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Gehad elrobey 3ff73d0a66 HTML: don't collapse the dive if hyperlink is clicked
fixes the wrong behaviour as dive details must not be closed when
hyperlinks are clicking, So check for Hyperlinks before toggling the


Signed-off-by: Gehad elrobey <gehadelrobey@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
2015-03-25 02:34:29 -07:00

1503 lines
39 KiB

var itemsToShow = new Array(); //list of indexes to all dives to view
var items = new Array();
var start; //index of first element viewed in itemsToShow
var sizeofpage; //size of viewed page
var numberofwords = 0; //just for stats
var olditemstoshow; //to reference the indexes to all dives if changed
// //
// View Model //
// //
*This Method view all items
*View N pages each of sizeofpage size items.
*starting from zero
function showAllDives()
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
olditemstoshow = itemsToShow;
start = 0;
*This function view the 'itemstoshow' in pages.
*It start from 'start' variable.
*It showes N pages each of sizeofpage size.
function viewInPage()
var end = start + sizeofpage - 1;
if (end >= itemsToShow.length)
end = itemsToShow.length - 1;
updateView(start, end);
*addHTML this Method puts the HTML of items of given indexes
*@param {array} indexes array of indexes to put in HTML
function updateView(start, end)
var divelist = document.getElementById('diveslist');
divelist.innerHTML = "";
for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) {
divelist.innerHTML += '<ul id="' + itemsToShow[i] + '" onclick="toggleExpantion(event, this)"</ul>';
items[itemsToShow[i]].expanded = true;
view_pagging(start, end);
*addHTML this Method puts the HTML of items of given indexes
*@param {array} indexes array of indexes to put in HTML
function addHTML(indexes)
var divelist = document.getElementById('diveslist');
divelist.innerHTML = "";
for (var i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) {
divelist.innerHTML += '<ul id="' + indexes[i] + '" onclick="toggleExpantion(event, this)"</ul>';
itemsToShow[indexes[i]].expanded = true;
*This Method shows items in a range [start,end]
*@param {integer} start start from this index
*@param {integer} finish at this index.
function view_in_range(start, end)
var ind = new Array();
if (end >= itemsToShow.length)
end = itemsToShow.length - 1;
for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) {
view_pagging(start, end);
*Show the previous page, Will do nothing if no previous pages
function prev_page()
var end = start + sizeofpage - 1;
if (start - sizeofpage > 0) {
start -= sizeofpage;
} else {
start = 0;
if (end - sizeofpage > 0) {
end -= sizeofpage;
if (end >= itemsToShow.length) {
end = itemsToShow.length - 1;
updateView(start, end)
*Show the next page, Will do nothing if no next pages
function next_page()
var end = start + sizeofpage - 1;
if (end + sizeofpage < itemsToShow.length) {
end += sizeofpage;
} else {
end = itemsToShow.length - 1;
if (start + sizeofpage < itemsToShow.length) {
start += sizeofpage;
updateView(start, end)
function view_pagging(start, end)
var page = document.getElementById("pagging");
page.innerHTML = (start + 1) + ' to ' + (end + 1) + ' of ' + (itemsToShow.length) + ' ' + translate.dives;
*Expand all dives in the view.
function expandAll()
for (var i = start; i < start + sizeofpage; i++) {
if (i >= itemsToShow.length)
items[itemsToShow[i]].expanded = false;
*Collapse all dives in the view.
