Egbertdepauw c5e5535f51 qt6: Make subsurface buildable with Qt6 on Macos
Building on macos with the Qt6 framework.

made changes to several files to make it possible to build subsurface
desktop with the Qt 6.5.x and higher framework.

Tested versions: 6.5.2, 6.6.3, 6.7.2

code builds and googlemaps works, made some adjustments to get panning
and zooming with mouse or trackpad working.

See issue #3577 "Build Fails, macOS" for build details.

Signed-off-by: Egbertdepauw <>
2024-08-27 13:51:37 +02:00

412 lines
13 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
import QtQuick
import QtLocation
import QtPositioning
import 1.0
Item {
id: rootItem
property alias mapHelper: mapHelper
property alias map: map
signal selectedDivesChanged(var list)
MapWidgetHelper {
id: mapHelper
map: map
editMode: false
onSelectedDivesChanged: (list) => { rootItem.selectedDivesChanged(list) }
onEditModeChanged: editMessage.isVisible = editMode === true ? 1 : 0
onCoordinatesChanged: {}
Component.onCompleted: {
map.plugin = Qt.createQmlObject(pluginObject, rootItem)
map.mapType = { "STREET": map.supportedMapTypes[0], "SATELLITE": map.supportedMapTypes[1] }
map.activeMapType = map.mapType.SATELLITE
Map {
id: map
anchors.fill: parent
zoomLevel: defaultZoomIn
property var mapType
readonly property var defaultCenter: QtPositioning.coordinate(0, 0)
readonly property real defaultZoomIn: 12.0
readonly property real defaultZoomOut: 1.0
readonly property real textVisibleZoom: 11.0
readonly property real zoomStep: 2.0
property var newCenter: defaultCenter
property real newZoom: 1.0
property real newZoomOut: 1.0
property var clickCoord: QtPositioning.coordinate(0, 0)
property bool isReady: false
Component.onCompleted: isReady = true
onZoomLevelChanged: {
if (isReady)
property geoCoordinate startCentroid
startCentroid: newCenter
PinchHandler {
id: pinch
target: null
onActiveChanged: if (active) {
map.startCentroid = map.toCoordinate(pinch.centroid.position, false)
onScaleChanged: (delta) => {
map.zoomLevel += Math.log2(delta)
map.alignCoordinateToPoint(map.startCentroid, pinch.centroid.position)
onRotationChanged: (delta) => {
map.bearing -= delta
map.alignCoordinateToPoint(map.startCentroid, pinch.centroid.position)
grabPermissions: PointerHandler.TakeOverForbidden
WheelHandler {
id: wheel
// workaround for QTBUG-87646 / QTBUG-112394 / QTBUG-112432:
// Magic Mouse pretends to be a trackpad but doesn't work with PinchHandler
// and we don't yet distinguish mice and trackpads on Wayland either
acceptedDevices: Qt.platform.pluginName === "cocoa" || Qt.platform.pluginName === "wayland"
? PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.TouchPad
: PointerDevice.Mouse
rotationScale: 1/120
property: "zoomLevel"
DragHandler {
id: drag
target: null
onTranslationChanged: (delta) => map.pan(-delta.x, -delta.y)
MapItemView {
id: mapItemView
model: mapHelper.model
delegate: MapQuickItem {
id: mapItem
anchorPoint.x: 0
anchorPoint.y: mapItemImage.height
coordinate: model.coordinate
z: model.z
sourceItem: Image {
id: mapItemImage
source: model.pixmap
SequentialAnimation {
id: mapItemImageAnimation
PropertyAnimation { target: mapItemImage; property: "scale"; from: 1.0; to: 0.7; duration: 120 }
PropertyAnimation { target: mapItemImage; property: "scale"; from: 0.7; to: 1.0; duration: 80 }
MouseArea { (mapHelper.editMode && model.isSelected) ? mapItem : undefined
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: {
if (!mapHelper.editMode && model.divesite)
onDoubleClicked: map.doubleClickHandler(mapItem.coordinate)
onReleased: {
if (mapHelper.editMode && model.isSelected) {
mapHelper.updateCurrentDiveSiteCoordinatesFromMap(model.divesite, mapItem.coordinate)
