mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 22:16:15 +00:00
And operator!=() in the negative case. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <bstoeger@mail.tuwien.ac.at>
1607 lines
47 KiB
1607 lines
47 KiB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#include "qthelper.h"
#include "dive.h"
#include "divelist.h"
#include "divelog.h"
#include "core/settings/qPrefLanguage.h"
#include "core/settings/qPrefUpdateManager.h"
#include "core/subsurface-qt/divelistnotifier.h"
#include "subsurface-string.h"
#include "gettextfromc.h"
#include "statistics.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "errorhelper.h"
#include "planner.h"
#include "subsurface-time.h"
#include "gettextfromc.h"
#include "metadata.h"
#include "exif.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "picture.h"
#include "selection.h"
#include "tag.h"
#include "imagedownloader.h"
#include "xmlparams.h"
#include <QFile>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QDir>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QNetworkProxy>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QImageReader>
#include <QtConcurrent>
#include <QFont>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QTextDocument>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdint>
#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <libxslt/documents.h>
std::string existing_filename;
static QLocale loc;
static inline QString degreeSigns()
return QStringLiteral("dD\u00b0");
QString weight_string(int weight_in_grams)
QString str;
if (get_units()->weight == units::KG) {
double kg = (double) weight_in_grams / 1000.0;
str = QString("%L1").arg(kg, 0, 'f', kg >= 20.0 ? 0 : 1);
} else {
double lbs = grams_to_lbs(weight_in_grams);
str = QString("%L1").arg(lbs, 0, 'f', lbs >= 40.0 ? 0 : 1);
return str;
QString distance_string(int distanceInMeters)
QString str;
if(get_units()->length == units::METERS) {
if (distanceInMeters >= 1000)
str = gettextFromC::tr("%1km").arg(distanceInMeters / 1000);
str = gettextFromC::tr("%1m").arg(distanceInMeters);
} else {
double miles = m_to_mile(distanceInMeters);
if (miles >= 1.0)
str = gettextFromC::tr("%1mi").arg((int)miles);
str = gettextFromC::tr("%1yd").arg((int)(miles * 1760));
return str;
QString printGPSCoords(const location_t *location)
int lat = location->lat.udeg;
int lon = location->lon.udeg;
unsigned int latdeg, londeg;
unsigned int latmin, lonmin;
double latsec, lonsec;
QString lath, lonh, result;
if (!has_location(location))
return QString();
if (prefs.coordinates_traditional) {
lath = lat >= 0 ? gettextFromC::tr("N") : gettextFromC::tr("S");
lonh = lon >= 0 ? gettextFromC::tr("E") : gettextFromC::tr("W");
lat = abs(lat);
lon = abs(lon);
latdeg = lat / 1000000U;
londeg = lon / 1000000U;
latmin = (lat % 1000000U) * 60U;
lonmin = (lon % 1000000U) * 60U;
latsec = (latmin % 1000000) * 60;
lonsec = (lonmin % 1000000) * 60;
result = QString::asprintf("%u°%02d\'%06.3f\"%s %u°%02d\'%06.3f\"%s",
latdeg, latmin / 1000000, latsec / 1000000, qPrintable(lath),
londeg, lonmin / 1000000, lonsec / 1000000, qPrintable(lonh));
} else {
result = QString::asprintf("%f %f", (double) lat / 1000000.0, (double) lon / 1000000.0);
return result;
std::string printGPSCoordsC(const location_t *location)
return printGPSCoords(location).toStdString();
* Try to parse in a generic manner a coordinate.
static bool parseCoord(const QString &txt, int &pos, const QString &positives,
const QString &negatives, const QString &others,
double &value)
static const QString separators = QString(",;");
bool numberDefined = false, degreesDefined = false,
minutesDefined = false, secondsDefined = false;
double number = 0.0;
int posBeforeNumber = pos;
int sign = 0;
value = 0.0;
while (pos < txt.size()) {
if (txt[pos].isDigit()) {
if (numberDefined)
return false;
QRegularExpression numberRe("\\A(\\d+(?:[\\.,]\\d+)?).*");
QRegularExpressionMatch match = numberRe.match(txt.mid(pos));
if (!match.hasMatch())
return false;
number = match.captured(1).toDouble();
numberDefined = true;
posBeforeNumber = pos;
pos += match.captured(1).size() - 1;
} else if (positives.indexOf(txt[pos]) >= 0) {
if (sign != 0)
return false;
sign = 1;
if (degreesDefined || numberDefined) {
//sign after the degrees =>
//at the end of the coordinate
} else if (negatives.indexOf(txt[pos]) >= 0) {
if (sign != 0) {
if (others.indexOf(txt[pos]) >= 0)
//special case for the '-' sign => next coordinate
return false;
sign = -1;
if (degreesDefined || numberDefined) {
//sign after the degrees =>
//at the end of the coordinate
} else if (others.indexOf(txt[pos]) >= 0) {
//we are at the next coordinate.
} else if (degreeSigns().indexOf(txt[pos]) >= 0 ||
(txt[pos].isSpace() && !degreesDefined && numberDefined)) {
if (!numberDefined)
return false;
if (degreesDefined) {
//next coordinate => need to put back the number
pos = posBeforeNumber;
numberDefined = false;
value += number;
numberDefined = false;
degreesDefined = true;
} else if (txt[pos] == '\'' || (txt[pos].isSpace() && !minutesDefined && numberDefined)) {
if (!numberDefined || minutesDefined)
return false;
value += number / 60.0;
numberDefined = false;
minutesDefined = true;
} else if (txt[pos] == '"' || (txt[pos].isSpace() && !secondsDefined && numberDefined)) {
if (!numberDefined || secondsDefined)
return false;
value += number / 3600.0;
numberDefined = false;
secondsDefined = true;
} else if ((numberDefined || minutesDefined || secondsDefined) &&
separators.indexOf(txt[pos]) >= 0) {
// separator; this coordinate is finished
} else {
return false;
if (!degreesDefined && numberDefined)
value = number; //just a single number => degrees
else if (!minutesDefined && numberDefined)
value += number / 60.0;
else if (!secondsDefined && numberDefined)
value += number / 3600.0;
else if (numberDefined)
return false;
// We parsed a valid coordinate; eat any subsequent separators and/or
// whitespace
while (pos < txt.size() && (txt[pos].isSpace() || separators.indexOf(txt[pos]) >= 0))
if (sign == -1) value *= -1.0;
return true;
* Parse special coordinate formats that cannot be handled by parseCoord.
