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synced 2025-01-19 22:35:27 +00:00
This implements saving of some dive details to the cloud service. When the user closes an open dives, any changed details will be cached, and when they click on the 'Save Changes' button is pressed, the changes will be saved to the cloud. Signed-off-by: Grace Karanja <gracie.karanja89@gmail.com>
194 lines
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194 lines
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import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import org.subsurfacedivelog.mobile 1.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
Rectangle {
id: page
Component {
id: diveDelegate
Item {
id: dive
property real detailsOpacity : 0
width: diveListView.width
height: childrenRect.height
//Bounded rect for the background
Rectangle {
id: background
x: 2; y: 2; width: parent.width - x*2; height: parent.height - y*2;
color: "ivory"
border.color: "orange"
radius: 5
//Mouse region: When clicked, the mode changes to details view
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: dive.state = 'Details'
//Layout of the page: (mini profile, dive no, date at the tio
//And other details at the bottom.
Row {
id: topLayout
x: 10; y: 10; height: childrenRect.height; width: parent.width
spacing: 10
Column {
width: background.width; height: childrenRect.height * 1.1
spacing: 5
Text {
text: diveNumber + ' (' + date + ')'
Text { text: location; width: details.width }
Text { text: '<b>Depth:</b> ' + depth + ' <b>Duration:</b>' + duration; width: details.width }
Item {
id: details
x: 10; width: parent.width - 20
anchors { top: topLayout.bottom; topMargin: 10; bottom:parent.bottom; bottomMargin: 10 }
opacity: dive.detailsOpacity
Text {
id: detailsTitle
anchors.top: parent.top
text: "Dive Details"
font.pointSize: 12; font.bold: true
Flickable {
id: flick
width: parent.width
anchors { top: detailsTitle.bottom; bottom: parent.bottom }
contentHeight: editorDetails.height
clip: true
GridLayout {
id: editorDetails
width: detailsPage.width
columns: 2
Text { text: "Location:"; font.bold: true }
TextField { id: txtLocation; text: location; Layout.fillWidth: true }
Text { text: "Air Temp:"; font.bold: true }
TextField { id: txtAirTemp; text: airtemp; Layout.fillWidth: true }
Text { text: "Water Temp:"; font.bold: true }
TextField { id: txtWaterTemp; text: watertemp; Layout.fillWidth: true }
Text { text: "Suit:"; font.bold: true }
TextField { id: txtSuit; text: suit; Layout.fillWidth: true }
Text { text: "Buddy:"; font.bold: true }
TextField { id: txtBuddy; text: buddy; Layout.fillWidth: true }
Text { text: "Dive Master:"; font.bold: true }
TextField { id: txtDiveMaster; text: divemaster; Layout.fillWidth: true}
Text { text: "Notes:"; font.bold: true }
id: txtNotes
text: notes
focus: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
selectByMouse: true
wrapMode: TextEdit.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
TextButton {
y: 10
anchors { right: background.right; rightMargin: 10 }
opacity: dive.detailsOpacity
text: "Close"
onClicked: {
dive.state = '';
states: State {
name: "Details"
PropertyChanges {
target: background
color: "white"
PropertyChanges {
target: dive
detailsOpacity: 1; x:0 //Make details visible
height: diveListView.height //Fill entire list area with the details
//Move the list so that this item is at the top
PropertyChanges {
target: dive.ListView.view
explicit: true
contentY: dive.y
//Disable flicking while we are in detailed view
PropertyChanges {
target: dive.ListView.view
interactive: false
transitions: Transition {
//make the state changes smooth
ParallelAnimation {
ColorAnimation {
property: "color"
duration: 500
NumberAnimation {
duration: 300
properties: "detailsOpacity,x,contentY,height,width"
Component {
id: tripHeading
Rectangle {
width: page.width
height: childrenRect.height
color: "lightsteelblue"
Text {
text: section
font.bold: true
font.pointSize: 16
ListView {
id: diveListView
anchors.fill: parent
model: diveModel
delegate: diveDelegate
focus: true
section.property: "trip"
section.criteria: ViewSection.FullString
section.delegate: tripHeading