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Berthold Stoeger 2eeb5f4fc2 undo: more fine-grained editing of cylinder
Don't overwrite the full cylinder when editing a single field.
Implement three "modes": editing of type, pressure and gasmix.

Don't consider individual fields, because some of them are
related. E.g. you can change the gasmix by setting the MOD.

Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <bstoeger@mail.tuwien.ac.at>
2020-04-07 00:13:35 +02:00

453 lines
15 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
// Note: this header file is used by the undo-machinery and should not be included elsewhere.
#include "command_base.h"
#include "command.h" // for EditCylinderType
#include "core/subsurface-qt/divelistnotifier.h"
#include <QVector>
// These are commands that edit individual fields of a set of dives.
// The implementation is very OO-style. Out-of-fashion and certainly
// not elegant, but in line with Qt's OO-based design.
// The actual code is in a common base class "Command::EditBase". To
// read and set the fields, the base class calls virtual functions of
// the derived classes.
// To deal with different data types, the base class is implemented
// as a template. The template parameter is the type to be read or
// set. Thus, switch-cascades and union trickery can be avoided.
// We put everything in a namespace, so that we can shorten names without polluting the global namespace
namespace Command {
// Base class for commands that have a list of dives.
// This is used for extracting the number of dives and show a
// warning message when multiple dives are edited.
class EditDivesBase : public Base {
EditDivesBase(bool currentDiveOnly);
EditDivesBase(dive *d);
std::vector<dive *> dives; // Dives to be edited.
// On undo, we set the selection and current dive at the time of the operation.
std::vector<dive *> selectedDives;
struct dive *current;
int numDives() const;
template <typename T>
class EditBase : public EditDivesBase {
T value; // Value to be set
T old; // Previous value
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
bool workToBeDone() override;
EditBase(T newValue, bool currentDiveOnly);
EditBase(T newValue, dive *d);
// Get and set functions to be overriden by sub-classes.
virtual void set(struct dive *d, T) const = 0;
virtual T data(struct dive *d) const = 0;
virtual QString fieldName() const = 0; // Name of the field, used to create the undo menu-entry
virtual DiveField fieldId() const = 0;
// The individual Edit-commands define a virtual function that return the field-id.
// For reasons, which I don't fully understand, the C++ makers are strictly opposed
// to "virtual member constants" so we have to define these functions. To make
// things a bit more compact we do this automatically with the following template.
// Of course, we could directly encode the value in the EditBase-template, but
// that would lead to a multiplication of the created code.
template <typename T, DiveField::Flags ID>
class EditTemplate : public EditBase<T> {
using EditBase<T>::EditBase; // Use constructor of base class.
DiveField fieldId() const override final; // final prevents further overriding - then just don't use this template
// Automatically generate getter and setter in the case of simple assignments.
// The third parameter is a pointer to a member of the dive structure.
template <typename T, DiveField::Flags ID, T dive::*PTR>
class EditDefaultSetter : public EditTemplate<T, ID> {
using EditTemplate<T, ID>::EditTemplate;
void set(struct dive *d, T) const override final; // final prevents further overriding - then just don't use this template
T data(struct dive *d) const override final; // final prevents further overriding - then just don't use this template
// Automatically generate getter and setter in the case for string assignments.
// The third parameter is a pointer to a C-style string in the dive structure.
template <DiveField::Flags ID, char *dive::*PTR>
class EditStringSetter : public EditTemplate<QString, ID> {
using EditTemplate<QString, ID>::EditTemplate;
void set(struct dive *d, QString) const override final; // final prevents further overriding - then just don't use this template
QString data(struct dive *d) const override final; // final prevents further overriding - then just don't use this template
class EditNotes : public EditStringSetter<DiveField::NOTES, &dive::notes> {
using EditStringSetter::EditStringSetter; // Use constructor of base class.
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditSuit : public EditStringSetter<DiveField::SUIT, &dive::suit> {
using EditStringSetter::EditStringSetter; // Use constructor of base class.
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditRating : public EditDefaultSetter<int, DiveField::RATING, &dive::rating> {
using EditDefaultSetter::EditDefaultSetter; // Use constructor of base class.
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditVisibility : public EditDefaultSetter<int, DiveField::VISIBILITY, &dive::visibility> {
using EditDefaultSetter::EditDefaultSetter; // Use constructor of base class.
