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Berthold Stoeger 7c9f46acd2 Core: remove MAX_CYLINDERS restriction
Instead of using fixed size arrays, use a new cylinder_table structure.
The code copies the weightsystem code, but is significantly more complex
because cylinders are such an integral part of the core.

Two functions to access the cylinders were added:
get_cylinder() and get_or_create_cylinder()
The former does a simple array access and supposes that the cylinder
exists. The latter is used by the parser(s) and if a cylinder with
the given id does not exist, cylinders up to that id are generated.

One point will make C programmers cringe: the cylinder structure is
passed by value. This is due to the way the table-macros work. A
refactoring of the table macros is planned. It has to be noted that
the size of a cylinder_t is 64 bytes, i.e. 8 long words on a 64-bit
architecture, so passing on the stack is probably not even significantly
slower than passing as reference.

Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <bstoeger@mail.tuwien.ac.at>
2019-11-09 19:19:04 +01:00

469 lines
12 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#include <string.h>
#include "ssrf.h"
#include "divesite.h"
#include "divelist.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "strndup.h"
// Convert bytes into an INT
#define array_uint16_le(p) ((unsigned int) (p)[0] \
+ ((p)[1]<<8) )
#define array_uint32_le(p) ((unsigned int) (p)[0] \
+ ((p)[1]<<8) + ((p)[2]<<16) \
+ ((p)[3]<<24))
struct lv_event {
time_t time;
struct pressure {
int sensor;
int mbar;
} pressure;
// Liquivision supports the following sensor configurations:
// Primary sensor only
// Primary + Buddy sensor
// Primary + Up to 4 additional sensors
// Primary + Up to 9 addiitonal sensors
struct lv_sensor_ids {
uint16_t primary;
uint16_t buddy;
uint16_t group[9];
struct lv_sensor_ids sensor_ids;
static int handle_event_ver2(int code, const unsigned char *ps, unsigned int ps_ptr, struct lv_event *event)
// Skip 4 bytes
return 4;
static int handle_event_ver3(int code, const unsigned char *ps, unsigned int ps_ptr, struct lv_event *event)
int skip = 4;
uint16_t current_sensor;
switch (code) {
case 0x0002: // Unknown
case 0x0004: // Unknown
skip = 4;
case 0x0005: // Unknown
skip = 6;
case 0x0007: // Gas
// 4 byte time
// 1 byte O2, 1 bye He
skip = 6;
case 0x0008:
// 4 byte time
// 2 byte gas setpoint 2
skip = 6;
case 0x000f:
// Tank pressure
event->time = array_uint32_le(ps + ps_ptr);
current_sensor = array_uint16_le(ps + ps_ptr + 4);
event->pressure.sensor = -1;
event->pressure.mbar = array_uint16_le(ps + ps_ptr + 6) * 10; // cb->mb
if (current_sensor == sensor_ids.primary) {
event->pressure.sensor = 0;
} else if (current_sensor == sensor_ids.buddy) {
event->pressure.sensor = 1;
} else {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
if (current_sensor == sensor_ids.group[i]) {
event->pressure.sensor = i + 2;
// 1 byte PSR
// 1 byte ST
skip = 10;
case 0x0010:
// 4 byte time
// 2 byte primary transmitter S/N
// 2 byte buddy transmitter S/N
// 2 byte group transmitter S/N (9x)
// I don't think it's possible to change sensor IDs once a dive has started but disallow it here just in case
if (sensor_ids.primary == 0) {
sensor_ids.primary = array_uint16_le(ps + ps_ptr + 4);
if (sensor_ids.buddy == 0) {
sensor_ids.buddy = array_uint16_le(ps + ps_ptr + 6);
int i;
const unsigned char *group_ptr = ps + ps_ptr + 8;
for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i, group_ptr += 2) {
if (sensor_ids.group[i] == 0) {
sensor_ids.group[i] = array_uint16_le(group_ptr);
skip = 26;
case 0x0015: // Unknown
skip = 2;
skip = 4;
return skip;
static void parse_dives(int log_version, const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int buf_size, struct dive_table *table, struct dive_site_table *sites)
unsigned int ptr = 0;
unsigned char model;
struct dive *dive;
struct divecomputer *dc;
struct sample *sample;
while (ptr < buf_size) {
int i;
dive = alloc_dive();
