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synced 2025-02-17 20:36:15 +00:00
The parser API was very annoying, as a number of tables to-be-filled were passed in as pointers. The goal of this commit is to collect all these tables in a single struct. This should make it (more or less) clear what is actually written into the divelog files. Moreover, it should now be rather easy to search for instances, where the global logfile is accessed (and it turns out that there are many!). The divelog struct does not contain the tables as substructs, but only collects pointers. The idea is that the "divelog.h" file can be included without all the other files describing the numerous tables. To make it easier to use from C++ parts of the code, the struct implements a constructor and a destructor. Sadly, we can't use smart pointers, since the pointers are accessed from C code. Therfore the constructor and destructor are quite complex. The whole commit is large, but was mostly an automatic conversion. One oddity of note: the divelog structure also contains the "autogroup" flag, since that is saved in the divelog. This actually fixes a bug: Before, when importing dives from a different log, the autogroup flag was overwritten. This was probably not intended and does not happen anymore. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <bstoeger@mail.tuwien.ac.at>
466 lines
18 KiB
466 lines
18 KiB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#include "testgitstorage.h"
#include "git2.h"
#include "core/device.h"
#include "core/dive.h"
#include "core/divelist.h"
#include "core/divelog.h"
#include "core/file.h"
#include "core/qthelper.h"
#include "core/subsurfacestartup.h"
#include "core/settings/qPrefProxy.h"
#include "core/settings/qPrefCloudStorage.h"
#include "core/git-access.h"
#include <QDir>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QNetworkProxy>
#include <QTextCodec>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QRandomGenerator>
// provide declarations for two local helper functions in git-access.c
extern "C" char *get_local_dir(const char *remote, const char *branch);
extern "C" void delete_remote_branch(git_repository *repo, const char *remote, const char *branch);
QString email;
QString gitUrl;
QString cloudTestRepo;
QString localCacheDir;
QString localCacheRepo;
QString randomBranch;
static void moveDir(QString oldName, QString newName)
QDir oldDir(oldName);
QDir newDir(newName);
QCOMPARE(newDir.removeRecursively(), true);
QCOMPARE(oldDir.rename(oldName, newName), true);
static void localRemoteCleanup()
// cleanup the local cache dir
struct git_info info = { };
QDir localCacheDirectory(localCacheDir);
QCOMPARE(localCacheDirectory.removeRecursively(), true);
// when this is first executed, we expect the branch not to exist on the remote server;
// if that's true, this will print a harmless error to stderr
is_git_repository(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo), &info) && open_git_repository(&info);
// this odd comparison is used to tell that we were able to connect to the remote repo;
// in the error case we get the full cloudTestRepo name back as "branch"
if (info.branch != randomBranch) {
// dang, we weren't able to connect to the server - let's not fail the test
// but just give up
QSKIP("wasn't able to connect to server");
// force delete any remote branch of that name on the server (and ignore any errors)
delete_remote_branch(info.repo, info.url, info.branch);
// and since this will have created a local repo, remove that one, again so the tests start clean
QCOMPARE(localCacheDirectory.removeRecursively(), true);
void TestGitStorage::initTestCase()
// Set UTF8 text codec as in real applications
// first, setup the preferences an proxy information
copy_prefs(&default_prefs, &prefs);
// setup our cloud test repo / credentials but allow the user to pick a different account by
// setting these environment variables
// Of course that email needs to exist as cloud storage account and have the given password
// To reduce the risk of collisions on the server, we have ten accounts set up for this purpose
// please don't use them for other reasons as they will get deleted regularly
email = qgetenv("SSRF_USER_EMAIL");
QString password = qgetenv("SSRF_USER_PASSWORD");
if (email.isEmpty()) {
email = QString("gitstorage%1@hohndel.org").arg(QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(10));
// on Qt 5.9 we go back to using qsrand()/qrand()
