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Lubomir I. Ivanov 861b524e7a Helpers: move some date related function to qt-gui.cpp

MinGW support for *printf and parameter positions (e.g. %1$d)
is horribly broken. Instead of implementing *proper* support
for this feature Microsoft decide to ignore the standard (again)
and they implement new functions with the '_p' suffix,
such as 'sprintf_p', which seem to be available from a 2003 runtime.
To top that 'sprintf_p' is not really a 'sprintf' but rather
a 'snprintf'.

It seems that the MinGW people ignore the issue and do not provide
wrappers of any sort, or at least for the current recommended compiler
for Qt 4.8.5 on Windows - which is a 4.4.0. A note of warning;
inspecting how MinGW does certain things in headers such as stdio.h,
can ensue bad dreams or other negative effects on to the viewer.

This forces us to move the following functions from the 'back-end'
(divelist.c) to the 'front-end' (qt-gui.cpp) and use QString.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <neolit123@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
2013-10-16 15:04:44 -07:00

495 lines
14 KiB

/* qt-gui.cpp */
/* Qt UI implementation */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "dive.h"
#include "divelist.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "uemis.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "webservice.h"
#include "libdivecomputer.h"
#include "qt-ui/mainwindow.h"
#include "helpers.h"
#include "qthelper.h"
#include <QApplication>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QTextCodec>
#include <QTranslator>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
#include <QStyle>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QMap>
#include <QMultiMap>
#include <QNetworkProxy>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QLibraryInfo>
#include <gettextfromc.h>
// this will create a warning when executing lupdate
#define translate(_context, arg) gettextFromC::instance()->tr(arg)
const char *default_dive_computer_vendor;
const char *default_dive_computer_product;
const char *default_dive_computer_device;
DiveComputerList dcList;
static QApplication *application = NULL;
static MainWindow *window = NULL;
int error_count;
const char *existing_filename;
const char *getSetting(QSettings &s, QString name)
QVariant v;
v = s.value(name);
if (v.isValid()) {
return strdup(v.toString().toUtf8().data());
return NULL;
void init_ui(int *argcp, char ***argvp)
QVariant v;
application = new QApplication(*argcp, *argvp);
// tell Qt to use system proxies
// note: on Linux, "system" == "environment variables"
#if QT_VERSION < 0x050000
// ask QString in Qt 4 to interpret all char* as UTF-8,
// like Qt 5 does.
// 106 is "UTF-8", this is faster than lookup by name
// [http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets/character-sets.xml]
xslt_path = strdup(getSubsurfaceDataPath("xslt").toAscii().data());
QLocale loc;
QString uiLang = loc.uiLanguages().first();
// there's a stupid Qt bug on MacOS where uiLanguages doesn't give us the country info
if (!uiLang.contains('-') && uiLang != loc.bcp47Name()) {
QLocale loc2(loc.bcp47Name());
loc = loc2;
uiLang = loc2.uiLanguages().first();
// we don't have translations for English - if we don't check for this
// Qt will proceed to load the second language in preference order - not what we want
// on Linux this tends to be en-US, but on the Mac it's just en
if (!uiLang.startsWith("en")) {
qtTranslator = new QTranslator;
if (qtTranslator->load(loc,"qt", "_", QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath))) {
} else {
qDebug() << "can't find Qt localization for locale" << uiLang <<
"searching in" << QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath);
ssrfTranslator = new QTranslator;
if (ssrfTranslator->load(loc,"subsurface", "_") ||
ssrfTranslator->load(loc,"subsurface", "_", getSubsurfaceDataPath("translations")) ||
ssrfTranslator->load(loc,"subsurface", "_", getSubsurfaceDataPath("../translations"))) {
} else {
qDebug() << "can't find Subsurface localization for locale" << uiLang;
QSettings s;
prefs.default_filename = getSetting(s, "default_filename");
default_dive_computer_vendor = getSetting(s, "dive_computer_vendor");
default_dive_computer_product = getSetting(s,"dive_computer_product");
default_dive_computer_device = getSetting(s, "dive_computer_device");
window = new MainWindow();
if (existing_filename && existing_filename[0] != '\0')
