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Berthold Stoeger c4bf1ce891 undo: remove only "non-protected" cylinders
The undo-code must take care not to remove used cylinders.
To do so, extend the constructor of EditCylinderBase,
which collects the cylinders and dives to edit, by the
"nonProtectedOnly" boolean argument. If true, only those
cylinders for wich "is_cylinder_prot" returns false
will be added.

Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <bstoeger@mail.tuwien.ac.at>
2020-04-07 00:13:35 +02:00

448 lines
14 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
// Note: this header file is used by the undo-machinery and should not be included elsewhere.
#include "command_base.h"
#include "core/subsurface-qt/divelistnotifier.h"
#include <QVector>
// These are commands that edit individual fields of a set of dives.
// The implementation is very OO-style. Out-of-fashion and certainly
// not elegant, but in line with Qt's OO-based design.
// The actual code is in a common base class "Command::EditBase". To
// read and set the fields, the base class calls virtual functions of
// the derived classes.
// To deal with different data types, the base class is implemented
// as a template. The template parameter is the type to be read or
// set. Thus, switch-cascades and union trickery can be avoided.
// We put everything in a namespace, so that we can shorten names without polluting the global namespace
namespace Command {
// Base class for commands that have a list of dives.
// This is used for extracting the number of dives and show a
// warning message when multiple dives are edited.
class EditDivesBase : public Base {
EditDivesBase(bool currentDiveOnly);
EditDivesBase(dive *d);
std::vector<dive *> dives; // Dives to be edited.
// On undo, we set the selection and current dive at the time of the operation.
std::vector<dive *> selectedDives;
struct dive *current;
int numDives() const;
template <typename T>
class EditBase : public EditDivesBase {
T value; // Value to be set
T old; // Previous value
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
bool workToBeDone() override;
EditBase(T newValue, bool currentDiveOnly);
EditBase(T newValue, dive *d);
// Get and set functions to be overriden by sub-classes.
virtual void set(struct dive *d, T) const = 0;
virtual T data(struct dive *d) const = 0;
virtual QString fieldName() const = 0; // Name of the field, used to create the undo menu-entry
virtual DiveField fieldId() const = 0;
// The individual Edit-commands define a virtual function that return the field-id.
// For reasons, which I don't fully understand, the C++ makers are strictly opposed
// to "virtual member constants" so we have to define these functions. To make
// things a bit more compact we do this automatically with the following template.
// Of course, we could directly encode the value in the EditBase-template, but
// that would lead to a multiplication of the created code.
template <typename T, DiveField::Flags ID>
class EditTemplate : public EditBase<T> {
using EditBase<T>::EditBase; // Use constructor of base class.
DiveField fieldId() const override final; // final prevents further overriding - then just don't use this template
// Automatically generate getter and setter in the case of simple assignments.
// The third parameter is a pointer to a member of the dive structure.
template <typename T, DiveField::Flags ID, T dive::*PTR>
class EditDefaultSetter : public EditTemplate<T, ID> {
using EditTemplate<T, ID>::EditTemplate;
void set(struct dive *d, T) const override final; // final prevents further overriding - then just don't use this template
T data(struct dive *d) const override final; // final prevents further overriding - then just don't use this template
// Automatically generate getter and setter in the case for string assignments.
// The third parameter is a pointer to a C-style string in the dive structure.
template <DiveField::Flags ID, char *dive::*PTR>
class EditStringSetter : public EditTemplate<QString, ID> {
using EditTemplate<QString, ID>::EditTemplate;
void set(struct dive *d, QString) const override final; // final prevents further overriding - then just don't use this template
QString data(struct dive *d) const override final; // final prevents further overriding - then just don't use this template
class EditNotes : public EditStringSetter<DiveField::NOTES, &dive::notes> {
using EditStringSetter::EditStringSetter; // Use constructor of base class.
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditSuit : public EditStringSetter<DiveField::SUIT, &dive::suit> {
using EditStringSetter::EditStringSetter; // Use constructor of base class.
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditRating : public EditDefaultSetter<int, DiveField::RATING, &dive::rating> {
using EditDefaultSetter::EditDefaultSetter; // Use constructor of base class.