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditWaveSize : public EditDefaultSetter<int, DiveField::WAVESIZE, &dive::wavesize> {
using EditDefaultSetter::EditDefaultSetter; // Use constructor of base class.
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditCurrent : public EditDefaultSetter<int, DiveField::CURRENT, &dive::current> {
using EditDefaultSetter::EditDefaultSetter; // Use constructor of base class.
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditSurge : public EditDefaultSetter<int, DiveField::SURGE, &dive::surge> {
using EditDefaultSetter::EditDefaultSetter; // Use constructor of base class.
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditChill : public EditDefaultSetter<int, DiveField::CHILL, &dive::chill> {
using EditDefaultSetter::EditDefaultSetter; // Use constructor of base class.
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditAirTemp : public EditTemplate<int, DiveField::AIR_TEMP> {
using EditTemplate::EditTemplate; // Use constructor of base class.
void set(struct dive *d, int value) const override;
int data(struct dive *d) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditWaterTemp : public EditTemplate<int, DiveField::WATER_TEMP> {
using EditTemplate::EditTemplate; // Use constructor of base class.
void set(struct dive *d, int value) const override;
int data(struct dive *d) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditAtmPress : public EditTemplate<int, DiveField::ATM_PRESS> {
using EditTemplate::EditTemplate; // Use constructor of base class.
void set(struct dive *d, int value) const override;
int data(struct dive *d) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditWaterTypeUser : public EditTemplate<int, DiveField::SALINITY> {
using EditTemplate::EditTemplate; // Use constructor of base class.
void set(struct dive *d, int value) const override;
int data(struct dive *d) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditDuration : public EditTemplate<int, DiveField::DURATION> {
using EditTemplate::EditTemplate; // Use constructor of base class.
void set(struct dive *d, int value) const override;
int data(struct dive *d) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditDepth : public EditTemplate<int, DiveField::DEPTH> {
using EditTemplate::EditTemplate; // Use constructor of base class.
void set(struct dive *d, int value) const override;
int data(struct dive *d) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditDiveSite : public EditTemplate<struct dive_site *, DiveField::DIVESITE> {
using EditTemplate::EditTemplate; // Use constructor of base class.
void set(struct dive *d, struct dive_site *value) const override;
struct dive_site *data(struct dive *d) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
// We specialize these so that we can send dive-site changed signals.
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
// Edit dive site, but add a new dive site first. Reuses the code of EditDiveSite by
// deriving from it and hooks into undo() and redo() to add / remove the dive site.
class EditDiveSiteNew : public EditDiveSite {
OwningDiveSitePtr diveSiteToAdd;
struct dive_site *diveSiteToRemove;
EditDiveSiteNew(const QString &newName, bool currentDiveOnly);
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
class EditMode : public EditTemplate<int, DiveField::MODE> {
int index;
EditMode(int indexIn, int newValue, bool currentDiveOnly);
void set(struct dive *d, int i) const override;
int data(struct dive *d) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditInvalid : public EditDefaultSetter<bool, DiveField::INVALID, &dive::invalid> {
using EditDefaultSetter::EditDefaultSetter; // Use constructor of base class.
QString fieldName() const override;
// Fields that work with tag-lists (tags, buddies, divemasters) work differently and therefore
// have their own base class. In this case, it's not a template, as all these lists are base
// on strings.
class EditTagsBase : public EditDivesBase {
bool workToBeDone() override;
QStringList newList; // Temporary until initialized
EditTagsBase(const QStringList &newList, bool currentDiveOnly);
QStringList tagsToAdd;
QStringList tagsToRemove;
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
// Getters, setters and parsers to be overriden by sub-classes.
virtual QStringList data(struct dive *d) const = 0;
virtual void set(struct dive *d, const QStringList &v) const = 0;
virtual QString fieldName() const = 0; // Name of the field, used to create the undo menu-entry
virtual DiveField fieldId() const = 0;
// See comments for EditTemplate
template <DiveField::Flags ID>
class EditTagsTemplate : public EditTagsBase {
using EditTagsBase::EditTagsBase; // Use constructor of base class.
DiveField fieldId() const override final; // final prevents further overriding - then just don't use this template
class EditTags : public EditTagsTemplate<DiveField::TAGS> {
using EditTagsTemplate::EditTagsTemplate; // Use constructor of base class.
