Martin Měřinský 92e9c6606f Use consistent aliases for all icons.
Icon aliases were inconsistent mess. Underscores vs. hyphens vs. camelCase.
With vs. without filename suffix. Lower vs. upper case. "icon" suffix vs.
prefix vs. nothing. Some were duplicated, eg warning vs. warning-icon. Some
icons didn't have alias at all.

This changes all icon aliases to one, easy grep-able style which complies
to Freedesktop Icon Naming Specification (Guidelines).

Signed-off-by: Martin Měřinský <>
2017-11-29 11:46:35 +01:00

124 lines
3.7 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
import QtQuick 2.6
Item {
id: container
signal actionSelected(int action)
readonly property var actions: {
readonly property var menuItemData: [
{ idx: actions.OPEN_LOCATION_IN_GOOGLE_MAPS, itemText: qsTr("Open location in Google Maps") },
{ idx: actions.COPY_LOCATION_DECIMAL, itemText: qsTr("Copy location to clipboard (decimal)") },
{ idx: actions.COPY_LOCATION_SEXAGESIMAL, itemText: qsTr("Copy location to clipboard (sexagesimal)") },
{ idx: actions.SELECT_VISIBLE_LOCATIONS, itemText: qsTr("Select visible dive locations") }
readonly property real itemTextPadding: 10.0
readonly property real itemHeight: 34.0
readonly property int itemAnimationDuration: 100
readonly property color colorItemBackground: "#dedede"
readonly property color colorItemBackgroundSelected: "grey"
readonly property color colorItemText: "black"
readonly property color colorItemTextSelected: "#dedede"
readonly property color colorItemBorder: "black"
property int listViewIsVisible: -1
property real maxItemWidth: 0.0
Image {
id: contextMenuImage
x: -width
source: "qrc:///map-context-icon"
SequentialAnimation {
PropertyAnimation { target: contextMenuImage; property: "scale"; from: 1.0; to: 0.8; duration: 80 }
PropertyAnimation { target: contextMenuImage; property: "scale"; from: 0.8; to: 1.0; duration: 60 }
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
listViewIsVisible = (listViewIsVisible !== 1) ? 1 : 0
ListModel {
id: listModel
property int selectedIdx: -1
Component.onCompleted: {
for (var i = 0; i < menuItemData.length; i++)
Component {
id: listItemDelegate
Rectangle {
color: model.idx === listModel.selectedIdx ? colorItemBackgroundSelected : colorItemBackground
width: maxItemWidth
height: itemHeight
border.color: colorItemBorder
Text {
x: itemTextPadding
height: itemHeight
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
text: model.itemText
font.pointSize: 10.0
color: model.idx === listModel.selectedIdx ? colorItemTextSelected : colorItemText
onWidthChanged: {
if (width + itemTextPadding * 2.0 > maxItemWidth)
maxItemWidth = width + itemTextPadding * 2.0
Behavior on color { ColorAnimation { duration: itemAnimationDuration }}
Behavior on color { ColorAnimation { duration: itemAnimationDuration }}
ListView {
id: listView
y: contextMenuImage.y + contextMenuImage.height + 10;
width: maxItemWidth;
height: listModel.count * itemHeight
visible: false
opacity: 0.0
interactive: false
model: listModel
delegate: listItemDelegate
onCountChanged: x = -maxItemWidth
onVisibleChanged: listModel.selectedIdx = -1
onOpacityChanged: visible = opacity != 0.0
Timer {
id: timerListViewVisible
running: false
repeat: false
interval: itemAnimationDuration + 50
onTriggered: listViewIsVisible = 0
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
if (opacity < 1.0)
var idx = listView.indexAt(mouseX, mouseY)
listModel.selectedIdx = idx
states: [
State { when: listViewIsVisible === 1; PropertyChanges { target: listView; opacity: 1.0 }},
State { when: listViewIsVisible === 0; PropertyChanges { target: listView; opacity: 0.0 }}
transitions: Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "opacity"; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }}