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synced 2025-02-19 22:16:15 +00:00
Completely adapt to the api changes of OverlaySheet in Kirigami2 in order to achieve the same look and behavior for the dive edits that had with kirigami1 Port most components to QtQuickContrls2, except comboboxes in the dive edit sheet that will need a new control type Signed-off-by: Marco Martin <notmart@gmail.com>
400 lines
11 KiB
400 lines
11 KiB
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import org.subsurfacedivelog.mobile 1.0
import org.kde.kirigami 2.0 as Kirigami
Kirigami.ApplicationWindow {
id: rootItem
title: qsTr("Subsurface-mobile")
header: Kirigami.ApplicationHeader {
minimumHeight: 0
preferredHeight: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * (Qt.platform.os == "ios" ? 2 : 1)
maximumHeight: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 2
property bool fullscreen: true
property alias oldStatus: manager.oldStatus
property alias accessingCloud: manager.accessingCloud
property QtObject notification: null
property bool showingDiveList: false
property alias syncToCloud: manager.syncToCloud
property alias showPin: manager.showPin
onAccessingCloudChanged: {
// >= 0 for updating cloud, -1 for hide, < -1 for local storage
if (accessingCloud >= 0) {
// we now keep updating this to show progress, so timing out after 30 seconds is more useful
// but should still be very conservative
showPassiveNotification("Accessing Subsurface cloud storage " + accessingCloud +"%", 30000);
} else if (accessingCloud < -1) {
// local storage should be much faster, so timeout of 5 seconds
// the offset of 2 is so that things start 0 again
showPassiveNotification("Accessing local storage " + -(accessingCloud + 2) +"%", 5000);
} else {
FontMetrics {
id: fontMetrics
Component.onCompleted: {
if (Math.round(rootItem.width / Kirigami.Units.gridUnit) < 20) {
fontMetrics.font.pointSize = fontMetrics.font.pointSize * 2 / 3
Kirigami.Theme.defaultFont.pointSize = fontMetrics.font.pointSize
console.log("Reduce font size for narrow screens: " + fontMetrics.font.pointSize)
visible: false
// TODO: Verify where the opacity went to.
// opacity: 0
function returnTopPage() {
for (var i=stackView.depth; i>1; i--) {
function scrollToTop() {
function showMap(location) {
var urlPrefix = "https://www.google.com/maps/place/"
var locationPair = location + "/@" + location
var urlSuffix = ",5000m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0"
Qt.openUrlExternally(urlPrefix + locationPair + urlSuffix)
function startAddDive() {
detailsWindow.state = "add"
detailsWindow.dive_id = manager.addDive();
detailsWindow.number = manager.getNumber(detailsWindow.dive_id)
detailsWindow.date = manager.getDate(detailsWindow.dive_id)
detailsWindow.airtemp = ""
detailsWindow.watertemp = ""
detailsWindow.buddyModel = manager.buddyInit
detailsWindow.buddyIndex = -1
detailsWindow.depth = ""
detailsWindow.divemasterModel = manager.divemasterInit
detailsWindow.divemasterIndex = -1
detailsWindow.notes = ""
detailsWindow.location = ""
detailsWindow.gps = ""
detailsWindow.duration = ""
detailsWindow.suitModel = manager.suitInit
detailsWindow.suitIndex = -1
detailsWindow.weight = ""
detailsWindow.gasmix = ""
detailsWindow.startpressure = ""
detailsWindow.endpressure = ""
detailsWindow.gpsCheckbox = false
globalDrawer: Kirigami.GlobalDrawer {
title: qsTr("Subsurface")
titleIcon: "qrc:/qml/subsurface-mobile-icon.png"
bannerImageSource: "dive.jpg"
property list<QtObject> topActions: [
Kirigami.Action {
text: qsTr("Dive list")
onTriggered: {
manager.appendTextToLog("requested dive list with credential status " + manager.credentialStatus)
if (manager.credentialStatus == QMLManager.UNKNOWN) {
// the user has asked to change credentials - if the credentials before that
// were valid, go back to dive list
if (oldStatus == QMLManager.VALID || oldStatus == QMLManager.VALID_EMAIL) {
manager.credentialStatus = oldStatus
Kirigami.Action {
text: qsTr("Cloud credentials")
onTriggered: {
oldStatus = manager.credentialStatus
if (diveList.numDives > 0) {
manager.startPageText = "Enter different credentials or return to dive list"
} else {
manager.startPageText = "Enter valid cloud storage credentials"
manager.credentialStatus = QMLManager.UNKNOWN
Kirigami.Action {
text: qsTr("Manage dives")
Kirigami.Action {
text: qsTr("Add dive manually")
enabled: manager.credentialStatus === QMLManager.VALID || manager.credentialStatus === QMLManager.VALID_EMAIL || manager.credentialStatus === QMLManager.NOCLOUD
onTriggered: {
returnTopPage() // otherwise odd things happen with the page stack
Kirigami.Action {
text: qsTr("Manual sync with cloud")
enabled: manager.credentialStatus === QMLManager.VALID || manager.credentialStatus === QMLManager.VALID_EMAIL || manager.credentialStatus === QMLManager.NOCLOUD
onTriggered: {
if (manager.credentialStatus === QMLManager.NOCLOUD) {
oldStatus = manager.credentialStatus
manager.startPageText = "Enter valid cloud storage credentials"
manager.credentialStatus = QMLManager.UNKNOWN
} else {
Kirigami.Action {
text: syncToCloud ? qsTr("Offline mode") : qsTr("Enable auto cloud sync")
enabled: manager.credentialStatus !== QMLManager.NOCLOUD
onTriggered: {
syncToCloud = !syncToCloud
if (!syncToCloud) {
var alertText = "Turning off automatic sync to cloud causes all data\n"
alertText +="to only be stored locally.\n"
alertText += "This can be very useful in situations with\n"
alertText += "limited or no network access.\n"
alertText += "Please chose 'Manual sync with cloud' if you have network\n"
alertText += "connectivity and want to sync your data to cloud storage."