static bool parseSpecialCoords(const QString &txt, double &latitude, double &longitude) {
QRegularExpression xmlFormat("\\A(-?\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?),?\\s+(-?\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)\\z");
QRegularExpressionMatch match = xmlFormat.match(txt);
if (match.hasMatch()) {
latitude = match.captured(1).toDouble();
longitude = match.captured(2).toDouble();
return true;
return false;
bool parseGpsText(const QString &gps_text, double *latitude, double *longitude)
static const QString POS_LAT = QString("+N") + gettextFromC::tr("N");
static const QString NEG_LAT = QString("-S") + gettextFromC::tr("S");
static const QString POS_LON = QString("+E") + gettextFromC::tr("E");
static const QString NEG_LON = QString("-W") + gettextFromC::tr("W");
// Remove the useless spaces (but keep the ones separating numbers)
// and normalize different ways of writing separators.
static const QRegularExpression spaceCleaner("\\s*([" + POS_LAT + NEG_LAT + POS_LON +
NEG_LON + degreeSigns() + "'\"\\s])\\s*");
const QString normalized = gps_text.trimmed().toUpper().
replace(spaceCleaner, "\\1").
replace(QStringLiteral("′"), "'").
replace(QStringLiteral("’"), "'").
replace(QStringLiteral("''"), "\"").
replace(QStringLiteral("″"), "\"");
if (normalized.isEmpty()) {
*latitude = 0.0;
*longitude = 0.0;
return true;
if (parseSpecialCoords(normalized, *latitude, *longitude))
return true;
int pos = 0;
return parseCoord(normalized, pos, POS_LAT, NEG_LAT, POS_LON + NEG_LON, *latitude) &&
parseCoord(normalized, pos, POS_LON, NEG_LON, "", *longitude) &&
pos == normalized.size();
static xmlDocPtr get_stylesheet_doc(const xmlChar *uri, xmlDictPtr, int, void *, xsltLoadType)
std::string filename = std::string(":/xslt/") + (const char *)uri;
QFile f(filename.c_str());
if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
if (verbose > 0) {
report_info("cannot open stylesheet %s %s", filename.c_str(), qPrintable(f.errorString()));
return NULL;
/* Load and parse the data */
QByteArray source = f.readAll();
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseMemory(source, source.size());
return doc;
xsltStylesheetPtr get_stylesheet(const char *name)
// this needs to be done only once, but doesn't hurt to run every time
// get main document:
xmlDocPtr doc = get_stylesheet_doc((const xmlChar *)name, NULL, 0, NULL, XSLT_LOAD_START);
if (!doc)
return NULL;
// xsltSetGenericErrorFunc(stderr, NULL);
xsltStylesheetPtr xslt = xsltParseStylesheetDoc(doc);
if (!xslt) {
return NULL;
return xslt;
std::string move_away(const std::string &old_path)
if (verbose > 1)
report_info("move away %s", old_path.c_str());
QDir oldDir(old_path.c_str());
QDir newDir;
std::string newPath;
int i = 0;
do {
newPath = old_path + "." + std::to_string(++i);
} while(newDir.exists());
if (verbose > 1)
report_info("renaming toi %s", newPath.c_str());
if (!oldDir.rename(old_path.c_str(), newPath.c_str())) {
if (verbose)
report_info("rename of %s to %s failed", old_path.c_str(), newPath.c_str());
// this next one we only try on Windows... if we are on a different platform
// we simply give up and return an empty string
#ifdef WIN32
if (subsurface_dir_rename(old_path.c_str(), newPath.c_str()) == 0)
return std::string();
return newPath;
std::string get_file_name(const char *fileName)
QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName);
return fileInfo.fileName().toStdString();
void copy_image_and_overwrite(const char *cfileName, const char *path, const char *cnewName)
QString fileName(cfileName);
QString newName(path);
newName += cnewName;
QFile file(newName);
if (file.exists())
if (!QFile::copy(fileName, newName))
report_info("copy of %s to %s failed", cfileName, qPrintable(newName));
static bool lessThan(const QPair<QString, int> &a, const QPair<QString, int> &b)
return a.second < b.second;
QVector<QPair<QString, int>> selectedDivesGasUsed()
int j;
QMap<QString, int> gasUsed;
for (dive *d: getDiveSelection()) {
std::vector<volume_t> diveGases = get_gas_used(d);
for (j = 0; j < d->cylinders.nr; j++) {
if (diveGases[j].mliter) {
QString gasName = gasname(get_cylinder(d, j)->gasmix);
gasUsed[gasName] += diveGases[j].mliter;
QVector<QPair<QString, int>> gasUsedOrdered;
for (auto it = gasUsed.cbegin(); it != gasUsed.cend(); ++it)
gasUsedOrdered.append(qMakePair(it.key(), it.value()));
std::sort(gasUsedOrdered.begin(), gasUsedOrdered.end(), lessThan);
return gasUsedOrdered;
QString getUserAgent()
QString arch;
// fill in the system data - use ':' as separator
// replace all other ':' with ' ' so that this is easy to parse
QString userAgent = QString("Subsurface-mobile:%1:").arg(subsurface_canonical_version());
QString userAgent = QString("Subsurface-downloader:%1:").arg(subsurface_canonical_version());
QString userAgent = QString("Subsurface:%1:").arg(subsurface_canonical_version());
QString prettyOsName = QSysInfo::prettyProductName();
#if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(Q_OS_MAC) && !defined(Q_OS_ANDROID)
// QSysInfo::kernelType() returns lowercase ("linux" instead of "Linux")
struct utsname u;
if (uname(&u) == 0)
prettyOsName = QString::fromLatin1(u.sysname) + QLatin1String(" (") + prettyOsName + QLatin1Char(')');
userAgent.append(prettyOsName.replace(':', ' ') + ":");
arch = QSysInfo::buildCpuArchitecture().replace(':', ' ');
if (arch == "i386")
userAgent.append("/" + QSysInfo::currentCpuArchitecture());
userAgent.append(":" + getUiLanguage());
return userAgent;
std::string subsurface_user_agent()
return getUserAgent().toStdString();
QString getUiLanguage()
return prefs.locale.lang_locale;
static std::vector<std::string> get_languages(const QLocale &loc)
std::vector<std::string> res;
for (const QString &s: loc.uiLanguages())
return res;
/* TOOD: Move this to SettingsObjectWrapper, and also fix this complexity.
