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mirror of https://github.com/subsurface/subsurface.git synced 2025-02-19 22:16:15 +00:00
Berthold Stoeger 9c253ee6c5 core: introduce divelog structure
The parser API was very annoying, as a number of tables
to-be-filled were passed in as pointers. The goal of this
commit is to collect all these tables in a single struct.
This should make it (more or less) clear what is actually
written into the divelog files.

Moreover, it should now be rather easy to search for
instances, where the global logfile is accessed (and it
turns out that there are many!).

The divelog struct does not contain the tables as substructs,
but only collects pointers. The idea is that the "divelog.h"
file can be included without all the other files describing
the numerous tables.

To make it easier to use from C++ parts of the code, the
struct implements a constructor and a destructor. Sadly,
we can't use smart pointers, since the pointers are accessed
from C code. Therfore the constructor and destructor are
quite complex.

The whole commit is large, but was mostly an automatic

One oddity of note: the divelog structure also contains
the "autogroup" flag, since that is saved in the divelog.
This actually fixes a bug: Before, when importing dives
from a different log, the autogroup flag was overwritten.
This was probably not intended and does not happen anymore.

Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <bstoeger@mail.tuwien.ac.at>
2023-04-14 21:20:23 +02:00

974 lines
25 KiB

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <libdivecomputer/parser.h>
#include "dive.h"
#include "errorhelper.h"
#include "ssrf.h"
#include "subsurface-string.h"
#include "divelist.h"
#include "divelog.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "sample.h"
#include "divelist.h"
#include "gettext.h"
#include "import-csv.h"
#include "qthelper.h"
#include "xmlparams.h"
#define MATCH(buffer, pattern) \
memcmp(buffer, pattern, strlen(pattern))
static timestamp_t parse_date(const char *date)
int hour, min, sec;
struct tm tm;
char *p;
memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm));
tm.tm_mday = strtol(date, &p, 10);
if (tm.tm_mday < 1 || tm.tm_mday > 31)
return 0;
for (tm.tm_mon = 0; tm.tm_mon < 12; tm.tm_mon++) {
if (!memcmp(p, monthname(tm.tm_mon), 3))
if (tm.tm_mon > 11)
return 0;
date = p + 3;
tm.tm_year = strtol(date, &p, 10);
if (date == p)
return 0;
if (tm.tm_year < 70)
tm.tm_year += 2000;
if (tm.tm_year < 100)
tm.tm_year += 1900;
if (sscanf(p, "%d:%d:%d", &hour, &min, &sec) != 3)
return 0;
tm.tm_hour = hour;
tm.tm_min = min;
tm.tm_sec = sec;
return utc_mktime(&tm);
static void add_sample_data(struct sample *sample, enum csv_format type, double val)
switch (type) {
sample->depth.mm = feet_to_mm(val);
case CSV_TEMP:
sample->temperature.mkelvin = F_to_mkelvin(val);
sample->pressure[0].mbar = psi_to_mbar(val * 4);
sample->depth.mm = lrint(val * 0.5 * 1000);
sample->temperature.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin(val * 0.2);
sample->setpoint.mbar = lrint(val * 10);
sample->o2sensor[0].mbar = lrint(val * 10);
sample->o2sensor[1].mbar = lrint(val * 10);
sample->ndl.seconds = lrint(val * 60);
sample->stopdepth.mm = lrint(val * 1000);
static char *parse_dan_new_line(char *buf, const char *NL)
char *iter = buf;