function collapseAll()
for (var i = start; i < start + sizeofpage; i++) {
if (i >= itemsToShow.length)
items[itemsToShow[i]].expanded = true;
function setNumberOfDives(e)
var value = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;
sizeofpage = parseInt(value, 10);
var end = start + sizeofpage - 1;
function toggleExpantion(e, ul)
if (e.toElement.localName === "a" ) {
if (!items[ul.id].expanded) {
items[ul.id].expanded = true;
} else {
items[ul.id].expanded = false;
function expand(ul)
ul.innerHTML = getlimited(items[ul.id]);
ul.style.padding = '2px 10px 2px 10px';
function unexpand(ul)
ul.innerHTML = getExpanded(items[ul.id]);
ul.style.padding = '3px 10px 3px 10px';
// Dive Model
function getlimited(dive)
return '<div style="height:20px"><div class="item">' + (settings.subsurfaceNumbers === '0' ? dive.number + 1 : dive.subsurface_number) + '</div>' +
'<div class="item">' + dive.date + '</div>' +
'<div class="item">' + dive.time + '</div>' +
'<div class="item_large">' + dive.location + '</div>' +
'<div class="item">' + dive.dive_duration + '</div>' +
'<div class="item">' + put_depth_unit(dive.maxdepth) + " " + depth_unit + '</div></div>';
function getExpanded(dive)
var res = '<table><tr><td class="words">' + translate.Date + ': </td><td>' + dive.date +
'</td><td class="words">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + translate.Time + ': </td><td>' + dive.time +
'</td><td class="words">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + translate.Location + ': </td><td>' + '<a onclick=\"Search_list_Modules(\'' + dive.location + '\', {location:true, divemaster:false, buddy:false, notes:false, tags:false,})\">' + dive.location + '</a>' + getDiveCoor(dive) +
'</td></tr></table><table><tr><td class="words">' + translate.Rating + ':</td><td>' + putRating(dive.rating) +
'</td><td class="words">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + translate.Visibility + ':</td><td>' + putRating(dive.visibility) +
'</td></tr></table>' +
'<table><tr><td class="words">' + translate.Air_Temp + ': </td><td>' + dive.temperature.air +
'</td><td class="words">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + translate.Water_Temp + ': </td><td>' + dive.temperature.water +
'</td></tr></table><table><tr><td class="words">' + translate.Max_Depth + ': </td><td>' + put_depth_unit(dive.maxdepth) + " " + depth_unit + '</td></tr><tr><td class="words">' + translate.Duration + ': </td><td>' + dive.dive_duration +
'</td></tr><tr><td class="words">' + translate.DiveMaster + ': </td><td>' + dive.divemaster +
'</td></tr><tr><td class="words"><p>' + translate.Buddy + ': </p></td><td>' + dive.buddy +
'</td></tr><tr><td class="words">' + translate.Suit + ': </td><td>' + dive.suit +
'</td></tr><tr><td class="words">' + translate.Tags + ': </td><td>' + putTags(dive.tags) +
'</td></tr></table><div style="margin:10px;"><p class="words">' + translate.Notes + ': </p>' + dive.notes + '</div>';
if (settings.listOnly === '0') {
res += '<center><a onclick="showDiveDetails(' + dive.number + ')">' + translate.Show_more_details + '</a></center>';
return res;
function putTags(tags)
var result = "";
for (var i in tags) {
result += '<a onclick=\"Search_list_Modules(\'' + tags[i] + '\', {location:false, divemaster:false, buddy:false, notes:false, tags:true,})\">' + tags[i] + '</a>';
if (i < tags.length - 1)
result += ', ';
return result;
*@param {integer} rate out of 5
*return HTML string of stars
function putRating(rating)
var result;
result = '<div>';
for (var i = 0; i < rating; i++)
result += ' &#9733; ';
for (var i = rating; i < 5; i++)
result += ' &#9734; ';
result += '</div>';
return result;
// Sorting
this variables keep the state of
each col. sorted asc or des
var number = true;
var time = true;
var date = true;
var duration = true;
var depth = true;
var locat = true;
This variable keep the state of the col.
which is sorted upon it.
var sort_based_on = '1'; // sorting is based on number by default.
function change_sort_col(sortOn)
sort_based_on = sortOn;
function list_sort(sortOn)
switch (sortOn) {
case '1': //number
if (number) {
sort_it(sortOn, cmpNumAsc);
} else {
sort_it(sortOn, cmpNumDes);
case '2': //date
if (date) {
sort_it(sortOn, cmpDateAsc);
} else {
sort_it(sortOn, cmpDateDes);
case '3': //time
if (time) {
sort_it(sortOn, cmpTimeDes);
} else {
sort_it(sortOn, cmpTimeAsc);
case '4': //Duration
if (duration) {
sort_it(sortOn, cmpDurDes);
} else {
sort_it(sortOn, cmpDurAsc);
case '5': //Max Depth
if (depth) {
sort_it(sortOn, cmpDepthDes);
} else {
sort_it(sortOn, cmpDepthAsc);
case '6': //Location
if (locat) {
sort_it(sortOn, cmpLocationDes);
} else {
sort_it(sortOn, cmpLocationAsc);
function toggle_sort_state(sortOn)
switch (sortOn) {
case '1': //number
number = 1 - number;
case '2': //date
date = 1 - date;
case '3': //time
time = 1 - time;
case '4': //Duration
duration = 1 - duration;
case '5': //depth
depth = 1 - depth;
case '6': //Location
locat = 1 - locat;
*sorting interface for different coloumns
