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mirror of https://github.com/subsurface/subsurface.git synced 2025-02-19 22:16:15 +00:00
Berthold Stoeger 7d366b9afe statistics: properly initialized selected scatter items
Scatter items of selected dives were shown in blue when
changing to scatter mode. They should be yellow from the
start, not only when hovering over them.

Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <bstoeger@mail.tuwien.ac.at>
2022-10-19 14:35:15 -07:00

253 lines
7.9 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
// Wrappers around QSGImageNode that allow painting onto an image
// and then turning that into a texture to be displayed in a QQuickItem.
#ifndef CHART_ITEM_H
#define CHART_ITEM_H
#include "statshelper.h"
#include <memory>
#include <QPainter>
class QSGGeometry;
class QSGGeometryNode;
class QSGFlatColorMaterial;
class QSGImageNode;
class QSGRectangleNode;
class QSGTexture;
class QSGTextureMaterial;
class StatsTheme;
class StatsView;
enum class ChartZValue : int;
class ChartItem {
// Only call on render thread!
virtual void render(const StatsTheme &theme) = 0;
bool dirty; // If true, call render() when rebuilding the scene
ChartItem *prev, *next; // Double linked list of items
const ChartZValue zValue;
virtual ~ChartItem(); // Attention: must only be called by render thread.
ChartItem(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z);
QSizeF sceneSize() const;
StatsView &view;
void markDirty();
template <typename Node>
class HideableChartItem : public ChartItem {
HideableChartItem(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z);
std::unique_ptr<Node> node;
bool visible;
bool visibleChanged;
template<class... Args>
void createNode(Args&&... args); // Call to create node with visibility flag.
void updateVisible(); // Must be called by child class to update visibility flag!
void setVisible(bool visible);
// A shortcut for ChartItems based on a hideable proxy item
template <typename Node>
using HideableChartProxyItem = HideableChartItem<HideableQSGNode<QSGProxyNode<Node>>>;
// A chart item that blits a precalculated pixmap onto the scene.
class ChartPixmapItem : public HideableChartProxyItem<QSGImageNode> {
ChartPixmapItem(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z);
void setPos(QPointF pos);
void render(const StatsTheme &theme) override;
QRectF getRect() const;
void resize(QSizeF size); // Resets the canvas. Attention: image is *unitialized*.
std::unique_ptr<QPainter> painter;
std::unique_ptr<QImage> img;
void setTextureDirty();
void setPositionDirty();
QRectF rect;
bool positionDirty; // true if the position changed since last render
bool textureDirty; // true if the pixmap changed since last render
std::unique_ptr<QSGTexture> texture;
// Draw a rectangular background after resize. Children are responsible for calling update().
class ChartRectItem : public ChartPixmapItem {
ChartRectItem(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z, const QPen &pen, const QBrush &brush, double radius);
void resize(QSizeF size);
QPen pen;
QBrush brush;
double radius;
// Attention: text is only drawn after calling setColor()!
class ChartTextItem : public ChartPixmapItem {
ChartTextItem(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z, const QFont &f, const std::vector<QString> &text, bool center);
ChartTextItem(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z, const QFont &f, const QString &text);
void setColor(const QColor &color); // Draw on transparent background
void setColor(const QColor &color, const QColor &background); // Fill rectangle with given background color
const QFont &f;
double fontHeight;
bool center;
struct Item {
QString s;
double width;
std::vector<Item> items;
// A pie chart item: draws disk segments onto a pixmap.
class ChartPieItem : public ChartPixmapItem {
ChartPieItem(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z, double borderWidth);
void drawSegment(double from, double to, QColor fill, QColor border, bool selected, const StatsTheme &theme); // from and to are relative (0-1 is full disk).
void resize(QSizeF size); // As in base class, but clears the canvas
double borderWidth;
// Common data for line and rect items. Both are represented by two points.