* gezus.
void initUiLanguage()
QString shortDateFormat;
QString dateFormat;
QString timeFormat;
// set loc as system language or selected language
if (!qPrefLanguage::use_system_language()) {
loc = QLocale(qPrefLanguage::lang_locale());
} else {
loc = QLocale(QLocale().uiLanguages().first());
// Find language code with one '-', or use the first entry.
std::vector<std::string> languages = get_languages(loc);
std::string uiLang;
if (!languages.empty()) {
auto it = std::find_if(languages.begin(), languages.end(), [](const std::string &s)
{ return std::count(s.begin(), s.end(), '-') == 1; });
uiLang = it == languages.end() ? languages[0] : *it;
report_info("uiLanguages was %s, picked %s", join(languages, ", ").c_str(), uiLang.c_str());
// there's a stupid Qt bug on MacOS where uiLanguages doesn't give us the country info
if (!contains(uiLang, '-') && uiLang != loc.bcp47Name().toStdString()) {
QLocale loc2(loc.bcp47Name());
loc = loc2;
std::vector<std::string> languages = get_languages(loc2);
if (!languages.empty()) {
auto it = std::find_if(languages.begin(), languages.end(), [](const std::string &s)
{ return contains(s, '-'); });
uiLang = it == languages.end() ? languages[0] : *it;
report_info("bcp47 based languages was %s, picked %s", join(languages, ", ").c_str(), uiLang.c_str());
prefs.locale.lang_locale = strdup(uiLang.c_str());
if (!prefs.date_format_override || empty_string(prefs.date_format)) {
// derive our standard date format from what the locale gives us
// the long format uses long weekday and month names, so replace those with the short ones
// for time we don't want the time zone designator and don't want leading zeroes on the hours
dateFormat = loc.dateFormat(QLocale::LongFormat);
dateFormat.replace("dddd,", "ddd").replace("dddd", "ddd").replace("MMMM", "MMM");
// special hack for Swedish as our switching from long weekday names to short weekday names
// messes things up there
dateFormat.replace("'en' 'den' d:'e'", " d");
free((void *)prefs.date_format);
prefs.date_format = copy_qstring(dateFormat);
if (!prefs.date_format_override || empty_string(prefs.date_format_short)) {
// derive our standard date format from what the locale gives us
shortDateFormat = loc.dateFormat(QLocale::ShortFormat);
free((void *)prefs.date_format_short);
prefs.date_format_short = copy_qstring(shortDateFormat);
if (!prefs.time_format_override || empty_string(prefs.time_format)) {
timeFormat = loc.timeFormat();
timeFormat.replace("(t)", "").replace(" t", "").replace("t", "").replace("hh", "h").replace("HH", "H").replace("'kl'.", "");
timeFormat.replace(".ss", "").replace(":ss", "").replace("ss", "");
free((void *)prefs.time_format);
prefs.time_format = copy_qstring(timeFormat);
QLocale getLocale()
return loc;
QString get_depth_string(int mm, bool showunit, bool showdecimal)
if (prefs.units.length == units::METERS) {
double meters = mm / 1000.0;
return QString("%L1%2").arg(meters, 0, 'f', (showdecimal && meters < 20.0) ? 1 : 0).arg(showunit ? gettextFromC::tr("m") : QString());
} else {
double feet = mm_to_feet(mm);
return QString("%L1%2").arg(feet, 0, 'f', 0).arg(showunit ? gettextFromC::tr("ft") : QString());
QString get_depth_string(depth_t depth, bool showunit, bool showdecimal)
return get_depth_string(depth.mm, showunit, showdecimal);
QString get_depth_unit(bool metric)
if (metric)
return gettextFromC::tr("m");
return gettextFromC::tr("ft");
QString get_depth_unit()
return get_depth_unit(prefs.units.length == units::METERS);
QString get_weight_string(weight_t weight, bool showunit)
QString str = weight_string(weight.grams);
if (get_units()->weight == units::KG) {
str = QString("%1%2").arg(str, showunit ? gettextFromC::tr("kg") : QString());
} else {
str = QString("%1%2").arg(str, showunit ? gettextFromC::tr("lbs") : QString());
return str;
QString get_weight_unit(bool metric)
if (metric)
return gettextFromC::tr("kg");
return gettextFromC::tr("lbs");
QString get_weight_unit()
return get_weight_unit(prefs.units.weight == units::KG);
QString get_temperature_string(temperature_t temp, bool showunit)
if (temp.mkelvin == 0) {
return ""; //temperature not defined
} else if (prefs.units.temperature == units::CELSIUS) {
double celsius = mkelvin_to_C(temp.mkelvin);
return QString("%L1%2%3").arg(celsius, 0, 'f', 1).arg(showunit ? "°" : "").arg(showunit ? gettextFromC::tr("C") : QString());
} else {
double fahrenheit = mkelvin_to_F(temp.mkelvin);
return QString("%L1%2%3").arg(fahrenheit, 0, 'f', 1).arg(showunit ? "°" : "").arg(showunit ? gettextFromC::tr("F") : QString());
QString get_temp_unit(bool metric)
if (metric)
return QStringLiteral("°C");
return QStringLiteral("°F");
QString get_temp_unit()
return get_temp_unit(prefs.units.temperature == units::CELSIUS);
QString get_volume_string(int mliter, bool showunit)
const char *unit;
int decimals;
double value = get_volume_units(mliter, &decimals, &unit);
return QString("%L1%2").arg(value, 0, 'f', decimals).arg(showunit ? unit : "");
QString get_volume_string(volume_t volume, bool showunit)
return get_volume_string(volume.mliter, showunit);
QString get_volume_unit(bool metric)
if (metric)
return gettextFromC::tr("ℓ");
return gettextFromC::tr("cuft");
QString get_volume_unit()
return get_volume_unit(prefs.units.volume == units::LITER);
QString get_pressure_string(pressure_t pressure, bool showunit)
if (prefs.units.pressure == units::BAR) {
double bar = pressure.mbar / 1000.0;
return QString("%L1%2").arg(bar, 0, 'f', 0).arg(showunit ? gettextFromC::tr("bar") : QString());
} else {
double psi = mbar_to_PSI(pressure.mbar);
return QString("%L1%2").arg(psi, 0, 'f', 0).arg(showunit ? gettextFromC::tr("psi") : QString());
QString get_salinity_string(int salinity)
return QStringLiteral("%L1%2").arg(salinity / 10.0).arg(gettextFromC::tr("g/ℓ"));
// the water types need to match the watertypes enum
static const char *waterTypes[] = {
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Fresh"),
