Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/subsurface/subsurface.git synced 2025-02-19 22:16:15 +00:00
Dirk Hohndel 0129192958 Try to capture some more potential buffer overflows caused by localization
A couple of these could clearly cause a crash just like the one fixed by
commit 00865f5a1e1a ("equipment.c: Fix potential buffer overflow in

One would append user input to fixed length buffer without checking.

We were hardcoding the (correct) max path length in macos.c - replaced by
the actual OS constant.

But the vast majority are just extremely generous guesses how long
localized strings could possibly be.

Yes, this commit is likely leaning towards overkill. But we have now been
bitten by buffer overflow crashes twice that were caused by localization,
so I tried to go through all of the code and identify every possible
buffer that could be affected by this.

Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
2013-03-03 20:18:23 -08:00

900 lines
28 KiB

/* statistics.c */
/* creates the UI for the Info & Stats page -
* controlled through the following interfaces:
* void show_dive_stats(struct dive *dive)
* called from gtk-ui:
* GtkWidget *stats_widget(void)
#include <glib/gi18n.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "dive.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "display-gtk.h"
#include "divelist.h"
typedef struct {
GtkWidget *date,
} single_stat_widget_t;
static single_stat_widget_t single_w;
typedef struct {
GtkWidget *total_time,
} total_stats_widget_t;
static total_stats_widget_t stats_w;
typedef struct {
int period;
duration_t total_time;
/* avg_time is simply total_time / nr -- let's not keep this */
duration_t shortest_time;
duration_t longest_time;
depth_t max_depth;
depth_t min_depth;
depth_t avg_depth;
volume_t max_sac;
volume_t min_sac;
volume_t avg_sac;
int max_temp;
int min_temp;
double combined_temp;
unsigned int combined_count;
unsigned int selection_size;
unsigned int total_sac_time;
} stats_t;
static stats_t stats;
static stats_t stats_selection;
static stats_t *stats_monthly = NULL;
static stats_t *stats_yearly = NULL;
GtkWidget *yearly_tree = NULL;
enum {
static char *get_time_string(int seconds, int maxdays);
static void process_temperatures(struct dive *dp, stats_t *stats)
int min_temp, mean_temp, max_temp = 0;
max_temp = dp->maxtemp.mkelvin;
if (max_temp && (!stats->max_temp || max_temp > stats->max_temp))
stats->max_temp = max_temp;
min_temp = dp->mintemp.mkelvin;
if (min_temp && (!stats->min_temp || min_temp < stats->min_temp))
stats->min_temp = min_temp;
if (min_temp || max_temp) {
mean_temp = min_temp;
if (mean_temp)
mean_temp = (mean_temp + max_temp) / 2;
mean_temp = max_temp;
stats->combined_temp += get_temp_units(mean_temp, NULL);
static void process_dive(struct dive *dp, stats_t *stats)
int old_tt, sac_time = 0;
int duration = dp->duration.seconds;
old_tt = stats->total_time.seconds;
stats->total_time.seconds += duration;
if (duration > stats->longest_time.seconds)
stats->longest_time.seconds = duration;
if (stats->shortest_time.seconds == 0 || duration < stats->shortest_time.seconds)
stats->shortest_time.seconds = duration;
if (dp->maxdepth.mm > stats->max_depth.mm)
stats->max_depth.mm = dp->maxdepth.mm;
if (stats->min_depth.mm == 0 || dp->maxdepth.mm < stats->min_depth.mm)
stats->min_depth.mm = dp->maxdepth.mm;
process_temperatures(dp, stats);
/* Maybe we should drop zero-duration dives */
if (!duration)
stats->avg_depth.mm = (1.0 * old_tt * stats->avg_depth.mm +
duration * dp->meandepth.mm) / stats->total_time.seconds;