class ChartLineItemBase : public HideableChartItem<HideableQSGNode<QSGGeometryNode>> {
ChartLineItemBase(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z, QColor color, double width);
void setLine(QPointF from, QPointF to);
QPointF from, to;
QColor color;
double width;
bool positionDirty;
bool materialDirty;
std::unique_ptr<QSGFlatColorMaterial> material;
std::unique_ptr<QSGGeometry> geometry;
class ChartLineItem : public ChartLineItemBase {
using ChartLineItemBase::ChartLineItemBase;
void render(const StatsTheme &theme) override;
// A simple rectangle without fill. Specified by any two opposing vertices.
class ChartRectLineItem : public ChartLineItemBase {
using ChartLineItemBase::ChartLineItemBase;
void render(const StatsTheme &theme) override;
// A bar in a bar chart: a rectangle bordered by lines.
class ChartBarItem : public HideableChartProxyItem<QSGRectangleNode> {
ChartBarItem(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z, double borderWidth);
void setColor(QColor color, QColor borderColor);
void setRect(const QRectF &rect);
void setSelected(bool selected);
QRectF getRect() const;
void render(const StatsTheme &theme) override;
QColor color, borderColor;
double borderWidth;
QRectF rect;
bool selected;
bool positionDirty;
bool colorDirty;
bool selectedDirty;
std::unique_ptr<QSGGeometryNode> borderNode;
std::unique_ptr<QSGFlatColorMaterial> borderMaterial;
std::unique_ptr<QSGGeometry> borderGeometry;
// Overlay for selected items. Created on demand.
std::unique_ptr<QSGGeometryNode> selectionNode;
std::unique_ptr<QSGTextureMaterial> selectionMaterial;
std::unique_ptr<QSGGeometry> selectionGeometry;
QSGTexture *getSelectedTexture(const StatsTheme &theme) const;
// A box-and-whiskers item. This is a bit lazy: derive from the bar item and add whiskers.
class ChartBoxItem : public ChartBarItem {
ChartBoxItem(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z, double borderWidth);
void setBox(const QRectF &rect, double min, double max, double median); // The rect describes Q1, Q3.
QRectF getRect() const; // Note: this extends the center rectangle to include the whiskers.
void render(const StatsTheme &theme) override;
double min, max, median;
std::unique_ptr<QSGGeometryNode> whiskersNode;
std::unique_ptr<QSGFlatColorMaterial> whiskersMaterial;
std::unique_ptr<QSGGeometry> whiskersGeometry;
// An item in a scatter chart. This is not simply a normal pixmap item,
// because we want that all items share the *same* texture for memory
// efficiency. It is somewhat questionable to define the form of the
// scatter item here, but so it is for now.
class ChartScatterItem : public HideableChartProxyItem<QSGImageNode> {
ChartScatterItem(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z, bool selected);
// Currently, there is no highlighted and selected status.
enum class Highlight {
void setPos(QPointF pos); // Specifies the *center* of the item.
void setHighlight(Highlight highlight); // In the future, support different kinds of scatter items.
void render(const StatsTheme &theme) override;
QRectF getRect() const;
bool contains(QPointF point) const;
bool inRect(const QRectF &rect) const;
QSGTexture *getTexture(const StatsTheme &theme) const;
QRectF rect;
QSizeF textureSize;
bool positionDirty, textureDirty;
Highlight highlight;
// Implementation detail of templates - move to serparate header file
template <typename Node>
void HideableChartItem<Node>::setVisible(bool visibleIn)
if (visible == visibleIn)
visible = visibleIn;
visibleChanged = true;
template <typename Node>
template<class... Args>
void HideableChartItem<Node>::createNode(Args&&... args)
node.reset(new Node(visible, std::forward<Args>(args)...));
visibleChanged = false;
template <typename Node>
HideableChartItem<Node>::HideableChartItem(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z) : ChartItem(v, z),
visible(true), visibleChanged(false)
template <typename Node>
void HideableChartItem<Node>::updateVisible()
if (visibleChanged)
visibleChanged = false;