function cmpLocationAsc(j, iSmaller)
return items[j].location < items[iSmaller].location;
function cmpLocationDes(j, iSmaller)
return items[j].location > items[iSmaller].location;
function cmpNumAsc(j, iSmaller)
return items[j].subsurface_number < items[iSmaller].subsurface_number;
function cmpNumAsc(j, iSmaller)
return settings.subsurfaceNumbers === '0' ? items[j].number < items[iSmaller].number : items[j].subsurface_number < items[iSmaller].subsurface_number;
function cmpNumDes(j, iSmaller)
return settings.subsurfaceNumbers === '0' ? items[j].number > items[iSmaller].number : items[j].subsurface_number > items[iSmaller].subsurface_number;
function cmpTimeAsc(j, iSmaller)
return items[j].time < items[iSmaller].time;
function cmpTimeDes(j, iSmaller)
return items[j].time > items[iSmaller].time;
function cmpDateAsc(j, iSmaller)
return items[j].date < items[iSmaller].date;
function cmpDateDes(j, iSmaller)
return items[j].date > items[iSmaller].date;
function cmpDurAsc(j, iSmaller)
return items[j].duration < items[iSmaller].duration;
function cmpDurDes(j, iSmaller)
return items[j].duration > items[iSmaller].duration;
function cmpDepthAsc(j, iSmaller)
return items[j].maxdepth < items[iSmaller].maxdepth;
function cmpDepthDes(j, iSmaller)
return items[j].maxdepth > items[iSmaller].maxdepth;
function sort_it(sortOn, function_)
var res = new Array();
var visited = new Array(itemsToShow.length);
for (var j = 0; j < itemsToShow.length; j++) {
visited[j] = false;
var iSmaller;
for (var i = 0; i < itemsToShow.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < itemsToShow.length; j++)
if (visited[j] === false)
iSmaller = j;
for (var j = 0; j < itemsToShow.length; j++) {
if (function_(itemsToShow[j], itemsToShow[iSmaller])) {
if (visited[j] === false) {
iSmaller = j;
visited[iSmaller] = true;
itemsToShow = res;
start = 0;
// Searching
function Set()
this.keys = new Array();
Set.prototype.contains = function(key)
return (this.keys.indexOf(key) >= 0) ? true : false;
Set.prototype.push = function(key)
if (!this.contains(key)) {
Set.prototype.isEmpty = function()
return this.keys.length <= 0 ? true : false;
Set.prototype.forEach = function(do_) {
this.keys.forEach (do_);
Set.prototype.Union = function(another_set)
if (another_set === null) {
for (var i = 0; i < another_set.keys.length; i++) {
Set.prototype.intersect = function(another_set)
if (another_set === null) {
var result = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < another_set.keys.length; i++) {
if (this.contains(another_set.keys[i])) {
this.keys = result;
function Node(value)
this.children = new Array();
this.value = value;
this.key = new Set();
function Search_list_Modules(searchfor, searchOptions)
document.getElementById("search_input").value = searchfor;
SearchModules(searchfor, searchOptions);
function SearchModules(searchfor, searchOptions)
var resultKeys = new Set(); //set
if (searchfor.length <= 0) {
//exit searching mode
document.getElementById("search_input").style.borderColor = "initial";
start = 0;
itemsToShow = olditemstoshow;
var keywords = searchfor.split(" ");
if (searchOptions === null) {
searchOptions = {};
searchOptions.location = searchingModules["location"].enabled;
searchOptions.divemaster = searchingModules["divemaster"].enabled;
searchOptions.buddy = searchingModules["buddy"].enabled;
searchOptions.notes = searchingModules["notes"].enabled;
searchOptions.tags = searchingModules["tags"].enabled;
for (var i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++) {
var keywordResult = new Set();
if (searchOptions.location === true)
if (searchOptions.divemaster === true)
if (searchOptions.buddy === true)
if (searchOptions.notes === true)
if (searchOptions.tags === true)
if (resultKeys.isEmpty()) {
} else {
if (resultKeys.isEmpty()) {
//didn't find keys
document.getElementById("search_input").style.borderColor = "red";
itemsToShow = [];
//found keys
document.getElementById("search_input").style.borderColor = "initial";
itemsToShow = resultKeys.keys;
start = 0;
function SearchModule(enabled)
this.head = new Node();
this.enabled = enabled;
SearchModule.prototype.Enter_search_string = function(str, diveno)
if (str === "" || !str)
var res = str.toLowerCase().split(" ");
for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
insertIn(res[i], diveno, this.head);
SearchModule.prototype.Enter_search_tag = function(tags, diveno)
if (!tags)
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
insertIn(tags[i], diveno, this.head);
SearchModule.prototype.search = function(x)
return searchin(x.toLowerCase(), this.head);
function insertIn(value, key, node)
if (value.length <= 0)
var this_char = value[0];
value = value.substring(1, value.length);
var i;
for (i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
if (node.children[i].value == this_char) {
return insertIn(value, key, node.children[i]);
node.children[i] = new Node(this_char);
insertIn(value, key, node.children[i]);
function searchin(value, node)