if (dp->sac > 2800) { /* less than .1 cuft/min (2800ml/min) is bogus */
sac_time = stats->total_sac_time + duration;
stats->avg_sac.mliter = (1.0 * stats->total_sac_time * stats->avg_sac.mliter +
duration * dp->sac) / sac_time ;
if (dp->sac > stats->max_sac.mliter)
stats->max_sac.mliter = dp->sac;
if (stats->min_sac.mliter == 0 || dp->sac < stats->min_sac.mliter)
stats->min_sac.mliter = dp->sac;
stats->total_sac_time = sac_time;
static void init_tree()
GtkCellRenderer *renderer;
GtkTreeViewColumn *column;
GtkTreeStore *store;
int i;
PangoFontDescription *font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string(prefs.divelist_font);
gtk_widget_modify_font(yearly_tree, font_desc);
renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
/* don't use empty strings "" - they confuse gettext */
char *columnstop[] = { N_("Year"), N_("#"), N_("Duration"), " ", " ", " ", N_("Depth"), " ", " ", N_("SAC"), " ", " ", N_("Temperature"), " ", " " };
const char *columnsbot[15];
columnsbot[0] = C_("Stats", " > Month");
columnsbot[1] = " ";
columnsbot[2] = C_("Duration","Total");
columnsbot[3] = C_("Duration","Average");
columnsbot[4] = C_("Duration","Shortest");
columnsbot[5] = C_("Duration","Longest");
columnsbot[6] = C_("Depth", "Average");
columnsbot[7] = C_("Depth","Minimum");
columnsbot[8] = C_("Depth","Maximum");
columnsbot[9] = C_("SAC","Average");
columnsbot[10]= C_("SAC","Minimum");
columnsbot[11]= C_("SAC","Maximum");
columnsbot[12]= C_("Temp","Average");
columnsbot[13]= C_("Temp","Minimum");
columnsbot[14]= C_("Temp","Maximum");
/* Add all the columns to the tree view */
for (i = 0; i < N_COLUMNS; ++i) {
char buf[256];
column = gtk_tree_view_column_new();
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s\n%s", _(columnstop[i]), columnsbot[i]);
gtk_tree_view_column_set_title(column, buf);
gtk_tree_view_append_column(GTK_TREE_VIEW(yearly_tree), column);
renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new();
gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start(column, renderer, TRUE);
gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute(column, renderer, "text", i);
gtk_tree_view_column_set_resizable(column, TRUE);
/* Field types */
store = gtk_tree_store_new (
N_COLUMNS, // Columns in structure
G_TYPE_STRING, // Period (year or month)
G_TYPE_STRING, // Number of dives
G_TYPE_STRING, // Total duration
G_TYPE_STRING, // Average dive duation
G_TYPE_STRING, // Shortest dive
G_TYPE_STRING, // Longest dive
G_TYPE_STRING, // Average depth
G_TYPE_STRING, // Shallowest dive
G_TYPE_STRING, // Deepest dive
G_TYPE_STRING, // Average air consumption (SAC)
G_TYPE_STRING, // Average temperature
G_TYPE_STRING, // Minimum temperature
G_TYPE_STRING // Maximum temperature
gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (yearly_tree), GTK_TREE_MODEL (store));
g_object_unref (store);
static void add_row_to_tree(GtkTreeStore *store, char *value, int index, GtkTreeIter *row_iter, GtkTreeIter *parent)
gtk_tree_store_append(store, row_iter, parent);
gtk_tree_store_set(store, row_iter, index, value, -1);
static void add_cell_to_tree(GtkTreeStore *store, char *value, int index, GtkTreeIter *parent)
gtk_tree_store_set(store, parent, index, value, -1);
static char *get_minutes(int seconds)
static char buf[80];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d:%.2d", FRACTION(seconds, 60));
return buf;
static void add_cell(GtkTreeStore *store, GtkTreeIter *parent, unsigned int val, int cell, gboolean depth_not_volume)
double value;
int decimals;
const char *unit;
char value_str[40];
if (depth_not_volume) {
value = get_depth_units(val, &decimals, &unit);
