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Dirk Hohndel 8f8942f315 Add Uemis section to the user manual
This gives some information on some of the oddities when downloading from
a Uemis Zurich.

Also run a spell checker against the user manual.

Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
2012-10-22 20:53:04 -07:00

704 lines
24 KiB

Subsurface 2.1 User Manual
v0.1.1, October 2012
:Author Initials: JKO & DH
:website: http://subsurface.hohndel.org
Scope of this document is the usage of the program.
Please read the build manual for instructions how to build the
software and (if needed) its dependencies.
Audience: Fun Divers, Tec Divers, Professional Divers
Subsurface was started because of a lack of viable dive log software
on Linux. It turns out that the resulting software was easily ported
to Windows and Mac, but it clearly is a native Linux program first.
The program is under active development and at version 2.1 it is
already very usable for divers with supported dive-computers.
In this manual the Suunto Viper will be used for all examples.
Before you are able to import information from your divecomputer into
Subsurface, you need some preparation. Do you have the following:
1. Your Divecomputer - Compatible with libdivecomputer (see list in <<AppendixA,Appendix A>>)
2. Communication interface - Cable to connect your divecomputer to your PC/Laptop/Netbook
3. Working installation of Subsurface
4. If needed, the manual of your divecomputer
Start using the program
When you start the program for the first time, it shows no information
at all. This is because the program does not automatically load the
already available dive-log files.
There is a menu, containing 'File', 'Log', 'Filter' and Help.
The screen is divided in 3 area's:
- Area with 4 tabs: Dive Notes, Equipment, Dive Info, and Stats
- Area next to the 3 tabs which will contain the dive profile
- Area with the dives (usually called dive list) which can be sorted by number, date, etc.
Import new dives from your divecomputer
Before you start fiddling around with your divecomputer, note that
there are divecomputers that consume more power when they are in the
PC-Communication mode. This could drain your battery. Therefor, ensure
if your computer is recharging when connecting to the USB port. The
Suunto Viper does not recharge trough the USB connection. Please
consult the manual of your divecomputer if you are unsure if it will
be recharged when connected to the USB port.
Now it is time to hook up your divecomputer to your PC:
- Make sure that your OS has the required drivers installed
* On Linux this means you need to have the correct kernel
module loaded. Most distributions will do this automatically
for you.
* On Windows, the OS should offer to download the correct
driver when you connect to the USB port.
* On a Mac you at times have to manually hunt for the correct
driver. For example the correct driver for the Mares Puck
devices can be found as Mac_OSX_VCP_Driver.zip at
- Connect your interface cable to a free USB port
- Put your divecomputer into PC Communication mode. (For Suunto Viper, press Mode - 1 Memory - 3 TR-PC)
(You should consult the manual of your specific divecomputer for your brand and type)
- Go in Subsurface to 'Log - Download From Dive Computer'
* Within the pop-up, under Dive computer, choose your brand and type. Here we choose Suunto Vyper.
* Change the device name under which your interface is connected.
** On Linux, default is /dev/ttyUSB0
** On Windows, default is COM3
** On Mac, default is ... specific to the dive computer
* Click the 'OK' button.
- Now watch how your data is retrieved from your divecomputer!
Depending on your type of computer and/or number of dives, this
could take some time. Please be patient.
Import new dives from a Uemis Zurich
Things are very similar when downloading dives from a Uemis Zurich
divecomputer (which certainly is one of the ones that DO recharge when
connected to the USB port). The main difference is that you don't enter a
device name, but instead the location where the UEMISSDA file system is
mounted once you connect the divecomputer.
On Windows this is a drive letter (often 'E:' or 'F:'), on a Mac this is
'/Volumes/UEMISSDA' and on Linux systems this differs depending on the
distribution that you use. On Fedora it usually is
So once you have selected this as device name you can download the dives
from the Uemis Zurich. One current issue is that you cannot download more
than about 40-50 dives without running out of memory on the SDA. This will
usually only happen the very first time you download dives from the Uemis
Zurich - normally when downloading at the end of a day or even after a
dive trip, the capacity is sufficient. If Subsurface displays and error
that the divecomputer ran out of space the solution is straight forward.