if (!iter)
return NULL;
iter = strstr(iter, NL);
if (iter) {
iter += strlen(NL);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: No new line found\n");
return NULL;
return iter;
static int try_to_xslt_open_csv(const char *filename, struct memblock *mem, const char *tag);
static int parse_dan_format(const char *filename, struct xml_params *params, struct divelog *log)
int ret = 0, i;
size_t end_ptr = 0;
struct memblock mem, mem_csv;
char tmpbuf[MAXCOLDIGITS];
int params_orig_size = xml_params_count(params);
char *ptr = NULL;
const char *NL = NULL;
char *iter = NULL;
if (readfile(filename, &mem) < 0)
return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Failed to read '%s'"), filename);
/* Determine NL (new line) character and the start of CSV data */
if ((ptr = strstr(mem.buffer, "\r\n")) != NULL) {
NL = "\r\n";
} else if ((ptr = strstr(mem.buffer, "\n")) != NULL) {
NL = "\n";
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: failed to detect NL\n");
return -1;
while ((end_ptr < mem.size) && (ptr = strstr(mem.buffer + end_ptr, "ZDH"))) {
xml_params_resize(params, params_orig_size); // restart with original parameter block
char *iter_end = NULL;
mem_csv.buffer = malloc(mem.size + 1);
mem_csv.size = mem.size;
iter = ptr + 4;
iter = strchr(iter, '|');
if (iter) {
memcpy(tmpbuf, ptr + 4, iter - ptr - 4);
tmpbuf[iter - ptr - 4] = 0;
xml_params_add(params, "diveNro", tmpbuf);
//fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: BEGIN end_ptr %d round %d <%s>\n", end_ptr, j++, ptr);
iter = ptr + 1;
for (i = 0; i <= 4 && iter; ++i) {
iter = strchr(iter, '|');
if (iter)
if (!iter) {
fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Data corrupt");
return -1;
/* Setting date */
memcpy(tmpbuf, iter, 8);
tmpbuf[8] = 0;
xml_params_add(params, "date", tmpbuf);
/* Setting time, gotta prepend it with 1 to
* avoid octal parsing (this is stripped out in
* XSLT */
tmpbuf[0] = '1';
memcpy(tmpbuf + 1, iter + 8, 6);
tmpbuf[7] = 0;
xml_params_add(params, "time", tmpbuf);
/* Air temperature */
memset(tmpbuf, 0, sizeof(tmpbuf));
iter = strchr(iter, '|');
if (iter) {
iter = iter + 1;
iter_end = strchr(iter, '|');
if (iter_end) {
memcpy(tmpbuf, iter, iter_end - iter);
xml_params_add(params, "airTemp", tmpbuf);
/* Search for the next line */
if (iter)
iter = parse_dan_new_line(iter, NL);
if (!iter)
return -1;
/* We got a trailer, no samples on this dive */
if (strncmp(iter, "ZDT", 3) == 0) {
end_ptr = iter - (char *)mem.buffer;
/* Water temperature */
memset(tmpbuf, 0, sizeof(tmpbuf));
for (i = 0; i < 5 && iter; ++i)
iter = strchr(iter + 1, '|');
if (iter) {
iter = iter + 1;
iter_end = strchr(iter, '|');
if (iter_end) {
memcpy(tmpbuf, iter, iter_end - iter);
xml_params_add(params, "waterTemp", tmpbuf);
ret |= parse_xml_buffer(filename, "<csv></csv>", 11, log, params);
/* After ZDH we should get either ZDT (above) or ZDP */
if (strncmp(iter, "ZDP{", 4) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Input appears to violate DL7 specification\n");
end_ptr = iter - (char *)mem.buffer;
if (ptr && ptr[4] == '}') {
end_ptr += ptr - (char *)mem_csv.buffer;
return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "No dive profile found from '%s'"), filename);
if (ptr)
ptr = parse_dan_new_line(ptr, NL);
if (!ptr)
return -1;
end_ptr = ptr - (char *)mem.buffer;