Item {
// Text with a duplicate for shadow. DropShadow as layer effect is kind of slow here.
y: mapItemImage.y + mapItemImage.height
visible: map.zoomLevel >= map.textVisibleZoom
Text {
id: mapItemTextShadow
x: mapItemText.x + 2; y: mapItemText.y + 2
text: mapItemText.text
font.pointSize: mapItemText.font.pointSize
color: "black"
Text {
id: mapItemText
font.pointSize: 11.0
color: model.isSelected ? "white" : "lightgrey"
SequentialAnimation {
id: mapAnimationZoomIn
NumberAnimation {
target: map; property: "zoomLevel"; to: map.newZoomOut; duration: Math.abs(map.newZoomOut - map.zoomLevel) * 200
ParallelAnimation {
CoordinateAnimation { target: map; property: "center"; to: map.newCenter; duration: 2000; easing.type: Easing.OutCubic }
NumberAnimation {
target: map; property: "zoomLevel"; to: map.newZoom; duration: 2000
ParallelAnimation {
id: mapAnimationClick
CoordinateAnimation { target: map; property: "center"; to: map.newCenter; duration: 500 }
NumberAnimation { target: map; property: "zoomLevel"; to: map.newZoom; duration: 500 }
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onPressed: (mouse) => { map.stopZoomAnimations(); mouse.accepted = false }
onWheel: (wheel) => { map.stopZoomAnimations(); wheel.accepted = false }
onDoubleClicked: map.doubleClickHandler(map.toCoordinate(Qt.point(mouseX, mouseY)))
function doubleClickHandler(coord) {
newCenter = coord
newZoom = zoomLevel + zoomStep
if (newZoom > maximumZoomLevel)
newZoom = maximumZoomLevel
function pointIsVisible(pt) {
return !isNaN(pt.x)
function coordIsValid(coord) {
if (coord == null || isNaN(coord.latitude) || isNaN(coord.longitude) ||
(coord.latitude === 0.0 && coord.longitude === 0.0))
return false;
return true;
function stopZoomAnimations() {
function centerOnCoordinate(coord) {
if (!coordIsValid(coord)) {
console.warn("MapWidget.qml: centerOnCoordinate(): !coordIsValid()")
var newZoomOutFound = false
var zoomStored = zoomLevel
var centerStored = QtPositioning.coordinate(center.latitude, center.longitude)
newZoomOut = zoomLevel
newCenter = coord
zoomLevel = Math.floor(zoomLevel)
while (zoomLevel > minimumZoomLevel) {
var pt = fromCoordinate(coord)
if (pointIsVisible(pt)) {
newZoomOut = zoomLevel
newZoomOutFound = true
zoomLevel -= 1.0
if (!newZoomOutFound)
newZoomOut = defaultZoomOut
zoomLevel = zoomStored
center = centerStored
newZoom = zoomStored
function centerOnRectangle(topLeft, bottomRight, centerRect) {
if (newCenter.latitude === 0.0 && newCenter.longitude === 0.0) {
// Do nothing
var centerStored = QtPositioning.coordinate(center.latitude, center.longitude)
var zoomStored = zoomLevel
var newZoomOutFound = false
newCenter = centerRect
// calculate zoom out
newZoomOut = zoomLevel
while (zoomLevel > minimumZoomLevel) {
var ptCenter = fromCoordinate(centerStored)
var ptCenterRect = fromCoordinate(centerRect)
if (pointIsVisible(ptCenter) && pointIsVisible(ptCenterRect)) {
newZoomOut = zoomLevel
newZoomOutFound = true
zoomLevel -= 1.0
if (!newZoomOutFound)
newZoomOut = defaultZoomOut
// calculate zoom in
center = newCenter
zoomLevel = Math.floor(maximumZoomLevel)
var diagonalRect = topLeft.distanceTo(bottomRight)
while (zoomLevel > minimumZoomLevel) {
var c0 = toCoordinate(Qt.point(0.0, 0.0))
var c1 = toCoordinate(Qt.point(width, height))
if (c0.distanceTo(c1) > diagonalRect) {
newZoom = zoomLevel - 2.0
zoomLevel -= 1.0
if (newZoom > defaultZoomIn)
newZoom = defaultZoomIn
zoomLevel = zoomStored
center = centerStored
function deselectMapLocation() {
Rectangle {
id: editMessage
radius: padding
color: "#b08000"
border.color: "white"
x: (map.width - width) * 0.5; y: padding
width: editMessageText.width + padding * 2.0
