Berthold Stoeger fce48367cd undo: more fine-grained undo of profile editing
Place undo commands for every change of the profile, not
only on "saving". Move the edit-mode from the mainwindow
and the maintab to the profile widget.

This is still very rough. For example, the only way to exit
the edit mode is changing the current dive.

The undo-commands are placed by the desktop-profile widget.
We might think about moving that down to the profile-view so
that this will be useable on mobile.

Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2022-03-12 18:32:22 +01:00

201 lines
6.8 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#include <QGraphicsView>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
// /* The idea of this widget is to display and edit the profile.
// * It has:
// * 1 - ToolTip / Legend item, displays every information of the current mouse position on it, plus the legends of the maps.
// * 2 - ToolBox, displays the QActions that are used to do special stuff on the profile ( like activating the plugins. )
// * 3 - Cartesian Axis for depth ( y )
// * 4 - Cartesian Axis for Gases ( y )
// * 5 - Cartesian Axis for Time ( x )
// *
// * It needs to be dynamic, things should *flow* on it, not just appear / disappear.
// */
#include "profile-widget/divelineitem.h"
#include "core/pictureobj.h"
#include "core/units.h"
#include "core/subsurface-qt/divelistnotifier.h"
class ProfileScene;
class RulerItem2;
struct dive;
class ToolTipItem;
class DiveEventItem;
class DivePlannerPointsModel;
class DiveHandler;
class QGraphicsSimpleTextItem;
class QModelIndex;
class DivePictureItem;
class ProfileWidget2 : public QGraphicsView {
enum State {
struct RenderFlags {
static constexpr int None = 0;
static constexpr int Instant = 1 << 0;
static constexpr int DontRecalculatePlotInfo = 1 << 1;
// Pass null as plannerModel if no support for planning required
ProfileWidget2(DivePlannerPointsModel *plannerModel, double dpr, QWidget *parent = 0);
void resetZoom();
void plotDive(const struct dive *d, int dc, int flags = RenderFlags::None);
void setProfileState(const struct dive *d, int dc);
void setPlanState(const struct dive *d, int dc);
void setEditState(const struct dive *d, int dc);
bool isPlanner() const;
void clear();
bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *) override;
std::unique_ptr<ProfileScene> profileScene;
State currentState;
void editCurrentDive();
void stopAdded(); // only emitted in edit mode
void stopRemoved(int count); // only emitted in edit mode
void stopMoved(int count); // only emitted in edit mode
slots: // Necessary to call from QAction's signals.
void settingsChanged();
void actionRequestedReplot(bool triggered);
void divesChanged(const QVector<dive *> &dives, DiveField field);
void plotPictures();
void picturesRemoved(dive *d, QVector<QString> filenames);
void picturesAdded(dive *d, QVector<PictureObj> pics);
void pointsReset();
void pointInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end);
void pointsRemoved(const QModelIndex &, int start, int end);
void pointsMoved(const QModelIndex &, int start, int end, const QModelIndex &destination, int row);
void updateThumbnail(QString filename, QImage thumbnail, duration_t duration);
void profileChanged(dive *d);
void pictureOffsetChanged(dive *d, QString filename, offset_t offset);
void removePicture(const QString &fileUrl);
/* this is called for every move on the handlers. maybe we can speed up this a bit? */
void divePlannerHandlerMoved();
void divePlannerHandlerClicked();
void divePlannerHandlerReleased();
void setProfileState(); // keep currently displayed dive
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override;
void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) override;
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) override;
void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) override;
void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) override;
void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) override;
void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) override;
void replot();
void setZoom(int level);
void changeGas(int tank, int seconds);
void setupSceneAndFlags();
void addItemsToScene();
void setupItemOnScene();
void disconnectTemporaryConnections();
struct plot_data *getEntryFromPos(QPointF pos);
void clearPictures();
void plotPicturesInternal(const struct dive *d, bool synchronous);
void updateThumbnails();
void addDivemodeSwitch(int seconds, int divemode);
void addBookmark(int seconds);
void splitDive(int seconds);
void addSetpointChange(int seconds);
void removeEvent(DiveEventItem *item);
void hideEvents(DiveEventItem *item);
void editName(DiveEventItem *item);
void unhideEvents();
void makeFirstDC();
void deleteCurrentDC();
void splitCurrentDC();
void renameCurrentDC();
DivePlannerPointsModel *plannerModel; // If null, no planning supported.
int zoomLevel;
double zoomedPosition; // Position, when zoomed: 0.0 = beginning, 1.0 = end.
ToolTipItem *toolTipItem;
const struct dive *d;
int dc;
bool empty; // No dive shown.
DiveLineItem *mouseFollowerVertical;
DiveLineItem *mouseFollowerHorizontal;
RulerItem2 *rulerItem;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<QGraphicsSimpleTextItem>> gases;
// The list of pictures in this plot. The pictures are sorted by offset in seconds.
// For the same offset, sort by filename.
// Pictures that are outside of the dive time are not shown.
struct PictureEntry {
offset_t offset;
duration_t duration;
QString filename;
std::unique_ptr<DivePictureItem> thumbnail;
// For videos with known duration, we represent the duration of the video by a line
std::unique_ptr<QGraphicsRectItem> durationLine;
PictureEntry (offset_t offsetIn, const QString &filenameIn, ProfileWidget2 *profile, bool synchronous);
bool operator< (const PictureEntry &e) const;
void updateThumbnailXPos(PictureEntry &e);
std::vector<PictureEntry> pictures;
void calculatePictureYPositions();
void updateDurationLine(PictureEntry &e);
void updateThumbnailPaintOrder();
void keyDeleteAction();
void keyUpAction();
void keyDownAction();
void keyLeftAction();
void keyRightAction();
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DiveHandler>> handles;
int handleIndex(const DiveHandler *h) const;
void connectPlannerModel();
void repositionDiveHandlers();
int fixHandlerIndex(DiveHandler *activeHandler);
DiveHandler *createHandle();
QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *createGas();
friend class DiveHandler;
bool shouldCalculateMax; // Calculate maximum time and depth (default). False when dragging handles.
std::vector<int> selectedDiveHandleIndices() const;
// We store a const pointer to the shown dive. However, the undo commands want
// (understandably) a non-const pointer. Since the profile has a context-menu
// with actions, it needs such a non-const pointer. This function turns the
// currently shown dive into such a pointer. Ugly, yes.
struct dive *mutable_dive() const;