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Brackish"),
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "EN13319"),
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Salt"),
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Use DC")
QString get_water_type_string(int salinity)
if (salinity < 10050)
return gettextFromC::tr(waterTypes[FRESHWATER]);
else if (salinity < 10190)
return gettextFromC::tr(waterTypes[BRACKISHWATER]);
else if (salinity < 10210)
return gettextFromC::tr(waterTypes[EN13319WATER]);
return gettextFromC::tr(waterTypes[SALTWATER]);
QStringList getWaterTypesAsString()
QStringList res;
for (const char *t: waterTypes)
return res;
QString getSubsurfaceDataPath(QString folderToFind)
QString execdir;
QDir folder;
// first check if we are running in the build dir, so the path that we
// are looking for is just a subdirectory of the execution path;
// this also works on Windows as there we install the dirs
// under the application path
execdir = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
folder = QDir(execdir.append(QDir::separator()).append(folderToFind));
if (folder.exists())
return folder.absolutePath();
// next check for the Linux typical $(prefix)/share/subsurface
execdir = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
if (execdir.contains("bin")) {
folder = QDir(execdir.replace("bin", "share/subsurface/").append(folderToFind));
if (folder.exists())
return folder.absolutePath();
// then look for the usual locations on a Mac
execdir = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
folder = QDir(execdir.append("/../Resources/share/").append(folderToFind));
if (folder.exists())
return folder.absolutePath();
execdir = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
folder = QDir(execdir.append("/../Resources/").append(folderToFind));
if (folder.exists())
return folder.absolutePath();
return QString();
static const char *printing_templates = "printing_templates";
QString getPrintingTemplatePathUser()
// Function-local statics are initialized on first invocation
static QString path(QString(system_default_directory()) +
QDir::separator() +
return path;
QString getPrintingTemplatePathBundle()
// Function-local statics are initialized on first invocation
static QString path(getSubsurfaceDataPath(printing_templates));
return path;
int gettimezoneoffset()
QDateTime dt1, dt2;
dt1 = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
dt2 = dt1.toUTC();
return dt2.secsTo(dt1);
QDateTime timestampToDateTime(timestamp_t when)
// Subsurface always uses "local time" as in "whatever was the local time at the location"
// so all time stamps have no time zone information and are in UTC
return QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(1000 * when, Qt::UTC);
timestamp_t dateTimeToTimestamp(const QDateTime &t)
return t.toSecsSinceEpoch();
QString render_seconds_to_string(int seconds)
if (seconds % 60 == 0)
return QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(seconds, Qt::UTC).toUTC().toString("h:mm");
return QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(seconds, Qt::UTC).toUTC().toString("h:mm:ss");
int parseDurationToSeconds(const QString &text)
int secs;
QString numOnly = text;
QString hours, minutes, seconds;
numOnly.replace(",", ".").remove(QRegularExpression("[^-0-9.:]"));
if (numOnly.isEmpty())
return 0;
if (numOnly.contains(':')) {
hours = numOnly.left(numOnly.indexOf(':'));
minutes = numOnly.right(numOnly.length() - hours.length() - 1);
if (minutes.contains(':')) {
numOnly = minutes;
minutes = numOnly.left(numOnly.indexOf(':'));
seconds = numOnly.right(numOnly.length() - minutes.length() - 1);
} else {
hours = QStringLiteral("0");
minutes = std::move(numOnly);
secs = lrint(hours.toDouble() * 3600 + minutes.toDouble() * 60 + seconds.toDouble());
return secs;
int parseLengthToMm(const QString &text)
int mm;
QString numOnly = text;
numOnly.replace(",", ".").remove(QRegularExpression("[^-0-9.]"));
if (numOnly.isEmpty())
return 0;
double number = numOnly.toDouble();
if (text.contains(gettextFromC::tr("m"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
mm = lrint(number * 1000);
} else if (text.contains(gettextFromC::tr("ft"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
mm = feet_to_mm(number);
} else {
switch (prefs.units.length) {
case units::FEET:
mm = feet_to_mm(number);
case units::METERS:
mm = lrint(number * 1000);
mm = 0;
return mm;
int parseTemperatureToMkelvin(const QString &text)
int mkelvin;
QString numOnly = text;
numOnly.replace(",", ".").remove(QRegularExpression("[^-0-9.]"));
if (numOnly.isEmpty())
return 0;
double number = numOnly.toDouble();
if (text.contains(gettextFromC::tr("C"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin(number);
} else if (text.contains(gettextFromC::tr("F"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
mkelvin = F_to_mkelvin(number);
} else {
switch (prefs.units.temperature) {
case units::CELSIUS:
mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin(number);
case units::FAHRENHEIT:
mkelvin = F_to_mkelvin(number);
mkelvin = 0;
return mkelvin;
int parseWeightToGrams(const QString &text)
int grams;
QString numOnly = text;
numOnly.replace(",", ".").remove(QRegularExpression("[^0-9.]"));
if (numOnly.isEmpty())
return 0;
double number = numOnly.toDouble();
if (text.contains(gettextFromC::tr("kg"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
grams = lrint(number * 1000);
} else if (text.contains(gettextFromC::tr("lbs"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
grams = lbs_to_grams(number);
} else {
switch (prefs.units.weight) {
case units::KG:
grams = lrint(number * 1000);
case units::LBS:
grams = lbs_to_grams(number);
grams = 0;
return grams;
int parsePressureToMbar(const QString &text)
int mbar;
QString numOnly = text;
// different locales use different symbols as group separator or decimal separator
// (I think it's usually '.' and ',' - but maybe there are others?)