height: editMessageText.height + padding * 2.0
visible: false
opacity: 0.0
property int isVisible: -1
property real padding: 10.0
onOpacityChanged: visible = opacity != 0.0
states: [
State { when: editMessage.isVisible === 1; PropertyChanges { target: editMessage; opacity: 1.0 }},
State { when: editMessage.isVisible === 0; PropertyChanges { target: editMessage; opacity: 0.0 }}
transitions: Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "opacity"; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }}
Text {
id: editMessageText
y: editMessage.padding; x: editMessage.padding
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
color: "white"
font.pointSize: 11.0
text: qsTr("Drag the selected dive location")
Image {
id: toggleImage
x: 10; y: x
width: 40
height: 40
source: "qrc:///map-style-" + (map.activeMapType === map.mapType.SATELLITE ? "map" : "photo") + "-icon"
SequentialAnimation {
id: toggleImageAnimation
PropertyAnimation { target: toggleImage; property: "scale"; from: 1.0; to: 0.8; duration: 120 }
PropertyAnimation { target: toggleImage; property: "scale"; from: 0.8; to: 1.0; duration: 80 }
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
map.activeMapType = map.activeMapType === map.mapType.SATELLITE ? map.mapType.STREET : map.mapType.SATELLITE
Image {
id: imageZoomIn
x: 10 + (toggleImage.width - imageZoomIn.width) * 0.5; y: toggleImage.y + toggleImage.height + 10
width: 20
height: 20
source: "qrc:///zoom-in-icon"
SequentialAnimation {
id: imageZoomInAnimation
PropertyAnimation { target: imageZoomIn; property: "scale"; from: 1.0; to: 0.8; duration: 120 }
PropertyAnimation { target: imageZoomIn; property: "scale"; from: 0.8; to: 1.0; duration: 80 }
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
map.newCenter =
map.newZoom = map.zoomLevel + map.zoomStep
if (map.newZoom > map.maximumZoomLevel)
map.newZoom = map.maximumZoomLevel
Image {
id: imageZoomOut
x: imageZoomIn.x; y: imageZoomIn.y + imageZoomIn.height + 10
source: "qrc:///zoom-out-icon"
width: 20
height: 20
SequentialAnimation {
id: imageZoomOutAnimation
PropertyAnimation { target: imageZoomOut; property: "scale"; from: 1.0; to: 0.8; duration: 120 }
PropertyAnimation { target: imageZoomOut; property: "scale"; from: 0.8; to: 1.0; duration: 80 }
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
map.newCenter =
map.newZoom = map.zoomLevel - map.zoomStep
* open coordinates in google maps while attempting to roughly preserve
* the zoom level. the mapping between the QML map zoom level and the
* Google Maps zoom level is done via exponential regression:
* y = a * exp(b * x)
* data set:
* qml (x) gmaps (y in meters)
* 21 257
* 15.313216749178913 3260
* 12.553216749178931 20436
* 11.11321674917894 52883
* 9.313216749178952 202114
* 7.51321674917896 737136
* 5.593216749178958 2495529
* 4.153216749178957 3895765
* 1.753216749178955 18999949
function openLocationInGoogleMaps(latitude, longitude) {
var loc = latitude + "," + longitude
var poi = latitude + "+" + longitude
var x = map.zoomLevel
var a = 53864950.831693
var b = -0.60455861606547030630
var zoom = Math.floor(a * Math.exp(b * x))
var url = "" + poi + "/@" + loc + "," + zoom + "m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0"
console.log("openLocationInGoogleMaps() map.zoomLevel: " + x + ", url: " + url)
MapWidgetContextMenu {
id: contextMenu
y: 10; x: map.width - y
onActionSelected: {
switch (action) {
case contextMenu.actions.OPEN_LOCATION_IN_GOOGLE_MAPS:
case contextMenu.actions.COPY_LOCATION_DECIMAL:
mapHelper.copyToClipboardCoordinates(, false)
case contextMenu.actions.COPY_LOCATION_SEXAGESIMAL:
mapHelper.copyToClipboardCoordinates(, true)
case contextMenu.actions.SELECT_VISIBLE_LOCATIONS: