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Berthold Stoeger b0b52d51bd core: add "transparent" parameter to renderSVGIcon
The start-selection widget will need icons with a transparent
background so that the icons don't stick out like a sore thumb.

So far the icons rendered by this function were only used by
the images on the profile and were perfectly rectangular.
Therefore there was no need for this.

Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <bstoeger@mail.tuwien.ac.at>
2021-01-01 21:10:10 +01:00

507 lines
19 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#include "dive.h"
#include "metrics.h"
#include "divelist.h"
#include "qthelper.h"
#include "imagedownloader.h"
#include "videoframeextractor.h"
#include "qt-models/divepicturemodel.h"
#include "metadata.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <QString>
#include <QImageReader>
#include <QDataStream>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QtConcurrent>
// Note: this is a global instead of a function-local variable on purpose.
// We don't want this to be generated in a different thread context if
// ImageDownloader::instance() is called from a worker thread.
static ImageDownloader imageDownloader;
ImageDownloader *ImageDownloader::instance()
return &imageDownloader;
connect(&manager, &QNetworkAccessManager::finished, this, &ImageDownloader::saveImage);
void ImageDownloader::load(QUrl url, QString filename)
QNetworkRequest request(url);
request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::User, filename);
void ImageDownloader::saveImage(QNetworkReply *reply)
QString filename = reply->request().attribute(QNetworkRequest::User).toString();
if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) {
emit failed(filename);
} else {
QByteArray imageData = reply->readAll();
if (imageData.isEmpty()) {
emit failed(filename);
} else {
QString path = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation).first();
QDir dir(path);
if (!dir.exists())
QCryptographicHash hash(QCryptographicHash::Sha1);
QFile imageFile(path.append("/").append(hash.result().toHex()));
if (imageFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
qDebug() << "Write image to" << imageFile.fileName();
QDataStream stream(&imageFile);
stream.writeRawData(imageData.data(), imageData.length());
learnPictureFilename(filename, imageFile.fileName());
emit loaded(filename);
static bool hasVideoFileExtension(const QString &filename)
for (const QString &ext: videoExtensionsList)
if (filename.endsWith(ext, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
return true;
return false;
// Fetch a picture from the given filename and determine its type (picture of video).
// If this is a non-remote file, fetch it from disk. Remote files are fetched from the
// net in a background thread. In such a case, the output-type is set to MEDIATYPE_STILL_LOADING.
// If the input-flag "tryDownload" is set to false, no download attempt is made. This is to
// prevent infinite loops, where failed image downloads would be repeated ad infinitum.
// Returns: fetched image, type
Thumbnailer::Thumbnail Thumbnailer::fetchImage(const QString &urlfilename, const QString &originalFilename, bool tryDownload)
QUrl url = QUrl::fromUserInput(urlfilename);
if (url.isLocalFile()) {
// We try to determine the type first by peeking into the file.
QString filename = url.toLocalFile();
metadata md;
mediatype_t type = get_metadata(qPrintable(filename), &md);
// For io error or video, return early with the appropriate dummy-icon.
return { failImage, MEDIATYPE_IO_ERROR, zero_duration };
else if (type == MEDIATYPE_VIDEO)
return fetchVideoThumbnail(filename, originalFilename, md.duration);
// Try if Qt can parse this image. If it does, use this as a thumbnail.
QImage thumb(filename);
if (!thumb.isNull()) {
int size = maxThumbnailSize();
thumb = thumb.scaled(size, size, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
return addPictureThumbnailToCache(originalFilename, thumb);
// Neither our code, nor Qt could determine the type of this object from looking at the data.
// Try to check for a video-file extension. Since we couldn't parse the video file,
// we pass 0 as the duration.
if (hasVideoFileExtension(filename))
return fetchVideoThumbnail(filename, originalFilename, zero_duration);
// Give up: we simply couldn't determine what this thing is.
// But since we managed to read this file, mark this file in the cache as unknown.
return addUnknownThumbnailToCache(originalFilename);
} else if (tryDownload) {
// This has to be done in UI main thread, because QNetworkManager refuses
// to treat requests from other threads. invokeMethod() is Qt's way of calling a
// function in a different thread, namely the thread the called object is associated to.
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(ImageDownloader::instance(), "load", Qt::AutoConnection, Q_ARG(QUrl, url), Q_ARG(QString, originalFilename));
return { QImage(), MEDIATYPE_STILL_LOADING, zero_duration };
return { QImage(), MEDIATYPE_IO_ERROR, zero_duration };
// Fetch a picture based on its original filename. If there is a translated filename (obtained either
// by the find-moved-picture functionality or the filename of the local cache of a remote picture),
// try that first. If fetching from the translated filename fails, this could mean that the image
// was downloaded previously, but for some reason the cached picture was lost. Therefore, in such a
// case, try the canonical filename. If that likewise fails, give up. For input and output parameters
// see fetchImage() above.