// let's use Qt's help to get the parsing right
QString validNumberCharacters("0-9");
validNumberCharacters += loc.decimalPoint();
validNumberCharacters += loc.groupSeparator();
if (numOnly.isEmpty())
return 0;
double number = loc.toDouble(numOnly);
if (text.contains(gettextFromC::tr("bar"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
mbar = lrint(number * 1000);
} else if (text.contains(gettextFromC::tr("psi"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
mbar = psi_to_mbar(number);
} else {
switch (prefs.units.pressure) {
case units::BAR:
mbar = lrint(number * 1000);
case units::PSI:
mbar = psi_to_mbar(number);
mbar = 0;
return mbar;
int parseGasMixO2(const QString &text)
QString gasString = text;
int o2, number;
if (gasString.contains(gettextFromC::tr("AIR"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
o2 = O2_IN_AIR;
} else if (gasString.contains(gettextFromC::tr("EAN"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
number = gasString.toInt();
o2 = number * 10;
} else if (gasString.contains("/")) {
QStringList gasSplit = gasString.split("/");
number = gasSplit[0].toInt();
o2 = number * 10;
} else {
number = gasString.toInt();
o2 = number * 10;
return o2;
int parseGasMixHE(const QString &text)
QString gasString = text;
int he, number;
if (gasString.contains("/")) {
QStringList gasSplit = gasString.split("/");
number = gasSplit[1].toInt();
he = number * 10;
} else {
he = 0;
return he;
QString get_dive_duration_string(timestamp_t when, QString hoursText, QString minutesText, QString secondsText, QString separator, bool isFreeDive)
int hrs, mins, fullmins, secs;
mins = (when + 30) / 60;
fullmins = when / 60;
secs = when - 60 * fullmins;
hrs = mins / 60;
QString displayTime;
if (prefs.units.duration_units == units::ALWAYS_HOURS || (prefs.units.duration_units == units::MIXED && hrs)) {
mins -= hrs * 60;
displayTime = QString("%1%2%3%4%5").arg(hrs).arg(separator == ":" ? "" : hoursText).arg(separator)
.arg(mins, 2, 10, QChar('0')).arg(separator == ":" ? hoursText : minutesText);
} else if (isFreeDive && ( prefs.units.duration_units == units::MINUTES_ONLY || minutesText != "" )) {
// Freedive <1h and we display no hours but only minutes for other dives
// --> display a short (5min 35sec) freedives e.g. as "5:35"
// Freedive <1h and we display a unit for minutes
// --> display a short (5min 35sec) freedives e.g. as "5:35min"
if (separator == ":") displayTime = QString("%1%2%3%4").arg(fullmins).arg(separator)
.arg(secs, 2, 10, QChar('0')).arg(minutesText);
else displayTime = QString("%1%2%3%4%5").arg(fullmins).arg(minutesText).arg(separator)
} else if (isFreeDive) {
// Mixed display (hh:mm / mm only) and freedive < 1h and we have no unit for minutes
// --> Prefix duration with "0:" --> "0:05:35"
if (separator == ":") displayTime = QString("%1%2%3%4%5%6").arg(hrs).arg(separator)
.arg(fullmins, 2, 10, QChar('0')).arg(separator)
.arg(secs, 2, 10, QChar('0')).arg(hoursText);
// Separator != ":" and no units for minutes --> unlikely case - remove?