snprintf(value_str, sizeof(value_str), "%.*f %s", decimals, value, unit);
} else {
value = get_volume_units(val, &decimals, &unit);
snprintf(value_str, sizeof(value_str), _("%.*f %s/min"), decimals, value, unit);
add_cell_to_tree(store, value_str, cell, parent);
static void process_interval_stats(stats_t stats_interval, GtkTreeIter *parent, GtkTreeIter *row)
double value;
const char *unit;
char value_str[40];
GtkTreeStore *store;
store = GTK_TREE_STORE(gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(yearly_tree)));
/* Year or month */
snprintf(value_str, sizeof(value_str), "%d", stats_interval.period);
add_row_to_tree(store, value_str, 0, row, parent);
/* Dives */
snprintf(value_str, sizeof(value_str), "%d", stats_interval.selection_size);
add_cell_to_tree(store, value_str, 1, row);
/* Total duration */
add_cell_to_tree(store, get_time_string(stats_interval.total_time.seconds, 0), 2, row);
/* Average dive duration */
add_cell_to_tree(store, get_minutes(stats_interval.total_time.seconds / stats_interval.selection_size), 3, row);
/* Shortest duration */
add_cell_to_tree(store, get_minutes(stats_interval.shortest_time.seconds), 4, row);
/* Longest duration */
add_cell_to_tree(store, get_minutes(stats_interval.longest_time.seconds), 5, row);
/* Average depth */
add_cell(store, row, stats_interval.avg_depth.mm, 6, TRUE);
/* Smallest maximum depth */
add_cell(store, row, stats_interval.min_depth.mm, 7, TRUE);
/* Deepest maximum depth */
add_cell(store, row, stats_interval.max_depth.mm, 8, TRUE);
/* Average air consumption */
add_cell(store, row, stats_interval.avg_sac.mliter, 9, FALSE);
/* Smallest average air consumption */
add_cell(store, row, stats_interval.min_sac.mliter, 10, FALSE);
/* Biggest air consumption */
add_cell(store, row, stats_interval.max_sac.mliter, 11, FALSE);
/* Average water temperature */
value = get_temp_units(stats_interval.min_temp, &unit);
if (stats_interval.combined_temp && stats_interval.combined_count) {
snprintf(value_str, sizeof(value_str), "%.1f %s", stats_interval.combined_temp / stats_interval.combined_count, unit);
add_cell_to_tree(store, value_str, 12, row);
} else {
add_cell_to_tree(store, "", 12, row);
/* Coldest water temperature */
if (value > -100.0) {
snprintf(value_str, sizeof(value_str), "%.1f %s\t", value, unit);
add_cell_to_tree(store, value_str, 13, row);
} else {
add_cell_to_tree(store, "", 13, row);
/* Warmest water temperature */
value = get_temp_units(stats_interval.max_temp, &unit);
if (value > -100.0) {
snprintf(value_str, sizeof(value_str), "%.1f %s", value, unit);
add_cell_to_tree(store, value_str, 14, row);
} else {
add_cell_to_tree(store, "", 14, row);
static void clear_statistics()
GtkTreeStore *store;
store = GTK_TREE_STORE(gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(yearly_tree)));
yearly_tree = NULL;
static gboolean stat_on_delete(GtkWidget *window, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data)
return TRUE;
static void key_press_event(GtkWidget *window, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer data)
if ((event->string != NULL && event->keyval == GDK_Escape) ||
(event->string != NULL && event->keyval == GDK_w && event->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK)) {
static void update_yearly_stats()
int i, j, combined_months, month = 0;
GtkTreeIter year_iter, month_iter;
GtkTreeStore *store;
store = GTK_TREE_STORE(gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(yearly_tree)));
for (i = 0; stats_yearly != NULL && stats_yearly[i].period; ++i) {
process_interval_stats(stats_yearly[i], NULL, &year_iter);
