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synced 2025-02-01 01:23:24 +00:00
The position of the legend was reset when resizing. This was OK as long as the legend wasn't movable. To avoid resetting the position, store the center position of the legend relatively to the size of the canvas. On resize restore the center to the same relative size. To avoid code duplication, move the sanitizing of the coordinates from the StatsView to the Legend. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <bstoeger@mail.tuwien.ac.at>
142 lines
4.6 KiB
142 lines
4.6 KiB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#include "legend.h"
#include "statscolors.h"
#include "zvalues.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <QFontMetrics>
#include <QPen>
static const double legendBorderSize = 2.0;
static const double legendBoxBorderSize = 1.0;
static const double legendBoxBorderRadius = 4.0; // radius of rounded corners
static const double legendBoxScale = 0.8; // 1.0: text-height of the used font
static const double legendInternalBorderSize = 2.0;
static const QColor legendColor(0x00, 0x8e, 0xcc, 192); // Note: fourth argument is opacity
static const QColor legendBorderColor(Qt::black);
Legend::Legend(StatsView &view, const std::vector<QString> &names) :
ChartRectItem(view, ChartZValue::Legend,
QPen(legendBorderColor, legendBorderSize), QBrush(legendColor), legendBoxBorderRadius),
displayedItems(0), width(0.0), height(0.0),
font(QFont()), // Make configurable
QFontMetrics fm(font);
fontHeight = fm.height();
int idx = 0;
for (const QString &name: names)
entries.emplace_back(name, idx++, (int)names.size(), fm);
Legend::Entry::Entry(const QString &name, int idx, int numBins, const QFontMetrics &fm) :
rectBrush(QBrush(binColor(idx, numBins)))
width = fm.height() + 2.0 * legendBoxBorderSize + fm.size(Qt::TextSingleLine, name).width();
void Legend::hide()
void Legend::resize()
if (entries.empty())
return hide();
QSizeF size = sceneSize();
// Silly heuristics: make the legend at most half as high and half as wide as the chart.
// Not sure if that makes sense - this might need some optimization.
int maxRows = static_cast<int>(size.height() / 2.0 - 2.0 * legendInternalBorderSize) / fontHeight;
if (maxRows <= 0)
return hide();
int numColumns = ((int)entries.size() - 1) / maxRows + 1;
int numRows = ((int)entries.size() - 1) / numColumns + 1;
double x = legendInternalBorderSize;
displayedItems = 0;
for (int col = 0; col < numColumns; ++col) {
double y = legendInternalBorderSize;
double nextX = x;
for (int row = 0; row < numRows; ++row) {
int idx = col * numRows + row;
if (idx >= (int)entries.size())
entries[idx].pos = QPointF(x, y);
nextX = std::max(nextX, x + entries[idx].width);
y += fontHeight;
x = nextX;
width = nextX;
if (width >= size.width() / 2.0) // More than half the chart-width -> give up
width += legendInternalBorderSize;
height = 2 * legendInternalBorderSize + numRows * fontHeight;
ChartRectItem::resize(QSizeF(width, height));
// Paint rectangles
painter->setPen(QPen(legendBorderColor, legendBoxBorderSize));
for (int i = 0; i < displayedItems; ++i) {
QPointF itemPos = entries[i].pos;
QRectF rect(itemPos, QSizeF(fontHeight, fontHeight));
// Decrease box size by legendBoxScale factor
double delta = fontHeight * (1.0 - legendBoxScale) / 2.0;
rect = rect.adjusted(delta, delta, -delta, -delta);
// Paint labels
painter->setPen(darkLabelColor); // QPainter uses pen not brush for text!
for (int i = 0; i < displayedItems; ++i) {
QPointF itemPos = entries[i].pos;
itemPos.rx() += fontHeight + 2.0 * legendBoxBorderSize;
QRectF rect(itemPos, QSizeF(entries[i].width, fontHeight));
painter->drawText(rect, entries[i].name);
if (!posInitialized) {
// At first, place in top right corner
setPos(QPointF(size.width() - width - 10.0, 10.0));
posInitialized = true;
} else {
// Try to keep relative position with what it was before
setPos(QPointF(size.width() * centerPos.x() - width / 2.0,
size.height() * centerPos.y() - height / 2.0));
void Legend::setPos(QPointF newPos)
// Round the position to integers or horrible artifacts appear (at least on desktop)
QPointF posInt(round(newPos.x()), round(newPos.y()));
// Make sure that the center is inside the drawing area,
// so that the user can't lose the legend.
QSizeF size = sceneSize();
if (size.width() < 1.0 || size.height() < 1.0)
double widthHalf = floor(width / 2.0);
double heightHalf = floor(height / 2.0);
QPointF sanitizedPos(std::clamp(posInt.x(), -widthHalf, size.width() - widthHalf - 1.0),
std::clamp(posInt.y(), -heightHalf, size.height() - heightHalf - 1.0));
// Set position
// Remember relative position of center for next time
QPointF centerPosAbsolute(sanitizedPos.x() + width / 2.0,
sanitizedPos.y() + height / 2.0);
centerPos = QPointF(centerPosAbsolute.x() / size.width(),
centerPosAbsolute.y() / size.height());