if (value.length <= 0 || node.children.length <= 0)
return node.key;
var this_char = value[0];
value = value.substring(1, value.length);
for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
if (node.children[i].value[0] == this_char) {
return searchin(value, node.children[i]);
return null;
var statsShows;
*This is the main function called to show/hide trips
function toggleStats()
var stats_button = document.getElementById('stats_button');
if (statsShows) {
statsShows = false;
document.getElementById('diveListPanel').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('diveStat').style.display = 'none';
} else {
document.getElementById('diveListPanel').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('diveStat').style.display = 'block';
statsShows = true;
function showStats()
document.getElementById('diveStatsData').innerHTML = '';
document.getElementById('diveStatsData').innerHTML += getDiveStats();
function getDiveStats()
var res = "";
res += '<table><tr id="stats_header">';
res += '<td class="statscell">' + translate.Year + '</td><td class="statscell">#</td><td class="statscell">' + translate.Total_Time + '</td><td class="statscell">' + translate.Average_Time + '</td><td class="statscell">' + translate.Shortest_Time + '</td><td class="statscell">' + translate.Longest_Time + '</td><td class="statscell">' + translate.Average_Depth + '</td><td class="statscell">' + translate.Min_Depth + '</td><td class="statscell">' + translate.Max_Depth + '</td><td class="statscell">' + translate.Average_SAC + '</td><td class="statscell">' + translate.Min_SAC + '</td><td class="statscell">' + translate.Max_SAC + '</td><td class="statscell">' + translate.Average_Temp + '</td><td class="statscell">' + translate.Min_Temp + '</td><td class="statscell">' + translate.Max_Temp + '</td>';
res += '</tr>';
res += getStatsRows();
res += '</table>';
return res;
function getStatsRows()
var res = "";
for (var i = 0; i < divestat.length; i++) {
res += '<tr onmouseout="stats_row_unhighlight(this)" onmouseover="stats_row_highlight(this)" class="stats_row"><td class="statscell">' + divestat[i].YEAR + '</td><td class="statscell">' + divestat[i].DIVES + '</td><td class="statscell">' + divestat[i].TOTAL_TIME + '</td><td class="statscell">' + divestat[i].AVERAGE_TIME + '</td><td class="statscell">' + divestat[i].SHORTEST_TIME + '</td><td class="statscell">' + divestat[i].LONGEST_TIME + '</td><td class="statscell">' + divestat[i].AVG_DEPTH + '</td><td class="statscell">' + divestat[i].MIN_DEPTH + '</td><td class="statscell">' + divestat[i].MAX_DEPTH + '</td><td class="statscell">' + divestat[i].AVG_SAC + '</td><td class="statscell">' + divestat[i].MIN_SAC + '</td><td class="statscell">' + divestat[i].MAX_SAC + '</td><td class="statscell">' + divestat[i].AVG_TEMP + '</td><td class="statscell">' + divestat[i].MIN_TEMP + '</td><td class="statscell">' + divestat[i].MAX_TEMP + '</td></tr>';
return res;
function stats_row_highlight(row)
row.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(125,125,125,0.7)";
function stats_row_unhighlight(row)
row.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(125,125,125,0.3)";
var tripsShown;
function getDefaultColor(){
var header = document.getElementById('header');
var button = document.getElementById('no_dives_selector');
HEADER_COLOR = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(header).getPropertyValue('background-color');
BACKGROUND_COLOR = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(button).getPropertyValue('background-color');
*This is the main function called to show/hide trips
function toggleTrips()
var trip_button = document.getElementById('trip_button');
if (tripsShown) {
tripsShown = false;
trip_button.style.backgroundColor = BACKGROUND_COLOR;
} else {
trip_button.style.backgroundColor = HEADER_COLOR;
tripsShown = true;
function showtrips()
var divelist = document.getElementById('diveslist');
divelist.innerHTML = "";
for (var i = 0; i < trips.length; i++) {
divelist.innerHTML += '<ul id="trip_' + i + '" class="trips" onclick="toggle_trip_expansion(' + i + ')">' +
trips[i].name + ' ( ' + trips[i].dives.length + ' dives)' + '</ul>' + '<div id="trip_dive_list_' + i + '"></div>';
for (var i = 0; i < trips.length; i++) {
function toggle_trip_expansion(trip)
if (trips[trip].expanded === true) {
} else {
function expand_trip(trip)
trips[trip].expanded = true;
var d = document.getElementById("trip_dive_list_" + trip);
for (var j in trips[trip].dives) {
d.innerHTML += '<ul id="' + trips[trip].dives[j].number + '" onclick="toggleExpantion(event, this)" onmouseover="highlight(this)"' +
' onmouseout="unhighlight(this)">' + getlimited(trips[trip].dives[j]) + '</ul>';
function unexpand_trip(trip)
trips[trip].expanded = false;
var d = document.getElementById("trip_dive_list_" + trip);
d.innerHTML = '';
function getItems()
var count = 0;
for (var i in trips) {
for (var j in trips[i].dives) {
items[count++] = trips[i].dives[j];
Some Global variables that hold the current shown dive data.