memset(&sensor_ids, 0, sizeof(sensor_ids));
dc = &dive->dc;
/* Just the main cylinder until we can handle the buddy cylinder porperly */
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
cylinder_t cyl = { 0 };
fill_default_cylinder(dive, &cyl);
add_to_cylinder_table(&dive->cylinders, i, cyl);
// Model 0=Xen, 1,2=Xeo, 4=Lynx, other=Liquivision
model = *(buf + ptr);
switch (model) {
case 0:
dc->model = strdup("Xen");
case 1:
case 2:
dc->model = strdup("Xeo");
case 4:
dc->model = strdup("Lynx");
dc->model = strdup("Liquivision");
// Dive location, assemble Location and Place
unsigned int len, place_len;
char *location;
len = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr);
ptr += 4;
place_len = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr + len);
if (len && place_len) {
location = malloc(len + place_len + 4);
memset(location, 0, len + place_len + 4);
memcpy(location, buf + ptr, len);
memcpy(location + len, ", ", 2);
memcpy(location + len + 2, buf + ptr + len + 4, place_len);
} else if (len) {
location = strndup((char *)buf + ptr, len);
} else if (place_len) {
location = strndup((char *)buf + ptr + len + 4, place_len);
/* Store the location only if we have one */
if (len || place_len) {
add_dive_to_dive_site(dive, find_or_create_dive_site_with_name(location, sites));
ptr += len + 4 + place_len;
// Dive comment
len = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr);
ptr += 4;
// Blank notes are better than the default text
if (len && strncmp((char *)buf + ptr, "Comment ...", 11)) {
dive->notes = strndup((char *)buf + ptr, len);
ptr += len;
dive->id = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr);
ptr += 4;
dive->number = array_uint16_le(buf + ptr) + 1;
ptr += 2;
dive->duration.seconds = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr); // seconds
ptr += 4;
dive->maxdepth.mm = array_uint16_le(buf + ptr) * 10; // cm->mm
ptr += 2;
dive->meandepth.mm = array_uint16_le(buf + ptr) * 10; // cm->mm
ptr += 2;
dive->when = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr);
ptr += 4;
//unsigned int end_time = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr);
ptr += 4;
//unsigned int sit = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr);
ptr += 4;
//if (sit == 0xffffffff) {
dive->surface_pressure.mbar = array_uint16_le(buf + ptr); // ???
ptr += 2;
//unsigned int rep_dive = array_uint16_le(buf + ptr);
ptr += 2;
dive->mintemp.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin((float)array_uint16_le(buf + ptr)/10);// C->mK
ptr += 2;
dive->maxtemp.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin((float)array_uint16_le(buf + ptr)/10);// C->mK
ptr += 2;
dive->salinity = *(buf + ptr); // ???
ptr += 1;
unsigned int sample_count = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr);
ptr += 4;
// Sample interval
unsigned char sample_interval;
sample_interval = 1;
unsigned char intervals[6] = {1,2,5,10,30,60};
if (*(buf + ptr) < 6)
sample_interval = intervals[*(buf + ptr)];
ptr += 1;
float start_cns = 0;
unsigned char dive_mode = 0, algorithm = 0;
if (array_uint32_le(buf + ptr) != sample_count) {
// Xeo, with CNS and OTU
start_cns = *(float *) (buf + ptr);
ptr += 4;
dive->cns = lrintf(*(float *) (buf + ptr)); // end cns
ptr += 4;
dive->otu = lrintf(*(float *) (buf + ptr));
ptr += 4;
dive_mode = *(buf + ptr++); // 0=Deco, 1=Gauge, 2=None, 35=Rec
algorithm = *(buf + ptr++); // 0=ZH-L16C+GF
sample_count = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr);
if (sample_count == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: sample count 0 - terminating parser\n");
if (ptr + sample_count * 4 + 4 > buf_size) {
fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: BOF - terminating parser\n");
// we aren't using the start_cns, dive_mode, and algorithm, yet
ptr += 4;
// Parse dive samples
const unsigned char *ds = buf + ptr;
const unsigned char *ts = buf + ptr + sample_count * 2 + 4;
const unsigned char *ps = buf + ptr + sample_count * 4 + 4;
unsigned int ps_count = array_uint32_le(ps);
