Berthold Stoeger 5f91c69f9c statistics: create themes on demand
Create the themes only when needed (singleton pattern). If
the themes should do more than colors, such as for example
fonts, it is not clear whether that can be done before main()
runs. By creating the themes on demand, the Qt UI should
be initialized in the constructors of the themes.

Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2022-03-16 15:26:54 -07:00

160 lines
6 KiB

#include "statscolors.h"
#include "statstranslations.h"
#include "core/globals.h"
#include <array>
// Colors created using the Chroma.js Color Palette Helper
static const QColor binColors[] = {
QRgb(0x00108c), QRgb(0x0f1c92), QRgb(0x1a2798), QRgb(0x23319d), QRgb(0x2a3ba3),
QRgb(0x3144a8), QRgb(0x374eae), QRgb(0x3e58b3), QRgb(0x4461b8), QRgb(0x4b6bbd),
QRgb(0x5274c2), QRgb(0x587ec7), QRgb(0x6088cc), QRgb(0x6791d0), QRgb(0x6f9bd4),
QRgb(0x78a5d8), QRgb(0x81aedb), QRgb(0x8ab8df), QRgb(0x95c2e2), QRgb(0xa0cbe4),
QRgb(0xacd5e6), QRgb(0xb9dee7), QRgb(0xc7e7e7), QRgb(0xd7efe7), QRgb(0xeaf8e4),
QRgb(0xfff5d8), QRgb(0xffead0), QRgb(0xffe0c8), QRgb(0xffd5c0), QRgb(0xffcab8),
QRgb(0xffbfb0), QRgb(0xffb4a8), QRgb(0xffa99f), QRgb(0xfc9e98), QRgb(0xf99490),
QRgb(0xf48b89), QRgb(0xf08182), QRgb(0xea787b), QRgb(0xe46f74), QRgb(0xde666e),
QRgb(0xd75e67), QRgb(0xcf5661), QRgb(0xc64f5b), QRgb(0xbd4855), QRgb(0xb3434f),
QRgb(0xa83e49), QRgb(0x9d3a44), QRgb(0x90383f), QRgb(0x83363a), QRgb(0x743535)
StatsTheme::StatsTheme() :
class StatsThemeLight : public StatsTheme {
backgroundColor = Qt::white;
fillColor = QColor(0x44, 0x76, 0xaa);
borderColor = QColor(0x66, 0xb2, 0xff);
selectedColor = QColor(0xaa, 0x76, 0x44);
selectedBorderColor = QColor(0xff, 0xb2, 0x66);
highlightedColor = Qt::yellow;
highlightedBorderColor = QColor(0xaa, 0xaa, 0x22);
darkLabelColor = Qt::black;
lightLabelColor = Qt::white;
axisColor = Qt::black;
gridColor = QColor(0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc);
informationBorderColor = Qt::black;
informationColor = QColor(0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 192); // Note: fourth argument is opacity
legendColor = QColor(0x00, 0x8e, 0xcc, 192); // Note: fourth argument is opacity
legendBorderColor = Qt::black;
quartileMarkerColor = Qt::red;
regressionItemColor = Qt::red;
meanMarkerColor = Qt::green;
medianMarkerColor = Qt::red;
selectionLassoColor = Qt::black;
selectionOverlayColor = Qt::lightGray;
QString name() const
return StatsTranslations::tr("Light");
// Pick roughly equidistant colors out of the color set above
// if we need more bins than we have colors (what chart is THAT?) simply loop
QColor binColor(int bin, int numBins) const override
if (numBins == 1 || bin < 0 || bin >= numBins)
return fillColor;
if (numBins > (int)std::size(binColors))
return binColors[bin % std::size(binColors)];
// use integer math to spread out the indices
int idx = bin * (std::size(binColors) - 1) / (numBins - 1);
return binColors[idx];
QColor labelColor(int bin, size_t numBins) const override
return (binColor(bin, numBins).lightness() < 150) ? lightLabelColor : darkLabelColor;