else displayTime = QString("%1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8").arg(hrs).arg(hoursText).arg(separator)
} else {
displayTime = QString("%1%2").arg(mins).arg(minutesText);
return displayTime;
QString get_dive_surfint_string(timestamp_t when, QString daysText, QString hoursText, QString minutesText, QString separator, int maxdays)
int days, hrs, mins;
days = when / 3600 / 24;
hrs = (when - days * 3600 * 24) / 3600;
mins = (when + 30 - days * 3600 * 24 - hrs * 3600) / 60;
QString displayInt;
if (maxdays && days > maxdays) displayInt = gettextFromC::tr("more than %1 days").arg(maxdays);
else if (days) displayInt = QString("%1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8").arg(days).arg(daysText).arg(separator)
else displayInt = QString("%1%2%3%4%5").arg(hrs).arg(hoursText).arg(separator)
return displayInt;
QString get_dive_date_string(timestamp_t when)
QDateTime ts;
ts.setMSecsSinceEpoch(when * 1000L);
return loc.toString(ts.toUTC(), QString(prefs.date_format) + " " + prefs.time_format);
// Get local seconds since Epoch from ISO formatted UTC date time + offset string
time_t get_dive_datetime_from_isostring(char *when) {
QDateTime divetime = QDateTime::fromString(when, Qt::ISODate);
return (time_t)(divetime.toSecsSinceEpoch());
QString get_short_dive_date_string(timestamp_t when)
QDateTime ts;
ts.setMSecsSinceEpoch(when * 1000L);
return loc.toString(ts.toUTC(), QString(prefs.date_format_short) + " " + prefs.time_format);
std::string get_dive_date_c_string(timestamp_t when)
return get_short_dive_date_string(when).toStdString();
static QString get_dive_only_date_string(timestamp_t when)
QDateTime ts;
ts.setMSecsSinceEpoch(when * 1000L);
return loc.toString(ts.toUTC(), QString(prefs.date_format));
QString get_first_dive_date_string()
const dive_table *dives = divelog.dives;
return dives->nr > 0 ? get_dive_only_date_string(dives->dives[0]->when) : gettextFromC::tr("no dives");
QString get_last_dive_date_string()
const dive_table *dives = divelog.dives;
return dives->nr > 0 ? get_dive_only_date_string(dives->dives[dives->nr - 1]->when) : gettextFromC::tr("no dives");
std::string get_current_date()
QDateTime ts(QDateTime::currentDateTime());;
QString current_date;
current_date = loc.toString(ts, QString(prefs.date_format_short));
return current_date.toStdString();
static QMutex hashOfMutex;
static QHash<QString, QString> localFilenameOf;
static const QString hashfile_name()
return QString(system_default_directory()).append("/hashes");
static QString thumbnailDir()
return QString(system_default_directory()) + "/thumbnails/";
// Calculate thumbnail filename by hashing name of file.
QString thumbnailFileName(const QString &filename)
if (filename.isEmpty())
return QString();
QCryptographicHash hash(QCryptographicHash::Sha1);
return thumbnailDir() + hash.result().toHex();
char *hashfile_name_string()
return copy_qstring(hashfile_name());
// TODO: This is a temporary helper struct. Remove in due course with convertLocalFilename().
struct HashToFile {
QByteArray hash;
QString filename;
bool operator< (const HashToFile &h) const {
return hash < h.hash;
// During a transition period, convert the hash->localFilename into a canonicalFilename->localFilename.
// TODO: remove this code in due course
static void convertLocalFilename(const QHash<QString, QByteArray> &hashOf, const QHash<QByteArray, QString> &hashToLocal)
// Bail out early if there is nothing to do
if (hashToLocal.isEmpty())
// Create a vector of hash/filename pairs and sort by hash.
// Elements can then be accessed with binary search.
QHash<QByteArray, QString> canonicalFilenameByHash;
QVector<HashToFile> h2f;
for (auto it = hashOf.cbegin(); it != hashOf.cend(); ++it)
h2f.append({ it.value(), it.key() });
std::sort(h2f.begin(), h2f.end());
// Make the canonical-to-local connection
for (auto it = hashToLocal.cbegin(); it != hashToLocal.cend(); ++it) {
QByteArray hash = it.key();
HashToFile dummy { hash, QString() };
for(auto it2 = std::lower_bound(h2f.begin(), h2f.end(), dummy);
it2 != h2f.end() && it2->hash == hash; ++it2) {
// Note that learnPictureFilename cares about all the special cases,
// i.e. either filename being empty or both filenames being equal.
learnPictureFilename(it2->filename, it.value());
QString canonicalFilename = canonicalFilenameByHash.value(it.key());
void read_hashes()
QFile hashfile(hashfile_name());
if (hashfile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
QDataStream stream(&hashfile);
QHash<QByteArray, QString> localFilenameByHash;
QHash<QString, QByteArray> hashOf;
stream >> localFilenameByHash; // For backwards compatibility
stream >> hashOf; // For backwards compatibility
QHash <QString, QImage> thumbnailCache;
stream >> thumbnailCache; // For backwards compatibility
QMutexLocker locker(&hashOfMutex);
stream >> localFilenameOf;
convertLocalFilename(hashOf, localFilenameByHash);
QMutexLocker locker(&hashOfMutex);
// Make sure that the thumbnail directory exists
void write_hashes()
QSaveFile hashfile(hashfile_name());
QMutexLocker locker(&hashOfMutex);
if (hashfile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
QDataStream stream(&hashfile);
stream << QHash<QByteArray, QString>(); // Empty hash to filename - for backwards compatibility
stream << QHash<QString, QByteArray>(); // Empty hashes - for backwards compatibility
stream << QHash<QString,QImage>(); // Empty thumbnailCache - for backwards compatibility
stream << localFilenameOf;
} else {
qWarning() << "Cannot open hashfile for writing: " << hashfile.fileName();
void learnPictureFilename(const QString &originalName, const QString &localName)
if (originalName.isEmpty() || localName.isEmpty())
QMutexLocker locker(&hashOfMutex);
// Only keep track of images where original and local names differ
if (originalName == localName)
localFilenameOf[originalName] = localName;
QString localFilePath(const QString &originalFilename)
QMutexLocker locker(&hashOfMutex);
return localFilenameOf.value(originalFilename, originalFilename);
// TODO: Apparently Qt has no simple way of listing the supported video
// codecs? Do we have to query them by hand using QMediaPlayer::hasSupport()?
