Commit graph

12249 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Lubomir I. Ivanov
eeb53e965e mapwidgetcontextmenu: create a ListModel for the context menu
Menu item indexes are enumerated in the object menuItemIndex, while
menuItemData, holds an array of objects which will define the number
of items, with indexes (idx) and text (itemText).

When the ListModel is created, it's dynamically populated from
from menuItemData.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
7dfb168f7f mapwidgetcontextmenu: position the contextMenu on the map
The anchor of the menu itself will be positioned near the edge of the
map widget, while the menu contents will have negative coordinates.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
de73cf1c90 mapwidgetcontextmenu: add an Image for the context menu toggle
- add the PNG file into the QRC
- add a simple scale animation for the Image on click

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
70a8402911 mapwidgetcontextmenu: add placeholder QML
This QML component will be used to provide a context menu for the
QML map widget. Include the file in QRC and test it's creation
in MapWidget.qml.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
b7c4a7fbfc qrc: use "MapWidget.qml" as a QRC alias
Apparently, if it's required to import a QML component inside any QML
file from resource, the compoment QRC alias has to have the same name
as the component - e.g. add QRC alias MapWidgetContextMenu.qml allows
creating a MapWidgetContextMenu compoment inside MapWidget.qml.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
b0cf820bef mapwidget.qml: move the new map type toggle on top of the map
Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
09a0f74bd8 mapwidget.qml: animate the map type toggle image on click
Add a SequentialAnimation that performs a slight animation of the
toggle image scale.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
8487873029 mapwidget.qml: add an small icon (top-left) to toggle the map type
Clicking the image toggles the map.activeMapType value from type

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
468f3b57c0 mapwidget.qml: simplify the map type enumeration into "mapType"
Make the "enumeration" local to the Map object for now.
This will possibly break if another plugin is used in place of the
ESRI plugin, but it will simplify the map toggle button which is about
to be implemented next.

If support for multiple plugins is added on runtime a simple
helper function will be needed that will check the current plugin "name".
And return the appropriate supportedMapTypes[X] for e.g. STREET of that

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
8b22435809 qrc: add a couple of images for the map type toggles (satellite/street)
The QML based map will have a toggle in the top left corner to toggle
between the satellite and steet tiles.

The images are created specifically for use in this Qt Location widget
and are free for use in Subsurface.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
88c6d98265 qrc: yet another slight rename for the map markers resources
Use a "mapwidget-" prefix for both the QRC and the file names.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
ce309c15a7 mapwidget.qml: use a seprate animation for zooming out
The animation sequence when deselecting a zoomed in map location, should
- zoom out completely
- pan to center

To achieve that a new animation object is created - "mapAnimationZoomOut"
The previous zoom in animation is renamed to "mapAnimationZoomIn".

The map functions centerOnMapLocation() and deselectMapLocation()
now call the helper functions animateMapZoomIn() and animateMapZoomOut().

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
6aa57ce7f7 mapwidget.qml: reduce the properies in mapAnimation to single lines
Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
11eaea01dd mapwidgethelper.cpp: call deselectMapLocation() in QML
If a divesite doesn't have a GPS location we want to deselect
the currently selected markers and zoom out the map. In the Map
QML object the function deselectMapLocation will handle that.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
250fc1e03f mapwidget.qml: don't use the onSourceChanged() slot for flag animation
It's best to only animate the flags when clicked, thus play the animation
in the onClicked() slot from the MouseArea.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
23c56b3c31 mapwidget.qml: add deselectMapLocation()
When called this function will zoom-out the map and set it's center to
(0, 0)

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
3e3b4baee2 mapwidget.qml: remove some redundant "map." references
Inside the Map object, properties can be referenced directly.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
a8f6c99fc0 mapwidget.qml: add the animateMapTo() helper function
To be used to center the map on a dive location or reset the map
if a dive from the dive list doesn't have GPS coordinates.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
033eec9500 mapwidget.qml: use map.newZoom and map.defaultZoomIn
When centering on a map location, use the predefined zoom

Later the map should be able to center on (0, 0) and zoom-out
if a dive doesn't have GPS data.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
6299a3c93b mapwidget.qml: whitespace and ';' cleanup
The rest of the QML code in subsurface doesn't use the ';' to
end a line of code or a declaration. Remove all the redundant ';'.