/* Copy the current dive data to start of mem_csv buffer */
memcpy(mem_csv.buffer, ptr, mem.size - (ptr - (char *)mem.buffer));
ptr = strstr(mem_csv.buffer, "ZDP}");
if (ptr) {
*ptr = 0;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: failed to find end ZDP\n");
return -1;
mem_csv.size = ptr - (char*)mem_csv.buffer;
end_ptr += ptr - (char *)mem_csv.buffer;
iter = parse_dan_new_line(ptr + 1, NL);
if (iter && strncmp(iter, "ZDT", 3) == 0) {
/* Water temperature */
memset(tmpbuf, 0, sizeof(tmpbuf));
for (i = 0; i < 5 && iter; ++i)
iter = strchr(iter + 1, '|');
if (iter) {
iter = iter + 1;
iter_end = strchr(iter, '|');
if (iter_end) {
memcpy(tmpbuf, iter, iter_end - iter);
xml_params_add(params, "waterTemp", tmpbuf);
if (try_to_xslt_open_csv(filename, &mem_csv, "csv"))
return -1;
ret |= parse_xml_buffer(filename, mem_csv.buffer, mem_csv.size, log, params);
return ret;
int parse_csv_file(const char *filename, struct xml_params *params, const char *csvtemplate, struct divelog *log)
int ret;
struct memblock mem;
time_t now;
struct tm *timep = NULL;
char tmpbuf[MAXCOLDIGITS];
/* Increase the limits for recursion and variables on XSLT
* parsing */
xsltMaxDepth = 30000;
xsltMaxVars = 150000;
if (filename == NULL)
return report_error("No CSV filename");
mem.size = 0;
if (!strcmp("DL7", csvtemplate)) {
return parse_dan_format(filename, params, log);
} else if (strcmp(xml_params_get_key(params, 0), "date")) {
timep = localtime(&now);
strftime(tmpbuf, MAXCOLDIGITS, "%Y%m%d", timep);
xml_params_add(params, "date", tmpbuf);
/* As the parameter is numeric, we need to ensure that the leading zero
* is not discarded during the transform, thus prepend time with 1 */
strftime(tmpbuf, MAXCOLDIGITS, "1%H%M", timep);
xml_params_add(params, "time", tmpbuf);
if (try_to_xslt_open_csv(filename, &mem, csvtemplate))
return -1;
* Lets print command line for manual testing with xsltproc if
* verbosity level is high enough. The printed line needs the
* input file added as last parameter.
if (verbose >= 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "(echo '<csv>'; cat %s;echo '</csv>') | xsltproc ", filename);
for (int i = 0; i < xml_params_count(params); i++)
fprintf(stderr, "--stringparam %s %s ", xml_params_get_key(params, i), xml_params_get_value(params, i));
fprintf(stderr, "%s/xslt/%s -\n", SUBSURFACE_SOURCE, csvtemplate);
ret = parse_xml_buffer(filename, mem.buffer, mem.size, log, params);
return ret;
static int try_to_xslt_open_csv(const char *filename, struct memblock *mem, const char *tag)
char *buf;
size_t i, amp = 0, rest = 0;
if (mem->size == 0 && readfile(filename, mem) < 0)
return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Failed to read '%s'"), filename);
/* Count ampersand characters */
for (i = 0; i < mem->size; ++i) {
if (((char *)mem->buffer)[i] == '&') {
/* Surround the CSV file content with XML tags to enable XSLT
* parsing
* Tag markers take: strlen("<></>") = 5
* Reserve also room for encoding ampersands "&" => "&amp;"
buf = realloc(mem->buffer, mem->size + 7 + strlen(tag) * 2 + amp * 4);
if (buf != NULL) {
char *starttag = NULL;
char *endtag = NULL;
starttag = malloc(3 + strlen(tag));
endtag = malloc(5 + strlen(tag));
if (starttag == NULL || endtag == NULL) {
/* this is fairly silly - so the malloc fails, but we strdup the error?