var dive_id; //current shown ID
var points; //reference to the samples array of the shown dive.
var ZERO_C_IN_MKELVIN = 273150;
var plot1;
function firstNonZero()
for(var i = 0; i <= items[dive_id].samples.length-1; i++){
if(items[dive_id].samples[i][2] !== 0)
return items[dive_id].samples[i][2];
function lastNonZero()
for(var i = items[dive_id].samples.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
if(items[dive_id].samples[i][2] !== 0)
return items[dive_id].samples[i][2];
*Return the HTML string for a dive weight entry in the table.
function get_weight_HTML(weight)
return '<tr><td class="Cyl">' + weight.weight + '</td><td class="Cyl">' + weight.description + '</td></tr>';
*Return HTML table of weights of a dive.
function get_weights_HTML(dive)
if (!dive.Weights.length)
return "";
var result = "";
result += '<table><tr><td class="words">' + translate.Weight + '</td><td class="words">' + translate.Type + '</td></tr>';
for (var i in dive.Weights) {
result += get_weight_HTML(dive.Weights[i]);
result += '</table>';
return result;
*Return the HTML string for a dive cylinder entry in the table.
function get_cylinder_HTML(cylinder)
var cSPressure = cylinder.SPressure;
var cEPressure = cylinder.EPressure;
if (cSPressure === "--") {
var nonZeroCSPressure = firstNonZero();
cSPressure = Math.round(put_pressure_unit(nonZeroCSPressure)).toFixed(1) + " " + pressure_unit;
if (cEPressure === "--") {
var nonZeroCEPressure = lastNonZero();
cEPressure = Math.round(put_pressure_unit(nonZeroCEPressure)).toFixed(1) + " " + pressure_unit;
var pressure_string = cylinder.O2;
if (cylinder.O2 !== "Air") {
pressure_string = 'O2: ' + cylinder.O2;
if (cylinder.He && cylinder.He !== "0.0%") {
pressure_string += ' / He: ' + cylinder.He;
return '<tr><td class="Cyl">' + cylinder.Type + '</td><td class="Cyl">' + cylinder.Size + '</td><td class="Cyl">' + cylinder.WPressure + '</td>' + '<td class="Cyl">' + cSPressure + '</td><td class="Cyl">' + cEPressure + '</td><td class="Cyl">' + pressure_string + '</td></tr>';
*Return HTML table of cylinders of a dive.
function get_cylinders_HTML(dive)
if (!dive.Cylinders.length)
return "";
var result = "";
result += '<h2 class="det_hed">' + translate.Dive_equipment + '</h2><table><tr><td class="words">' + translate.Type + '</td><td class="words">' + translate.Size + '</td><td class="words">' + translate.Work_Pressure + '</td><td class="words">' + translate.Start_Pressure + '</td><td class="words">' + translate.End_Pressure + '</td><td class="words">'+translate.Gas+'</td></tr>';
for (var i in dive.Cylinders) {
result += get_cylinder_HTML(dive.Cylinders[i]);
result += '</table>';
return result;
function get_event_value(event)
if (event.type == 11 || event.type == 25) { // gas change
var he = event.value >> 16;
var o2 = event.value & 0xffff;
return 'O2: ' + o2 + ' / He: ' + he;
if (event.type == 23) { // heading
return event.value;
return '-';
Return the HTML string for a bookmark entry in the table.
function get_bookmark_HTML(event)
return '<tr><td class="Cyl">' + event.name + '</td><td class="Cyl">' + int_to_time(event.time) + '</td><td class="Cyl">' + get_event_value(event) + '</td></tr>';
*Return HTML table of bookmarks of a dive.