void run_ui(void)
void exit_ui(void)
delete window;
delete application;
if (existing_filename)
free((void *)existing_filename);
if (default_dive_computer_device)
free((void *)default_dive_computer_device);
void set_filename(const char *filename, bool force)
if (!force && existing_filename)
free((void *)existing_filename);
if (filename)
existing_filename = strdup(filename);
existing_filename = NULL;
const QString get_dc_nickname(const char *model, uint32_t deviceid)
const DiveComputerNode *existNode = dcList.getExact(model, deviceid);
if (!existNode)
return QString();
else if (!existNode->nickName.isEmpty())
return existNode->nickName;
return model;
void set_dc_nickname(struct dive *dive)
if (!dive)
struct divecomputer *dc = &dive->dc;
while (dc) {
if (dc->model && *dc->model && dc->deviceid &&
!dcList.getExact(dc->model, dc->deviceid)) {
// we don't have this one, yet
const DiveComputerNode *existNode = dcList.get(dc->model);
if (existNode) {
// we already have this model but a different deviceid
QString simpleNick(dc->model);
if (dc->deviceid == 0)
simpleNick.append(" (unknown deviceid)");
simpleNick.append(" (").append(QString::number(dc->deviceid, 16)).append(")");
dcList.addDC(dc->model, dc->deviceid, simpleNick);
} else {
dcList.addDC(dc->model, dc->deviceid);
dc = dc->next;
QString get_depth_string(int mm, bool showunit, bool showdecimal)
if (prefs.units.length == units::METERS) {
double meters = mm / 1000.0;
return QString("%1%2").arg(meters, 0, 'f', (showdecimal && meters < 20.0) ? 1 : 0 ).arg(showunit ? translate("gettextFromC","m") : "");
} else {
double feet = mm_to_feet(mm);
return QString("%1%2").arg(feet, 0, 'f', showdecimal ? 1 : 0). arg(showunit ? translate("gettextFromC","ft") : "");
QString get_depth_string(depth_t depth, bool showunit, bool showdecimal)
return get_depth_string(depth.mm, showunit, showdecimal);
QString get_depth_unit()
if (prefs.units.length == units::METERS)
return "m";
return "ft";
QString get_weight_string(weight_t weight, bool showunit)
QString str = weight_string (weight.grams);
if (get_units()->weight == units::KG) {
str = QString ("%1%2").arg(str).arg(showunit ? translate("gettextFromC","kg") : "");
} else {
str = QString ("%1%2").arg(str).arg(showunit ? translate("gettextFromC","lbs") : "");
return (str);
QString get_weight_unit()
if (prefs.units.weight == units::KG)
return "kg";
return "lbs";
/* these methods retrieve used gas per cylinder */
static unsigned start_pressure(cylinder_t *cyl)
return cyl->start.mbar ? : cyl->sample_start.mbar;
static unsigned end_pressure(cylinder_t *cyl)
return cyl->end.mbar ? : cyl->sample_end.mbar;
QString get_cylinder_used_gas_string(cylinder_t *cyl, bool showunit)
int decimals;
const char *unit;
double gas_usage;
/* Get the cylinder gas use in mbar */
gas_usage = start_pressure(cyl) - end_pressure(cyl);
/* Can we turn it into a volume? */
if (cyl->type.size.mliter) {
gas_usage = bar_to_atm(gas_usage / 1000);
gas_usage *= cyl->type.size.mliter;
gas_usage = get_volume_units(gas_usage, &decimals, &unit);
} else {
gas_usage = get_pressure_units(gas_usage, &unit);
decimals = 0;
// translate("gettextFromC","%.*f %s"
return QString("%1 %2").arg(gas_usage, 0, 'f', decimals).arg(showunit ? unit : "");
QString get_temperature_string(temperature_t temp, bool showunit)
if (temp.mkelvin == 0) {
return ""; //temperature not defined
} else if (prefs.units.temperature == units::CELSIUS) {
double celsius = mkelvin_to_C(temp.mkelvin);
return QString("%1%2%3").arg(celsius, 0, 'f', 1).arg(showunit ? (UTF8_DEGREE): "")
.arg(showunit ? translate("gettextFromC","C") : "");
} else {
double fahrenheit = mkelvin_to_F(temp.mkelvin);
return QString("%1%2%3").arg(fahrenheit, 0, 'f', 1).arg(showunit ? (UTF8_DEGREE): "")
.arg(showunit ? translate("gettextFromC","F") : "");
QString get_temp_unit()
if (prefs.units.temperature == units::CELSIUS)
return QString(UTF8_DEGREE "C");
return QString(UTF8_DEGREE "F");
QString get_volume_string(volume_t volume, bool showunit)
if (prefs.units.volume == units::LITER) {
double liter = volume.mliter / 1000.0;
return QString("%1%2").arg(liter, 0, 'f', liter >= 40.0 ? 0 : 1 ).arg(showunit ? translate("gettextFromC","l") : "");
} else {
double cuft = ml_to_cuft(volume.mliter);
return QString("%1%2").arg(cuft, 0, 'f', cuft >= 20.0 ? 0 : (cuft >= 2.0 ? 1 : 2)).arg(showunit ? translate("gettextFromC","cuft") : "");
QString get_volume_unit()
if (prefs.units.volume == units::LITER)