* let's complete the silliness by freeing the two pointers in case one malloc succeeded
* and the other one failed - this will make static analysis tools happy */
return report_error("Memory allocation failed in %s", __func__);
sprintf(starttag, "<%s>", tag);
sprintf(endtag, "\n</%s>", tag);
memmove(buf + 2 + strlen(tag), buf, mem->size);
memcpy(buf, starttag, 2 + strlen(tag));
memcpy(buf + mem->size + 2 + strlen(tag), endtag, 5 + strlen(tag));
mem->size += (6 + 2 * strlen(tag));
mem->buffer = buf;
/* Expand ampersands to encoded version */
for (i = mem->size, rest = 0; i > 0; --i, ++rest) {
if (((char *)mem->buffer)[i] == '&') {
memmove(((char *)mem->buffer) + i + 4 + 1, ((char *)mem->buffer) + i + 1, rest);
memcpy(((char *)mem->buffer) + i + 1, "amp;", 4);
rest += 4;
mem->size += 4;
} else {
return report_error("realloc failed in %s", __func__);
return 0;
int try_to_open_csv(struct memblock *mem, enum csv_format type, struct divelog *log)
char *p = mem->buffer;
char *header[8];
int i, time;
timestamp_t date;
struct dive *dive;
struct divecomputer *dc;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
header[i] = p;
p = strchr(p, ',');
if (!p)
return 0;
date = parse_date(header[2]);
if (!date)
return 0;
dive = alloc_dive();
dive->when = date;
dive->number = atoi(header[1]);
dc = &dive->dc;
time = 0;
for (;;) {
char *end;
double val;
struct sample *sample;
errno = 0;
val = strtod(p, &end); // FIXME == localization issue
if (end == p)
if (errno)
sample = prepare_sample(dc);
sample->time.seconds = time;
add_sample_data(sample, type, val);
dc->duration.seconds = time;
if (*end != ',')
p = end + 1;
record_dive_to_table(dive, log->dives);
return 1;
static char *parse_mkvi_value(const char *haystack, const char *needle)
char *lineptr, *valueptr, *endptr, *ret = NULL;
if ((lineptr = strstr(haystack, needle)) != NULL) {
if ((valueptr = strstr(lineptr, ": ")) != NULL) {
valueptr += 2;
if ((endptr = strstr(lineptr, "\n")) != NULL) {
char terminator = '\n';
if (*(endptr - 1) == '\r') {
terminator = '\r';
*endptr = 0;
ret = copy_string(valueptr);
*endptr = terminator;
return ret;
static char *next_mkvi_key(const char *haystack)
char *valueptr, *endptr, *ret = NULL;
if ((valueptr = strstr(haystack, "\n")) != NULL) {
valueptr += 1;
if ((endptr = strstr(valueptr, ": ")) != NULL) {
*endptr = 0;
ret = strdup(valueptr);
*endptr = ':';
return ret;
int parse_txt_file(const char *filename, const char *csv, struct divelog *log)
struct memblock memtxt, memcsv;
if (readfile(filename, &memtxt) < 0)
return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Failed to read '%s'"), filename);
* MkVI stores some information in .txt file but the whole profile and events are stored in .csv file. First
* make sure the input .txt looks like proper MkVI file, then start parsing the .csv.