combined_months = 0;
for (j = 0; combined_months < stats_yearly[i].selection_size; ++j) {
combined_months += stats_monthly[month].selection_size;
process_interval_stats(stats_monthly[month], &year_iter, &month_iter);
void show_yearly_stats()
GtkWidget *window;
GtkWidget *sw;
if (yearly_tree)
window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);
yearly_tree = gtk_tree_view_new ();
gtk_window_set_position(GTK_WINDOW(window), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER);
gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(window), 640, 480);
gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(window), _("Yearly Statistics"));
gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(window), 5);
gtk_window_set_resizable(GTK_WINDOW(window), TRUE);
gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN);
gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (sw), yearly_tree);
gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), sw);
/* Display the yearly statistics on top level
* Monthly statistics are available by expanding a year */
g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "key_press_event", G_CALLBACK (key_press_event), NULL);
g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "delete-event", G_CALLBACK (stat_on_delete), NULL);
static void process_all_dives(struct dive *dive, struct dive **prev_dive)
int idx;
struct dive *dp;
struct tm tm;
int current_year = 0;
int current_month = 0;
int year_iter = 0;
int month_iter = 0;
int prev_month = 0, prev_year = 0;
unsigned int size;
*prev_dive = NULL;
memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(stats));
if (dive_table.nr > 0) {
stats.shortest_time.seconds = dive_table.dives[0]->duration.seconds;
stats.min_depth.mm = dive_table.dives[0]->maxdepth.mm;
stats.selection_size = dive_table.nr;
/* allocate sufficient space to hold the worst
* case (one dive per year or all dives during
* one month) for yearly and monthly statistics*/
if (stats_yearly != NULL) {
size = sizeof(stats_t) * (dive_table.nr + 1);
stats_yearly = malloc(size);
stats_monthly = malloc(size);
if (!stats_yearly || !stats_monthly)
memset(stats_yearly, 0, size);
memset(stats_monthly, 0, size);
/* this relies on the fact that the dives in the dive_table
* are in chronological order */
for (idx = 0; idx < dive_table.nr; idx++) {
dp = dive_table.dives[idx];
if (dive && dp->when == dive->when) {
/* that's the one we are showing */
if (idx > 0)
*prev_dive = dive_table.dives[idx-1];
process_dive(dp, &stats);
/* yearly statistics */
utc_mkdate(dp->when, &tm);
if (current_year == 0)
current_year = tm.tm_year + 1900;
if (current_year != tm.tm_year + 1900) {
current_year = tm.tm_year + 1900;
process_dive(dp, &(stats_yearly[++year_iter]));
} else {
process_dive(dp, &(stats_yearly[year_iter]));
stats_yearly[year_iter].period = current_year;
/* monthly statistics */
if (current_month == 0) {
current_month = tm.tm_mon + 1;
} else {
if (current_month != tm.tm_mon + 1)
current_month = tm.tm_mon + 1;
if (prev_month != current_month || prev_year != current_year)
process_dive(dp, &(stats_monthly[month_iter]));
stats_monthly[month_iter].period = current_month;
prev_month = current_month;
prev_year = current_year;
if (yearly_tree)
/* make sure we skip the selected summary entries */
void process_selected_dives(void)
struct dive *dive;
unsigned int i, nr;
memset(&stats_selection, 0, sizeof(stats_selection));
nr = 0;
for_each_dive(i, dive) {
if (dive->selected) {
process_dive(dive, &stats_selection);
stats_selection.selection_size = nr;
static void set_label(GtkWidget *w, const char *fmt, ...)