const QStringList videoExtensionsList = {
".avi", ".mp4", ".mov", ".mpeg", ".mpg", ".wmv"
QStringList mediaExtensionFilters()
return imageExtensionFilters() + videoExtensionFilters();
QStringList imageExtensionFilters()
QStringList filters;
for (QString format: QImageReader::supportedImageFormats())
filters.append("*." + format);
return filters;
QStringList videoExtensionFilters()
QStringList filters;
for (const QString &format: videoExtensionsList)
filters.append("*" + format);
return filters;
const char *local_file_path(struct picture *picture)
return copy_qstring(localFilePath(picture->filename));
QString get_gas_string(struct gasmix gas)
uint o2 = (get_o2(gas) + 5) / 10, he = (get_he(gas) + 5) / 10;
QString result = gasmix_is_air(gas) ? gettextFromC::tr("AIR") : he == 0 ? (o2 == 100 ? gettextFromC::tr("OXYGEN") : QString("EAN%1").arg(o2, 2, 10, QChar('0'))) : QString("%1/%2").arg(o2).arg(he);
return result;
QStringList get_dive_gas_list(const struct dive *d)
QStringList list;
for (int i = 0; i < d->cylinders.nr; i++) {
const cylinder_t *cyl = get_cylinder(d, i);
/* Check if we have the same gasmix two or more times
* If yes return more verbose string */
int same_gas = same_gasmix_cylinder(cyl, i, d, true);
if (same_gas == -1)
list.push_back(get_gas_string(cyl->gasmix) + QString(" (%1 %2 ").arg(gettextFromC::tr("cyl.")).arg(i + 1) +
cyl->type.description + ")");
return list;
QStringList stringToList(const QString &s)
QStringList res = s.split(",", SKIP_EMPTY);
for (QString &str: res)
str = str.trimmed();
return res;
weight_t string_to_weight(const char *str)
const char *end;
double value = permissive_strtod(str, &end);
QString rest = QString(end).trimmed();
QString local_kg = gettextFromC::tr("kg");
QString local_lbs = gettextFromC::tr("lbs");
weight_t weight;
if (rest.startsWith("kg") || rest.startsWith(local_kg))
goto kg;
// using just "lb" instead of "lbs" is intentional - some people might enter the singular
if (rest.startsWith("lb") || rest.startsWith(local_lbs))
goto lbs;
if (prefs.units.weight == prefs.units.LBS)
goto lbs;
weight.grams = lrint(value * 1000);
return weight;
weight.grams = lbs_to_grams(value);
return weight;
depth_t string_to_depth(const char *str)
const char *end;
double value = permissive_strtod(str, &end);
QString rest = QString(end).trimmed();
QString local_ft = gettextFromC::tr("ft");
QString local_m = gettextFromC::tr("m");
depth_t depth;
if (value < 0)
value = 0;
if (rest.startsWith("m") || rest.startsWith(local_m))
goto m;
if (rest.startsWith("ft") || rest.startsWith(local_ft))
goto ft;
if (prefs.units.length == prefs.units.FEET)
goto ft;
depth.mm = lrint(value * 1000);
return depth;
depth.mm = feet_to_mm(value);
return depth;
pressure_t string_to_pressure(const char *str)
const char *end;
double value = permissive_strtod(str, &end);
QString rest = QString(end).trimmed();
QString local_psi = gettextFromC::tr("psi");
QString local_bar = gettextFromC::tr("bar");
pressure_t pressure;
if (rest.startsWith("bar") || rest.startsWith(local_bar))
goto bar;
if (rest.startsWith("psi") || rest.startsWith(local_psi))
goto psi;
if (prefs.units.pressure == prefs.units.PSI)
goto psi;
pressure.mbar = lrint(value * 1000);
return pressure;
pressure.mbar = psi_to_mbar(value);
return pressure;
volume_t string_to_volume(const char *str, pressure_t workp)
const char *end;
double value = permissive_strtod(str, &end);
QString rest = QString(end).trimmed();
QString local_l = gettextFromC::tr("l");
QString local_cuft = gettextFromC::tr("cuft");
volume_t volume;
if (rest.startsWith("l") || rest.startsWith("ℓ") || rest.startsWith(local_l))
goto l;
if (rest.startsWith("cuft") || rest.startsWith(local_cuft))
goto cuft;
* If we don't have explicit units, and there is no working
* pressure, we're going to assume "liter" even in imperial
* measurements.
if (!workp.mbar)
goto l;
if (prefs.units.volume == prefs.units.LITER)
goto l;
if (workp.mbar)
value /= bar_to_atm(workp.mbar / 1000.0);
value = cuft_to_l(value);
volume.mliter = lrint(value * 1000);
return volume;
fraction_t string_to_fraction(const char *str)
const char *end;
double value = permissive_strtod(str, &end);
fraction_t fraction;
fraction.permille = lrint(value * 10);
* Don't permit values less than zero or greater than 100%
if (fraction.permille < 0)
fraction.permille = 0;
else if (fraction.permille > 1000)
fraction.permille = 1000;
return fraction;
// Sadly, the standard C++ library's regexp support is mediocre at best.
static void sanitize_email(std::string &email)
size_t j = 0;
for (char c: email) {
if (isalnum(c) || c == '@' || c == '.' ||
c == '_' || c == '+' || c == '-')
email[j++] = c;
std::optional<std::string> getCloudURL()
std::string email(prefs.cloud_storage_email);
if (email.empty() || empty_string(prefs.cloud_storage_password)) {
report_error("Please configure Cloud storage email and password in the preferences");
return {};
if (email != prefs.cloud_storage_email_encoded) {
free((void *)prefs.cloud_storage_email_encoded);
prefs.cloud_storage_email_encoded = strdup(email.c_str());
std::string filename = std::string(prefs.cloud_base_url) + "git/" + email + "[" + email + "]";
if (verbose)
report_info("returning cloud URL %s", filename.c_str());
return filename;
void subsurface_mkdir(const char *dir)
QDir directory;
if (!directory.mkpath(QString(dir)))
report_info("failed to create path %s", dir);
enum deco_mode decoMode(bool in_planner)
return in_planner ? prefs.planner_deco_mode : prefs.display_deco_mode;
void init_proxy()
QNetworkProxy proxy;
if (prefs.proxy_auth) {
void parse_seabear_header(const char *filename, struct xml_params *params)
QFile f(filename);
QString parseLine = f.readLine();
* Parse dive number from Seabear CSV header
while ((parseLine = f.readLine().trimmed()).length() > 0 && !f.atEnd()) {
if (parseLine.contains("//DIVE NR: ")) {
xml_params_add(params, "diveNro",
qPrintable(parseLine.replace(QString::fromLatin1("//DIVE NR: "), QString::fromLatin1(""))));
* Parse header - currently only interested in sample
* interval and hardware version. If we have old format
* the interval value is missing from the header.