showPassiveNotification(alertText, 10000)
] // end topActions
property list<QtObject> gpsActions: [
Kirigami.Action {
text: qsTr("GPS")
enabled: manager.credentialStatus === QMLManager.VALID || manager.credentialStatus === QMLManager.VALID_EMAIL
Kirigami.Action {
text: qsTr("GPS-tag dives")
onTriggered: {
Kirigami.Action {
text: qsTr("Upload GPS data")
onTriggered: {
Kirigami.Action {
text: qsTr("Download GPS data")
onTriggered: {
Kirigami.Action {
text: qsTr("Show GPS fixes")
onTriggered: {
Kirigami.Action {
text: qsTr("Clear GPS cache")
onTriggered: {
Kirigami.Action {
text: qsTr("Preferences")
onTriggered: {
] // end gpsActions
property list<QtObject> bottomActions: [
Kirigami.Action {
text: qsTr("Developer")
Kirigami.Action {
text: qsTr("App log")
onTriggered: {
Kirigami.Action {
text: qsTr("Theme information")
onTriggered: {
Kirigami.Action {
text: qsTr("User manual")
onTriggered: {
Kirigami.Action {
text: qsTr("About")
onTriggered: {
] // end bottonActions
Component.onCompleted: {
var createActions = new Array(0)
for (var i = 0; i < topActions.length; i++)
if (Qt.platform.os !== "ios") {
for (var i = 0; i < gpsActions.length; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < bottomActions.length; i++)
actions = createActions
MouseArea {
height: childrenRect.height
width: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 10
CheckBox {
//text: qsTr("Run location service")
id: locationCheckbox
visible: manager.locationServiceAvailable
anchors {
left: parent.left
top: parent.top
checked: manager.locationServiceEnabled
onCheckedChanged: {
manager.locationServiceEnabled = checked;
Kirigami.Label {
x: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 1.5
anchors {
left: locationCheckbox.right
//leftMargin: units.smallSpacing
verticalCenter: locationCheckbox.verticalCenter
text: Qt.platform.os == "ios" ? "" : manager.locationServiceAvailable ? qsTr("Run location service") : qsTr("No GPS source available")
onClicked: {
locationCheckbox.checked = !locationCheckbox.checked
contextDrawer: Kirigami.ContextDrawer {
id: contextDrawer
actions: rootItem.pageStack.currentPage ? rootItem.pageStack.currentPage.contextualActions : null
title: qsTr("Actions")
QtObject {
id: subsurfaceTheme
property int titlePointSize: Math.round(fontMetrics.font.pointSize * 1.5)
property int smallPointSize: Math.round(fontMetrics.font.pointSize * 0.8)
property color accentColor: "#2d5b9a"
property color shadedColor: "#132744"
property color accentTextColor: "#ececec"
property color diveListTextColor: "#000000" // the Kirigami theme text color is too light
property int columnWidth: Math.round(rootItem.width/(Kirigami.Units.gridUnit*28)) > 0 ? Math.round(rootItem.width / Math.round(rootItem.width/(Kirigami.Units.gridUnit*28))) : rootItem.width
property Item stackView: pageStack
pageStack.initialPage: DiveList {
id: diveList
opacity: 0
Behavior on opacity {
NumberAnimation {
duration: 200
easing.type: Easing.OutQuad
QMLManager {
id: manager
Preferences {
id: prefsWindow
visible: false
About {
id: aboutWindow
visible: false
DiveDetails {
id: detailsWindow
visible: false
anchors.fill: parent
DownloadFromDiveComputer {
id: downloadDivesWindow
visible: false
Log {
id: logWindow
visible: false
GpsList {
id: gpsWindow
visible: false
ThemeTest {
id: themetest
visible: false
Component.onCompleted: {
Kirigami.Theme.highlightColor = subsurfaceTheme.accentColor
rootItem.visible = true
diveList.opacity = 1
rootItem.opacity = 1
pageStack.defaultColumnWidth = Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 28
/* TODO: Verify where opacity went to.
Behavior on opacity {
NumberAnimation {
duration: 200
easing.type: Easing.OutQuad