Berthold Stoeger 284582d2e8 core: turn divecomputer list into std::vector<>
Since struct divecomputer is now fully C++ (i.e. cleans up
after itself), we can simply turn the list of divecomputers
into an std::vector<>. This makes the code quite a bit simpler,
because the first divecomputer was actually a subobject.

Yes, this makes the common case of a single divecomputer a
little bit less efficient, but it really shouldn't matter.
If it does, we can still write a special std::vector<>-
like container that keeps the first element inline.

This change makes pointers-to-divecomputers not stable.
So always access the divecomputer via its index. As
far as I can tell, most of the code already does this.

Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2024-08-13 19:28:30 +02:00

23 lines
859 B

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