email = QString("gitstorage%1@hohndel.org").arg(qrand() % 10);
if (password.isEmpty())
password = "please-only-use-this-in-the-git-tests";
gitUrl = prefs.cloud_base_url;
if (gitUrl.right(1) != "/")
gitUrl += "/";
gitUrl += "git";
prefs.cloud_storage_email_encoded = copy_qstring(email);
prefs.cloud_storage_password = copy_qstring(password);
gitUrl += "/" + email;
// all user storage for historical reasons always uses the user's email both as
// repo name and as branch. To allow us to keep testing and not step on parallel
// runs we'll use actually random branch names - yes, this still has a chance of
// conflict, but I'm not going to implement a distributed lock manager for this
if (email.startsWith("gitstorage")) {
randomBranch = QString::number(QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(0x1000000), 16) +
QString::number(QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(0x1000000), 16);
// on Qt 5.9 we go back to using qsrand()/qrand() -- if we get to this code, qsrand() was already called
// even on a 32bit system RAND_MAX is at least 32767 so this will also give us 12 random hex digits
randomBranch = QString::number(qrand() % 0x1000, 16) + QString::number(qrand() % 0x1000, 16) +
QString::number(qrand() % 0x1000, 16) + QString::number(qrand() % 0x1000, 16);
} else {
// user supplied their own credentials, fall back to the usual "email is branch" pattern
randomBranch = email;
cloudTestRepo = gitUrl + QStringLiteral("[%1]").arg(randomBranch);
localCacheDir = get_local_dir(qPrintable(gitUrl), qPrintable(randomBranch));
localCacheRepo = localCacheDir + QStringLiteral("[%1]").arg(randomBranch);
qDebug() << "repo used:" << cloudTestRepo;
qDebug() << "local cache:" << localCacheRepo;
// make sure we deal with any proxy settings that are needed
QNetworkProxy proxy;
if (prefs.proxy_auth) {
// we will keep switching between online and offline mode below; let's always start online
git_local_only = false;
// initialize libgit2
// cleanup local and remote branches
QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo), &divelog), 0);
void TestGitStorage::cleanupTestCase()
void TestGitStorage::cleanup()
void TestGitStorage::testGitStorageLocal_data()
// Test different paths we may encounter (since storage depends on user name)
// as well as with and without "file://" URL prefix.
QTest::newRow("ASCII path") << "./gittest" << "" << "";
QTest::newRow("Non ASCII path") << "./gittest_éèêôàüäößíñóúäåöø" << "" << "";
QTest::newRow("ASCII path with file:// prefix on read") << "./gittest2" << "file://" << "";
QTest::newRow("Non ASCII path with file:// prefix on read") << "./gittest2_éèêôàüäößíñóúäåöø" << "" << "file://";
QTest::newRow("ASCII path with file:// prefix on write") << "./gittest3" << "file://" << "";
QTest::newRow("Non ASCII path with file:// prefix on write") << "./gittest3_éèêôàüäößíñóúäåöø" << "" << "file://";
void TestGitStorage::testGitStorageLocal()
// test writing and reading back from local git storage
git_repository *repo;
QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/SampleDivesV2.ssrf", &divelog), 0);
QFETCH(QString, testDirName);
QFETCH(QString, prefixRead);
QFETCH(QString, prefixWrite);
QDir testDir(testDirName);
QCOMPARE(testDir.removeRecursively(), true);
QCOMPARE(QDir().mkdir(testDirName), true);
QString repoNameRead = prefixRead + testDirName;
QString repoNameWrite = prefixWrite + testDirName;
QCOMPARE(git_repository_init(&repo, qPrintable(testDirName), false), 0);
QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(repoNameWrite + "[test]")), 0);
QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3.ssrf"), 0);
QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(repoNameRead + "[test]"), &divelog), 0);
QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3viagit.ssrf"), 0);
QFile org("./SampleDivesV3.ssrf");
QFile out("./SampleDivesV3viagit.ssrf");
QTextStream orgS(&org);
QTextStream outS(&out);
QString readin = orgS.readAll();
QString written = outS.readAll();
QCOMPARE(readin, written);
void TestGitStorage::testGitStorageCloud()
// test writing and reading back from cloud storage
// connect to the ssrftest repository on the cloud server
// and repeat the same test as before with the local git storage
QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/SampleDivesV2.ssrf", &divelog), 0);
QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo), &divelog), 0);
QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3viacloud.ssrf"), 0);
QFile org("./SampleDivesV3.ssrf");