function get_bookmarks_HTML(dive)
if (!dive.events || dive.events <= 0)
return "";
var result = "";
result += '<h2 class="det_hed">' + translate.Events + '</h2><table><tr><td class="words">' + translate.Name + '</td><td class="words">' + translate.Time + '</td><td class="words">' + translate.Value + '</td></tr>';
for (var i in dive.events) {
result += get_bookmark_HTML(dive.events[i]);
result += '</table>';
return result;
function getDiveCoorString(coordinates){
res = "";
lat = coordinates.lat;
lon = coordinates.lon;
res += float_to_deg(lat) + ' , ' + float_to_deg(lon);
return res;
function getDiveCoor(dive)
if (!dive.coordinates)
return "";
return '<td class="words">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + translate.Coordinates + ': </td><td>' + '<a href="http://www.google.com/maps/@' + dive.coordinates.lat + ',' + dive.coordinates.lon + ',13z" target="_blank">' + getDiveCoorString(dive.coordinates) + '</a></td>';
*Return HTML main data of a dive
function get_dive_HTML(dive)
var res = '<h2 class="det_hed">' + translate.Dive_information + '</h2><table><tr><td class="words">' + translate.Date + ': </td><td>' + dive.date +
'</td><td class="words">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + translate.Time + ': </td><td>' + dive.time +
'</td><td class="words">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + translate.Location + ': </td><td>' + '<a onclick=\"Search_list_Modules(\'' + dive.location + '\', {location:true, divemaster:false, buddy:false, notes:false, tags:false,})\">' + dive.location + '</a></td>' + getDiveCoor(dive) +
'</tr></table><table><tr><td class="words">' + translate.Rating + ':</td><td>' + putRating(dive.rating) +
'</td><td class="words">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + translate.Visibility + ':</td><td>' + putRating(dive.visibility) +
'</td></tr></table>' +
'<table><tr><td class="words">' + translate.Air_Temp + ': </td><td>' + dive.temperature.air +
'</td><td class="words">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + translate.Water_Temp + ': </td><td>' + dive.temperature.water +
'</td></tr></table><table><tr><td class="words">' + translate.Max_Depth + ': </td><td>' + put_depth_unit(dive.maxdepth) + " " + depth_unit + '</td></tr><tr><td class="words">' + translate.Duration + ': </td><td>' + dive.dive_duration +
'</td></tr><tr><td class="words">' + translate.DiveMaster + ': </td><td>' + dive.divemaster +
'</td></tr><tr><td class="words"><p>' + translate.Buddy + ': </p></td><td>' + dive.buddy +
'</td></tr><tr><td class="words">' + translate.Suit + ': </td><td>' + dive.suit +
'</td></tr><tr><td class="words">' + translate.Tags + ': </td><td>' + putTags(dive.tags) +
'</td></tr></table>'+ put_divecomputer_details(dive.divecomputers) +'<div style="margin:10px;"><p class="words">' + translate.Notes + ': </p>' + dive.notes + '</div>';
return res;
function put_divecomputer_details(dc)
if (dc.length <= 0)
var res = '';
res += '<p style="margin:10px;" class="words">Divecomputer:</p>';
for (var i =0; i < dc.length; i++) {
res += '<table>';
res += '<tr><td>Model : </td><td>' + dc[i].model + '</td></tr>';
if (dc[i].deviceid)
res += '<tr><td>Device ID : </td><td>' + dc[i].deviceid + '</td></tr>';
if (dc[i].diveid)
res += '<tr><td>Dive ID : </td><td>' + dc[i].diveid + '</td></tr>';
res += '</table><br>';
return res;
*Return HTML dive status data
function get_status_HTML(dive)
return '<h2 class="det_hed">' + translate.Dive_Status + '</h2><table><tr><td class="words">SAC: </td><td>' + put_volume_unit(dive.sac).toFixed(2) + ' ' + volume_unit +
'/min' + '</td><td class="words">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;OTU: </td><td>' + dive.otu +
'</td><td class="words">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CNS: </td><td>' + dive.cns + '</td></tr></table>';
* Dive Photo View
var success;
var error;
var missing_ids;
function show_loaded_photos()
//dive photos in the current dive
var dive = items[dive_id];
var slider = "";
document.getElementById("divephotos").style.display = 'block';
for (var i = 0; i < dive.photos.length; i++) {
slider += '<img src="' + location.pathname + '_files/photos/' + dive.photos[i].filename + '" alt="" height="240" width="240">';
document.getElementById("slider").innerHTML = slider;
function remove_missing_photos()
//dive photos in the current dive
var dive = items[dive_id];
var actually_removed = 0;
for(i = 0; i < missing_ids.length; i++){
dive.photos.splice(missing_ids[i] - actually_removed, 1);
function check_loaded_photos()
//hide the photos div if all photos are missing
if (error >= items[dive_id].photos.length) {
document.getElementById("divephotos").style.display = 'none';
//remove missing photos from the list
//view all remaining photos
function check_loading_finished()
//if all images wasn't loaded yet
if (success + error < items[dive_id].photos.length)
function load_photo(url, i) {
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
img.onerror = function() {
img.src = url;
function load_all_photos(dive)
success = 0;
error = 0;
missing_ids = new Array();
//exit if no photos in this dive.