ps += 4;
// Bump ptr
ptr += sample_count * 4 + 4;
// Handle events
unsigned int ps_ptr;
ps_ptr = 0;
unsigned int event_code, d = 0, e;
struct lv_event event;
memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event));
// Loop through events
for (e = 0; e < ps_count; e++) {
// Get event
event_code = array_uint16_le(ps + ps_ptr);
ps_ptr += 2;
if (log_version == 3) {
ps_ptr += handle_event_ver3(event_code, ps, ps_ptr, &event);
if (event_code != 0xf)
continue; // ignore all but pressure sensor event
} else { // version 2
ps_ptr += handle_event_ver2(event_code, ps, ps_ptr, &event);
continue; // ignore all events
int sample_time, last_time;
int depth_mm, last_depth, temp_mk, last_temp;
while (true) {
sample = prepare_sample(dc);
// Get sample times
sample_time = d * sample_interval;
depth_mm = array_uint16_le(ds + d * 2) * 10; // cm->mm
temp_mk = C_to_mkelvin((float)array_uint16_le(ts + d * 2) / 10); // dC->mK
last_time = (d ? (d - 1) * sample_interval : 0);
if (d == sample_count) {
// We still have events to record
sample->time.seconds = event.time;
sample->depth.mm = array_uint16_le(ds + (d - 1) * 2) * 10; // cm->mm
sample->temperature.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin((float) array_uint16_le(ts + (d - 1) * 2) / 10); // dC->mK
sample->sensor[0] = event.pressure.sensor;
sample->pressure[0].mbar = event.pressure.mbar;
} else if (event.time > sample_time) {
// Record sample and loop
sample->time.seconds = sample_time;
sample->depth.mm = depth_mm;
sample->temperature.mkelvin = temp_mk;
} else if (event.time == sample_time) {
sample->time.seconds = sample_time;
sample->depth.mm = depth_mm;
sample->temperature.mkelvin = temp_mk;
sample->sensor[0] = event.pressure.sensor;
sample->pressure[0].mbar = event.pressure.mbar;
} else { // Event is prior to sample
sample->time.seconds = event.time;
sample->sensor[0] = event.pressure.sensor;
sample->pressure[0].mbar = event.pressure.mbar;
if (last_time == sample_time) {
sample->depth.mm = depth_mm;
sample->temperature.mkelvin = temp_mk;
} else {
// Extrapolate
last_depth = array_uint16_le(ds + (d - 1) * 2) * 10; // cm->mm
last_temp = C_to_mkelvin((float) array_uint16_le(ts + (d - 1) * 2) / 10); // dC->mK
sample->depth.mm = last_depth + (depth_mm - last_depth)
* ((int)event.time - last_time) / sample_interval;
sample->temperature.mkelvin = last_temp + (temp_mk - last_temp)
* ((int)event.time - last_time) / sample_interval;
} // while (true);
} // for each event sample
// record trailing depth samples
for ( ;d < sample_count; d++) {
sample = prepare_sample(dc);
sample->time.seconds = d * sample_interval;
sample->depth.mm = array_uint16_le(ds + d * 2) * 10; // cm->mm
sample->temperature.mkelvin =
C_to_mkelvin((float)array_uint16_le(ts + d * 2) / 10);
if (log_version == 3 && model == 4) {
// Advance to begin of next dive
switch (array_uint16_le(ps + ps_ptr)) {
case 0x0000:
ps_ptr += 5;
case 0x0100:
ps_ptr += 7;
case 0x0200:
ps_ptr += 9;
case 0x0300:
ps_ptr += 11;
case 0x0b0b:
ps_ptr += 27;
while (((ptr + ps_ptr + 4) < buf_size) && (*(ps + ps_ptr) != 0x04))
// End dive
record_dive_to_table(dive, table);
dive = NULL;
// Advance ptr for next dive
ptr += ps_ptr + 4;
} // while
//DEBUG save_dives("/tmp/test.xml");
// if we bailed out of the loop, the dive hasn't been recorded and dive hasn't been set to NULL
int try_to_open_liquivision(const char *filename, struct memblock *mem, struct dive_table *table, struct trip_table *trips, struct dive_site_table *sites)
const unsigned char *buf = mem->buffer;
unsigned int buf_size = mem->size;
unsigned int ptr;
int log_version;
// Get name length
unsigned int len = array_uint32_le(buf);
// Ignore length field and the name
ptr = 4 + len;
unsigned int dive_count = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr);
if (dive_count == 0xffffffff) {
// File version 3.0
log_version = 3;
ptr += 6;
dive_count = array_uint32_le(buf + ptr);
} else {
log_version = 2;
ptr += 4;
parse_dives(log_version, buf + ptr, buf_size - ptr, table, sites);
return 1;