndex &index) const
if (!index.isValid())
return QModelIndex();
if (index.row() != cachedRow)
return cacheSourceRow >= 0 ? source->index(cacheSourceRow, index.column(), cacheSourceParent) : QModelIndex();
int MobileSwipeModel::mapTopLevelFromSource(int row) const
return firstElement.size() - row - 1;
int MobileSwipeModel::mapTopLevelFromSourceForInsert(int row) const
return firstElement.size() - row;
int MobileSwipeModel::elementCountInTopLevel(int row) const
if (row < 0 || row >= (int)firstElement.size())
return 0;
if (row + 1 < (int)firstElement.size())
return firstElement[row + 1] - firstElement[row];
return rows - firstElement[row];
int MobileSwipeModel::mapRowFromSource(const QModelIndex &parent, int row) const
if (parent.isValid()) {
int topLevelRow = mapTopLevelFromSource(parent.row());
int count = elementCountInTopLevel(topLevelRow);
return firstElement[topLevelRow] + count - row - 1; // Note: we invert the direction!
} else {
int topLevelRow = mapTopLevelFromSource(row);
return firstElement[topLevelRow];
int MobileSwipeModel::mapRowFromSource(const QModelIndex &idx) const
return mapRowFromSource(idx.parent(), idx.row());
int MobileSwipeModel::mapRowFromSourceForInsert(const QModelIndex &parent, int row) const
if (parent.isValid()) {
int topLevelRow = mapTopLevelFromSource(parent.row());
int count = elementCountInTopLevel(topLevelRow);
return firstElement[topLevelRow] + count - row; // Note: we invert the direction!
} else {
if (row == 0)
return rows; // Insert at the end
int topLevelRow = mapTopLevelFromSource(row - 1);
return firstElement[topLevelRow]; // Note: we invert the direction!
MobileSwipeModel::IndexRange MobileSwipeModel::mapRangeFromSource(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last) const
// Since we invert the direction, the last will be the first.
if (!parent.isValid()) {
int localFirst = mapRowFromSource(QModelIndex(), last);
// Point to the *last* item in the topLevelRange. Yay for Qt's bizzare [first,last] range-semantics.
int localLast = mapRowFromSource(QModelIndex(), first);
int topLevelLast = mapTopLevelFromSource(first);
localLast += elementCountInTopLevel(topLevelLast) - 1;
return { localFirst, localLast };
} else {
// For items inside trips we can simply translate them, as they cannot contain subitems.
// Remember to reverse the direction, though.
return { mapRowFromSource(parent, last), mapRowFromSource(parent, first) };
// Remove top-level items. Parameters with standard range semantics (pointer to first and past last element).
int MobileSwipeModel::removeTopLevel(int begin, int end)
auto it1 = firstElement.begin() + begin;
auto it2 = firstElement.begin() + end;
int count = 0; // Number of items we have to subtract from rest
for (int row = begin; row < end; ++row)
count += elementCountInTopLevel(row);
firstElement.erase(it1, it2); // Remove items
for (auto act = firstElement.begin() + begin; act != firstElement.end(); ++act)
*act -= count; // Subtract removed items
rows -= count;
return count;
// Add or remove subitems from top-level items
void MobileSwipeModel::updateTopLevel(int row, int delta)
for (int i = row + 1; i < (int)firstElement.size(); ++i)
firstElement[i] += delta;
rows += delta;
// Add items at top-level. The number of subelements of each items is given in the second parameter.
void MobileSwipeModel::addTopLevel(int row, std::vector<int> items)
// We get an array with the number of items per inserted row.
// Transform that to the first element in each row.
int nextEl = row < (int)firstElement.size() ? firstElement[row] : rows;
int count = 0;
for (int &item: items) {
int num = item;
item = nextEl;
nextEl += num;
count += num;
// Now, increase the first element of the items after the inserted range
// by the number of inserted items.
auto it = firstElement.begin() + row;
for (auto act = it; act != firstElement.end(); ++act)
*act += count;
rows += count;
// Insert the range
firstElement.insert(it, items.begin(), items.end());
void MobileSwipeModel::prepareRemove(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
IndexRange range = mapRangeFromSource(parent, first, last);
if (range.last >= range.first)
beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), range.first, range.last);
void MobileSwipeModel::doneRemove(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
IndexRange range = pop(rangeStack);
if (range.last < range.first)
if (!parent.isValid()) {
// This is a top-level range. This means that we have to remove top-level items.
// Remember to invert the direction.
removeTopLevel(mapTopLevelFromSource(last), mapTopLevelFromSource(first) + 1);
} else {
// This is part of a trip. Only the number of items has to be changed.
updateTopLevel(mapTopLevelFromSource(parent.row()), -(last - first + 1));
void MobileSwipeModel::prepareInsert(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
// We can not call beginInsertRows here, because before the source model
// has inserted its rows we don't know how many subitems there are!
void MobileSwipeModel::doneInsert(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
if (!parent.isValid()) {
// This is a top-level range. This means that we have to add top-level items.