Also clean extra blank lines.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
2d101b7252 mapwidget.qml: play little animation on marker clicks
If a marker is clicked it's source image changes, which will
call the onSourceChanged() slot. If a marker is selected
play the newly added sourceItemAnimation which is a short scale
animation for the image.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
24d5485a88 mapwidget.qml: update the Z order of selected markers
If a marker is selected bring it up front (high Z value) else set
it behind everything else.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
6c640158e8 mapwidget.qml: add some properties for zoom and center
These properties will be used when zooming-in on a map location
or when zooming out if no map location is selected.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
b4740803a1 mapwidgethelper: pass a MapLocation object to QML in centerOnDiveSite()
The function in QML centerOnCoordinate() is now renamed
centerOnMapLocation() and accepts a MapLocation object, so that
a marker is selected (based on UUID).

In MapWidgetHelper::centerOnDiveSite(), the pointer to a MapLocation
is retrieved via MapLocationModel::getMapLocationForUuid(). Added in the
previous commit.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
4a126b553f maplocationmodel: add the helper method getMapLocationForUuid()
getMapLocationForUuid() accepts a UUID, searches the MapLocation table
and returns a pointer.

Make use of the new method in setSelectedUuid().

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
a920d683a1 mapwidgethelper: add a slot to handle marker selection from the model
When MapLocationModel updates the selected marker, MapWidgetHelper now
receives a signal. The slot is named selectedLocationChanged().

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
f2608edc56 mapwidget.qml: track the marker selection
Add a MouseArea to the MapItemView delagate and onClick set
the "mapHelper.model.selectedUuid" to the uuid of the clicked marker.
This updates the "selectedUuid" property inside MapLocationModel.

Based on "mapHelper.model.selectedUuid" it is now possible to
show two seprate images for selected / deselected markers.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
4b03216fdb maplocationmodel: add a "selectedUuid" property to MapLocationModel
Inside the QML Map class there is a MapItemView item.
This item uses a delegate that receive a "model" property from
the MapLocationModel, but infact that's a QObject with the MapLocation
defined properties. That's how MapItemView works.

The problem here is that "model" QObject cannot be cast back
to a MapLocation as the meta data in there does not include
a MapLocation sub-class, for some reason.

Even if using propery() on that QObject to fetch data like coordinates
works, instead of storing this strange object pointer, store the
MapLocation UUID (from dive_site) which is a uint32_t.

setSelectedUuid() deals with this oddity and finds the correct
MapLocation pointer in the table and dispatches a selectedLocationChanged()
signal for it.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
a9c0abd71a maplocationmodel: add a "uuid" property to MapLocation
The "uuid" property will be the one from the dive_site. At first it
will also be used to track the active marker/flag selection.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
ea5221bcf0 qrc: use a separate image for the selected and unselected markers
The image for the unselected marker is now a slightly darker flag.
Same behaviour as the current Marble implementation.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
476670cb8d mapwidgethelper: pass a QGeoCoordinate to the QML map
Rename the QML function "centerOnCoordinates" to "centerOnCoordinate"
and pass a QGeoCoordinate to it in ::centerOnDiveSite().

This will prevent the creation of a QGeoCoordinate object on the
QML side and instead it will be created in C++.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
de90480b46 maplocationmodel: use QVector for the MapLocation storage
QVector is faster, use it for "m_mapLocations" instead of QList.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
ffcfde3b62 maplocationmodel: small whitespace cleanup
Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
6ed807f52d maplocationmodel: add the addList() method
This method should be used if many markers are added at once.
It's main purpose is to reduces the number of beingInsertRows()

Make MapWidgetHelper::reloadMapLocations() use it.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
8fe068f191 mapwidget: call MapWidgetHelper::reloadMapLocations()
MapWidgetHelper::reloadMapLocations() is now called from MapWidget::reload()
and MapWidget::repopulateLabels().

