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mirror of https://github.com/subsurface/subsurface.git synced 2025-02-19 22:16:15 +00:00
Berthold Stoeger 9e0712d5dc core: replace dive master by dive guide
In general, replace "dive master" by "dive guide".

However, do not change written dive logs for now. On reading,
accept both versions.

Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <bstoeger@mail.tuwien.ac.at>
2022-02-15 09:35:43 -08:00

356 lines
15 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#include "exportfuncs.h"
#include "core/membuffer.h"
#include "core/dive.h"
#include "core/divesite.h"
#include "core/gettextfromc.h"
#include "core/tag.h"
#include "core/subsurface-time.h"
#include "core/file.h"
#include "core/errorhelper.h"
#include "core/divefilter.h"
#include "core/divesite.h"
#include "core/picture.h"
#include "core/pref.h"
#include "core/sample.h"
#include "core/selection.h"
#include "core/taxonomy.h"
#include "core/sample.h"
#include "profile-widget/profilescene.h"
#include <QDir>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QtConcurrent>
#include <memory>
// Default implementation of the export callback: do nothing / never cancel
void ExportCallback::setProgress(int)
bool ExportCallback::canceled() const
return false;
// Let's say that 800x600 is a "reasonable" profile size. Use four times that for printing.
static constexpr int profileScale = 4;
static constexpr int profileWidth = 800 * profileScale;
static constexpr int profileHeight = 600 * profileScale;
static void exportProfile(ProfileScene *profile, const struct dive *dive, const QString &filename)
QImage image = QImage(QSize(profileWidth, profileHeight), QImage::Format_RGB32);
QPainter paint;
profile->draw(&paint, QRect(0, 0, profileWidth, profileHeight), dive, 0, nullptr, false);
static std::unique_ptr<ProfileScene> getPrintProfile()
return std::make_unique<ProfileScene>((double)profileScale, true, false);
void exportProfile(QString filename, bool selected_only, ExportCallback &cb)
struct dive *dive;
int i;
int count = 0;
if (!filename.endsWith(".png", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
filename = filename.append(".png");
QFileInfo fi(filename);
int todo = selected_only ? amount_selected : dive_table.nr;
int done = 0;
auto profile = getPrintProfile();
for_each_dive (i, dive) {
if (cb.canceled())
if (selected_only && !dive->selected)
cb.setProgress(done++ * 1000 / todo);
QString fn = count ? fi.path() + QDir::separator() + fi.completeBaseName().append(QString("-%1.").arg(count)) + fi.suffix()
: filename;
exportProfile(profile.get(), dive, fn);
void export_TeX(const char *filename, bool selected_only, bool plain, ExportCallback &cb)
FILE *f;
QDir texdir = QFileInfo(filename).dir();
struct dive *dive;
const struct units *units = get_units();
const char *unit;
const char *ssrf;
int i;
bool need_pagebreak = false;
struct membufferpp buf;
if (plain) {
ssrf = "";
put_format(&buf, "\\input subsurfacetemplate\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% This is a plain TeX file. Compile with pdftex, not pdflatex!\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% You will also need a subsurfacetemplate.tex in the current directory.\n");
} else {
ssrf = "ssrf";
put_format(&buf, "\\input subsurfacelatextemplate\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% This is a plain LaTeX file. Compile with pdflatex, not pdftex!\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% You will also need a subsurfacelatextemplate.tex in the current directory.\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% You can download an example from http://www.atdotde.de/~robert/subsurfacetemplate\n%%\n");
put_format(&buf, "%%\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% Notes: TeX/LaTex will not render the degree symbol correctly by default. In LaTeX, you may\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% add the following line to the end of the preamble of your template to ensure correct output:\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% \\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% \\usepackage{gensymb}\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% \\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{00B0}{\\degree}\n"); //replaces ° with \degree
put_format(&buf, "%%\n");
/* Define text fields with the units used for export. These values are set in the Subsurface Preferences
* and the text fields created here are included in the data fields below.