// we have a separate set of dark colors - but in reality te color palette the we created
// works well in either dark or light mode, so these are the same as for the light theme
static const QColor binColorsDark[] = {
QRgb(0x00108c), QRgb(0x0f1c92), QRgb(0x1a2798), QRgb(0x23319d), QRgb(0x2a3ba3),
QRgb(0x3144a8), QRgb(0x374eae), QRgb(0x3e58b3), QRgb(0x4461b8), QRgb(0x4b6bbd),
QRgb(0x5274c2), QRgb(0x587ec7), QRgb(0x6088cc), QRgb(0x6791d0), QRgb(0x6f9bd4),
QRgb(0x78a5d8), QRgb(0x81aedb), QRgb(0x8ab8df), QRgb(0x95c2e2), QRgb(0xa0cbe4),
QRgb(0xacd5e6), QRgb(0xb9dee7), QRgb(0xc7e7e7), QRgb(0xd7efe7), QRgb(0xeaf8e4),
QRgb(0xfff5d8), QRgb(0xffead0), QRgb(0xffe0c8), QRgb(0xffd5c0), QRgb(0xffcab8),
QRgb(0xffbfb0), QRgb(0xffb4a8), QRgb(0xffa99f), QRgb(0xfc9e98), QRgb(0xf99490),
QRgb(0xf48b89), QRgb(0xf08182), QRgb(0xea787b), QRgb(0xe46f74), QRgb(0xde666e),
QRgb(0xd75e67), QRgb(0xcf5661), QRgb(0xc64f5b), QRgb(0xbd4855), QRgb(0xb3434f),
QRgb(0xa83e49), QRgb(0x9d3a44), QRgb(0x90383f), QRgb(0x83363a), QRgb(0x743535)
class StatsThemeDark : public StatsTheme {
backgroundColor = Qt::black;
fillColor = QColor(0x64, 0x96, 0xca);
borderColor = QColor(0x66, 0xb2, 0xff);
selectedColor = QColor(0x55, 0x89, 0xbb);
selectedBorderColor = QColor(0x00, 0x4d, 0x99);
highlightedColor = Qt::yellow;
highlightedBorderColor = QColor(0x55, 0x55, 0xdd);
darkLabelColor = Qt::white;
lightLabelColor = Qt::black;
axisColor = Qt::white;
gridColor = QColor(0x33, 0x33, 0x33);
informationBorderColor = Qt::white;
informationColor = QColor(0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 192); // Note: fourth argument is opacity
legendColor = QColor(0xff, 0x71, 0x33, 192); // Note: fourth argument is opacity
legendBorderColor = Qt::white;
quartileMarkerColor = Qt::cyan;
regressionItemColor = Qt::cyan;
meanMarkerColor = Qt::magenta;
medianMarkerColor = Qt::cyan;
selectionLassoColor = Qt::white;
selectionOverlayColor = Qt::darkGray;
QString name() const
return StatsTranslations::tr("Dark");
// Pick roughly equidistant colors out of the color set above
// if we need more bins than we have colors (what chart is THAT?) simply loop
QColor binColor(int bin, int numBins) const override
if (numBins == 1 || bin < 0 || bin >= numBins)
return fillColor;
if (numBins > (int)std::size(binColorsDark))
return binColorsDark[bin % std::size(binColorsDark)];
// use integer math to spread out the indices
int idx = bin * (std::size(binColorsDark) - 1) / (numBins - 1);
return binColorsDark[idx];
QColor labelColor(int bin, size_t numBins) const override
return (binColor(bin, numBins).lightness() < 150) ? darkLabelColor : lightLabelColor;
// Currently, we only support two themes: bright and dark.
// The themes are generated on first use. Thus, the constructors are run
// once the overall application is initialized. This ensures that the themes'
// constructors can access the settings, etc.
static std::array<const StatsTheme *, 2> statsThemes;
const StatsTheme &getStatsTheme(bool dark)
if (!statsThemes[0]) {
statsThemes[0] = make_global<StatsThemeLight>();
statsThemes[1] = make_global<StatsThemeDark>();
return *statsThemes[dark ? 1 : 0];