Thumbnailer::Thumbnail Thumbnailer::getHashedImage(const QString &filename, bool tryDownload)
QString localFilename = localFilePath(filename);
// If there is a translated filename, try that first.
// Note that we set the default type to io-error, so that if we didn't try
// the local filename first, we will load the file from the canonical filename.
Thumbnail thumbnail { QImage(), MEDIATYPE_IO_ERROR, zero_duration };
if (localFilename != filename)
thumbnail = fetchImage(localFilename, filename, tryDownload);
// If fetching from the local filename failed (or we didn't even try),
// use the canonical filename. This might for example happen if we downloaded
// a file, but for some reason lost the cached file.
if (thumbnail.type == MEDIATYPE_IO_ERROR)
thumbnail = fetchImage(filename, filename, tryDownload);
if (thumbnail.type == MEDIATYPE_IO_ERROR)
qInfo() << "Error loading image" << filename << "[local:" << localFilename << "]";
return thumbnail;
Thumbnailer::Thumbnailer() : failImage(renderSVGIcon(":filter-close", maxThumbnailSize(), false)), // TODO: Don't misuse filter close icon
dummyImage(renderSVGIcon(":camera-icon", maxThumbnailSize(), false)),
videoImage(renderSVGIcon(":video-icon", maxThumbnailSize(), false)),
videoOverlayImage(renderSVGIconWidth(":video-overlay", maxThumbnailSize())),
unknownImage(renderSVGIcon(":unknown-icon", maxThumbnailSize(), false))
// Currently, we only process one image at a time. Stefan Fuchs reported problems when
// calculating multiple thumbnails at once and this hopefully helps.
connect(ImageDownloader::instance(), &ImageDownloader::loaded, this, &Thumbnailer::imageDownloaded);
connect(ImageDownloader::instance(), &ImageDownloader::failed, this, &Thumbnailer::imageDownloadFailed);
connect(VideoFrameExtractor::instance(), &VideoFrameExtractor::extracted, this, &Thumbnailer::frameExtracted);
connect(VideoFrameExtractor::instance(), &VideoFrameExtractor::failed, this, &Thumbnailer::frameExtractionFailed);
connect(VideoFrameExtractor::instance(), &VideoFrameExtractor::failed, this, &Thumbnailer::frameExtractionInvalid);
Thumbnailer *Thumbnailer::instance()
static Thumbnailer self;
return &self;
Thumbnailer::Thumbnail Thumbnailer::getPictureThumbnailFromStream(QDataStream &stream)
QImage res;
stream >> res;
return { res, MEDIATYPE_PICTURE, zero_duration };
void Thumbnailer::markVideoThumbnail(QImage &img)
QSize size = img.size();
QImage marker = videoOverlayImage.scaledToWidth(size.width());
marker = marker.copy(0, (marker.size().height() - size.height()) / 2, size.width(), size.height());
QPainter painter(&img);
painter.drawImage(0, 0, marker);
Thumbnailer::Thumbnail Thumbnailer::getVideoThumbnailFromStream(QDataStream &stream, const QString &filename)
quint32 duration, numPics;
stream >> duration >> numPics;
// If reading did not succeed, schedule for recalculation - this thumbnail might
// have been written by an older version, which couldn't extract the duration.
// Likewise test the duration and number of pictures for sanity (no videos longer than 10 h,
// no more than 10000 pictures).
if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok || duration > 36000 || numPics > 10000)
return { QImage(), MEDIATYPE_VIDEO, zero_duration };
// If the file didn't contain an image, but user turned on thumbnail extraction, schedule thumbnail
// for extraction. TODO: save failure to extract thumbnails to disk so that thumbnailing
// is not repeated ad-nauseum for broken images.
if (numPics == 0 && prefs.extract_video_thumbnails) {
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(VideoFrameExtractor::instance(), "extract", Qt::AutoConnection,
Q_ARG(QString, filename), Q_ARG(QString, filename), Q_ARG(duration_t, duration_t{(int32_t)duration}));
// Currently, we support only one picture
QImage res;
if (numPics > 0) {
quint32 offset;
stream >> offset >> res;
if (res.isNull())
res = videoImage; // No picture -> show dummy-icon
markVideoThumbnail(res); // We got an image -> place our video marker on top of it
return { res, MEDIATYPE_VIDEO, { (int32_t)duration } };
// Fetch a thumbnail from cache.