char buf[256];
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args);
gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(w), buf);
static char *get_time_string(int seconds, int maxdays)
static char buf[80];
if (maxdays && seconds > 3600 * 24 * maxdays) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("more than %d days"), maxdays);
} else {
int days = seconds / 3600 / 24;
int hours = (seconds - days * 3600 * 24) / 3600;
int minutes = (seconds - days * 3600 * 24 - hours * 3600) / 60;
if (days > 0)
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("%dd %dh %dmin"), days, hours, minutes);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("%dh %dmin"), hours, minutes);
return buf;
/* we try to show the data from the currently selected divecomputer
* right now for some values (e.g., surface pressure) we could fall back
* to dive data, but for consistency we don't. */
static void show_single_dive_stats(struct dive *dive)
char buf[256];
double value;
int decimals;
const char *unit;
int idx, offset, gas_used, mbar;
struct dive *prev_dive;
struct tm tm;
struct divecomputer *dc;
process_all_dives(dive, &prev_dive);
if (!dive)
dc = select_dc(&dive->dc);
utc_mkdate(dive->when, &tm);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
/*++GETTEXT 80 chars: weekday, monthname, day, year, hour, min */
_("%1$s, %2$s %3$d, %4$d %5$2d:%6$02d"),
tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_year + 1900,
tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min);
set_label(single_w.date, buf);
set_label(single_w.dive_time, _("%d min"), (dive->duration.seconds + 30) / 60);
if (prev_dive)
get_time_string(dive->when - (prev_dive->when + prev_dive->duration.seconds), 4));
set_label(single_w.surf_intv, _("unknown"));
value = get_depth_units(dc->maxdepth.mm, &decimals, &unit);
set_label(single_w.max_depth, "%.*f %s", decimals, value, unit);
value = get_depth_units(dc->meandepth.mm, &decimals, &unit);
set_label(single_w.avg_depth, "%.*f %s", decimals, value, unit);
set_label(single_w.viz, star_strings[dive->visibility]);
if (dc->watertemp.mkelvin) {
value = get_temp_units(dc->watertemp.mkelvin, &unit);
set_label(single_w.water_temp, "%.1f %s", value, unit);
} else {
set_label(single_w.water_temp, "");
if (dc->airtemp.mkelvin) {
value = get_temp_units(dc->airtemp.mkelvin, &unit);
set_label(single_w.air_temp, "%.1f %s", value, unit);
} else {
if (dive->airtemp.mkelvin) {
value = get_temp_units(dive->airtemp.mkelvin, &unit);
set_label(single_w.air_temp, "%.1f %s", value, unit);
} else {
set_label(single_w.air_temp, "");
mbar = dc->surface_pressure.mbar;
/* it would be easy to get dive data here:
* if (!mbar)
* mbar = get_surface_pressure_in_mbar(dive, FALSE);
if (mbar) {
set_label(single_w.air_press, "%d mbar", mbar);
} else {
set_label(single_w.air_press, "");
value = get_volume_units(dive->sac, &decimals, &unit);
if (value > 0)
set_label(single_w.sac, _("%.*f %s/min"), decimals, value, unit);
set_label(single_w.sac, "");
set_label(single_w.otu, "%d", dive->otu);
offset = 0;
gas_used = 0;
buf[0] = '\0';
/* for the O2/He readings just create a list of them */
for (idx = 0; idx < MAX_CYLINDERS; idx++) {
cylinder_t *cyl = &dive->cylinder[idx];
pressure_t start, end;
start = cyl->start.mbar ? cyl->start : cyl->sample_start;
end = cyl->end.mbar ?cyl->sample_end : cyl->sample_end;
if (!cylinder_none(cyl)) {
/* 0% O2 strangely means air, so 21% - I don't like that at all */
int o2 = cyl->gasmix.o2.permille ? : O2_IN_AIR;
if (offset > 0) {
snprintf(buf+offset, 80-offset, ", ");
offset += 2;
snprintf(buf+offset, 80-offset, "%d/%d", (o2 + 5) / 10,
(cyl->gasmix.he.permille + 5) / 10);
offset = strlen(buf);
/* and if we have size, start and end pressure, we can
* calculate the total gas used */
if (start.mbar && end.mbar)
gas_used += gas_volume(cyl, start) - gas_volume(cyl, end);
set_label(single_w.o2he, buf);
if (gas_used) {
value = get_volume_units(gas_used, &decimals, &unit);
set_label(single_w.gas_used, "%.*f %s", decimals, value, unit);
} else {
set_label(single_w.gas_used, "");
/* this gets called when at least two but not all dives are selected */
static void get_ranges(char *buffer, int size)
int i, len;
int first, last = -1;
snprintf(buffer, size, _("for dives #"));
for (i = 0; i < dive_table.nr; i++) {
struct dive *dive = get_dive(i);
if (! dive->selected)
if (dive->number < 1) {
/* uhh - weird numbers - bail */
snprintf(buffer, size, _("for selected dives"));
len = strlen(buffer);
if (last == -1) {
