Jan Mulder 0ad7df9859 mobile, QML UI: Settings page scalability
A relatively big change for such a simple page. Most relevant
changes are:

1) Do not use Kirigami.Header anymore. It appears that this header
has word wrapping on (and we cannot override that). This is
annoying on this page, as headings seems randomly be split over
2 lines, even in cases where there is more than enhough room to
display it on one line. And as the Kirigami.Header is just a
trivial wrapper of a Text field, we can simple replace it.

2) A lot of the toplevel GridLayouts had width properties set. These
are not needed (and confused my debugging code), so they are removed
withput any visual change. As a general rule, do not try to set
properties that are not needed. In general, it can only lead to
binding loops or undefined behavior.

3) Add a font size to our Theme. The step from regular to title size
was a little too big.

4) And, obviously, numerous font.pointSize lines are added to actually
resize the font.

Signed-off-by: Jan Mulder <>
2018-09-27 06:36:22 -07:00

513 lines
14 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 as Controls
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2
import org.kde.kirigami 2.2 as Kirigami
import 1.0
Kirigami.ScrollablePage {
objectName: "Settings"
id: settingsPage
property alias defaultCylinderModel: defaultCylinderBox.model
property alias defaultCylinderIndex: defaultCylinderBox.currentIndex
title: qsTr("Settings")
background: Rectangle { color: subsurfaceTheme.backgroundColor }
property real gridWidth: settingsPage.width - Kirigami.Units.gridUnit
property var describe: [qsTr("Undefined"),
qsTr("Incorrect username/password combination"),
qsTr("Credentials need to be verified"),
qsTr("Credentials verified"),
qsTr("No cloud mode")]
ColumnLayout {
width: gridWidth
GridLayout {
id: cloudSetting
columns: 3
Controls.Label {
text: qsTr("Cloud status")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.headingPointSize
font.weight: Font.Light
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Layout.topMargin: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing
Layout.bottomMargin: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing / 2
Layout.columnSpan: 3
Controls.Label {
text: qsTr("Email")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.15
Controls.Label {
text: prefs.credentialStatus === CloudStatus.CS_NOCLOUD ? qsTr("Not applicable") : prefs.cloudUserName
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.60
SsrfButton {
id: changeCloudSettings
text: qsTr("Change")
onClicked: {
Controls.Label {
text: qsTr("Status")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.15
Layout.preferredHeight: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 1.5
Controls.Label {
text: describe[prefs.credentialStatus]
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.60
Layout.preferredHeight: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 1.5
Rectangle {
color: subsurfaceTheme.darkerPrimaryColor
height: 1
opacity: 0.5
Layout.fillWidth: true
GridLayout {
id: themeSettings
columns: 3
Controls.Label {
text: qsTr("Theme")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.headingPointSize
font.weight: Font.Light
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Layout.topMargin: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing
Layout.bottomMargin: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing / 2
Layout.columnSpan: 3
Controls.Label {
text: qsTr("Blue")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
rightPadding: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.15
Row {
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.6
Rectangle {
id: blueRect
color: subsurfaceTheme.blueBackgroundColor
border.color: "black"
width: sampleRegularBlue.width + Kirigami.Units.gridUnit
height: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 2
Text {
id: sampleRegularBlue
text: qsTr("regular text")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
color: subsurfaceTheme.blueTextColor
anchors {
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
Rectangle {
color: subsurfaceTheme.bluePrimaryColor
border.color: "black"
width: sampleHighlightBlue.width + Kirigami.Units.gridUnit
height: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 2
Text {
id: sampleHighlightBlue
text: qsTr("Highlight")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
color: subsurfaceTheme.bluePrimaryTextColor
anchors {
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
SsrfSwitch {
id: blueButton
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.25
checked: subsurfaceTheme.currentTheme === "Blue"
enabled: subsurfaceTheme.currentTheme !== "Blue"
onClicked: {
PrefDisplay.theme = subsurfaceTheme.currentTheme
Controls.Label {
id: pinkLabel
text: qsTr("Pink")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
rightPadding: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.15
Row {
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.6
Rectangle {
id: pinkRect
color: subsurfaceTheme.pinkBackgroundColor
border.color: "black"
width: sampleRegularPink.width + Kirigami.Units.gridUnit
height: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 2
Text {
id: sampleRegularPink
text: qsTr("regular text")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
color: subsurfaceTheme.pinkTextColor
anchors {
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
Rectangle {
color: subsurfaceTheme.pinkPrimaryColor
border.color: "black"
width: sampleHighlightPink.width + Kirigami.Units.gridUnit
height: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 2
Text {
id: sampleHighlightPink
text: qsTr("Highlight")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
color: subsurfaceTheme.pinkPrimaryTextColor
anchors {
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
SsrfSwitch {
id: pinkButton
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.25
checked: subsurfaceTheme.currentTheme === "Pink"
enabled: subsurfaceTheme.currentTheme !== "Pink"
onClicked: {
PrefDisplay.theme = subsurfaceTheme.currentTheme
Controls.Label {
text: qsTr("Dark")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
rightPadding: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.15
Row {
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.6
Rectangle {
id: blackRect
color: subsurfaceTheme.darkBackgroundColor
border.color: "black"
width: sampleRegularDark.width + Kirigami.Units.gridUnit
height: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 2
Text {
id: sampleRegularDark
text: qsTr("regular text")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
color: subsurfaceTheme.darkTextColor
anchors {
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
Rectangle {