// Create vector of new top-level items
std::vector<int> items;
items.reserve(last - first + 1);
int count = 0;
for (int row = last; row >= first; --row) {
count += items.back();
int firstLocal = mapTopLevelFromSourceForInsert(first);
if (firstLocal >= 0) {
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), firstLocal, firstLocal + count - 1);
addTopLevel(firstLocal, std::move(items));
} else {
qWarning("MobileSwipeModel::doneInsert(): invalid source index!\n");
} else {
// This is part of a trip. Only the number of items has to be changed.
int row = mapRowFromSourceForInsert(parent, first);
int count = last - first + 1;
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), row, row + count - 1);
updateTopLevel(mapTopLevelFromSource(parent.row()), count);
void MobileSwipeModel::prepareMove(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last, const QModelIndex &dest, int destRow)
IndexRange range = mapRangeFromSource(parent, first, last);
if (range.last >= range.first)
beginMoveRows(QModelIndex(), range.first, range.last, QModelIndex(), mapRowFromSourceForInsert(dest, destRow));
void MobileSwipeModel::doneMove(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last, const QModelIndex &dest, int destRow)
IndexRange range = pop(rangeStack);
if (range.last < range.first)
// Moving is annoying. There are four cases to consider, depending whether
// we move in / out of a top-level item!
if (!parent.isValid() && !dest.isValid()) {
// From top-level to top-level
if (destRow < first || destRow > last + 1) {
int beginLocal = mapTopLevelFromSource(last);
int endLocal = mapTopLevelFromSource(first) + 1;
int destLocal = mapTopLevelFromSourceForInsert(destRow);
int count = endLocal - beginLocal;
std::vector<int> items;
for (int row = beginLocal; row < endLocal; ++row) {
items.push_back(row < (int)firstElement.size() - 1 ? firstElement[row + 1] - firstElement[row]
: rows - firstElement[row]);
removeTopLevel(mapTopLevelFromSource(last), mapTopLevelFromSource(first) + 1);
if (destLocal >= beginLocal)
destLocal -= count;
addTopLevel(destLocal, std::move(items));
} else if (!parent.isValid() && dest.isValid()) {
// From top-level to trip
int beginLocal = mapTopLevelFromSource(last);
int endLocal = mapTopLevelFromSource(first) + 1;
int destLocal = mapTopLevelFromSourceForInsert(dest.row());
int count = endLocal - beginLocal;
int numMoved = removeTopLevel(beginLocal, endLocal);
if (destLocal >= beginLocal)
destLocal -= count;
updateTopLevel(destLocal, numMoved);
} else if (parent.isValid() && !dest.isValid()) {
// From trip to top-level
int fromLocal = mapTopLevelFromSource(parent.row());
int toLocal = mapTopLevelFromSourceForInsert(dest.row());
int numMoved = last - first + 1;
std::vector<int> items(numMoved, 1); // This can only be dives -> item count is 1
updateTopLevel(fromLocal, -numMoved);
addTopLevel(toLocal, std::move(items));
} else {
// From trip to other trip
int fromLocal = mapTopLevelFromSource(parent.row());
int toLocal = mapTopLevelFromSourceForInsert(dest.row());
int numMoved = last - first + 1;
if (fromLocal != toLocal) {
updateTopLevel(fromLocal, -numMoved);
updateTopLevel(toLocal, numMoved);
void MobileSwipeModel::changed(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight, const QVector<int> &roles)
if (!topLeft.isValid() || !bottomRight.isValid())
// We don't display trips in the swipe model. If we get changed signals for that - ignore it.
// Subtle: we only check that for single-row changes, because the source model sends changes
// to trips one-by-one. The way we query the source model is ... not nice to read.
if (topLeft.row() == bottomRight.row() &&
source->data(topLeft, DiveTripModelBase::IS_TRIP_ROLE).value<bool>())
int fromSource = mapRowFromSource(bottomRight);
int toSource = mapRowFromSource(topLeft);
QModelIndex fromIdx = createIndex(fromSource, topLeft.column());
QModelIndex toIdx = createIndex(toSource, bottomRight.column());
dataChanged(fromIdx, toIdx, roles);
// Special case CURRENT_ROLE: if a dive becomes current, we send a signal so that the
// dive-details page can update the current dive. It would be nicer if the frontend could
// hook into the changed-signal, but currently I don't know how this works in QML.
// Note: changes to current must not be combined with other changes, therefore we can
// assume that roles.size() == 1.
if (roles.size() == 1 && roles[0] == DiveTripModelBase::CURRENT_ROLE &&
source->data(topLeft, DiveTripModelBase::CURRENT_ROLE).value<bool>())
emit currentDiveChanged(fromIdx);
void MobileSwipeModel::invalidate()
// Qt's model/view API can't handle empty ranges and we have to subtract one from the last item,
// because ranges are given as [first,last] (i.e. last inclusive).
int rows = rowCount(QModelIndex());
if (rows <= 0)
QModelIndex fromIdx = createIndex(0, 0);
QModelIndex toIdx = createIndex(rows - 1, 0);
dataChanged(fromIdx, toIdx);
QVariant MobileSwipeModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
return source->data(mapToSource(index), role);
int MobileSwipeModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
if (parent.isValid())
return 0; // There is no parent
return rows;
MobileModels *MobileModels::instance()
static MobileModels self;
return &self;
MobileModels::MobileModels() :
MobileListModel *MobileModels::listModel()
return &lm;
MobileSwipeModel *MobileModels::swipeModel()
return &sm;
// This is called when the settings changed. Instead of rebuilding the model, send a changed signal on all entries.
void MobileModels::invalidate()