snprintf(buffer + len, size - len, "%d", dive->number);
first = last = dive->number;
} else {
if (dive->number == last + 1) {
} else {
if (first == last)
snprintf(buffer + len, size - len, ", %d", dive->number);
else if (first + 1 == last)
snprintf(buffer + len, size - len, ", %d, %d", last, dive->number);
snprintf(buffer + len, size - len, "-%d, %d", last, dive->number);
first = last = dive->number;
if (first != last) {
if (first + 1 == last)
snprintf(buffer + len, size - len, ", %d", last);
snprintf(buffer + len, size - len, "-%d", last);
static void get_selected_dives_text(char *buffer, int size)
if (amount_selected == 1) {
if (current_dive)
snprintf(buffer, size, _("for dive #%d"), current_dive->number);
snprintf(buffer, size, _("for selected dive"));
} else if (amount_selected == dive_table.nr) {
snprintf(buffer, size, _("for all dives"));
} else if (amount_selected == 0) {
snprintf(buffer, size, _("(no dives)"));
} else {
get_ranges(buffer, size);
if (strlen(buffer) == size -1) {
/* add our own ellipse... the way Pango does this is ugly
* as it will leave partial numbers there which I don't like */
int offset = 4;
while (offset < size && isdigit(buffer[size - offset]))
strcpy(buffer + size - offset, "...");
static void show_total_dive_stats(void)
double value;
int decimals, seconds;
const char *unit;
char buffer[60];
stats_t *stats_ptr;
if (!stats_w.framelabel)
stats_ptr = &stats_selection;
get_selected_dives_text(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
set_label(stats_w.framelabel, _("Statistics %s"), buffer);
set_label(stats_w.selection_size, "%d", stats_ptr->selection_size);
if (stats_ptr->selection_size == 0) {
if (stats_ptr->min_temp) {
value = get_temp_units(stats_ptr->min_temp, &unit);
set_label(stats_w.min_temp, "%.1f %s", value, unit);
if (stats_ptr->combined_temp && stats_ptr->combined_count)
set_label(stats_w.avg_temp, "%.1f %s", stats_ptr->combined_temp / stats_ptr->combined_count, unit);
if (stats_ptr->max_temp) {
value = get_temp_units(stats_ptr->max_temp, &unit);
set_label(stats_w.max_temp, "%.1f %s", value, unit);
set_label(stats_w.total_time, get_time_string(stats_ptr->total_time.seconds, 0));
seconds = stats_ptr->total_time.seconds;
if (stats_ptr->selection_size)
seconds /= stats_ptr->selection_size;
set_label(stats_w.avg_time, get_time_string(seconds, 0));
set_label(stats_w.longest_time, get_time_string(stats_ptr->longest_time.seconds, 0));
set_label(stats_w.shortest_time, get_time_string(stats_ptr->shortest_time.seconds, 0));
value = get_depth_units(stats_ptr->max_depth.mm, &decimals, &unit);
set_label(stats_w.max_overall_depth, "%.*f %s", decimals, value, unit);
value = get_depth_units(stats_ptr->min_depth.mm, &decimals, &unit);
set_label(stats_w.min_overall_depth, "%.*f %s", decimals, value, unit);
value = get_depth_units(stats_ptr->avg_depth.mm, &decimals, &unit);
set_label(stats_w.avg_overall_depth, "%.*f %s", decimals, value, unit);
value = get_volume_units(stats_ptr->max_sac.mliter, &decimals, &unit);
set_label(stats_w.max_sac, _("%.*f %s/min"), decimals, value, unit);
value = get_volume_units(stats_ptr->min_sac.mliter, &decimals, &unit);
set_label(stats_w.min_sac, _("%.*f %s/min"), decimals, value, unit);
value = get_volume_units(stats_ptr->avg_sac.mliter, &decimals, &unit);
set_label(stats_w.avg_sac, _("%.*f %s/min"), decimals, value, unit);
void show_dive_stats(struct dive *dive)
/* they have to be called in this order, as 'total' depends on
* calculations done in 'single' */
static GtkWidget *new_info_label_in_frame(GtkWidget *box, const char *label)
GtkWidget *label_widget;
GtkWidget *frame;
frame = gtk_frame_new(label);
label_widget = gtk_label_new(NULL);
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(box), frame, TRUE, TRUE, 3);
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(frame), label_widget);
return label_widget;
GtkWidget *total_stats_widget(void)
GtkWidget *vbox, *hbox, *statsframe, *framebox;
vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 3);
statsframe = gtk_frame_new(_("Statistics"));
stats_w.framelabel = gtk_frame_get_label_widget(GTK_FRAME(statsframe));
gtk_label_set_max_width_chars(GTK_LABEL(stats_w.framelabel), 60);
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), statsframe, FALSE, FALSE, 3);
framebox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 3);
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(statsframe), framebox);
/* first row */
hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 3);
