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synced 2025-02-01 07:03:24 +00:00
This runs lrelease against the .ts files and automatically recreates the .qm files if any of the .ts files changes. This also moves the .ts files into the translations directory. Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
130 lines
4.7 KiB
130 lines
4.7 KiB
marbledir.files = $$MARBLEDIR
xslt.files = $$XSLT_FILES
doc.files = $$DOC_FILES
translation.files = $$replace(TRANSLATIONS, .ts, .qm)
nltab = $$escape_expand(\\n\\t)
mac {
# OS X bundling rules
# "make mac-deploy" deploys the external libs (Qt, libdivecomputer, libusb, etc.) into the bundle
# "make install" installs the bundle to /Applications
# "make mac-create-dmg" creates Subsurface.dmg
mac_bundle.path = /Applications
mac_bundle.files = Subsurface.app
mac_bundle.CONFIG += no_check_exist directory
INSTALLS += mac_bundle
install.depends += mac-deploy
datadir = Contents/Resources/share
marbledir.path = Contents/Resources/data
xslt.path = $$datadir
doc.path = $$datadir/doc
translation.path = Contents/Resources/translations
doc.files = $$files($$doc.files)
QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA += marbledir xslt doc translation
mac_deploy.target = mac-deploy
mac_deploy.commands += $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/macdeployqt $${TARGET}.app
!isEmpty(V):mac_deploy.commands += -verbose=1
mac_dmg.target = mac-create-dmg
mac_dmg.commands = $$mac_deploy.commands -dmg
mac_dmg.commands += $${nltab}$(MOVE) $${TARGET}.dmg $${TARGET}-$${VERSION}.dmg
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += mac_deploy mac_dmg
} else: win32 {
# Windows bundling rules
# We don't have a helpful tool like macdeployqt for Windows, so we hardcode
# which libs we need.
# The only target is "make install", which copies everything into packaging/windows
WINDOWSSTAGING = packaging/windows
deploy.path = $$WINDOWSSTAGING
deploy.files += $$xslt.files $$doc.files
target.path = $$WINDOWSSTAGING
marbledir.path = $$WINDOWSSTAGING/data
INSTALLS += deploy marbledir target
qt_conf.commands = echo \'[Paths]\' > $@
qt_conf.commands += $${nltab}echo \'Prefix=.\' >> $@
qt_conf.commands += $${nltab}echo \'Plugins=.\' >> $@
qt_conf.target = $$PWD/packaging/windows/qt.conf
install.depends += qt_conf
!win32-msvc* {
#!equals($$QMAKE_HOST.os, "Windows"): dlls.commands += OBJDUMP=`$(CC) -dumpmachine`-objdump
dlls.commands += PATH=\$\$PATH:`$(CC) -print-search-dirs | $(SED) -nE \'/^libraries: =/{s///;s,/lib/?(:|\\\$\$),/bin\\1,g;p;q;}\'`
dlls.commands += perl $$PWD/scripts/win-ldd.pl $(DESTDIR_TARGET)
for(plugin, $$list($$DEPLOYMENT_PLUGIN)) {
CONFIG(debug, debug|release): dlls.commands += $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/$${plugin}d4.dll
else: dlls.commands += $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/$${plugin}4.dll
dlls.commands += $$LIBS
dlls.commands += | while read name; do $(INSTALL_FILE) \$\$name $$PWD/$$WINDOWSSTAGING; done
dlls.depends = $(DESTDIR_TARGET)
install.depends += dlls
} else {
# Linux install rules
# On Linux, we can count on packagers doing the right thing
# We just need to drop a few files here and there
# This is a fake rule just to create some rules in the target file
nl = $$escape_expand(\\n)
dummy.target = dummy-only-for-var-expansion
dummy.commands = $${nl}prefix = /usr$${nl}\
BINDIR = $(prefix)/bin$${nl}\
DATADIR = $(prefix)/share$${nl}\
DOCDIR = $(DATADIR)/doc/subsurface$${nl}\
DESKTOPDIR = $(DATADIR)/applications$${nl}\
ICONPATH = $(DATADIR)/icons/hicolor$${nl}\
ICONDIR = $(ICONPATH)/scalable/apps$${nl}\
MANDIR = $(DATADIR)/man/man1$${nl}\
XSLTDIR = $(DATADIR)/subsurface
WINDOWSSTAGING = ./packaging/windows
target.path = /$(BINDIR)
target.files = $$TARGET
desktop.path = /$(DESKTOPDIR)
desktop.files = $$DESKTOP_FILE
manpage.path = /$(MANDIR)
manpage.files = $$MANPAGE
icon.path = /$(ICONDIR)
icon.files = $$ICON
xslt.path = /$(XSLTDIR)
marbledir.path = /$(DATADIR)/subsurface
doc.path = /$(DOCDIR)
# FIXME: Linguist translations
#l10n_install.commands = for LOC in $$files(share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES); do \
# $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -d $(INSTALL_ROOT)/$(prefix)/$$LOC; \
# $(INSTALL_FILE) $$LOC/subsurface.mo $(INSTALL_ROOT)/$(prefix)/$$LOC/subsurface.mo; \
# done
#install.depends += l10n_install
INSTALLS += target desktop icon manpage xslt doc marbledir
install.target = install
win32: QMAKE_LRELEASE = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]\lrelease.exe
isEmpty(TS_DIR):TS_DIR = translations
TSQM.target = .translations
TSQM.name = lrelease subsurface.pro
TSQM.output = $$TS_DIR/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.qm
TSQM.commands = $$QMAKE_LRELEASE subsurface.pro && echo "OK" > .translations
PRE_TARGETDEPS += .translations
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += install $$install.depends