return "l";
return "cuft";
QString get_pressure_string(pressure_t pressure, bool showunit)
if (prefs.units.pressure == units::BAR) {
double bar = pressure.mbar / 1000.0;
return QString("%1%2").arg(bar, 0, 'f', 1).arg(showunit ? translate("gettextFromC","bar") : "");
} else {
double psi = mbar_to_PSI(pressure.mbar);
return QString("%1%2").arg(psi, 0, 'f', 0).arg(showunit ? translate("gettextFromC","psi") : "");
double get_screen_dpi()
QDesktopWidget *mydesk = application->desktop();
return mydesk->physicalDpiX();
int is_default_dive_computer(const char *vendor, const char *product)
return default_dive_computer_vendor && !strcmp(vendor, default_dive_computer_vendor) &&
default_dive_computer_product && !strcmp(product, default_dive_computer_product);
int is_default_dive_computer_device(const char *name)
return default_dive_computer_device && !strcmp(name, default_dive_computer_device);
void set_default_dive_computer(const char *vendor, const char *product)
QSettings s;
if (!vendor || !*vendor)
if (!product || !*product)
if (is_default_dive_computer(vendor, product))
if (default_dive_computer_vendor)
free((void *)default_dive_computer_vendor);
if (default_dive_computer_product)
free((void *)default_dive_computer_product);
default_dive_computer_vendor = strdup(vendor);
default_dive_computer_product = strdup(product);
s.setValue("dive_computer_vendor", vendor);
s.setValue("dive_computer_product", product);
void set_default_dive_computer_device(const char *name)
QSettings s;
if (!name || !*name)
if (is_default_dive_computer_device(name))
if (default_dive_computer_device)
free((void *)default_dive_computer_device);
default_dive_computer_device = strdup(name);
s.setValue("dive_computer_device", name);
QString getSubsurfaceDataPath(QString folderToFind)
QString execdir;
QDir folder;
// first check if we are running in the build dir, so this
// is just subdirectory of the current directory
execdir = QDir::currentPath();
folder = QDir(execdir.append(QDir::separator()).append(folderToFind));
if (folder.exists())
return folder.absolutePath();
// next check for the Linux typical $(prefix)/share/subsurface
execdir = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
folder = QDir(execdir.replace("bin", "share/subsurface/").append(folderToFind));
if (folder.exists())
return folder.absolutePath();
// then look for the usual location on a Mac
execdir = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
folder = QDir(execdir.append("/../Resources/share/").append(folderToFind));
if (folder.exists())
return folder.absolutePath();
return QString("");
void create_device_node(const char *model, uint32_t deviceid, const char *serial, const char *firmware, const char *nickname)
dcList.addDC(model, deviceid, nickname, serial, firmware);
void call_for_each_dc(FILE *f, void (*callback)(FILE *, const char *, uint32_t,
const char *, const char *, const char *))
QList<DiveComputerNode> values = dcList.dcMap.values();
for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
const DiveComputerNode *node = &values.at(i);
callback(f, node->model.toUtf8().data(), node->deviceId, node->nickName.toUtf8().data(),
node->serialNumber.toUtf8().data(), node->firmware.toUtf8().data());
int gettimezoneoffset()
QDateTime dt1 = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
QDateTime dt2 = dt1.toUTC();
return dt2.secsTo(dt1);
int parseTemperatureToMkelvin(const QString& text)
int mkelvin;
QString numOnly = text;
if (numOnly == "")
return 0;
double number = numOnly.toDouble();
switch (prefs.units.temperature) {
case units::CELSIUS:
mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin(number);
case units::FAHRENHEIT:
mkelvin = F_to_mkelvin(number);
mkelvin = 0;
return mkelvin;
QString get_dive_date_string(timestamp_t when)
struct tm tm;
utc_mkdate(when, &tm);
return translate("gettextFromC", "%1, %2 %3, %4 %5:%6")
.arg(tm.tm_year + 1900)
.arg(tm.tm_hour, 2, 10, QChar('0'))
.arg(tm.tm_min, 2, 10, QChar('0'));
QString get_short_dive_date_string(timestamp_t when)
struct tm tm;
utc_mkdate(when, &tm);
return translate("gettextFromC", "%1 %2, %3\n%4:%5")
.arg(tm.tm_year + 1900)
.arg(tm.tm_hour, 2, 10, QChar('0'))
.arg(tm.tm_min, 2, 10, QChar('0'));
QString get_trip_date_string(timestamp_t when, int nr)
struct tm tm;
utc_mkdate(when, &tm);
if (nr != 1)
return translate("gettextFromC", "%1 %2 (%3 dives)")
.arg(tm.tm_year + 1900)
return translate("gettextFromC", "%1 %2 (1 dive)")
.arg(tm.tm_year + 1900);