The mobile version should do similar.

NOTE: These MapWidget methods names are from the Marble "port".

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
ffb92111e5 mapwidgethelper: add the reloadMapLocations() method
reloadMapLocations() is the method which is called when the list
of markers (model) should be cleared and re-populated with new MapLocation

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
f44645b6fe maplocationmodel: store the coordinate as QGeoCoordinate
Instead of maintaining a seperate latitude/longitude values
in C++ and passing them to QML separatelly, pass them as a QGeoCoordinate.

This reduces the number of model "roles" and also prevents the creations
of extra objects in QML (e.g. via QtPositioning.coordinate(..)).

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
d783984443 mapwidget.qml: implement the MapItemView with delegate
MapItemView is the QML class that handles the "create map markers based
on a model". In this case the model is created as part of the
MapWidgetHelper, so here passing "mapHelper.model" to the "model"
property is enough.

The delegate receives coordinates from the model as "model.latitude",
"model.logitude" and converts them to QGeoCoordinate.

The "sourceItem" image for the delagete is just an image ATM and is
fetched from QRC.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
f4e6df475e maplocationmodel: implement the clear() and add() methods
- add() will be used to add a MapLocation to the model with
- clear() will be used to clear the model with beginRemoveRows()...

NOTE: emiting dataChanged() does not seem to update the QML view for
this model so calling being<..>Rows() seems to be the "correct Qt
approach" to do this.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
52316229cd mapwidget.cpp: register the MapLocation and MapLocationModel types
Apparently the "safe way" is to register C++ types is before the QML
code has loaded. The idea here is that the QML code should know about
these type definitions and be able to operate with them.

TODO: do the same for the mobile version.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
a50e9866d5 qmlmapwidgethelper: maintain an instance of MapLocationModel
The idea here is that the QML code should be able to fetch a model
from the MapWidgetHelper instance which is instantiated inside the
QML code; fetch it in the lines of "mapHelper.model".

This way, updates at the backend would be reflected on the Map QML widget.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
8b40490626 qt-models/cmake: build maplocationmodel.cpp
Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
fc6cb67626 qt-models/maplocationmodel: add new classes for map model based handling
The QML Map widget requires a QAbstractListModel based model to operate
with good performance. Technically gpslistmodel.cpp can be used for that
same purpose (e.g. has GPS coordinates), but the way it updates
may complicate the Map widget integration.

Thus, a new model is created - MapLocationModel, with items of type
MapLocation, for an attempt for a clean project structure on the C++ side.

For now it only handles latitude and longitude.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
2cb8fee827 add the SPDX-License-Identifier to new source files
Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
0678e5936c mapwidget.qml: implement some map animation
When calling centerOnCoordinates() the map will now animate over a
period of 3 seconds the zoom level and over 2 seconds the center
of the map.

Can be tweaked and improved later on.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
5f2e60142a mapwidget.qml: add the function centerOnCoordinates()
This function can be called to center the map on a specific coordinates.
For the C++ version call it via QMetaObject::invokeMethod() in

TODO: add QML property animations.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
5cc2c02dfb qmlmapwidgethelper: add the centerOnDiveSite() method
MapWidget sould not handle any of the map backend.
Instead it should just pass calls to MapWidgetHelper.

Do that for centerOnDiveSite().

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
c68536ec56 qmlmapwidgethelper: remove stray test() method
Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
5266a5e84b MapWidget.qml: reference the Map object in the MapWidgetHelper object
The idea here is that the Map object can be controlled from C++ via
the "m_map" private member. Also, for the mobile version, QML code can
call the same C++ methods (if marked as Q_INVOCABLE).

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00
Lubomir I. Ivanov
118a3b9804 qmlmapwidgethelper.h: add a "map" property with m_map MEMBER
This is about to be used to reference the QML Map in the MapWidgetHelper
C++ class.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2017-07-28 07:31:11 -07:00