QFile out("./SampleDivesV3viacloud.ssrf");
QTextStream orgS(&org);
QTextStream outS(&out);
QString readin = orgS.readAll();
QString written = outS.readAll();
QCOMPARE(readin, written);
void TestGitStorage::testGitStorageCloudOfflineSync()
// make a change to local cache repo (pretending that we did some offline changes)
// and then open the remote one again and check that things were propagated correctly
// read the local repo from the previous test and add dive 10
QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo), &divelog), 0);
QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/test10.xml", &divelog), 0);
// calling process_loaded_dives() sorts the table, but calling add_imported_dives()
// causes it to try to update the window title... let's not do that
// now save only to the local cache but not to the remote server
git_local_only = true;
QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3plus10local.ssrf"), 0);
// now pretend that we are online again and open the cloud storage and compare
git_local_only = false;
QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo), &divelog), 0);
QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3plus10viacloud.ssrf"), 0);
QFile org("./SampleDivesV3plus10local.ssrf");
QFile out("./SampleDivesV3plus10viacloud.ssrf");
QTextStream orgS(&org);
QTextStream outS(&out);
QString readin = orgS.readAll();
QString written = outS.readAll();
QCOMPARE(readin, written);
// write back out to cloud storage, move away the local cache, open again and compare
QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
moveDir(localCacheDir, localCacheDir + "save");
QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo), &divelog), 0);
QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3plus10fromcloud.ssrf"), 0);
QFile out2("./SampleDivesV3plus10fromcloud.ssrf");
QTextStream orgS2(&org);
QTextStream outS2(&out2);
readin = orgS2.readAll();
written = outS2.readAll();
QCOMPARE(readin, written);
void TestGitStorage::testGitStorageCloudMerge()
// we want to test a merge - in order to do so we need to make changes to the cloud
// repo from two clients - but since we have only one client here, we have to cheat
// a little:
// the local cache with the 'save' extension will serve as our second client;
// (1) first we make a change and save it to the cloud
// (2) then we switch to the second client (i.e., we move that cache back in place)
// (3) on that second client we make a different change while offline
// (4) now we take that second client back online and get the merge
// (5) let's make sure that we have the expected data on the second client
// (6) go back to the first client and ensure we have the same data there after sync
// (1) open the repo, add dive test11 and save to the cloud
git_local_only = false;
QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo), &divelog), 0);
QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/test11.xml", &divelog), 0);
QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
// (2) switch to the second client by moving the old cache back in place
moveDir(localCacheDir, localCacheDir + "client1");
moveDir(localCacheDir + "save", localCacheDir);
// (3) open the repo from the old cache and add dive test12 while offline
git_local_only = true;
QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo), &divelog), 0);
QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/test12.xml", &divelog), 0);
QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
// (4) now take things back online
git_local_only = false;
QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo), &divelog), 0);
// (5) now we should have all the dives in our repo on the second client
// first create the reference data from the xml files:
QCOMPARE(parse_file("./SampleDivesV3plus10local.ssrf", &divelog), 0);
QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/test11.xml", &divelog), 0);
QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/test12.xml", &divelog), 0);
QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3plus10-11-12.ssrf"), 0);
// then load from the cloud
QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo), &divelog), 0);
QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3plus10-11-12-merged.ssrf"), 0);
// finally compare what we have
QFile org("./SampleDivesV3plus10-11-12-merged.ssrf");
QFile out("./SampleDivesV3plus10-11-12.ssrf");
QTextStream orgS(&org);
QTextStream outS(&out);
QString readin = orgS.readAll();