if (MATCH(memtxt.buffer, "MkVI_Config") == 0) {
int d, m, y, he;
int hh = 0, mm = 0, ss = 0;
int prev_depth = 0, cur_sampletime = 0, prev_setpoint = -1, prev_ndl = -1;
bool has_depth = false, has_setpoint = false, has_ndl = false;
char *lineptr, *key, *value;
int prev_time = 0;
cylinder_t cyl = empty_cylinder;
struct dive *dive;
struct divecomputer *dc;
struct tm cur_tm;
value = parse_mkvi_value(memtxt.buffer, "Dive started at");
if (sscanf(value, "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d", &y, &m, &d, &hh, &mm, &ss) != 6) {
return -1;
cur_tm.tm_year = y;
cur_tm.tm_mon = m - 1;
cur_tm.tm_mday = d;
cur_tm.tm_hour = hh;
cur_tm.tm_min = mm;
cur_tm.tm_sec = ss;
dive = alloc_dive();
dive->when = utc_mktime(&cur_tm);;
dive->dc.model = strdup("Poseidon MkVI Discovery");
value = parse_mkvi_value(memtxt.buffer, "Rig Serial number");
dive->dc.deviceid = atoi(value);
dive->dc.divemode = CCR;
dive->dc.no_o2sensors = 2;
cyl.cylinder_use = OXYGEN;
cyl.type.size.mliter = 3000;
cyl.type.workingpressure.mbar = 200000;
cyl.type.description = "3l Mk6";
cyl.gasmix.o2.permille = 1000;
cyl.manually_added = true;
cyl.bestmix_o2 = 0;
cyl.bestmix_he = 0;
add_cloned_cylinder(&dive->cylinders, cyl);
cyl.cylinder_use = DILUENT;
cyl.type.size.mliter = 3000;
cyl.type.workingpressure.mbar = 200000;
cyl.type.description = "3l Mk6";
value = parse_mkvi_value(memtxt.buffer, "Helium percentage");
he = atoi(value);
value = parse_mkvi_value(memtxt.buffer, "Nitrogen percentage");
cyl.gasmix.o2.permille = (100 - atoi(value) - he) * 10;
cyl.gasmix.he.permille = he * 10;
add_cloned_cylinder(&dive->cylinders, cyl);
lineptr = strstr(memtxt.buffer, "Dive started at");
while (!empty_string(lineptr) && (lineptr = strchr(lineptr, '\n'))) {
++lineptr; // Skip over '\n'
key = next_mkvi_key(lineptr);
if (!key)
value = parse_mkvi_value(lineptr, key);
if (!value) {
add_extra_data(&dive->dc, key, value);
dc = &dive->dc;
* Read samples from the CSV file. A sample contains all the lines with same timestamp. The CSV file has
* the following format:
* timestamp, type, value
* And following fields are of interest to us:
* 6 sensor1
* 7 sensor2
* 8 depth
* 13 o2 tank pressure
* 14 diluent tank pressure
* 20 o2 setpoint
* 39 water temp
if (readfile(csv, &memcsv) < 0) {
return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Poseidon import failed: unable to read '%s'"), csv);
lineptr = memcsv.buffer;
for (;;) {
struct sample *sample;
int type;
int value;
int sampletime;
int gaschange = 0;
/* Collect all the information for one sample */
sscanf(lineptr, "%d,%d,%d", &cur_sampletime, &type, &value);
has_depth = false;
has_setpoint = false;
has_ndl = false;
sample = prepare_sample(dc);
* There was a bug in MKVI download tool that resulted in erroneous sample
* times. This fix should work similarly as the vendor's own.
sample->time.seconds = cur_sampletime < 0xFFFF * 3 / 4 ? cur_sampletime : prev_time;
prev_time = sample->time.seconds;
do {
int i = sscanf(lineptr, "%d,%d,%d", &sampletime, &type, &value);
switch (i) {
case 3:
switch (type) {
case 0:
//Mouth piece position event: 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=UN, 3=NC
switch (value) {
case 0:
add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, 0, 0, 0,
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Mouth piece position OC"));
case 1:
add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, 0, 0, 0,
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Mouth piece position CC"));
case 2:
add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, 0, 0, 0,
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Mouth piece position unknown"));
case 3:
add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, 0, 0, 0,
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Mouth piece position not connected"));
case 3:
//Power Off event
add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, 0, 0, 0,
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Power off"));
case 4:
//Battery State of Charge in %
add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, SAMPLE_EVENT_BATTERY, 0,
value, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "battery"));
case 6:
//PO2 Cell 1 Average
add_sample_data(sample, POSEIDON_SENSOR1, value);
case 7:
//PO2 Cell 2 Average
add_sample_data(sample, POSEIDON_SENSOR2, value);
case 8:
//Depth * 2
has_depth = true;
prev_depth = value;
add_sample_data(sample, POSEIDON_DEPTH, value);
//9 Max Depth * 2
//10 Ascent/Descent Rate * 2
case 11:
//Ascent Rate Alert >10 m/s
add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, SAMPLE_EVENT_ASCENT, 0, 0,
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "ascent"));
case 13:
//O2 Tank Pressure
add_sample_pressure(sample, 0, lrint(value * 1000));
case 14:
//Diluent Tank Pressure
add_sample_pressure(sample, 1, lrint(value * 1000));
//16 Remaining dive time #1?