Disconnect the SDA, turn it off and on again, and reconnect it. You can
now start a new download session and it will continue where it stopped the
last time you tried. You may have to do this more than once, depending on
how many dives you have stored on your divecomputer.
At this point Subsurface doesn't download all the information that is
stored on the SDA. Information about dive spots, buddies, and equipment is
not yet downloaded.
Viewing and completing your logs
When all data from your divecomputer is transferred, you will see a
listing of your dives in Area 3.
An example:
On Sunday Oct 23, 2011 you made a dive.
In the log line of this dive, you see the following information:
|| # | 12 | Dive number
|| Date | Sun, Oct 23, 2011 10:50 | Date and time of your dive
|| * | | Your rating (none at this time)
|| m | 12.8 | Your maximum depth in meters
|| min | 31:20 | Your dive-time in minutes and seconds
|| Deg. C | 13.0 | Lowest water temperature during your dive
|| Cyl | | Your used cylinder (none at this time)
|| O2% | air | What type of mixture
|| SAC | | SAC (none at this time)
|| Location | | Where you performed your dive (empty)
As you can see, some information is already there because it is
retrieved from your divecomputer. Some information is waiting for
you to be added. By double clicking on this dive, you can view and
complete the log.
Edit the dive info
When you double click on the dive log line, the editor window
opens. Now you can add information that is missing. Let start with
completing the example:
You double clicked on dive #12, as described in <<S_ViewingLogs,Viewing and
completing your logs>>. The Dive Info window pops up and you will see
the following:
*Location*:: An input where you can enter your new location, or you can choose with the pull-down previous locations
*Dive Master*:: An input where you can enter the name of your Dive Master, or you can choose with the pull-down a previous name
*Buddy*:: An input where you can enter the name of you Buddy, or you can choose with the pull-down a previous name
*Rating*:: A pull-down where you can rate your dive.
*Suit*:: An input where you can track the exposure protection suit you were wearing
*Notes*:: A free input where you can enter information about your dive. What you've seen, etc.
In this example we use the following information:
*Location*:: Oostvoornse Meer
*Dive Master*:: S. de Vries
*Buddy*:: S. de Vries
*Rating*:: 3 stars
*Suit*:: 7mm wet
*Notes*:: First dive here. Good visibility. Did see the concrete poles, some crab and fish. Very nice and easy dive. +
Made movie with headcam.
Now don't press ok yet!
Edit equipment info
You also want to edit your Cylinder information. And in the
<<S_EditDiveInfo, previous chapter>>, this was not edited. There is
still another item to edit in the Dive Info screen:
- Cylinder: A double-click field set. Here you can edit your Cylinder information
So, when you double click on the cylinder info, you get another
pop-up. This pop-up gives you the following:
- Cylinder: Pull-down where you can choose your Cylinder, or add your own
- Size: The volume if not `filled'
- Pressure: The maximum pressure of this Cylinder
- Optional:
* Start Pressure: What was the pressure starting the dive
* End Pressure: What was the pressure ending the dive
* Nitrox: What was the percentage of blend
Now we are going to enter the data:
- Cylinder: 15.0 l
- Size: 15.0
- Pressure: 220
Now tick the option for Start & End pressure
- Start Pressure: 180
- End Pressure: 60
- Press Ok
In very much the same way you can enter the weight you were carrying on
the dive. Subsurface tracks the following:
- Type: Specific type of weight system, like weight belt, integrated pockets
- Weight: Amount of weight (by default in kg, but can be switched to use lbs)
Enter the following data:
- Type: Integrated
- weight: 13kg
- Press Ok
Now your dive information for this dive is complete. You can now press
ok in the Dive Info screen and view the results.
Adding equipment info
In Area with the 3 tabs there is the tab Equipment. With this tab, you
can add Cylinders and Weight Systems (just like in the previous dialog).
We are going to add an additional Cylinder:
- In the main screen, click on the Equipment tab. This shows your
Cylinder you added in 7.
- Now press the Add button and the Cylinder pop-up comes back.
- Just like you added your Cylinder information in 7. Edit equipment
info, you add your cylinder information for the second Cylinder.
