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Berthold Stoeger 145f70aab5 Undo: implement split-out of dive computer
Allow splitting out a dive computer into a distinct dive. This
is realized by generating a base class from SplitDive.

This turned out to be more cumbersome than expected: we don't
know a-priori which of the split dives will come first. Since
the undo-command saves the indices where the dives will be insert,
these have to be calculated. This is an premature optimization,
which makes more pain than necessary. Let's remove it and
simply determine the insertion index when executing the command.

Original code by Linus Torvalds <torvalds@linux-foundation.org>.

Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <bstoeger@mail.tuwien.ac.at>
Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
2019-04-04 09:38:12 -07:00

267 lines
8 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#include <QGraphicsView>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
// /* The idea of this widget is to display and edit the profile.
// * It has:
// * 1 - ToolTip / Legend item, displays every information of the current mouse position on it, plus the legends of the maps.
// * 2 - ToolBox, displays the QActions that are used to do special stuff on the profile ( like activating the plugins. )
// * 3 - Cartesian Axis for depth ( y )
// * 4 - Cartesian Axis for Gases ( y )
// * 5 - Cartesian Axis for Time ( x )
// *
// * It needs to be dynamic, things should *flow* on it, not just appear / disappear.
// */
#include "profile-widget/divelineitem.h"
#include "profile-widget/diveprofileitem.h"
#include "core/display.h"
#include "core/color.h"
#include "core/units.h"
class RulerItem2;
struct dive;
struct plot_info;
class ToolTipItem;
class DiveReportedCeiling;
class DiveTextItem;
class TemperatureAxis;
class DiveEventItem;
class DivePlotDataModel;
class DivePixmapItem;
class DiveRectItem;
class DepthAxis;
class DiveCartesianAxis;
class DiveProfileItem;
class TimeAxis;
class DiveTemperatureItem;
class DiveHeartrateItem;
class DiveGasPressureItem;
class DiveCalculatedCeiling;
class DiveCalculatedTissue;
class PartialPressureGasItem;
class PartialGasPressureAxis;
class AbstractProfilePolygonItem;
class TankItem;
class DiveHandler;
class QGraphicsSimpleTextItem;
class QModelIndex;
class DivePictureItem;
class ProfileWidget2 : public QGraphicsView {
enum State {
enum Items {
ProfileWidget2(QWidget *parent = 0);
void resetZoom();
void scale(qreal sx, qreal sy);
void plotDive(const struct dive *d = 0, bool force = false, bool clearPictures = false, bool plotPicturesSynchronously = false);
void setupItem(AbstractProfilePolygonItem *item, DiveCartesianAxis *vAxis, int vData, int hData, int zValue);
void setPrintMode(bool mode, bool grayscale = false);
bool getPrintMode();
bool isPointOutOfBoundaries(const QPointF &point) const;
bool isPlanner();
double getFontPrintScale();
void setFontPrintScale(double scale);
bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *) override;
void clearHandlers();
void recalcCeiling();
void setToolTipVisibile(bool visible);
State currentState;
void fontPrintScaleChanged(double scale);
void enableToolbar(bool enable);
void enableShortcuts();
void disableShortcuts(bool paste);
void refreshDisplay(bool recreateDivelist);
void updateDiveInfo(bool clear);
void editCurrentDive();
void dateTimeChangedItems();
slots: // Necessary to call from QAction's signals.
void dateTimeChanged();
void settingsChanged();
void actionRequestedReplot(bool triggered);
void setEmptyState();
void setProfileState();
void setReplot(bool state);
void replot(dive *d = 0);
void plotPictures();
void removePictures(const QVector<QString> &fileUrls);
void setPlanState();
void setAddState();
void changeGas();
void addSetpointChange();
void splitDive();
void addBookmark();
void addDivemodeSwitch();
void hideEvents();
void unhideEvents();
void removeEvent();
void editName();
void makeFirstDC();
void deleteCurrentDC();
void splitCurrentDC();
void pointInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end);
void pointsRemoved(const QModelIndex &, int start, int end);