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditVisibility : public EditDefaultSetter<int, DiveField::VISIBILITY, &dive::visibility> {
using EditDefaultSetter::EditDefaultSetter; // Use constructor of base class.
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditWaveSize : public EditDefaultSetter<int, DiveField::WAVESIZE, &dive::wavesize> {
using EditDefaultSetter::EditDefaultSetter; // Use constructor of base class.
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditCurrent : public EditDefaultSetter<int, DiveField::CURRENT, &dive::current> {
using EditDefaultSetter::EditDefaultSetter; // Use constructor of base class.
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditSurge : public EditDefaultSetter<int, DiveField::SURGE, &dive::surge> {
using EditDefaultSetter::EditDefaultSetter; // Use constructor of base class.
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditChill : public EditDefaultSetter<int, DiveField::CHILL, &dive::chill> {
using EditDefaultSetter::EditDefaultSetter; // Use constructor of base class.
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditAirTemp : public EditTemplate<int, DiveField::AIR_TEMP> {
using EditTemplate::EditTemplate; // Use constructor of base class.
void set(struct dive *d, int value) const override;
int data(struct dive *d) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditWaterTemp : public EditTemplate<int, DiveField::WATER_TEMP> {
using EditTemplate::EditTemplate; // Use constructor of base class.
void set(struct dive *d, int value) const override;
int data(struct dive *d) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditAtmPress : public EditTemplate<int, DiveField::ATM_PRESS> {
using EditTemplate::EditTemplate; // Use constructor of base class.
void set(struct dive *d, int value) const override;
int data(struct dive *d) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditWaterTypeUser : public EditTemplate<int, DiveField::SALINITY> {
using EditTemplate::EditTemplate; // Use constructor of base class.
void set(struct dive *d, int value) const override;
int data(struct dive *d) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditDuration : public EditTemplate<int, DiveField::DURATION> {
using EditTemplate::EditTemplate; // Use constructor of base class.
void set(struct dive *d, int value) const override;
int data(struct dive *d) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditDepth : public EditTemplate<int, DiveField::DEPTH> {
using EditTemplate::EditTemplate; // Use constructor of base class.
void set(struct dive *d, int value) const override;
int data(struct dive *d) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditDiveSite : public EditTemplate<struct dive_site *, DiveField::DIVESITE> {
using EditTemplate::EditTemplate; // Use constructor of base class.
void set(struct dive *d, struct dive_site *value) const override;
struct dive_site *data(struct dive *d) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
// We specialize these so that we can send dive-site changed signals.
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
// Edit dive site, but add a new dive site first. Reuses the code of EditDiveSite by
// deriving from it and hooks into undo() and redo() to add / remove the dive site.
class EditDiveSiteNew : public EditDiveSite {
OwningDiveSitePtr diveSiteToAdd;
struct dive_site *diveSiteToRemove;
EditDiveSiteNew(const QString &newName, bool currentDiveOnly);
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
class EditMode : public EditTemplate<int, DiveField::MODE> {
int index;
EditMode(int indexIn, int newValue, bool currentDiveOnly);
void set(struct dive *d, int i) const override;
int data(struct dive *d) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditInvalid : public EditDefaultSetter<bool, DiveField::INVALID, &dive::invalid> {
using EditDefaultSetter::EditDefaultSetter; // Use constructor of base class.
QString fieldName() const override;
// Fields that work with tag-lists (tags, buddies, divemasters) work differently and therefore
// have their own base class. In this case, it's not a template, as all these lists are base
// on strings.
class EditTagsBase : public EditDivesBase {
bool workToBeDone() override;
QStringList newList; // Temporary until initialized
EditTagsBase(const QStringList &newList, bool currentDiveOnly);
QStringList tagsToAdd;
QStringList tagsToRemove;
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
// Getters, setters and parsers to be overriden by sub-classes.
virtual QStringList data(struct dive *d) const = 0;
virtual void set(struct dive *d, const QStringList &v) const = 0;
virtual QString fieldName() const = 0; // Name of the field, used to create the undo menu-entry
virtual DiveField fieldId() const = 0;
// See comments for EditTemplate
template <DiveField::Flags ID>
class EditTagsTemplate : public EditTagsBase {
using EditTagsBase::EditTagsBase; // Use constructor of base class.