QString written = outS.readAll();
QCOMPARE(readin, written);
// (6) move ourselves back to the first client and compare data there
moveDir(localCacheDir + "client1", localCacheDir);
QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo), &divelog), 0);
QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3plus10-11-12-merged-client1.ssrf"), 0);
QFile client1("./SampleDivesV3plus10-11-12-merged-client1.ssrf");
QTextStream client1S(&client1);
readin = client1S.readAll();
QCOMPARE(readin, written);
void TestGitStorage::testGitStorageCloudMerge2()
// delete a dive offline
// edit the same dive in the cloud repo
// merge
// (1) open repo, delete second dive, save offline
QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo), &divelog), 0);
struct dive *dive = get_dive(1);
QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesMinus1.ssrf"), 0);
git_local_only = true;
QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(localCacheRepo)), 0);
git_local_only = false;
// (2) move cache out of the way
moveDir(localCacheDir, localCacheDir + "save");
// (3) now we open the cloud storage repo and modify that second dive
QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo), &divelog), 0);
dive = get_dive(1);
QVERIFY(dive != NULL);
dive->notes = strdup("These notes have been modified by TestGitStorage");
QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
// (4) move the saved local cache backinto place and try to open the cloud repo
// -> this forces a merge
moveDir(localCacheDir + "save", localCacheDir);
QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo), &divelog), 0);
QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesMinus1-merged.ssrf"), 0);
QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
QFile org("./SampleDivesMinus1-merged.ssrf");
QFile out("./SampleDivesMinus1.ssrf");
QTextStream orgS(&org);
QTextStream outS(&out);
QString readin = orgS.readAll();
QString written = outS.readAll();
QCOMPARE(readin, written);
void TestGitStorage::testGitStorageCloudMerge3()
// create multi line notes and store them to the cloud repo and local cache
// edit dive notes offline
// edit the same dive notes in the cloud repo
// merge
// (1) open repo, edit notes of first three dives
QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo), &divelog), 0);
struct dive *dive;
QVERIFY((dive = get_dive(0)) != 0);
dive->notes = strdup("Create multi line dive notes\nLine 2\nLine 3\nLine 4\nLine 5\nThat should be enough");
QVERIFY((dive = get_dive(1)) != 0);
dive->notes = strdup("Create multi line dive notes\nLine 2\nLine 3\nLine 4\nLine 5\nThat should be enough");
QVERIFY((dive = get_dive(2)) != 0);
dive->notes = strdup("Create multi line dive notes\nLine 2\nLine 3\nLine 4\nLine 5\nThat should be enough");
QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
// (2) make different edits offline
QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo), &divelog), 0);
QVERIFY((dive = get_dive(0)) != 0);
dive->notes = strdup("Create multi line dive notes\nDifferent line 2 and removed 3-5\n\nThat should be enough");
QVERIFY((dive = get_dive(1)) != 0);
dive->notes = strdup("Line 2\nLine 3\nLine 4\nLine 5"); // keep the middle, remove first and last");
QVERIFY((dive = get_dive(2)) != 0);
dive->notes = strdup("single line dive notes");
git_local_only = true;
QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
git_local_only = false;
// (3) simulate a second system by moving the cache away and open the cloud storage repo and modify
// those first dive notes differently while online
moveDir(localCacheDir, localCacheDir + "save");
QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo), &divelog), 0);
QVERIFY((dive = get_dive(0)) != 0);
dive->notes = strdup("Completely different dive notes\nBut also multi line");
QVERIFY((dive = get_dive(1)) != 0);
dive->notes = strdup("single line dive notes");
QVERIFY((dive = get_dive(2)) != 0);
dive->notes = strdup("Line 2\nLine 3\nLine 4\nLine 5"); // keep the middle, remove first and last");
QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
// (4) move the saved local cache back into place and open the cloud repo -> this forces a merge
moveDir(localCacheDir + "save", localCacheDir);
QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo), &divelog), 0);
QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesMerge3.ssrf"), 0);
// we are not trying to compare this to a pre-determined result... what this test
// checks is that there are no parsing errors with the merge