put_format(&buf, "\n%% These fields contain the units used in other fields below. They may be\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% referenced as needed in TeX templates.\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% \n");
put_format(&buf, "%% By default, Subsurface exports units of volume as \"\" and \"cuft\", which do\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% not render well in TeX/LaTeX. The code below substitutes \"L\" and \"ft$^{3}$\",\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% respectively. If you wish to display the original values, you may edit this\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% list and all calls to those units will be updated in your document.\n");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sdepthunit{\\%sunit%s}", ssrf, ssrf, units->length == units::METERS ? "meter" : "ft");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sweightunit{\\%sunit%s}",ssrf, ssrf, units->weight == units::KG ? "kg" : "lb");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%spressureunit{\\%sunit%s}", ssrf, ssrf, units->pressure == units::BAR ? "bar" : "psi");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%stemperatureunit{\\%sunit%s}", ssrf, ssrf, units->temperature == units::CELSIUS ? "centigrade" : "fahrenheit");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%svolumeunit{\\%sunit%s}", ssrf, ssrf, units->volume == units::LITER ? "liter" : "cuft");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sverticalspeedunit{\\%sunit%s}", ssrf, ssrf, units->length == units::METERS ? "meterpermin" : "ftpermin");
put_format(&buf, "\n%%%%%%%%%% Begin Dive Data: %%%%%%%%%%\n");
int todo = selected_only ? amount_selected : dive_table.nr;
int done = 0;
auto profile = getPrintProfile();
for_each_dive (i, dive) {
if (cb.canceled())
if (selected_only && !dive->selected)
cb.setProgress(done++ * 1000 / todo);
exportProfile(profile.get(), dive, texdir.filePath(QString("profile%1.png").arg(dive->number)));
struct tm tm;
utc_mkdate(dive->when, &tm);
const char *country = NULL;
dive_site *site = dive->dive_site;
if (site)
country = taxonomy_get_country(&site->taxonomy);
pressure_t delta_p = {.mbar = 0};
QString star = "*";
QString viz = star.repeated(dive->visibility);
QString rating = star.repeated(dive->rating);
int i;
int qty_cyl;
int qty_weight;
double total_weight;
if (need_pagebreak) {
if (plain)
put_format(&buf, "\\vfill\\eject\n");
put_format(&buf, "\\newpage\n");
need_pagebreak = true;
put_format(&buf, "\n%% Time, Date, and location:\n");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sdate{%04u-%02u-%02u}\n", ssrf,
tm.tm_year, tm.tm_mon+1, tm.tm_mday);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%shour{%02u}\n", ssrf, tm.tm_hour);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sminute{%02u}\n", ssrf, tm.tm_min);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%snumber{%d}\n", ssrf, dive->number);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%splace{%s}\n", ssrf, site ? site->name : "");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sspot{}\n", ssrf);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%ssitename{%s}\n", ssrf, site ? site->name : "");
site ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sgpslat{%f}\n", ssrf, site->location.lat.udeg / 1000000.0) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sgpslat{}\n", ssrf);
site ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sgpslon{%f}\n", ssrf, site->location.lon.udeg / 1000000.0) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\gpslon{}\n");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scomputer{%s}\n", ssrf, dive->dc.model);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scountry{%s}\n", ssrf, country ?: "");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%stime{%u:%02u}\n", ssrf, FRACTION(dive->duration.seconds, 60));
put_format(&buf, "\n%% Dive Profile Details:\n");
dive->maxtemp.mkelvin ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%smaxtemp{%.1f\\%stemperatureunit}\n", ssrf, get_temp_units(dive->maxtemp.mkelvin, &unit), ssrf) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%smaxtemp{}\n", ssrf);
dive->mintemp.mkelvin ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%smintemp{%.1f\\%stemperatureunit}\n", ssrf, get_temp_units(dive->mintemp.mkelvin, &unit), ssrf) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%ssrfmintemp{}\n", ssrf);
dive->watertemp.mkelvin ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%swatertemp{%.1f\\%stemperatureunit}\n", ssrf, get_temp_units(dive->watertemp.mkelvin, &unit), ssrf) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%swatertemp{}\n", ssrf);
dive->airtemp.mkelvin ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sairtemp{%.1f\\%stemperatureunit}\n", ssrf, get_temp_units(dive->airtemp.mkelvin, &unit), ssrf) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sairtemp{}\n", ssrf);
dive->maxdepth.mm ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%smaximumdepth{%.1f\\%sdepthunit}\n", ssrf, get_depth_units(dive->maxdepth.mm, NULL, &unit), ssrf) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%smaximumdepth{}\n", ssrf);
dive->meandepth.mm ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%smeandepth{%.1f\\%sdepthunit}\n", ssrf, get_depth_units(dive->meandepth.mm, NULL, &unit), ssrf) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%smeandepth{}\n", ssrf);
struct tag_entry *tag = dive->tag_list;
QString tags;
if (tag) {
tags = tag->tag->name;
while ((tag = tag->next))
tags += QString(", ") + QString(tag->tag->name);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%stype{%s}\n", ssrf, qPrintable(tags));
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sviz{%s}\n", ssrf, qPrintable(viz));
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%srating{%s}\n", ssrf, qPrintable(rating));
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%splot{\\includegraphics[width=9cm,height=4cm]{profile%d}}\n", ssrf, dive->number);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sprofilename{profile%d}\n", ssrf, dive->number);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scomment{%s}\n", ssrf, dive->notes ? dive->notes : "");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sbuddy{%s}\n", ssrf, dive->buddy ? dive->buddy : "");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sdivemaster{%s}\n", ssrf, dive->diveguide ? dive->diveguide : "");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%ssuit{%s}\n", ssrf, dive->suit ? dive->suit : "");
