Dirk Hohndel 7f628404e6 QML UI: refresh UI after editing / adding a dive
This way the properties of the shown list element are updated based on what was
edited. This feels weird and backwards - but it appears to be the way to do
this - you literally update the elemnts in this specific instance of that QML

Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2015-12-31 18:16:47 -08:00

125 lines
3.1 KiB

import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import 1.0
import org.kde.plasma.mobilecomponents 0.2 as MobileComponents
MobileComponents.Page {
id: diveDetailsWindow
width: parent.width
objectName: "DiveDetails"
flickable: flick
property string location
property string gps
property string depth
property string dive_id
property string diveNumber
property string duration
property string airtemp
property string watertemp
property string suit
property int rating
property string buddy
property string divemaster;
property string notes;
property string date
property string number
property string weight
property alias viewEditText: viewEditSelector.text
state: "view"
states: [
State {
name: "view"
PropertyChanges { target: detailsView; opacity: 1 }
PropertyChanges { target: detailsEdit; opacity: 0 }
State {
name: "edit"
PropertyChanges { target: detailsView; opacity: 0 }
PropertyChanges { target: detailsEdit; opacity: 1 }
contextualActions: [
Action {
id: viewEditSelector
text: checked ? "View" : "Edit"
checkable: true
iconName: checked ? "view-readermode" : "document-edit"
onTriggered: {
if (diveDetailsWindow.state == "edit") {
manager.commitChanges(dive_id, detailsEdit.locationText, detailsEdit.gpsText, detailsEdit.durationText,
detailsEdit.depthText, detailsEdit.airtempText, detailsEdit.watertempText, detailsEdit.suitText,
detailsEdit.buddyText, detailsEdit.divemasterText, detailsEdit.notesText)
location = detailsEdit.locationText
// gps = detailsEdit.gps
// duration = detailsEdit.durationText
// depth = detailsEdit.depthText
airtemp = detailsEdit.airtempText
watertemp = detailsEdit.watertempText
suit = detailsEdit.suitText
buddy = detailsEdit.buddyText
divemaster = detailsEdit.divemasterText
notes = detailsEdit.notesText
diveDetailsWindow.state = "view"
} else {
diveDetailsWindow.state = "edit"
// close drawer?
ScrollView {
anchors.fill: parent
Flickable {
id: flick
anchors.fill: parent
contentHeight: content.height
interactive: contentHeight > height
clip: true
Item {
id: content
width: flick.width
height: childrenRect.height + MobileComponents.Units.smallSpacing * 2
DiveDetailsEdit {
id: detailsEdit
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
margins: MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit / 2
visible: opacity > 0
Behavior on opacity {
NumberAnimation { duration: MobileComponents.Units.shortDuration }
DiveDetailsView {
id: detailsView
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
margins: MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit / 2
visible: opacity > 0
Behavior on opacity {
NumberAnimation { duration: MobileComponents.Units.shortDuration }