// If Thumbnail::QImage is null, the thumbnail is scheduled for recreation.
Thumbnailer::Thumbnail Thumbnailer::getThumbnailFromCache(const QString &picture_filename)
QString filename = thumbnailFileName(picture_filename);
if (filename.isEmpty())
return { QImage(), MEDIATYPE_UNKNOWN, zero_duration };
QFile file(filename);
if (prefs.auto_recalculate_thumbnails) {
// Check if thumbnails is older than the (local) image file
QString filenameLocal = localFilePath(qPrintable(picture_filename));
QFileInfo pictureInfo(filenameLocal);
QFileInfo thumbnailInfo(file);
if (pictureInfo.exists() && thumbnailInfo.exists()) {
QDateTime pictureTime = pictureInfo.lastModified();
QDateTime thumbnailTime = thumbnailInfo.lastModified();
if (pictureTime.isValid() && thumbnailTime.isValid() && thumbnailTime < pictureTime) {
// Both files exist, have valid timestamps and thumbnail was calculated before picture.
// Return an empty thumbnail to signal recalculation of the thumbnail
return { QImage(), MEDIATYPE_UNKNOWN, zero_duration };
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
return { QImage(), MEDIATYPE_UNKNOWN, zero_duration };
QDataStream stream(&file);
// Each thumbnail file is composed of a media-type and an image file.
quint32 type;
QImage res;
stream >> type;
switch (type) {
case MEDIATYPE_PICTURE: return getPictureThumbnailFromStream(stream);
case MEDIATYPE_VIDEO: return getVideoThumbnailFromStream(stream, picture_filename);
case MEDIATYPE_UNKNOWN: return { unknownImage, MEDIATYPE_UNKNOWN, zero_duration };
default: return { QImage(), MEDIATYPE_UNKNOWN, zero_duration };
Thumbnailer::Thumbnail Thumbnailer::addVideoThumbnailToCache(const QString &picture_filename, duration_t duration,
const QImage &image, duration_t position)
// The format of video thumbnails:
// uint32 duration of video in seconds
// uint32 number of pictures (0 = we didn't manage to extract a picture)
// for each picture:
// uint32 offset in msec from begining of video
// QImage frame
QString filename = thumbnailFileName(picture_filename);
QSaveFile file(filename);
if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
QDataStream stream(&file);
stream << (quint32)MEDIATYPE_VIDEO;
stream << (quint32)duration.seconds;
if (image.isNull()) {
// No image provided
stream << (quint32)0;
} else {
// Currently, we support at most one image
stream << (quint32)1;
stream << (quint32)position.seconds;
stream << image;
return { videoImage, MEDIATYPE_VIDEO, duration };
Thumbnailer::Thumbnail Thumbnailer::fetchVideoThumbnail(const QString &filename, const QString &originalFilename, duration_t duration)
if (prefs.extract_video_thumbnails) {
// Video-thumbnailing is enabled. Fetch thumbnail in background thread and in the meanwhile
// return a dummy image.
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(VideoFrameExtractor::instance(), "extract", Qt::AutoConnection,
Q_ARG(QString, originalFilename), Q_ARG(QString, filename), Q_ARG(duration_t, duration));
return { videoImage, MEDIATYPE_VIDEO, duration };
} else {
// Video-thumbnailing is disabled. Write a thumbnail without picture.
return addVideoThumbnailToCache(originalFilename, duration, QImage(), zero_duration);
Thumbnailer::Thumbnail Thumbnailer::addPictureThumbnailToCache(const QString &picture_filename, const QImage &thumbnail)
// The format of a picture-thumbnail is very simple:
// QImage thumbnail
QString filename = thumbnailFileName(picture_filename);
QSaveFile file(filename);
if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
QDataStream stream(&file);
stream << (quint32)MEDIATYPE_PICTURE;
stream << thumbnail;
return { thumbnail, MEDIATYPE_PICTURE, zero_duration };
Thumbnailer::Thumbnail Thumbnailer::addUnknownThumbnailToCache(const QString &picture_filename)
QString filename = thumbnailFileName(picture_filename);
QSaveFile file(filename);
if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
QDataStream stream(&file);
stream << (quint32)MEDIATYPE_UNKNOWN;
return { unknownImage, MEDIATYPE_UNKNOWN, zero_duration };
void Thumbnailer::frameExtracted(QString filename, QImage thumbnail, duration_t duration, duration_t offset)
if (thumbnail.isNull()) {
frameExtractionFailed(filename, duration);
} else {
int size = maxThumbnailSize();
thumbnail = thumbnail.scaled(size, size, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
addVideoThumbnailToCache(filename, duration, thumbnail, offset);
QMutexLocker l(&lock);
emit thumbnailChanged(filename, thumbnail, duration);
// If frame extraction failed, don't show an error image, because we don't want
// to penalize users that haven't installed ffmpe. Simply remove this item from
// the work-queue.
void Thumbnailer::frameExtractionFailed(QString filename, duration_t duration)
// Frame extraction failed, but this was due to ffmpeg not starting
// add to the thumbnail cache as a video image with unknown thumbnail.
addVideoThumbnailToCache(filename, duration, QImage(), zero_duration);
QMutexLocker l(&lock);
void Thumbnailer::frameExtractionInvalid(QString filename, duration_t)
// Frame extraction failed because ffmpeg could not parse the file.