Fill in all the information about this Cylinder and press OK.
View info & Stats
After adding all the information, you can use the tab Dive Info and
the Stats tab. These tabs will provide you with all the (statistical and
calculated) information regarding your dive.
The information contains:
- Dive Info:
** Date: Date and time of your dive
** Dive Time: Duration of your dive
** Surf Intv: Interval between previous dive and this dive
** Max Depth: Maximum depth of this dive
** Avg Depth: The average depth of this dive
** Water Temp: Lowest temperature of the water
** SAC: The amount of Surface Air Consumption liters per minute
** OTU: The Oxygen Toxicity Units of this dive
** O2/He: Amount of Oxygen/Helium
** Gas Used: The total volume of gas used during this dive
- Statistics:
** Dive: Number of dives covered (usually one, unless you select more dives)
** Max/Min/Avg Temp: Corresponding temperature of the dives covered
** Total time: Total time of the covered dives together, calculated
** Avg/Long/Short Time: The average / longest / shortest dive time of the covered dives, calculated
** Max/Min/Avg Depth: The maximum / minimum / average depth of the covered dives
** Max SAC: Highest / lowest / average Surface Air Consumption of your covered dives
Setting up preferences
Subsurface has the ability to modify the preferences you want. By
using menu 'File - Preferences' you will be presented a pop-up with the
'Units'. You are free to choose what is your preference, with other
words, use Metric or Imperial.
You can set the following options:
- Depth: Your diving depth in Meters or Feet
- Pressure: The pressure of your tank(s) in Bar/Ato or PSI (Pressure Square Inch)
- Volume: The volume of your tank(s) in Liter or CuFt (Cubic Feet) (At sea-level pressure)
- Temperature: The temperature of the water in Celsius or Fahrenheit
- Weight: The weight of your weight system in kg or lbs
In the main screen, you did see in Area 3, some information. In the
Columns options, you can enable/disable options you would like to show
- Show Temp: Shows the temperature of your dive
- Show Cyl: Shows the cylinder(s) of your dive
- Show O2%: Shows the O2% of your dive
- Show SAC: Shows the SAC of your dive (Surface Air Consumption)
- Show OTU: Shows the OTU of your dive (Oxygen Toxicity Units)
- Show Weight: Shows the total weight carried
- Show Suit: Shows the suit you were wearing
You can also change the default setting whether your dives are grouped
by dive trips (the algorithm makes educated guesses) or whether you'd
prefer to do any grouping of dive trips manually
And, you can change the font used in the dive list,
I will give an example here:
I am a diver in The Netherlands, using the Metric System. Therefor, I
go to the menu File, choose Preferences here. In the Units section, I
use the following:
- Depth: Meter
- Pressure: Bar
- Volume: Liter
- Temperature: Celsius
- Weight: kg
I would like to see the:
- Temperature
- Show Cyl
- Show O2%
- Show SAC
As a beginning diver, I don't need to track my OTUs. So I leave this
one not enabled.
Clicking OK on the dialog stores these settings.
How to find the Device Name
When you connect your divecomputer by using an USB connector, most of the
time, the default of '/dev/ttyUSB0' should work. But if you have other
Serial to USB devices, this can be different because '/dev/ttyUSB0' is
already in use.
One of the ways to find out what your dive name is:
- Disconnect your USB cable of your dive computer
- Open a terminal
- Type the command: 'dmesg' and press enter
- Plug in your USB cable of your divecomputer
- Type the command: 'dmesg' and press enter
Within your terminal you should see a message similar to this one:
usb 2-1.1: new full speed USB device number 14 using ehci_hcd
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial
USB Serial support registered for generic
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic
usbserial: USB Serial Driver core
USB Serial support registered for FTDI USB Serial Device
ftdi_sio 2-1.1:1.0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter detected
usb 2-1.1: Detected FT232BM
usb 2-1.1: Number of endpoints 2
usb 2-1.1: Endpoint 1 MaxPacketSize 64
usb 2-1.1: Endpoint 2 MaxPacketSize 64
usb 2-1.1: Setting MaxPacketSize 64
usb 2-1.1: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB3
usbcore: registered new interface driver ftdi_sio
ftdi_sio: v1.6.0:USB FTDI Serial Converters Driver
You see that in the third line from the bottom, the USB adapter is
detected and is connected to 'ttyUSB3'. Now you use this information in
the import settings as '/dev/ttyUSB3'. Your divecomputer interface is
connected and you should be able to import your dives.