//17 related to O2 injection
case 20:
//PO2 Setpoint
has_setpoint = true;
prev_setpoint = value;
add_sample_data(sample, POSEIDON_SETPOINT, value);
case 22:
//End of O2 calibration Event: 0 = OK, 2 = Failed, rest of dive setpoint 1.0
if (value == 2)
add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, 0, SAMPLE_FLAGS_END, 0,
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "O₂ calibration failed"));
add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, 0, SAMPLE_FLAGS_END, 0,
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "O₂ calibration"));
case 25:
//25 Max Ascent depth
add_sample_data(sample, POSEIDON_CEILING, value);
case 31:
//Start of O2 calibration Event
add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, 0, SAMPLE_FLAGS_BEGIN, 0,
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "O₂ calibration"));
case 37:
//Remaining dive time #2?
has_ndl = true;
prev_ndl = value;
add_sample_data(sample, POSEIDON_NDL, value);
case 39:
// Water Temperature in Celsius
add_sample_data(sample, POSEIDON_TEMP, value);
case 85:
//He diluent part in %
gaschange += value << 16;
case 86:
//O2 diluent part in %
gaschange += value;
//239 Unknown, maybe PO2 at sensor validation?
//240 Unknown, maybe PO2 at sensor validation?
//247 Unknown, maybe PO2 Cell 1 during pressure test
//248 Unknown, maybe PO2 Cell 2 during pressure test
//250 PO2 Cell 1
//251 PO2 Cell 2
} /* sample types */
case EOF:
printf("Unable to parse input: %s\n", lineptr);
lineptr = strchr(lineptr, '\n');
if (!lineptr || !*lineptr)
/* Grabbing next sample time */
sscanf(lineptr, "%d,%d,%d", &cur_sampletime, &type, &value);
} while (sampletime == cur_sampletime);
if (gaschange)
add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, SAMPLE_EVENT_GASCHANGE2, 0, gaschange,
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "gaschange"));
if (!has_depth)
add_sample_data(sample, POSEIDON_DEPTH, prev_depth);
if (!has_setpoint && prev_setpoint >= 0)
add_sample_data(sample, POSEIDON_SETPOINT, prev_setpoint);
if (!has_ndl && prev_ndl >= 0)
add_sample_data(sample, POSEIDON_NDL, prev_ndl);
if (!lineptr || !*lineptr)
record_dive_to_table(dive, log->dives);
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
return 0;
#define DATESTR 9
#define TIMESTR 6
#define SBPARAMS 40
static int parse_seabear_csv_file(const char *filename, struct xml_params *params, const char *csvtemplate, struct divelog *log);
int parse_seabear_log(const char *filename, struct divelog *log)
struct xml_params *params = alloc_xml_params();
int ret;
parse_seabear_header(filename, params);
ret = parse_seabear_csv_file(filename, params, "csv", log) < 0 ? -1 : 0;
return ret;
static int parse_seabear_csv_file(const char *filename, struct xml_params *params, const char *csvtemplate, struct divelog *log)
int ret, i;
struct memblock mem;
time_t now;
struct tm *timep = NULL;
char *ptr, *ptr_old = NULL;
char *NL = NULL;
char tmpbuf[MAXCOLDIGITS];
/* Increase the limits for recursion and variables on XSLT
* parsing */
xsltMaxDepth = 30000;
xsltMaxVars = 150000;
timep = localtime(&now);
strftime(tmpbuf, MAXCOLDIGITS, "%Y%m%d", timep);
xml_params_add(params, "date", tmpbuf);
/* As the parameter is numeric, we need to ensure that the leading zero
* is not discarded during the transform, thus prepend time with 1 */
strftime(tmpbuf, MAXCOLDIGITS, "1%H%M", timep);
xml_params_add(params, "time", tmpbuf);
if (filename == NULL)
return report_error("No CSV filename");
if (readfile(filename, &mem) < 0)
return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Failed to read '%s'"), filename);
/* Determine NL (new line) character and the start of CSV data */
ptr = mem.buffer;
while ((ptr = strstr(ptr, "\r\n\r\n")) != NULL) {
ptr_old = ptr;
ptr += 1;
NL = "\r\n";
if (!ptr_old) {
ptr = mem.buffer;
while ((ptr = strstr(ptr, "\n\n")) != NULL) {
ptr_old = ptr;
ptr += 1;
NL = "\n";
ptr_old += 2;
} else {
ptr_old += 4;
* If file does not contain empty lines, it is not a valid
* Seabear CSV file.