while ((parseLine = f.readLine().trimmed()).length() > 0 && !f.atEnd()) {
if (parseLine.contains("//Hardware Version: ")) {
xml_params_add(params, "hw",
qPrintable(parseLine.replace(QString::fromLatin1("//Hardware Version: "),
QString::fromLatin1("\"Seabear ")).trimmed().append("\"")));
* Grab the sample interval
while ((parseLine = f.readLine().trimmed()).length() > 0 && !f.atEnd()) {
if (parseLine.contains("//Log interval: ")) {
xml_params_add(params, "delta",
qPrintable(parseLine.remove(QString::fromLatin1("//Log interval: ")).trimmed().remove(QString::fromLatin1(" s"))));
* Note that we scan over the "Log interval" on purpose
while ((parseLine = f.readLine().trimmed()).length() > 0 && !f.atEnd()) {
QString needle = "//Mode: ";
if (parseLine.contains(needle)) {
xml_params_add(params, "diveMode",
qPrintable(parseLine.replace(needle, QString::fromLatin1("")).prepend("\"").append("\"")));
* Grabbing some fields for the extradata
while ((parseLine = f.readLine().trimmed()).length() > 0 && !f.atEnd()) {
QString needle = "//Firmware Version: ";
if (parseLine.contains(needle)) {
xml_params_add(params, "Firmware",
qPrintable(parseLine.replace(needle, QString::fromLatin1("")).prepend("\"").append("\"")));
while ((parseLine = f.readLine().trimmed()).length() > 0 && !f.atEnd()) {
QString needle = "//Serial number: ";
if (parseLine.contains(needle)) {
xml_params_add(params, "Serial",
qPrintable(parseLine.replace(needle, QString::fromLatin1("")).prepend("\"").append("\"")));
while ((parseLine = f.readLine().trimmed()).length() > 0 && !f.atEnd()) {
QString needle = "//GF: ";
if (parseLine.contains(needle)) {
xml_params_add(params, "GF",
qPrintable(parseLine.replace(needle, QString::fromLatin1("")).prepend("\"").append("\"")));
while ((parseLine = f.readLine().trimmed()).length() > 0 && !f.atEnd()) {
* Parse CSV fields
parseLine = f.readLine().trimmed();
const QStringList currColumns = parseLine.split(';');
unsigned short index = 0;
for (const QString &columnText: currColumns) {
if (columnText == "Time") {
xml_params_add_int(params, "timeField", index++);
} else if (columnText == "Depth") {
xml_params_add_int(params, "depthField", index++);
} else if (columnText == "Temperature") {
xml_params_add_int(params, "tempField", index++);
} else if (columnText == "NDT") {
xml_params_add_int(params, "ndlField", index++);
} else if (columnText == "TTS") {
xml_params_add_int(params, "ttsField", index++);
} else if (columnText == "pO2_1") {
xml_params_add_int(params, "o2sensor1Field", index++);
} else if (columnText == "pO2_2") {
xml_params_add_int(params, "o2sensor2Field", index++);
} else if (columnText == "pO2_3") {
xml_params_add_int(params, "o2sensor3Field", index++);
} else if (columnText == "Ceiling") {
/* TODO: Add support for dive computer reported ceiling*/
xml_params_add_int(params, "ceilingField", index++);
} else if (columnText == "Tank pressure") {
xml_params_add_int(params, "pressureField", index++);
} else {
// We do not know about this value
report_info("Seabear import found an un-handled field: %s", qPrintable(columnText));
/* Separator is ';' and the index for that in DiveLogImportDialog constructor is 2 */
xml_params_add_int(params, "separatorIndex", 2);
/* And metric units */
xml_params_add_int(params, "units", 0);
void print_qt_versions()
printf("%s\n", qPrintable(QStringLiteral("built with Qt Version %1, runtime from Qt Version %2").arg(QT_VERSION_STR).arg(qVersion())));
QMutex planLock;
void lock_planner()
void unlock_planner()
char *copy_qstring(const QString &s)
return strdup(qPrintable(s));
// function to call to allow the UI to show updates for longer running activities
void (*uiNotificationCallback)(QString msg) = nullptr;
void uiNotification(const QString &msg)
if (uiNotificationCallback != nullptr)
// function to call to get changes for a git commit
QString (*changesCallback)() = nullptr;
std::string get_changes_made()
return changesCallback != nullptr ? changesCallback().toStdString()
: std::string();
// Generate a cylinder-renumber map for use when the n-th cylinder
// of a dive with count cylinders is removed. It fills an int vector
// with 0..n, -1, n..count-1. Each entry in the vector represents
// the new id of the cylinder, whereby <0 means that this particular
// cylinder does not get any new id. This should probably be moved
// to the C-core, but using std::vector is simply more convenient.
// The function assumes that n < count!
std::vector<int> get_cylinder_map_for_remove(int count, int n)
// 1) Fill mapping[0]..mapping[n-1] with 0..n-1
// 2) Set mapping[n] to -1
// 3) Fill mapping[n+1]..mapping[count-1] with n..count-2
std::vector<int> mapping(count);
std::iota(mapping.begin(), mapping.begin() + n, 0);
mapping[n] = -1;
std::iota(mapping.begin() + n + 1, mapping.end(), n);
return mapping;
// Generate a cylinder-renumber map for use when a cylinder is added
// before the n-th cylinder. It fills an int vector with
// with 0..n-1, n+1..count. Each entry in the vector represents
// the new id of the cylinder. This probably should be moved
// to the C-core, but using std::vector is simply more convenient.
// This function assumes that that n <= count!
std::vector<int> get_cylinder_map_for_add(int count, int n)
std::vector<int> mapping(count);
std::iota(mapping.begin(), mapping.begin() + n, 0);
std::iota(mapping.begin() + n, mapping.end(), n + 1);
return mapping;
void emit_reset_signal()
emit diveListNotifier.dataReset();