DiveField fieldId() const override final; // final prevents further overriding - then just don't use this template
class EditTags : public EditTagsTemplate<DiveField::TAGS> {
using EditTagsTemplate::EditTagsTemplate; // Use constructor of base class.
QStringList data(struct dive *d) const override;
void set(struct dive *d, const QStringList &v) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditBuddies : public EditTagsTemplate<DiveField::BUDDY> {
using EditTagsTemplate::EditTagsTemplate; // Use constructor of base class.
QStringList data(struct dive *d) const override;
void set(struct dive *d, const QStringList &v) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditDiveMaster : public EditTagsTemplate<DiveField::DIVEMASTER> {
using EditTagsTemplate::EditTagsTemplate; // Use constructor of base class.
QStringList data(struct dive *d) const override;
void set(struct dive *d, const QStringList &v) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
// Fields we have to remember to undo paste
struct PasteState {
dive *d;
dive_site *divesite;
QString notes;
QString divemaster;
QString buddy;
QString suit;
int rating;
int wavesize;
int visibility;
int current;
int surge;
int chill;
tag_entry *tags;
struct cylinder_table cylinders;
struct weightsystem_table weightsystems;
PasteState(dive *d, const dive *data, dive_components what); // Read data from dive data for dive d
void swap(dive_components what); // Exchange values here and in dive
class PasteDives : public Base {
dive_components what;
std::vector<PasteState> dives;
PasteDives(const dive *d, dive_components what);
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
bool workToBeDone() override;
class ReplanDive : public Base {
dive *d;
// Exchange these data with current dive
timestamp_t when;
depth_t maxdepth, meandepth;
struct cylinder_table cylinders;
struct divecomputer dc;
char *notes;
pressure_t surface_pressure;
duration_t duration;
int salinity;
// Dive computer(s) and cylinders(s) of the source dive will be reset!
// If edit_profile is true, the text will be changed from "replan dive" to "edit profile".
ReplanDive(dive *source, bool edit_profile);
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
bool workToBeDone() override;
class AddWeight : public EditDivesBase {
AddWeight(bool currentDiveOnly);
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
bool workToBeDone() override;
class EditWeightBase : public EditDivesBase {
EditWeightBase(int index, bool currentDiveOnly);
weightsystem_t ws;
std::vector<int> indices; // An index for each dive in the dives vector.
bool workToBeDone() override;
class RemoveWeight : public EditWeightBase {
RemoveWeight(int index, bool currentDiveOnly);
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
class EditWeight : public EditWeightBase {
EditWeight(int index, weightsystem_t ws, bool currentDiveOnly); // Clones ws
weightsystem_t new_ws;
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
class AddCylinder : public EditDivesBase {
AddCylinder(bool currentDiveOnly);
cylinder_t cyl;
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
bool workToBeDone() override;
class EditCylinderBase : public EditDivesBase {
EditCylinderBase(int index, bool currentDiveOnly, bool nonProtectedOnly);
cylinder_t cyl;
std::vector<int> indexes; // An index for each dive in the dives vector.
bool workToBeDone() override;
class RemoveCylinder : public EditCylinderBase {
RemoveCylinder(int index, bool currentDiveOnly);
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
class EditCylinder : public EditCylinderBase {
EditCylinder(int index, cylinder_t cyl, bool currentDiveOnly); // Clones cylinder
cylinder_t new_cyl;
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
// Edit a full dive. This is used on mobile where we don't have per-field granularity.
// It may add or edit a dive site.
class EditDive : public Base {
EditDive(dive *oldDive, dive *newDive, dive_site *createDs, dive_site *editDs, location_t dsLocation); // Takes ownership of newDive
dive *oldDive; // Dive that is going to be overwritten
OwningDivePtr newDive; // New data
dive_site *newDiveSite;
int changedFields;
dive_site *siteToRemove;
OwningDiveSitePtr siteToAdd;
dive_site *siteToEdit;
location_t dsLocation;
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
bool workToBeDone() override;
void exchangeDives();
void editDs();
} // namespace Command