// Print cylinder data
put_format(&buf, "\n%% Gas use information:\n");
qty_cyl = 0;
for (i = 0; i < dive->cylinders.nr; i++){
const cylinder_t &cyl = *get_cylinder(dive, i);
if (is_cylinder_used(dive, i) || (prefs.display_unused_tanks && cyl.type.description)){
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cdescription{%s}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i, cyl.type.description);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cgasname{%s}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i, gasname(cyl.gasmix));
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cmixO2{%.1f\\%%}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i, get_o2(cyl.gasmix)/10.0);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cmixHe{%.1f\\%%}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i, get_he(cyl.gasmix)/10.0);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cmixN2{%.1f\\%%}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i, (100.0 - (get_o2(cyl.gasmix)/10.0) - (get_he(cyl.gasmix)/10.0)));
delta_p.mbar += cyl.start.mbar - cyl.end.mbar;
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cstartpress{%.1f\\%spressureunit}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i, get_pressure_units(cyl.start.mbar, &unit)/1.0, ssrf);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cendpress{%.1f\\%spressureunit}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i, get_pressure_units(cyl.end.mbar, &unit)/1.0, ssrf);
qty_cyl += 1;
} else {
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cdescription{}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cgasname{}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cmixO2{}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cmixHe{}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cmixN2{}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i);
delta_p.mbar += cyl.start.mbar - cyl.end.mbar;
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cstartpress{}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cendpress{}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i);
qty_cyl += 1;
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sqtycyl{%d}\n", ssrf, qty_cyl);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sgasuse{%.1f\\%spressureunit}\n", ssrf, get_pressure_units(delta_p.mbar, &unit)/1.0, ssrf);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%ssac{%.2f\\%svolumeunit/min}\n", ssrf, get_volume_units(dive->sac, NULL, &unit), ssrf);
//Code block prints all weights listed in dive.
put_format(&buf, "\n%% Weighting information:\n");
qty_weight = 0;
total_weight = 0;
for (i = 0; i < dive->weightsystems.nr; i++) {
weightsystem_t w = dive->weightsystems.weightsystems[i];
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sweight%ctype{%s}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i, w.description);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sweight%camt{%.3f\\%sweightunit}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i, get_weight_units(w.weight.grams, NULL, &unit), ssrf);
qty_weight += 1;
total_weight += get_weight_units(w.weight.grams, NULL, &unit);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sqtyweights{%d}\n", ssrf, qty_weight);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%stotalweight{%.2f\\%sweightunit}\n", ssrf, total_weight, ssrf);
unit = "";
// Legacy fields
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sspot{}\n", ssrf);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sentrance{}\n", ssrf);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%splace{%s}\n", ssrf, site ? site->name : "");
dive->maxdepth.mm ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sdepth{%.1f\\%sdepthunit}\n", ssrf, get_depth_units(dive->maxdepth.mm, NULL, &unit), ssrf) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sdepth{}\n", ssrf);
put_format(&buf, "\\%spage\n", ssrf);
if (plain)
put_format(&buf, "\\bye\n");
put_format(&buf, "\\end{document}\n");
f = subsurface_fopen(filename, "w+");
if (!f) {
report_error(qPrintable(gettextFromC::tr("Can't open file %s")), filename);
} else {
flush_buffer(&buf, f); /*check for writing errors? */
void export_depths(const char *filename, bool selected_only)
FILE *f;
struct dive *dive;
depth_t depth;
int i;
const char *unit = NULL;
struct membufferpp buf;
for_each_dive (i, dive) {
if (selected_only && !dive->selected)
int n = dive->dc.samples;
struct sample *s = dive->dc.sample;
depth.mm = 0;
while (--n >= 0 && (int32_t)s->time.seconds <= picture->offset.seconds) {
depth.mm = s->depth.mm;
put_format(&buf, "%s\t%.1f", picture->filename, get_depth_units(depth.mm, NULL, &unit));
put_format(&buf, "%s\n", unit);
f = subsurface_fopen(filename, "w+");
if (!f) {
report_error(qPrintable(gettextFromC::tr("Can't open file %s")), filename);
} else {
flush_buffer(&buf, f); /*check for writing errors? */
#endif /* ! SUBSURFACE_MOBILE */
std::vector<const dive_site *> getDiveSitesToExport(bool selectedOnly)
std::vector<const dive_site *> res;
// Waiting for DiveFilter to be combined for both mobile and desktop
if (selectedOnly && DiveFilter::instance()->diveSiteMode()) {
// Special case in dive site mode: export all selected dive sites,
// not the dive sites of selected dives.
QVector<dive_site *> sites = DiveFilter::instance()->filteredDiveSites();
for (const dive_site *ds: sites)
return res;
for (int i = 0; i < dive_site_table.nr; i++) {
struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site(i, &dive_site_table);
if (dive_site_is_empty(ds))
if (selectedOnly && !is_dive_site_selected(ds))
/* walk the dive site list */
int i;
const struct dive_site *ds;
for_each_dive_site (i, ds, &dive_site_table)
res.push_back(get_dive_site(i, &dive_site_table));
return res;
QFuture<int> exportUsingStyleSheet(QString filename, bool doExport, int units,
QString stylesheet, bool anonymize)
return QtConcurrent::run(export_dives_xslt, filename.toUtf8(), doExport, units, stylesheet.toUtf8(), anonymize);