Importing dives from JDivelog
Maybe you have been using JDivelog and you have a lot of dives logged in
this program. You don't have to type all information by hand into
Subsurface, because you can import your divelogs from JDivelog.
JDivelog stores its information into files with the extension of .jlb.
These .jlb contain all the information that has been stored, except your
images in xml format.
By using the menu 'File - Import XML File(s)' you get a popup asking
for the filename. To import your JDivelog file(s) do the following:
- Open 'File - Import XML Files(s)' on the menu
- Browse your directories to the location where your *.jlb file is
- Select your existing *.jlb file and click 'open'
- Click the OK button in the popup
After a few moments, you see your existing logs in Subsurface. Now you can
edit your dives like explained in <<S_EditDiveInfo, chapter 6>>.
Information that is imported from JDivelog into the location field:
- Extended dive location information
Information that is merged into the location or notes field:
- Used amount of weight
- Used type of suit
- Used type of gloves
- Type of dive
- Dive activity
Alternatively, you can start subsurface with the --import command line
which will have the same effect:
subsurface MyDives.xml --import JDivelogDives.jlb
will open your divelog (assuming that's called MyDives.xml) and then
import the dives from JdivelogDives.jlb. You can now save the combined
divelog back as MyDives.xml.
Subsurface will similarly import xml exports from DivingLog as well as
Suunto DiveManager.
When importing dives subsurface tries to detect multiple records for
the same dive and merges the information as best as it can. So as long
as there are no time zone issues (or other reasons that would cause the
beginning time of the dives to be substantially different) subsurface
will not create duplicate entries.
Importing dives from Suunto Divemanager 3.*
Before you can start importing dives from Suunto Divemanager, you first
have to export the dives you want to import. Subsurface does not import
directly from the Suunto Divemanager log files. The following procedures
unpacking instructions for Linux and Windows.
Export from Suunto Divemanager
- Start Suunto Divemanager and login with the name containing the logs
- Do not start the import wizard to import dives from your computer.
- In the navigation tree on the left side of the program-window, select your dives.
- Within the list of dives, select the dives you would like to import later:
* To select certain dives: hold ctrl and point & click the dive
* To select all dives: Select the first dive, hold down shift and select the last dive
- With the dives marked, use the program menu 'File - Export'
- The export pop-up will show
- Within this pop-up, there is one field called Export Path.
* Click the button browse next to the field Export Path
** A file-manager like window pops up
** Navigate to the directory where you want to store the Divelog.SDE file
** Optional change the name of the file you want to save
** Click 'Save'
* You are back in the Export pop-up. Press the button 'Export'
- Your dives are now exported to the file Divelogs.SDE.
Unpacking the Divelogs.SDE on Windows
Renaming your file to a .zip:
- Use the filemanager (explorer) and navigate to your Divelogs.SDE file
- Right click on the Divelogs.SDE file and choose 'Rename'
* Change the name into Divelogs.SDE.zip
* Press enter when done. A warning pop-up shows:
The file could be unusable when changing the extension. Are you sure:
Press OK.
* Your filemanager will show now the filename Divelogs.SDE.zip
When you double click your Divelogs.SDE.zip file, your preferred archiving
tool will start and show you the list of xml files that are in the zip
archive. Select all the xml files and extract them to a place where you
can find them later in the process.
Unpacking the Divelogs.SDE on Linux
The assumption is that you have exported your Divelogs.SDE on a Windows
system. You have to transfer the file to a location where you can read it
from within your Linux environment. You can use file-transfer, shared
storage or an USB storage device to do this.