if (NL == NULL)
return -1;
* On my current sample of Seabear DC log file, the date is
* without any identifier. Thus we must search for the previous
* line and step through from there. That is the line after
* Serial number.
ptr = strstr(mem.buffer, "Serial number:");
if (ptr)
ptr = strstr(ptr, NL);
* Write date and time values to params array, if available in
* the CSV header
if (ptr) {
* The two last entries should be date and time.
* Here we overwrite them with the data from the
* CSV header.
char buf[10];
ptr += strlen(NL) + 2;
memcpy(buf, ptr, 4);
memcpy(buf + 4, ptr + 5, 2);
memcpy(buf + 6, ptr + 8, 2);
buf[8] = 0;
xml_params_set_value(params, xml_params_count(params) - 2, buf);
buf[0] = xml_params_get_value(params, xml_params_count(params) - 1)[0];
memcpy(buf + 1, ptr + 11, 2);
memcpy(buf + 3, ptr + 14, 2);
buf[5] = 0;
xml_params_set_value(params, xml_params_count(params) - 1, buf);
/* Move the CSV data to the start of mem buffer */
memmove(mem.buffer, ptr_old, mem.size - (ptr_old - (char*)mem.buffer));
mem.size = (int)mem.size - (ptr_old - (char*)mem.buffer);
if (try_to_xslt_open_csv(filename, &mem, csvtemplate))
return -1;
* Lets print command line for manual testing with xsltproc if
* verbosity level is high enough. The printed line needs the
* input file added as last parameter.
if (verbose >= 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "xsltproc ");
for (i = 0; i < xml_params_count(params); i++)
fprintf(stderr, "--stringparam %s %s ", xml_params_get_key(params, i), xml_params_get_value(params, i));
fprintf(stderr, "xslt/csv2xml.xslt\n");
ret = parse_xml_buffer(filename, mem.buffer, mem.size, log, params);
return ret;
int parse_manual_file(const char *filename, struct xml_params *params, struct divelog *log)
struct memblock mem;
time_t now;
struct tm *timep;
char curdate[9];
char curtime[6];
int ret;
timep = localtime(&now);
strftime(curdate, DATESTR, "%Y%m%d", timep);
/* As the parameter is numeric, we need to ensure that the leading zero
* is not discarded during the transform, thus prepend time with 1 */
strftime(curtime, TIMESTR, "1%H%M", timep);
xml_params_add(params, "date", curdate);
xml_params_add(params, "time", curtime);
if (filename == NULL)
return report_error("No manual CSV filename");
mem.size = 0;
if (try_to_xslt_open_csv(filename, &mem, "manualCSV"))
return -1;
if (verbose >= 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "(echo '<manualCSV>'; cat %s;echo '</manualCSV>') | xsltproc ", filename);
for (int i = 0; i < xml_params_count(params); i++)
fprintf(stderr, "--stringparam %s %s ", xml_params_get_key(params, i), xml_params_get_value(params, i));
fprintf(stderr, "%s/xslt/manualcsv2xml.xslt -\n", SUBSURFACE_SOURCE);
ret = parse_xml_buffer(filename, mem.buffer, mem.size, log, params);
return ret;