if (!dive.photos || dive.photos.length <= 0) {
document.getElementById("divephotos").style.display = 'none';
return "";
for (var i = 0; i < dive.photos.length; i++) {
load_photo(location.pathname + '_files/photos/' + dive.photos[i].filename, i);
function prev_photo()
var temp = items[dive_id].photos[0];
var i;
for (i = 0; i < items[dive_id].photos.length - 1; i++) {
items[dive_id].photos[i] = items[dive_id].photos[i + 1]
items[dive_id].photos[i] = temp;
function next_photo()
var temp = items[dive_id].photos[items[dive_id].photos.length - 1];
var i;
for (i = items[dive_id].photos.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
items[dive_id].photos[i] = items[dive_id].photos[i - 1]
items[dive_id].photos[0] = temp;
* Helper functions
function mkelvin_to_C(mkelvin)
return (mkelvin - ZERO_C_IN_MKELVIN) / 1000.0;
function mkelvin_to_F(mkelvin)
return mkelvin * 9 / 5000.0 - 459.670;
function mbar_to_bar(mbar)
return mbar / 1000;
function mbar_to_psi(mbar)
return (mbar * 0.0145037738);
function mm_to_meter(mm)
return mm / (1000);
function mm_to_feet(mm)
return mm * 0.00328084;
function gram_to_km(gram)
return (gram / 1000).toFixed(1);
function ml_to_litre(ml)
return ml / (1000);
function ml_to_cuft(ml)
return ml / 28316.8466;
function format_two_digit(n)
return n > 9 ? "" + n : "0" + n;
function int_to_time(n)
return Math.floor((n) / 60) + ":" + format_two_digit((n) % (60)) + " min";
function float_to_deg(flt){
var deg = 0 | flt;
flt = (flt < 0 ? flt =- flt : flt);
var min = 0 | flt % 1 * 60;
var sec = (0 | flt * 60 % 1 * 6000) / 100;
return deg + "&deg; " + min + "' " + sec + "\"";
var depth_unit = "m";
var temperature_unit = "C";
var pressure_unit = "bar";
var volume_unit = "l";
*Main canvas draw function
*this calls the axis and grid initialization functions.
function canvas_draw()
document.getElementById("chart1").innerHTML = "";
var depthData = new Array();
var pressureData = new Array();
var eventsData = new Array();
var temperatureData = new Array();
var last = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < items[dive_id].samples.length; i++) {
items[dive_id].samples[i][0] / 60,
-1 * put_depth_unit(items[dive_id].samples[i][1])
if (items[dive_id].samples[i][2] !== 0) {
items[dive_id].samples[i][0] / 60,
if (items[dive_id].samples[i][3] !== 0) {
items[dive_id].samples[i][0] / 60,
last = items[dive_id].samples[i][3];
} else {
if (last !== 0) {
items[dive_id].samples[i][0] / 60,
if (items[dive_id].events) {
for (var i = 0; i < items[dive_id].events.length; i++) {
items[dive_id].events[i].time / 60,
if (plot1) {
plot1 = $.jqplot('chart1', [
grid : {
drawBorder : true,
shadow : false,
background : 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'
highlighter : {
show : true,
tooltipLocation: null,
tooltipContentEditor: function(str, seriesIndex, pointIndex, jqPlot) {
return items[dive_id].events[pointIndex].name;
return str.replace(",", " : ");
seriesDefaults : {
shadowAlpha : 0.1,
shadowDepth : 2,
fillToZero : true
series :[
color : 'rgba(75,98,98,.6)',
negativeColor : 'rgba(75,98,98,.6)',
showMarker : true,
showLine : true,
fill : true,
yaxis : 'yaxis'
color : 'rgba(44, 190, 160, 0.7)',
showMarker : false,
rendererOptions : {
smooth : true
yaxis : 'y2axis'
markerOptions: { size: 10, style:"o" },
pointLabels: { show:false }
showMarker : false,
pointLabels: { show:false },
yaxis : 'y3axis'
axes : {
xaxis : {
pad : 1.0,
tickRenderer : $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer,
tickOptions : {
showGridline : false,
formatString : '%imin'
label:'Time (min)'
yaxis : {
max : 0,
tickRenderer : $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer,
tickOptions : {
formatter: function(format, value) { return -1 * value + " " + depth_unit;},
formatString : '%.2fm'
pad : 2.05
y2axis : {
min : 0,
tickRenderer : $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer,
tickOptions : {
formatString : '%i '+pressure_unit
pad : 3.05
y3axis : {
padMax : 3.05,
max : 50,
tickOptions: {
showGridline: false,
showMark: false,
showLabel: false,
shadow: false,
formatString : '%i ' + temperature_unit
*Initialize the detailed view,
*set the global variables
*Fill the dive data
*Hide the list and show the canvas view.