color: subsurfaceTheme.darkPrimaryColor
border.color: "black"
width: sampleHighlightDark.width + Kirigami.Units.gridUnit
height: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 2
Text {
id: sampleHighlightDark
text: qsTr("Highlight")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
color: subsurfaceTheme.darkPrimaryTextColor
anchors {
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
SsrfSwitch {
id: darkButton
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.25
checked: subsurfaceTheme.currentTheme === "Dark"
enabled: subsurfaceTheme.currentTheme !== "Dark"
onClicked: {
PrefDisplay.theme = subsurfaceTheme.currentTheme
Controls.Label {
text: qsTr("Scaling")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.headingPointSize
font.weight: Font.Light
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Layout.topMargin: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing
Layout.bottomMargin: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing / 2
Layout.columnSpan: 3
Row {
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.8
Layout.columnSpan: 3
spacing: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing
SsrfButton {
text: qsTr("smaller")
enabled: PrefDisplay.mobile_scale !== 0.85
onClicked: {
PrefDisplay.mobile_scale = 0.85
fontMetrics.font.pointSize = subsurfaceTheme.basePointSize * PrefDisplay.mobile_scale;
SsrfButton {
text: qsTr("regular")
enabled: PrefDisplay.mobile_scale !== 1.0
onClicked: {
PrefDisplay.mobile_scale = 1.0
fontMetrics.font.pointSize = subsurfaceTheme.basePointSize * PrefDisplay.mobile_scale;
SsrfButton {
text: qsTr("larger")
enabled: PrefDisplay.mobile_scale !== 1.15
onClicked: {
PrefDisplay.mobile_scale = 1.15
fontMetrics.font.pointSize = subsurfaceTheme.basePointSize * PrefDisplay.mobile_scale;
Rectangle {
color: subsurfaceTheme.darkerPrimaryColor
height: 1
opacity: 0.5
Layout.fillWidth: true
GridLayout {
id: gpsPrefs
columns: 2
Controls.Label {
text: qsTr("GPS location service")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.headingPointSize
font.weight: Font.Light
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Layout.topMargin: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing
Layout.bottomMargin: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing / 2
Layout.columnSpan: 2
Controls.Label {
text: qsTr("Distance threshold (meters)")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.75
Controls.TextField {
id: distanceThreshold
text: PrefLocationService.distance_threshold
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.25
onEditingFinished: {
PrefLocationService.distance_threshold = distanceThreshold.text
Controls.Label {
text: qsTr("Time threshold (minutes)")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.75
Controls.TextField {
id: timeThreshold
text: PrefLocationService.time_threshold / 60
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.25
onEditingFinished: {
PrefLocationService.time_threshold = timeThreshold.text * 60
Rectangle {
color: subsurfaceTheme.darkerPrimaryColor
height: 1
opacity: 0.5
Layout.fillWidth: true
GridLayout {
id: defaultCylinder
columns: 2
Layout.rightMargin: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 1.5
Controls.Label {
text: qsTr("Default Cylinder")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.headingPointSize
font.weight: Font.Light
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Layout.topMargin: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing
Layout.bottomMargin: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing / 2
Layout.columnSpan: 2
Controls.Label {
text: qsTr("Cylinder:")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
Controls.ComboBox {
id: defaultCylinderBox
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
Layout.preferredHeight: fontMetrics.height * 2.5
inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhNoPredictiveText
Layout.fillWidth: true
onActivated: {
Rectangle {
color: subsurfaceTheme.darkerPrimaryColor
height: 1
opacity: 0.5
Layout.fillWidth: true
GridLayout {
id: divecomputers
columns: 2
Controls.Label {
text: qsTr("Dive computers")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.headingPointSize
font.weight: Font.Light
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Layout.topMargin: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing
Layout.bottomMargin: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing
Layout.columnSpan: 2
Controls.Label {
text: qsTr("Forget remembered dive computers")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.75
SsrfButton {
id: forgetDCButton
text: qsTr("Forget")
enabled: PrefDiveComputer.vendor1 !== ""
onClicked: {
PrefDiveComputer.vendor1 = ""
PrefDiveComputer.vendor2 = ""
PrefDiveComputer.vendor3 = ""
PrefDiveComputer.vendor4 = ""
PrefDiveComputer.vendor = ""
Rectangle {
color: subsurfaceTheme.darkerPrimaryColor
height: 1
opacity: 0.5
Layout.fillWidth: true
GridLayout {
id: unit_system
columns: 2
Controls.Label {
text: qsTr("Units")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.headingPointSize
font.weight: Font.Light
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Layout.topMargin: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing
Layout.bottomMargin: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing / 2
Layout.columnSpan: 2
Controls.Label {
text: qsTr("Use Imperial Units")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.75
SsrfSwitch {
id: imperialButton
checked: PrefUnits.unit_system === "imperial"
enabled: PrefUnits.unit_system === "metric"
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.25
onClicked: {
Controls.Label {
text: qsTr("Use Metric Units")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.75
SsrfSwitch {
id: metricButtton
checked: PrefUnits.unit_system === "metric"
enabled: PrefUnits.unit_system === "imperial"
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.25
onClicked: {
Rectangle {
color: subsurfaceTheme.darkerPrimaryColor
height: 1
opacity: 0.5
Layout.fillWidth: true
GridLayout {
id: developer
columns: 2
Controls.Label {
text: qsTr("Developer")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.headingPointSize
font.weight: Font.Light
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Layout.topMargin: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing
Layout.bottomMargin: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing / 2
Layout.columnSpan: 2
Controls.Label {
text: qsTr("Display Developer menu")
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.75
SsrfSwitch {
id: developerButton
checked: PrefDisplay.show_developer
Layout.preferredWidth: gridWidth * 0.25
onClicked: {
PrefDisplay.show_developer = checked
Item {
height: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 6