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(framebox), hbox, TRUE, FALSE, 3);
stats_w.selection_size = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Dives"));
stats_w.max_temp = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Max Temp"));
stats_w.min_temp = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Min Temp"));
stats_w.avg_temp = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Avg Temp"));
/* second row */
hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 3);
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(framebox), hbox, TRUE, FALSE, 3);
stats_w.total_time = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Total Time"));
stats_w.avg_time = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Avg Time"));
stats_w.longest_time = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Longest Dive"));
stats_w.shortest_time = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Shortest Dive"));
/* third row */
hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 3);
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(framebox), hbox, TRUE, FALSE, 3);
stats_w.max_overall_depth = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Max Depth"));
stats_w.min_overall_depth = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Min Depth"));
stats_w.avg_overall_depth = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Avg Depth"));
/* fourth row */
hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 3);
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(framebox), hbox, TRUE, FALSE, 3);
stats_w.max_sac = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Max SAC"));
stats_w.min_sac = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Min SAC"));
stats_w.avg_sac = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Avg SAC"));
return vbox;
GtkWidget *single_stats_widget(void)
GtkWidget *vbox, *hbox, *infoframe, *framebox;
vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 3);
infoframe = gtk_frame_new(_("Dive Info"));
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), infoframe, FALSE, FALSE, 3);
framebox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 3);
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(infoframe), framebox);
/* first row */
hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 3);
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(framebox), hbox, TRUE, FALSE, 3);
single_w.date = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Date"));
single_w.dive_time = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Dive Time"));
single_w.surf_intv = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Surf Intv"));
/* second row */
hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 3);
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(framebox), hbox, TRUE, FALSE, 3);
single_w.max_depth = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Max Depth"));
single_w.avg_depth = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Avg Depth"));
single_w.viz = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Visibility"));
/* third row */
hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 3);
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(framebox), hbox, TRUE, FALSE, 3);
single_w.water_temp = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Water Temp"));
single_w.air_temp = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Air Temp"));
single_w.air_press = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("Air Press"));
/* fourth row */
hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 3);
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(framebox), hbox, TRUE, FALSE, 3);
single_w.sac = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("SAC"));
single_w.otu = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, _("OTU"));
single_w.o2he = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, "O" UTF8_SUBSCRIPT_2 " / He");
single_w.gas_used = new_info_label_in_frame(hbox, C_("Amount","Gas Used"));
return vbox;
void clear_stats_widgets(void)
set_label(single_w.date, "");
set_label(single_w.dive_time, "");
set_label(single_w.surf_intv, "");
set_label(single_w.max_depth, "");
set_label(single_w.avg_depth, "");
set_label(single_w.viz, "");
set_label(single_w.water_temp, "");
set_label(single_w.air_temp, "");
set_label(single_w.air_press, "");
set_label(single_w.sac, "");
set_label(single_w.sac, "");
set_label(single_w.otu, "");
set_label(single_w.o2he, "");
set_label(single_w.gas_used, "");