void updateThumbnail(QString filename, QImage thumbnail, duration_t duration);
/* this is called for every move on the handlers. maybe we can speed up this a bit? */
void recreatePlannedDive();
/* key press handlers */
void keyEscAction();
void keyDeleteAction();
void keyUpAction();
void keyDownAction();
void keyLeftAction();
void keyRightAction();
void divePlannerHandlerClicked();
void divePlannerHandlerReleased();
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override;
void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) override;
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) override;
void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) override;
void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) override;
void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) override;
private: /*methods*/
void fixBackgroundPos();
void scrollViewTo(const QPoint &pos);
void setupSceneAndFlags();
void setupItemSizes();
void addItemsToScene();
void setupItemOnScene();
void disconnectTemporaryConnections();
struct plot_data *getEntryFromPos(QPointF pos);
void addActionShortcut(const Qt::Key shortcut, void (ProfileWidget2::*slot)());
void createPPGas(PartialPressureGasItem *item, int verticalColumn, color_index_t color, color_index_t colorAlert,
const double *thresholdSettingsMin, const double *thresholdSettingsMax);
void clearPictures();
void plotPicturesInternal(const struct dive *d, bool synchronous);
DivePlotDataModel *dataModel;
int zoomLevel;
qreal zoomFactor;
DivePixmapItem *background;
QString backgroundFile;
ToolTipItem *toolTipItem;
bool isPlotZoomed;
bool replotEnabled;
// All those here should probably be merged into one structure,
// So it's esyer to replicate for more dives later.
// In the meantime, keep it here.
struct plot_info plotInfo;
DepthAxis *profileYAxis;
PartialGasPressureAxis *gasYAxis;
TemperatureAxis *temperatureAxis;
TimeAxis *timeAxis;
DiveProfileItem *diveProfileItem;
DiveTemperatureItem *temperatureItem;
DiveMeanDepthItem *meanDepthItem;
DiveCartesianAxis *cylinderPressureAxis;
DiveGasPressureItem *gasPressureItem;
QList<DiveEventItem *> eventItems;
DiveTextItem *diveComputerText;
DiveReportedCeiling *reportedCeiling;
PartialPressureGasItem *pn2GasItem;
PartialPressureGasItem *pheGasItem;
PartialPressureGasItem *po2GasItem;
PartialPressureGasItem *o2SetpointGasItem;
PartialPressureGasItem *ccrsensor1GasItem;
PartialPressureGasItem *ccrsensor2GasItem;
PartialPressureGasItem *ccrsensor3GasItem;
PartialPressureGasItem *ocpo2GasItem;
DiveCalculatedCeiling *diveCeiling;
DiveTextItem *decoModelParameters;
QList<DiveCalculatedTissue *> allTissues;
DiveCartesianAxis *heartBeatAxis;
DiveHeartrateItem *heartBeatItem;
DiveCartesianAxis *percentageAxis;
QList<DivePercentageItem *> allPercentages;
DiveAmbPressureItem *ambPressureItem;
DiveGFLineItem *gflineItem;
DiveLineItem *mouseFollowerVertical;
DiveLineItem *mouseFollowerHorizontal;
RulerItem2 *rulerItem;
TankItem *tankItem;
bool isGrayscale;
bool printMode;
QList<QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *> gases;
//specifics for ADD and PLAN
// The list of pictures in this plot. The pictures are sorted by offset in seconds.
// For the same offset, sort by filename.
// Pictures that are outside of the dive time are not shown.
struct PictureEntry {
offset_t offset;
duration_t duration;
QString filename;
std::unique_ptr<DivePictureItem> thumbnail;
// For videos with known duration, we represent the duration of the video by a line
std::unique_ptr<QGraphicsRectItem> durationLine;
PictureEntry (offset_t offsetIn, const QString &filenameIn, QGraphicsScene *scene, bool synchronous);
bool operator< (const PictureEntry &e) const;
void updateThumbnailXPos(PictureEntry &e);
std::vector<PictureEntry> pictures;
void calculatePictureYPositions();
void updateDurationLine(PictureEntry &e);
void updateThumbnailPaintOrder();
QList<DiveHandler *> handles;
void repositionDiveHandlers();
int fixHandlerIndex(DiveHandler *activeHandler);
friend class DiveHandler;
QHash<Qt::Key, QAction *> actionsForKeys;
bool shouldCalculateMaxTime;
bool shouldCalculateMaxDepth;
int maxtime;
int maxdepth;
double fontPrintScale;