// For now, let's mark this as an unknown file. The user may want
// to recalculate thumbnails with an updated ffmpeg binary..?
QMutexLocker l(&lock);
void Thumbnailer::recalculate(QString filename)
Thumbnail thumbnail = getHashedImage(filename, true);
// If we couldn't load the image from disk -> leave old thumbnail.
// The case "load from web" is a bit inconsistent: it will call into processItem() later
// and therefore a "broken" image symbol may be shown.
if (thumbnail.type == MEDIATYPE_STILL_LOADING || thumbnail.type == MEDIATYPE_IO_ERROR)
QMutexLocker l(&lock);
emit thumbnailChanged(filename, thumbnail.img, thumbnail.duration);
void Thumbnailer::processItem(QString filename, bool tryDownload)
Thumbnail thumbnail = getThumbnailFromCache(filename);
if (thumbnail.img.isNull()) {
thumbnail = getHashedImage(filename, tryDownload);
if (thumbnail.type == MEDIATYPE_STILL_LOADING)
if (thumbnail.img.isNull()) {
thumbnail.img = failImage;
} else {
int size = maxThumbnailSize();
thumbnail.img = thumbnail.img.scaled(size, size, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
QMutexLocker l(&lock);
emit thumbnailChanged(filename, thumbnail.img, thumbnail.duration);
void Thumbnailer::imageDownloaded(QString filename)
// Image was downloaded -> try thumbnailing again.
QMutexLocker l(&lock);
workingOn[filename] = QtConcurrent::run(&pool, [this, filename]() { processItem(filename, false); });
void Thumbnailer::imageDownloadFailed(QString filename)
emit thumbnailChanged(filename, failImage, zero_duration);
QMutexLocker l(&lock);
QImage Thumbnailer::fetchThumbnail(const QString &filename, bool synchronous)
if (synchronous) {
// In synchronous mode, first try the thumbnail cache.
Thumbnail thumbnail = getThumbnailFromCache(filename);
if (!thumbnail.img.isNull())
return thumbnail.img;
// If that didn't work, try to thumbnail the image.
thumbnail = getHashedImage(filename, false);
if (thumbnail.type == MEDIATYPE_STILL_LOADING || thumbnail.img.isNull())
return failImage; // No support for delayed thumbnails (web).
int size = maxThumbnailSize();
return thumbnail.img.scaled(size, size, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
QMutexLocker l(&lock);
// We are not currently fetching this thumbnail - add it to the list.
if (!workingOn.contains(filename)) {
QtConcurrent::run(&pool, [this, filename]() { processItem(filename, true); }));
return dummyImage;
void Thumbnailer::calculateThumbnails(const QVector<QString> &filenames)
QMutexLocker l(&lock);
for (const QString &filename: filenames) {
if (!workingOn.contains(filename)) {
QtConcurrent::run(&pool, [this, filename]() { recalculate(filename); }));
void Thumbnailer::clearWorkQueue()
// We also want to clear the working-queue of the video-frame-extractor so that
// we don't get thumbnails that we don't care about.
QMutexLocker l(&lock);
for (auto it = workingOn.begin(); it != workingOn.end(); ++it)
static const int maxZoom = 3; // Maximum zoom: thrice of standard size
int Thumbnailer::defaultThumbnailSize()
return defaultIconMetrics().sz_pic;
int Thumbnailer::maxThumbnailSize()
return defaultThumbnailSize() * maxZoom;
int Thumbnailer::thumbnailSize(double zoomLevel)
// Calculate size of thumbnails. The standard size is defaultIconMetrics().sz_pic.
// We use exponential scaling so that the central point is the standard
// size and the minimum and maximum extreme points are a third respectively
// three times the standard size.
// Naturally, these three zoom levels are then represented by
// -1.0 (minimum), 0 (standard) and 1.0 (maximum). The actual size is
// calculated as standard_size*3.0^zoomLevel.
return static_cast<int>(round(defaultThumbnailSize() * pow(maxZoom, zoomLevel)));