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synced 2025-02-01 09:53:24 +00:00
Two XML files, one all imperial, one all metric Quick inspection shows that there is no indication whatsoever on metric vs imperial in the file. That is of course completely moronic and makes automated import more or less impossible. I also added a different zip file from DivingLog - quick analysis shows that this is simply the corresponding xml file, wrapped in a zip container. So this should be trivial to add. Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
737 lines
21 KiB
Executable file
737 lines
21 KiB
Executable file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Divinglog DBVersion="4.1.0">
<AppName>Diving Log 5.0</AppName>
<Dive ID="1" UUID="2EEC58E4-F337-4891-B306-3860E134237A" Updated="2013-02-26T16:30:41">
<Country ID="" Name="USA" />
<City ID="" Name="Hoodsport, WA" />
<Place ID="" Name="Sund Rock">
<Buddy IDs="" Names="Linus" />
<Comments>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs17 All data in DivingLog is Imperial\par
<UWCurrent>No Current</UWCurrent>
<Surface>No Waves</Surface>
<Decostops>This is the "DecoStop Details" text field
I also added the silly table groups - should show up as A and K</Decostops>
<Altitude>0 ft - 3000 ft</Altitude>
<P Time="30">
<P Time="60">
<P Time="90">
<P Time="120">
<P Time="150">
<P Time="180">
<P Time="210">
<P Time="240">
<P Time="270">
<P Time="300">
<P Time="330">
<P Time="360">
<P Time="390">
<P Time="420">
<P Time="450">
<P Time="480">
<P Time="510">
<P Time="540">
<P Time="570">
<P Time="600">
<P Time="630">
<P Time="660">
<P Time="690">
<P Time="720">
<P Time="750">
<P Time="780">
<P Time="810">
<P Time="840">
<P Time="870">
<P Time="900">
<P Time="930">
<P Time="960">
<P Time="990">
<P Time="1020">
<P Time="1050">
<P Time="1080">
<P Time="1110">
<P Time="1140">
<P Time="1170">
<P Time="1200">
<P Time="1230">
<P Time="1260">
<P Time="1290">
<P Time="1320">
<P Time="1350">
<P Time="1380">
<P Time="1410">
<P Time="1440">
<P Time="1470">
<P Time="1500">
<P Time="1530">
<P Time="1560">
<P Time="1590">
<P Time="1620">
<P Time="1650">
<P Time="1680">
<P Time="1710">
<P Time="1740">
<P Time="1770">
<P Time="1800">
<P Time="1830">
<P Time="1860">
<P Time="1890">
<P Time="1920">
<P Time="1950">
<RepNumber />
<He />
<SupplyType />
<MinPPO2 />
<ShopID />
<TripID />
</Divinglog> |