QStringList data(struct dive *d) const override;
void set(struct dive *d, const QStringList &v) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditBuddies : public EditTagsTemplate<DiveField::BUDDY> {
using EditTagsTemplate::EditTagsTemplate; // Use constructor of base class.
QStringList data(struct dive *d) const override;
void set(struct dive *d, const QStringList &v) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
class EditDiveMaster : public EditTagsTemplate<DiveField::DIVEMASTER> {
using EditTagsTemplate::EditTagsTemplate; // Use constructor of base class.
QStringList data(struct dive *d) const override;
void set(struct dive *d, const QStringList &v) const override;
QString fieldName() const override;
// Fields we have to remember to undo paste
struct PasteState {
dive *d;
dive_site *divesite;
QString notes;
QString divemaster;
QString buddy;
QString suit;
int rating;
int wavesize;
int visibility;
int current;
int surge;
int chill;
tag_entry *tags;
struct cylinder_table cylinders;
struct weightsystem_table weightsystems;
PasteState(dive *d, const dive *data, dive_components what); // Read data from dive data for dive d
void swap(dive_components what); // Exchange values here and in dive
class PasteDives : public Base {
dive_components what;
std::vector<PasteState> dives;
PasteDives(const dive *d, dive_components what);
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
bool workToBeDone() override;
class ReplanDive : public Base {
dive *d;
// Exchange these data with current dive
timestamp_t when;
depth_t maxdepth, meandepth;
struct cylinder_table cylinders;
struct divecomputer dc;
char *notes;
pressure_t surface_pressure;
duration_t duration;
int salinity;
// Dive computer(s) and cylinders(s) of the source dive will be reset!
// If edit_profile is true, the text will be changed from "replan dive" to "edit profile".
ReplanDive(dive *source, bool edit_profile);
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
bool workToBeDone() override;
class AddWeight : public EditDivesBase {
AddWeight(bool currentDiveOnly);
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
bool workToBeDone() override;
class EditWeightBase : public EditDivesBase {
EditWeightBase(int index, bool currentDiveOnly);
weightsystem_t ws;
std::vector<int> indices; // An index for each dive in the dives vector.
bool workToBeDone() override;
class RemoveWeight : public EditWeightBase {
RemoveWeight(int index, bool currentDiveOnly);
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
class EditWeight : public EditWeightBase {
EditWeight(int index, weightsystem_t ws, bool currentDiveOnly); // Clones ws
weightsystem_t new_ws;
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
class AddCylinder : public EditDivesBase {
AddCylinder(bool currentDiveOnly);
cylinder_t cyl;
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
bool workToBeDone() override;
class EditCylinderBase : public EditDivesBase {
EditCylinderBase(int index, bool currentDiveOnly, bool nonProtectedOnly, int sameCylinderFlags);
std::vector<cylinder_t> cyl;
std::vector<int> indexes; // An index for each dive in the dives vector.
bool workToBeDone() override;
class RemoveCylinder : public EditCylinderBase {
RemoveCylinder(int index, bool currentDiveOnly);
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
// Instead of implementing an undo command for every single field in a cylinder,
// we only have one and pass an edit "type". We either edit the type, pressure
// or gasmix fields. This has mostly historical reasons rooted in the way the
// CylindersModel code works. The model works for undo and also in the planner
// without undo. Having a single undo-command simplifies the code there.
class EditCylinder : public EditCylinderBase {
EditCylinder(int index, cylinder_t cyl, EditCylinderType type, bool currentDiveOnly); // Clones cylinder
EditCylinderType type;
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
// Edit a full dive. This is used on mobile where we don't have per-field granularity.
// It may add or edit a dive site.
class EditDive : public Base {
EditDive(dive *oldDive, dive *newDive, dive_site *createDs, dive_site *editDs, location_t dsLocation); // Takes ownership of newDive
dive *oldDive; // Dive that is going to be overwritten
OwningDivePtr newDive; // New data
dive_site *newDiveSite;
int changedFields;
dive_site *siteToRemove;
OwningDiveSitePtr siteToAdd;
dive_site *siteToEdit;
location_t dsLocation;
void undo() override;
void redo() override;
bool workToBeDone() override;
void exchangeDives();
void editDs();
} // namespace Command