The example uses an USB storage:
- Insert your USB storage into your Windows computer
- Use the filemanager (explorer) to navigate to the location where your Divelogs.SDE file is located
- Copy the file to your USB storage:
* Select the file by 1 click
* Press Ctrl+c
* Navigate to your USB Storage
* Press Ctrl+v
- Disconnect your USB storage by right clicking your USB storage in the explorer and choose Eject
- Insert your USB storage into your Linux computer
- Use your favorite filemanager to navigate to your USB storage
- Copy the file to /tmp by:
* Right click on the file
* select copy
* navigate to /tmp
* press Ctrl+v or use the menu 'Edit - Paste'
- The file is now transferred to /tmp
Now the file is in /tmp, we can extract the xml files from it. You can do
this by hand, or use the example script in <<AppendixB,Appendix B>>.
To extract the xml files, we need to open a terminal and use the following
cd /tmp
mkdir suunto
cd suunto
unzip ../Divelogs.SDE
Your divelogs have now been extracted from the Divelogs.SDE file and you
can import them with the command:
subsurface *.xml
And with the menu 'File - Save' you can save your dives into the
Subsurface format.
The menu and sub-menus
Within Subsurface, there are several menu and sub-menu options. All of
those will be described here with their function.
The file menu
The file menu is used for the following menu options:
- New:: Close your current divelog (saving if necessary) and start a new empty dive list
- Open:: Open your saved Subsurface xml file(s)
- Save:: Save your current divelogs or changes you made to your divelogs
- Save As:: Save your current divelogs or changes you made to your divelogs under a different name
- Close:: Close your current divelog, saving as necessary
- Import XML File(s):: Import your dives from files exported by other divelogs
- Print:: Print your current divelog profiles and information about the dive
- Preferences:: Set your preferences as described in <<S_SettingUpPreferences,chapter 10>>
- Quit:: Quit the program
The Log menu
Within the Log menu, you will find the following sub-items:
- Download From Dive Computer:: Allows you to download dive information from your dive computer
- Add Dive:: Manually add a dive that you cannot download from an existing computer
- Renumber:: This option provides you with a pop-up. Within this
pop-up you can choose what the first number of your dives should be
for this set of dives.
- Autogroup:: Toggle the auto group setting (see the discussion in the <<S_SettingUpPreferences,chapter 10>>)
- Toggle Zoom:: The dive profile tries to convey some first glance information about
the depth of a dive - so the vertical scaling of the profile always
show a minimum of 30m / 90ft. This can be changed to be only 10m / 30ft.
- Yearly Statistics: Contrary to the Statistics in the main display, these are purely calendar based.
- View:: This is a submenu containing:
* List:: Show only the list of dives you have made
* Profile:: Show only the dive profile of the selected dive
* Info:: Show only the 3 tab information screen
* Three:: Show the 'default' 3 screen setup
The Filter menu
This menu gives you the choice to enable or disable Events for the
selected divelog(s). At this time, you can enable or disable ascent.
When you enable ascent for your dives, within the dive profile, a yellow
marker with exclamation sign (!) will show on the points where you have
The Help menu
The Help menu shows only the About, which contains the version and author
information and License button.
Appendix A: Supported Dive Computers
The use of libdivecomputer provides the support for divecomputers. Within
the list of computers in the 'File - import' menu, you will see a listing
of divecomputers. This list is covering a compatible set. Please check
your users manual to check if your computer will be supported.
Supported divecomputers::
Icon HD
VT Pro
Sensus Pro
Sensus Ultra
Memo Mouse
N2iTiON 3
* OSTC computers are listed in the pull-down menu as OSTC. All 3 types are supported.
Appendix B: Suunto Export Unpacking Script
# Small basic example script to unpack Suunto Export files
# for the use with Subsurface
echo -n "Enter the directory where you stored your Suunto Divemanager export file: "
read SuuntoExportDir
echo -n "Enter the name of your Suunto Divemanager export file: "
read SuuntoExportFile
echo "You have entered: $SuuntoExportDir/$SuuntoExportFile"
cd $SuuntoExportDir
if [ -e ./$SuuntoExportFile ]; then
mkdir SuuntoXML
cd SuuntoXML
unzip ../$SuuntoExportFile
subsurface *.xml
echo "Nothing found! Try again!"