*this is called to view the dive details.
function showDiveDetails(dive)
//set global variables
dive_id = dive;
points = items[dive_id].samples;
//draw the canvas and initialize the view
document.getElementById("diveinfo").innerHTML = get_dive_HTML(items[dive_id]);
document.getElementById("dive_equipment").innerHTML = get_cylinders_HTML(items[dive_id]);
document.getElementById("dive_equipment").innerHTML += get_weights_HTML(items[dive_id]);
document.getElementById("bookmarks").innerHTML = get_bookmarks_HTML(items[dive_id]);
document.getElementById("divestats").innerHTML = get_status_HTML(items[dive_id]);
//hide the list of dives and show the canvas.
document.getElementById("diveListPanel").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("divePanel").style.display = 'block';
function setDiveTitle(dive)
document.getElementById("dive_no").innerHTML = translate.Dive_No + (settings.subsurfaceNumbers === '0' ?
dive.number + 1 : dive.subsurface_number);
document.getElementById("dive_location").innerHTML = dive.location;
*Show the list view and hide the detailed list view.
*this function have to clear any data saved by showDiveDetails
function unshowDiveDetails(dive)
plot1 = null;
document.getElementById("diveListPanel").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("divePanel").style.display = 'none';
function nextDetailedDive()
if (dive_id < items.length - 1) {
function prevDetailedDive()
if (dive_id > 0) {
*This function handles keyboard events
*shift to next/prev dives by keyboard arrows.
function switchDives(e)
if (document.getElementById("divePanel").style.display == 'block') {
e = e || window.event;
if (e.keyCode == '37') {
} else if (e.keyCode == '39') {
function scrollToTheTop()
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
window.onresize = function(event)
if (plot1)
resetAxes : false
function translate_page()
document.getElementById("number_header").innerHTML = translate.Number;
document.getElementById("date_header").innerHTML = translate.Date;
document.getElementById("time_header").innerHTML = translate.Time;
document.getElementById("location_header").innerHTML = translate.Location;
document.getElementById("duration_header").innerHTML = translate.Duration;
document.getElementById("maxdepth_header").innerHTML = translate.Max_Depth;
document.getElementById("adv_srch_sp").innerHTML = translate.Advanced_Search;
document.getElementById("expnd_all_btn").innerHTML = translate.Expand_All;
document.getElementById("claps_all_btn").innerHTML = translate.Collapse_All;
document.getElementById("trip_button").innerHTML = translate.trips;
document.getElementById("stats_button").innerHTML = translate.Statistics;
document.getElementById("div_profil_lbl").innerHTML = translate.Dive_profile;
document.getElementById("bk_to_ls_lbl").innerHTML = translate.Back_to_List;
document.getElementById("bk_to_ls_lbl2").innerHTML = translate.Back_to_List;
function set_units()
if (settings.unit_system == "Imperial") {
depth_unit = "ft";
temperature_unit = "F";
pressure_unit = "psi";
volume_unit = "cuft";
} else if (settings.unit_system == "Meteric") {
depth_unit = "m";
temperature_unit = "C";
pressure_unit = "bar";
volume_unit = "l";
} else if (settings.unit_system == "Personalize") {
depth_unit = settings.units.depth == "METER"?"m":"ft";
pressure_unit = settings.units.pressure == "BAR"?"bar":"psi";
temperature_unit = settings.units.temperature == "CELSIUS"?"C":"F";
volume_unit = settings.units.volume == "CUFT"?"cuft":"l";
// meteric by default
function put_volume_unit(ml)
if (settings.unit_system == "Imperial")
return ml_to_cuft(ml);
else if (settings.unit_system == "Personalize" && settings.units.volume == "CUFT")
return ml_to_cuft(ml);
return ml_to_litre(ml);
function put_weight_unit(grams)
if (settings.unit_system == "Imperial")
return grams_to_lbs(ml);
else if (settings.unit_system == "Personalize" && settings.units.weight == "LBS")
return grams_to_lbs(ml);
return grams_to_kgs(ml);
function put_temperature_unit(mkelvin)
if (settings.unit_system == "Imperial")
return mkelvin_to_F(mkelvin);
else if (settings.unit_system == "Personalize" && settings.units.temperature == "FAHRENHEIT")
return mkelvin_to_F(mkelvin);
return mkelvin_to_C(mkelvin);
function put_depth_unit(mm)
if (settings.unit_system == "Imperial")
return mm_to_feet(mm).toFixed(1);
else if (settings.unit_system == "Personalize" && settings.units.depth == "FEET")
return mm_to_feet(mm).toFixed(1);
return mm_to_meter(mm);
function put_pressure_unit(mbar)
if (settings.unit_system == "Imperial")
return mbar_to_psi(mbar);
else if (settings.unit_system == "Personalize" && settings.units.pressure == "PSI")
return mbar_to_psi(mbar);
return mbar_to_bar(mbar);